Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

why mention all of us? did I miss something important again?

-After a flower-

The flower was dead and as such once they figured out what to do with the remains they soon saw that it was starting to get dark. The remains of the flower had many uses with its petals being able to be created into a bag even the lure was useful as it could make small animals like horned rabbits come to eat it. The flower was useful and their was no doubt a live flower next time could be even better even as a primitive form of defense if they thought to use the flower that way.

@Duoya@The 4 Winds

As the goblins spoke the sun was starting to set showing that it was dark and while they were no doubt productive in gaining such a large bounty they would no doubt need to hurry back before it got to dark. The meat was hard to carry back even if they ate some before trying to carry it back. The tusks were very sharp and perfect to made into a weapon which one of the goblins already did. No doubt tomorrow would be an even better day considering they didn't need to worry about food with the meat they brought back so tomorrow they would be able to relax without worry of starving.

@El Noche

Predator heads back-

The goblin soon enjoyed its kill eating the remains of his prey happily. This goblin was soon gaining the skills necessary to be a great killer but not just any killer but a predator in his own right. As the goblin went into his predators stance his steps seemed not to make a sound making the trip back safe. The sun was setting and it was time to head back anyways as he soon found himself at the cave first and Grandpa only noticed the young one when he was near him "You were so quiet. Make some noise when you walk you could have given this old goblin a heart attack" He said panting a little still surprised but smiling at the young one being able to be so quiet would no doubt serve the young one well
thanks sorry, my internet was out so I needed to wait till the bill way paid. Ill get the post up real soon

-give me the flower-

They soon went to work grabbing rocks and putting their plan into action. As expected once they started to work on getting the stem the plant immediately got ready to defend itself but thanks to the goblins clever thinking they didn't have to worry as they kept feeding the flower the rocks hitting its lure to keep it distracted as it went through the long process of digesting. Of course it took a while to fully digest giving the goblins ample time to get the flower. As they repeated this process two more times they finally ripped the flower from its stem.

The flower writhed as if in pain for a few brief seconds before fully going limp on the ground. A few pokes with the stick proved that it was dead and wouldn't be an issue anymore. Now they simply needed to work on using its parts for their own use...

@El Noche


The goblin waited and soon it made its attack. The effect of its savage strike was apparent as even the horned rabbit didn't notice the goblin till it was to late. The strike entered the rabbit and because it was a savage strike with great power behind it the wound actually appeared in the back of the rabbit. The goblins strike made a finishing blow on its first attack the rabbit couldn't even fight back despite it being an alpha it was still only a rabbit and with the superior reach of the goblins spear not to mention how it was able to stay stark still until it strike it may as well have been an ambush.

Goblin Zectoll: gain 3 XP
Goblin Zectoll learned the skill: Predator stance the predetor stance is a permanent ability that can be switch on or off by the goblin. The stance give the goblin muffled movement and ambush bonus when not detected before attacking. Much like a predator that silently gets closer to its prey before it strikes with ferocity.

@The 4 Winds@Duoya

The mighty boar falls-

The roar that one of the goblins attempted made the boar focus solely on the goblin aggravating it and the boar didn't notice the other goblin until it was to late. The goblin using precise strike was able to generate the force to a single point and as such the spear cut through the toned muscles of the boar like butter and the spears end hit the boars heart it was only a moment later that the boars eyes went white and it dropped to the floor making a loud thud as it was finally dead. The goblins killed a difficult adversary which will no doubt provide an ample supply of meat for the entire family should they choose to do so.

Goblins Kishi and Lomen gain 12 XP

Goblin Lomen: learned Challenge This move is used when the goblin creates a battle cry roaring at the opponent and makes the enemy focus solely on him. While this may seem like a dangerous move if used correctly can create a perfect ambush as being bait.

Goblin Kishi: learned Charge This move is used when the goblin makes a speedy attack on an enemy if this strike is done properly it can cause major damage to the enemy however this strike also has a high chance to miss because the goblin must be running at full speed for the attack to be effective.
@Duoya@The 4 Winds

Rampaging Boar-

The goblins soon went and got themselves ready to attack. Soon the boar looked and saw a goblin get closer with a weapon and the boar didn't hesitate. It brushed its hoof against the ground twice before I started its charge attacking the goblin but thanks to Lomen's Evasion ability he was able to easily dodge and avoid the attack the Boar had to struggle to stop because while it had a great attack and plenty of power it was weak in terms of its own control over itself. Lomen was strategic in where to wait and then when the boar charged again it careened to a stop by the goblin on the tree.

When Kishi jumped down using precise strike it was able to attack its spinal column making a very critical strike. The strike caused the boar to loose its ability to charge at all. It still didn't want to die though and it still tried to fight angrily flailing its tusks around in an attempt to keep the goblins away like any other creature it would fight till it couldn't anymore...


the lost goblin-

The goblin went through what no other goblin ever did and actually survived outside the cave at night. It was a harrowing experience but the goblin lived to see another day and when he dropped to the cave Grandpa was surprised to see thinking that like Isurta and Xaal that he was dead himself but this meant so much more. It meant that this goblin had a natural ability to survive most goblins wouldn't dare try to stay out at night until they were much stronger but still this goblin was something else. Grandpa simply smiled and picked the goblin up by one arm struggling a bit because of his old age but the young one deserved to at least have a proper place to sleep other then near the entrance. He put the little goblin back to where they were born and let him sleep. He then went over to the entrance and relaxed watching as the young Zectoll go out to hunt once again.

Just so I know the basic jest of your post is that you were mesmerized by the fish, then swam downstream following the fish, then you go up realizing that you were at a beach, you then looked around avoiding predators by climbing a high tree, once it was day you then found your way back by following the same stream and you collapsed in the cave.

Did I miss anything?
@El Noche

-rite of passage-

As the goblin went to the berry bush he was rewarded for his patience as a large horned rabbit appeared. This was another Alpha having a larger horn then a regular horned rabbit as it didn't smell the goblin nearby but it moved closer to the goblins bush because it had berries. If the goblin didn't move then the goblin would be caught by the rabbit and it will have the first strike and considering how close it would be getting the goblins chances of winning were getting slimmer by the second.

By the way I am unsure if you know this or not but Isurta and Xaal are dead. Otherwise known as Rune and Wasted ink their funeral was only just performed nearby the cave and our goblins Lomen Kishi and Zectoll have been cursed for it.
I am glad to hear it December, not very many people have the strength to do what you can. I am actually interested in how your going to portray your character after a full days absence (day as in "In world time") a full day has passed since you were absent so not much has changed 3 goblins however have gotten halfway done to their first evolution.

That's alright, honestly I am very sorry for what happened to your mother and im glad that the most dangerous part of the experience is over. To me a medical emergency like this is more then a good enough reason to miss your regular posting, so for this reason your character is proclaimed lost but not dead.

You can now reply whenever your able just say that your character got lost and had to live on his own somewhere you can come back to the cave of course. I am glad to have you back with us and again sorry for what you went through
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