Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

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All I want us an explanation to the long absence. I am not without reason if their was a good reason behind the absence then I can say your character was lost
I just want to say to everyone who is posting regularly, thanks.

I honestly didn't think I'd have such dedicated partners in this rp. I appreciate you guys staying with this even if we are still just starting story wise. I appreciate all of you :)
Still open

When the goblin tapped its petal with a stick the flower didn't budge. It knew that anything that wasn't close to its lure wouldn't be caught with certainty and it would loose its meal. It was unresponsive its only points that would cause it to attack was touching its stem in a defensive response or if something was near its lure meaning that it would eat.

@Duoya@The 4 Winds

continuing the hunt-

The goblin Lomen soon left to go out and hunt once more. It is unclear if the goblin Kishi could move or think clearly after gaining the chained grief curse. Soon enough Goblin Lomen soon found his way towards a new area and soon he could hear the pounding of something heavy against the ground. Soon he came upon a Stamp boar this pig was as large as the goblin himself and was grazing on some berries nearby. The legs were muscled and no doubt could crush the little goblins bones should it reach full charge. Even so its tusks would still be a better weapon then the horned rabbits horn being much sharper and seemly sturdier. If they could kill that boar they would no doubt have a great feast of meat.

@El Noche

Elderly legend-

Grandpa was sad about having to do a service so soon after the young ones were born. He knew he was little better then a nurse maid but he felt connected to each of the young ones that were born in this cave. No two were exactly alike and each had their own strengths to call upon. Soon enough he was brought of his sad thoughts when little Zectoll came over and offered him some wolf meat the old Goblin smiled and took it from him. If nothing else these young ones respected his wisdom and age and he was glad that they all understood that for information he would give so long as he had a full stomach.

As he took a bite he listened to the little one as he described how he got a strange message telling him that he learned a new skill and asked if this was normal for goblins. "Its actually quiet common young one but not all goblins see it clearly sometimes it simply cant be seen or in other cases the goblin just feels that they learned something new rather then see the message in front of them. he said as he went back to eating the hind quarter. Soon the young one asked how he could become more like the black wolves and he decided that it was time he told a good story. "Well the way to that road of not fearing is to face what your afraid of. If you want to be more like the black wolves then you must remember that wolves run in packs their is always an alpha, a leader wolf. When you defeat one you will know what it means to be in a pack. I have heard stories that their are those who take the life of a black wolf so easily like running with wolves, commanding wolves, and hunting with them that they become something extraordinary. I have only heard stories about it but far out into the mountain to the north their lives a wolf that stands above all others in both strength and swiftness its maw covered in blood. When someone defeats that wolf it is said that they become the king of all wolves and shall be feared themselves. Of course I have never been outside the cave myself so I don't know if its true" he said with a smirk as he went back to eating the meat the young one gave him for his tale and advice.

I'll make your reply tomorrow

@The 4 Winds

Need you to reply so I can give the three of you your responses

For God's sake man I thought you were dead. No replies no "hey I'm busy please don't kill me" you are very VERY lucky I didn't have grandpa make your headstone. Why couldn't you say something earlier, you read the rules about 7 days
so you all know, not everything is going to be positive so this time around you are cursed like a permanent mental debuff
@The 4 Winds@El Noche@Duoya

-Burial of the fallen: a proper send off-

Grandpa looked to the three of them as they talked about whether or not they would help him and in all honestly he was old and wouldn't be able to perform it properly. He was glad to hear that both Lomen and Zectoll would help him bury their brother and sister. Honestly he was a little perplexed at Zectoll in how he said that their deaths flowed into his body allowing him to live it would explain why he thought the goblin was a still born when he didn't wake up. He wouldn't say anything about it though not wanting the young one to get a swelled head but he would keep an eye on him nevertheless.

He then went back into the cave and got what they needed he grabbed two crude shovels made from dead bark and a sharpened stone wrapped together. This was meant for ceremonial purposes and not actual combat since it wasn't designed to do anything else. He then lead the two a few feet away to a much smaller cave opening that he decided to use as their burial site. He told them to start digging the graves as they started to dig Grandpa took the skeletons of the young ones feeling such sadness for having to do this to ones who never truly lived.

He then started speaking in a language that none of the goblins could understand as he bowed his head as if talking to their spirits himself. Once the graves were done Grandpa then put the bodies in the graves, he then partially covered them in the dirt before he put three black flowers into the graves then covered the graves in dirt completely. "They were born, they then lived, before they died. Death tulips meant to signify death we are sorry they died so soon. he said before he finished and he started to walk back to the cave.

Goblins Zectoll, Lomen, and Kishi: Curse obtained For being the ones to bury the dead and watch the service these goblins gain the curse Chained Grief=Chained grief now follows the goblins and death is now a permanent fear in their minds: Each are weaker to psychological attacks but now understand death better and as such gain more influence into joining the Death or Hooded class

The flower didn't make any movements towards the stick the goblin was waving around. It was not sentient but it did have a defensive response. It didn't make a move until it felt the stick touch its stem when it felt that its stem was in danger the plant quickly bit down on the stick hard breaking it before it went through its process of digestion once again before becoming stationary with its lure out. The flower was indeed aggressive but it only seemed to be aggressive towards whatever touched its lure or tried to attack its stem. It was not smart enough to attack any threat that wasn't within its area of reach. This meant that if the goblins wanted to take its unique body for their own use they would have to find a way to do it from range.
I'm good with all of that
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