Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Can I join up this rp really caught my interest

Shiba: interacting with @Scarescrow@Ithradine

Shiba smiled as the guild master as he put a hand on Shiba's shoulder and started to introduce him to everyone that was present he was glad he was able to be properly introduced as opposed to sneaking around and watching them afar but he was glad this was allowed given the circumstances since Shiba knew he showed up in a way that would make anyone suspicious but he really wanted to be a part of a good guild and he had believed that this group was it.

The first person to introduce himself after the boss accepted him was the self-proclaimed bastion of the legion was Dirk Davidson and when he shook hands with him Shiba couldn't help but laugh at how overdramatic he was being but he didn't dislike it. Shiba was introduced to the others before they left to get moving deeper into the dungeon. Soon enough though they were attacked by wolves which Shiba thought was ironic in a way it was pack vs pack but the legion had a clear advantage.

He was given orders to work with the Marauder Paralyze Shiba nodded as he said "Got it boss" He then moved forward and said "Paralyze go forward I'll keep it at a distance" he told him unsure if he should give orders but the fact was clear the marauder was the tank and Shiba was the damage dealer. It was also clear that Shiba wasn't suited to be in front so he would stay in the back at least until he could cause more damage in the front. Shiba then reached into his pouch and he pulled out 5 shurikens and he started to throw each of them at the wolf...

Shiba introduced himself to everyone
Shiba charge ahead and threw 5 shurikens at wolf 3
Time passage 1 year and 8 months...

Now given purpose argonious set his sights tip increase the population of their tribe and make them ready for the inevitable losses to come. They were once a true that had simply survived in their home but here under the concept of a full blown war everyone was given new purpose. They were a neutral tribe that had simply defended their territory in the past but now they are able to go on the offensive and strike against a truly worthy opponent.

Argonious had told everyone to use their next heat cycle to the fullest. As werewolves even they had the tendencies of canines and as such the females had a great cycle and they produced litters instead of having a single pup. During this time the alpha also informed the orc that they would be taking up now space and begin more tents. They had gotten what they needed and now a small forest was growing by the wall giving them ample defence and a sense of safety for everyone. By the end of the 4th month many new pups are born. Each are born unable to see or hear and weigh a couple of pounds the females give birth to underdeveloped pups and as such it relies on the mother to take care of them during this time the men made sure to give the first meal to the females that have given birth to the puppies, their litters usual go up to around 4 or 5 pups. This alone ensured a huge population boost even if they aren't able to join them in hunts or study.

By the 8th month the pups have begun walking their eyes fully formed and they're easts open. They stand on their own legs and are able to speak a few phrases with clarity. Werewolves develop quickly as they aste meant to grow fast so they can hunt on their own. Usually at this time the mother's would go out and teach their pups to hunt, nothing dangerous more around mice and small animals. Once they have gotten used to the feeling of running at full speed and changing from human to werewolf form they are then given their roles In the tribe.

Mist of the males are taught by their fathers to hunt and fight soon they can become hunters. Those that showed a heightened intellect were given the chance to become alchemists and most of their females were given the roles of shamans and those that didn't show the aptitude for it were simply able to stay home and be wives.

With this assignment of roles the alpha took a headcount. They now had 300 warriors, 150 alchemists, and 70 shamans. Their tribe can grow exponentially if left unchecked which was why in the past he and the betas would be the only ones breeding so they didn't overpopulated but now they didn't need those safe guards now that they were at war.

Shiba: interacting with @TaroAndSelia@Ithradine

Shiba smiled and was about ready to run for it when she notice the mage wind up to attack him and possibly kill him in some horrible way but he had hoped that she would realize that he could have attacked at any time if he truly had that intention. He wanted to observe them and see if they would be a good guild even when they were surprised with him suddenly showing up and a rouge at that. He waited what seemed like ages until he noticed that it was the guild leader who spoke up first after his surprise showing. He said that he could join if he could show how good he could be with him.

He smiled putting his hands down finally as he said "Sure thing its only fair since we are already here. Just lead the way" He told him as he showed them that he had a katana at his side ready to attack with. He then watched as the mage came over to him and talked about him joining a formation and being paired with a marauder so he could be their damage dealer which in essence made sense. He then said "Uh yeah that makes sense and I should meet the others I'll be guildmates with."

Shiba watched as the mage left them alone so he was left with the guild leader himself to talk to and help introduce him to the guild mates he then said "So boss what's the word? I imagine you want to introduce me to the rest of the party." he said knowing it made sense. Shiba needed to be introduced to everyone and see if their was anyone that would trust a rouge that pretty much showed up out of nowhere and was following them for hours.

Shiba: interacting with @Ithradine

Shiba was there, he saw it all happen. He was there when they were told that this was a death game by an evil overlord that was meant to be the final boss. The strange thing was that Shiba was scared but he was also excited when he heard that this was his life now. If he died here he would die for real in the real world, maybe it was adrenaline or maybe it was because he would experience the entire game in such detail that would usually call obsessive. Once he was allowed the leave the square he ran with a wide grin on his face towards the fields he was intent on leveling up as quickly as possible and get what he would need to fight alongside others.

5 days pass since Shiba ran out to fight the world itself. Since then he has been able to level up to level 5 and with all the Renn he was able to earn he was able to buy sufficient equipment. He had bought a very nice katana and some other tools of his chosen class as a rouge. He decided to be a rouge because he was always a fan of sneaking around and being a spy. He also preferred to cause the most damage as possible to his enemies and to that he would need to be an assassin but the flip side to that was being a glass cannon and dying almost to easily so he needed to join a guild early so he could develop his skills properly and work with friends.

He had gotten his equipment early but he still sought a guild but he has had bad experience with guilds before either they got to big for him to really contribute or they were really bad willed towards each other with the higher leveled players bullying the lower leveled ones like it was freaking high school. He wanted to find a guild that cares about each other through and through and sought to beat the game together and not on their own. Shiba believed he found that group yesterday, they were recently formed and they called themselves the wolf legion. He had since been following them using his rouge skills to stay hidden from their view and watch them from the shadows.

He had followed them as they went into the dungeon and unfortunately he was pulled in along with them. Damn it! I wasn't planning to go in with them like this. alright calm down, it seems I have no choice Shiba mentally sighed as he followed them as they went into the dungeon and dealt with the wolves. Once they regrouped and the guild master had ordered his allies to leave and split up he came out of the shadows turning off his shadow blend skill.

He held up his hands trying to show he was no threat as he said "uh hi, My name is Shiba. Don't attack me I cant stress that enough. I accidently came in with you and I wanted to see if you were accepting new members?" he asked with a nervous laugh knowing if they decided to they could just as easily attack him and take his stuff but he got the sense they weren't that kind of people.

Just moved my CS so I want to ask what I could be doing for my first post? I don't know what everyone is doing and if anyone is alone and willing to partner with a newbie essentially

Now please keep in mind I bare bones it because I wanted input on how my character should be. I am unsure if I am starting from the beginning or not because the rp looks pretty far ahead already
Awesome then first when you mentioned pictures what do you mean by animu? That's new to me
Hi I saw the interest check and saw that you were opened to new players. I wanted to see if I could possibly join in?
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