Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: none
Health: 1875
Mana: 550

The pain, so sweet. Its softness while still remaining lethality much be art. Its bitterness is causing pain and fear of the victim should be the topic for neurologists. In real life, the human will fear as getting bitten meaning the chance of them dying is now presented. And even now, Paralyze see no reason for others not to fear. The uncertainty is so large it could not simply shake your head to escape. And even in this unrealistic world, Paralyze could feel his brain signaling him to run. But where should he run? the demon inside him shouts. Where should he run when his life is meant to be dead? The sword of Damocles is going to kill him after all, so why should he stop doing what he wants? No laws prevent man to seek his happiness, isn't it?

So instead, Paralyze begin to smile as he looks down the thing that is biting his hand. Its white teeth pierce his arm, soaking its teeth with his digital blood. The pain remained constant as the thing tried killing the 1 meter and 86 cm tall with all the force its can mustered. Paralyze could see his health point begin to decrease as the wolf move its huge jaw, trying to damage him more. But the man seems to have no fear in him. Instead, he grinned at the thing futile attempt. The mace in his right hand can no longer be seen as he placed his hand the beast soft belly. And with one hand, he rips it out from his arm. The kite shield disappears into nothingness as he landed punch after punch on the beast soft belly. First punch went straight to the abdomen. The second strike is an uppercut on the already defenseless being. Then, his left hand grab the wolf right forearm and swing it like a toy. The delicate small body twitch as its spines went into contact with the hard rock beneath them. And the maniac smiled only widen as he felt the pain that the thing is enduring. The gloomy eyes are now shining with dark desires. Muscles stiffen as well as others some body parts that are restricted to say by the game developers as Paralyze's ears heard thumping sound. The thing twitched under his constant swing only drive his desire to call for more pain to enhance. And the strike becomes stronger and faster, enough to create a small hole beneath the madness feet.

“Yes.” The demon shout. “It feels good.” It moaned in its cell. The thick chains with its dark and cool steel wrapped the thing in a huge ball. In the center is a small demon with two horns on its forehead, one hole in the middle of the face, and bodies fill with unnecessary body parts. Horses hooves, wolf claws, birds wings, and fish fins are everywhere on its body. A smell of something rotten begins to flow as the ball of chains soften itself and revealing small holes. “DO MORE!!”. “Unleash your pain." “Let others understand the pain you suffer.” “Gain before you lose all.” “Destroy them all.” “Make Death a tool of your.”

And the man is nothing more than a puppet to its master. Its throw and smash of the body of the already wolf, searching for something. But is there anything to be sought? It asks its master. No, its master said, but you are my servant aren't you? The wooden puppet nodded, trying to find something. Something had long lost. Words, it is looking for. But what is it? the puppet wondered to itself as it smashes the wolf into the ground beneath it. Rage begins filling its heart as it becomes more confusing. Words, it is needed. Words, it is looking for. But what words?

Paralyze’s body shivered, not because of the cold nor fear of his action but because of his anger. There is too much anger that he needs to release. And the wolf that he just kills had disappeared into a stream of light. The hill wolf had served its purpose, to be a toy to play with before forever broken. But, his rage still goes on. And he plans to do so much more to find peace with his soul. Equipped back his kite shield and mace, Paralyze carefully approached the third wolf before rushing in and smash it. The sensation of flesh turning into mush transfer from his mace and being recorded by his arm muscles are too good to be true. The excitement rush in as Paralyze throws more and more strike with his mace. The cracking spine sound. The feeling of his mace hit a target. The imagination of crushing the wolf's skull with his mind is too good to be real. So he beat in with each strike stronger than the last until a stream of light it becomes. And in his mind, the demon murmurs with it devious sound,Smash and make it feel sorry for ever exist in this world.

    +Smash the second wolf.
    + Walk over the third wolf.
    + Smash the third wolf.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Mana: 700/800

Interacting with:


Reylan's silver eyes flashed constantly from one party member to the next, observing the damage they did and the amount they took. Chari had left him stunned a little with her bold move to jump onto the White Wolf's back. With the help of Alisea and Karma, they had contained the largest threat on the battlefield "Finish it off, Chari!" The order was less to Chari and more to the others, to let them know that the kill was hers. His vision turned to Paralyze and Polak, the newest members of the Legion of the Wolf. What Reylan witnessed Paralyze doing was enough to drive a small sense of fear into the guild-master. His actions were beyond what was necessary to eliminate his target, and the sinister smile he had while he did it...the sight sent a chill down his spine. This wasn't the time to focus on him alone, this fight was quite finished yet "Polak, finish off Wolf 6!" Once again this was more an announcement to the others "Aster and Dirk, take out the two wolves with Paralyze!" Dirk had hardly been scratched, making Reylan more keen to rely on his defense in the future. Both Karma and Alisea had make the right choice with their spells on the white wolf "Karma, Dub, and Alisea hold your fire! Everyone regroup on me when the last wolf is dead!" He ordered out

The creatures were their enemies and simply elaborate constructs of code, so why did Reylan feel a bit disturbed by Paralyze's actions? He shook it off, Paralyze'd had at least proven his effectiveness and as long as he listened to Reylan's orders in battle there would be no problem. He would wait until the rest of the party had finished with combat and joined him before announcing their next plan of action "Great work out there everyone! This was a awesome first victory for the Legion of the Wolf but there's much more to do." Reylan smiled wide with cheer in his voice, then his face slowly molded into a more serious expression "Alright. This dungeon is not the same as when we first came here, that much is fact. Whether it's our level or the number of people in the party, I don't know for sure. I do want to avoid any unnecessary surprises in areas we haven't been to." They had been to Area B before, so it shouldn't be too much to handle if something pops up "Chari." He turned towards her "I would like you to go to Area C and scout it out. If you run into trouble, meet back up with us alright?" He didn't like the idea of splitting the party but a little information could help him out majorly "As for the rest of us, we'll be going to Area B like last time." There may be more treasure if they were lucky.

- Lets the other party members clean up
- Orders to Regroup on his position
- Splits the party, Chari going to scout Area C while the rest go to Area B
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shiba: interacting with @Ithradine

Shiba was there, he saw it all happen. He was there when they were told that this was a death game by an evil overlord that was meant to be the final boss. The strange thing was that Shiba was scared but he was also excited when he heard that this was his life now. If he died here he would die for real in the real world, maybe it was adrenaline or maybe it was because he would experience the entire game in such detail that would usually call obsessive. Once he was allowed the leave the square he ran with a wide grin on his face towards the fields he was intent on leveling up as quickly as possible and get what he would need to fight alongside others.

5 days pass since Shiba ran out to fight the world itself. Since then he has been able to level up to level 5 and with all the Renn he was able to earn he was able to buy sufficient equipment. He had bought a very nice katana and some other tools of his chosen class as a rouge. He decided to be a rouge because he was always a fan of sneaking around and being a spy. He also preferred to cause the most damage as possible to his enemies and to that he would need to be an assassin but the flip side to that was being a glass cannon and dying almost to easily so he needed to join a guild early so he could develop his skills properly and work with friends.

He had gotten his equipment early but he still sought a guild but he has had bad experience with guilds before either they got to big for him to really contribute or they were really bad willed towards each other with the higher leveled players bullying the lower leveled ones like it was freaking high school. He wanted to find a guild that cares about each other through and through and sought to beat the game together and not on their own. Shiba believed he found that group yesterday, they were recently formed and they called themselves the wolf legion. He had since been following them using his rouge skills to stay hidden from their view and watch them from the shadows.

He had followed them as they went into the dungeon and unfortunately he was pulled in along with them. Damn it! I wasn't planning to go in with them like this. alright calm down, it seems I have no choice Shiba mentally sighed as he followed them as they went into the dungeon and dealt with the wolves. Once they regrouped and the guild master had ordered his allies to leave and split up he came out of the shadows turning off his shadow blend skill.

He held up his hands trying to show he was no threat as he said "uh hi, My name is Shiba. Don't attack me I cant stress that enough. I accidently came in with you and I wanted to see if you were accepting new members?" he asked with a nervous laugh knowing if they decided to they could just as easily attack him and take his stuff but he got the sense they weren't that kind of people.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Health: 400/400
Mana: 1250/1600

Alisea waited for Reylan to finish issuing orders before speaking up. "Reylan," she stated firmly to draw his--and the others--attention. Catching him by his arm yet again, she lead him away from the group. "A word please?" The magess guided their guildmaster back to the entrance, out of earshot of the rest of the party.

Reylan turned his attention to Alisea, a faint smile on his face "Yes?" Silver-eyes looked at her expectantly, offering no resistance when she took his arm and pulled him away. From her tone, he knew it had to be serious.

"Paralyze is a psychopath," she averred in a harsh whisper, wasting neither time nor tact.

Reylan winced at her straight-forward statement "I know. He's carrying one dangerous demon." He reluctantly said, "What do you suppose we do?"

"We never speak with him to begin with," Alisea answered, then sighed in resignation. "The only safe option is passed. The last thing we want is to cut him loose, then have him come back swearing revenge." Alisea fell silent a moment to think over possible courses. "I see two options: if he proves passive toward players, we can use him against the mobs. In that case he stays, but somebody keeps an eye on him."

Reylan sadly nodded in silence, there was little he knew about Paralyze. He wanted to trust that Paralyze wouldn't do such a thing but he was left unsure, and he had to protects everyone. His brows were furrowed in deep concentration as he listened without a word until at last he spoke "He has helped us so far." Reylan stated firmly hoping that one day Paralyze could confide in him. "and the second option?" he asked.

Alisea gave Reylan a hard stare. Her eyes held no more mercy than a butcher eyeing cattle. Though she didn’t say a word, the message was clear. Reylan felt nothing short of the wrath of god in her stare, a cold shiver going down his spine. He really hoped it wouldn't come to that. "We keep ourselves sa-"

"Uh hi, my name is Shiba."

Alisea just about jumped out of her skin. What had a moment ago seemed only hills and shadows cast by the sun had spat out a man. Both of Alisea's hands came up and she was ready to burn his hide before she even noticed him raising his hands in a show of peace. "Don't attack me I can't stress that enough. I accidently came in with you and I wanted to see if you were accepting new members?"

The magess was still shocked; now she had to add disbelief. Her mind raced as she tried to decide if that was a lie, if it was plausible, if it was even possible to 'accidentally' join a dungeon raid without being a party member--nevermind the six hours he must have been following them to be at that entrance. The only certainty Alisea had about this man was that he had not, despite their unguarded state, attacked Reylan and herself. But if he had been meaning to, and thus been 'accidentally' identified by the system as being a part of their party...

It was Reylan who spoke first. His heart nearly forced its way into his throat and body jolting at Shiba's sudden appearance, though he didn't draw a weapon like his companion. After he spoke and a few deep breaths, Reylan was ready to reply "We are but we're kinda in the middle of a dungeon. Since you're already here, why not help us out? If you do well, I'll have no problems with you joining the Legion of the Wolf." Reylan spoke happily disguising his suspicion.

A spark of inspiration struck Alisea. She lowered her hands and placed a smile on her face. "My, this game is full of surprises. Yes, please join us, Shiba. Reylan can set you up with a position in the formation and a buddy," Alisea turned to face Reylan as she finished, "because nobody should be alone while on an expedition." She paused a moment to be sure the Guildmaster would know those words were for him far more than for Shiba. "You can pair up with a marauder so you can watch his back and be his damage-dealer." she explained, turning back to the rogue.

"With that said, I need to catch up to Chari. Reylan will introduce you to the others." Alisea turned to go, but paused to say something more to Reylan. "We can finish that business later. Keep an eye on Aster for me," the magess concluded with a wink.

Leaving Reylan to handle the newcomer, Alisea slipped past the party and joined up beside Chari. "That looked like a wonderful ride--though you may consider conserving some mana for later," she joked in a friendly tone. Reaching out, Alisea rested one hand briefly on the rogue's shoulder. "Chakra Magic," she commanded, restoring 18 MP to her. The magess lowered her hand. "That will cool down in a few minutes; then I can cast it again. For now we should scout the side path." It wasn't what Reylan had ordered before, but Alisea just brushed that off with a smile. "No going off alone in a dungeon. You have to bring me with you," she explained.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mopsock17
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hearing Reylan's order, Polak took a quick stab at the wolf in front of him, draining its already low health to 0. With the wolf dealt with, he whistled to recall Edelweiss back to him and looked around; specifically at Paralyze's position. He watched as Paralyze beat the remaining wolves with unnecessary and reckless brutality while some of his other comrades watched as well, but with clear distrust and concern. Although he had seen this happen only once or twice before, Polak had made no attempts in calming Paralyze down before; he simply thought Paralyze had an anger management problem and this was a way to release it. However, he obviously knew his allies thought otherwise and something needed to change, lest there be a dispute or argument later. 'If he continues like this, he'll be seen as a liability to the guild... more importantly, it might be fine against these low-level mobs, but he might get himself or someone else killed acting recklessly.'

Polak looked around once more and saw that no one had any intention of calming Paralyze down, satisfied with watching Paralyze like a rabid animal. Although somewhat disappointed, he could understand that it would be hard to approach Paralyze now. So he closed his eyes and exhaled to calm down, "Hooh..." He opened his eyes and looked to Paralyze's direction. Calm and with a friendly smile, Polak walked over to Paralyze and slapped his hand on Paralyze's shoulder; not too hard, but enough to catch Paralyze's attention. "Hey Paralyze, I know your passionate and all, but you need to calm down." Polak said it bluntly, but didn't think it was enough to calm Paralyze down, so he leaned his head in closer and whispered to Paralyze in a slightly colder voice, "Seriously though, look behind you, some people are being unnerved by what you're doing... I'm fine with it, but I'm not everyone else, so maybe try toning it down or do this when you're alone?"

Interacting with: @Scarescrow

Finish off Wolf 6
Calm Paralyze down
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Haruhi43
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Haruhi43 A Clever Fox

Member Seen 7 days ago


Interacting with:@TaroAndSelia@Ithradine
400 --> 144


Chari's gripped tightened at the White Wolf's last, feeble attempts to dislodge the parasite that had taken so much of its health "Sorry pup, I think our little dance is over." She smirked as she spoke to her victim, the blade of her kunai sticking out of the bottom of her hand. The small blade lifted above her head, before coming down quickly and found its place in the mighty monster's hide. Ecstasy filled her as she watched its HP bar diminish and finally fade. Mission accomplished. Her knee was raised to her chest and with a fierce kick off the wolf's back, she launched backwards into the air. Chari finished the flip with her feet landing gracefully on the ground, her hands extended outwards with a smirk as she mouthed a silent 'Ta-da!' before moving to regroup with the party leader, Reylan.

The fierce rogue had not been affected by Paralyze's actions like the rest of the party, excluding Polak. From what she could tell, the man clearly had some serious personal issues that he was taking out on the wolves...something she could relate to. When the chance came, she would like to have a private conversation with the man and perhaps find out the root cause of the aggression. It didn't look like it'd be soon, as Reylan had a special task just for her "You got it, el cap-i-tan!" She gave an over-energetic salute and headed off to the specified area on the map to see what she could find, only just catching Alisea pull Reylan off to the side. Those two really like to be alone together, huh?

She wasn't rushing since it would take the rest of the party to finish up in the other area, but she was pleasantly surprised when Alisea caught up with her. A short giggled escaped as she nodded "It sure was, I wouldn't mind doing it again." That was honest truth "I might have gotten a little carried away." She admitted, not that she would apologize. Chari watched her mana bar increase a little at Alisea's spell. Chari shrugged at the change of plans, it wasn't like she was tied to his orders "As long as you don't slow me down, I got no problems." A sly grin accompanied her sarcasm, the company was appreciated though it might making scouting a little harder. The red-headed rogue did her best to remain hidden as they moved farther into the new area, keeping an eye out for monsters, loot, and traps.

- Stabs White Wolf in the back
- Back-flips off
- Leaves to scout area C
- Keeps low-profile going into new area
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shiba: interacting with @TaroAndSelia@Ithradine

Shiba smiled and was about ready to run for it when she notice the mage wind up to attack him and possibly kill him in some horrible way but he had hoped that she would realize that he could have attacked at any time if he truly had that intention. He wanted to observe them and see if they would be a good guild even when they were surprised with him suddenly showing up and a rouge at that. He waited what seemed like ages until he noticed that it was the guild leader who spoke up first after his surprise showing. He said that he could join if he could show how good he could be with him.

He smiled putting his hands down finally as he said "Sure thing its only fair since we are already here. Just lead the way" He told him as he showed them that he had a katana at his side ready to attack with. He then watched as the mage came over to him and talked about him joining a formation and being paired with a marauder so he could be their damage dealer which in essence made sense. He then said "Uh yeah that makes sense and I should meet the others I'll be guildmates with."

Shiba watched as the mage left them alone so he was left with the guild leader himself to talk to and help introduce him to the guild mates he then said "So boss what's the word? I imagine you want to introduce me to the rest of the party." he said knowing it made sense. Shiba needed to be introduced to everyone and see if their was anyone that would trust a rouge that pretty much showed up out of nowhere and was following them for hours.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago




Despite the apparent increase of difficulty, things were going a lot better then it did yesterday; For one the White Wolf that took a whole barrage of attack, actions, and spells to kill now took less effort thank presumably cause of the higher levels of the group along with Rogue girl Chari who's strength stats has been increased thanks to new Spell Karma learn yesterday. Not only that but when Dirk thanks to his new armor took far fewer damage thanks to both Dirk's new armor and the strength debuff Karma inflicted on the White Wolf beforehand, it was kind of crazy much much it made a difference. Karma was actually quite worried when he saw the White Wolf about to uses his special attack. He watched nervously only to be surprised when the attack connects and Dirk somehow avoided losing health...that is at least what it looked like looking at the green bar above Dirk's head but looking closer at it in the future KArma would notice a small gap at the end of it...a very small gap.

@Jangel13 @mopsock17 @Scarescrow

Karma then sighed in relieve "It seems I do not have to worry about breaking out the bandages today(Karma refuse to call them First Aids)." It seems that today was going to go really well...that was until new members of the group started going crazy on the third wolf which made Alissa pull Paralyse actions to Reylan attendance out of earshot of the group but Karma didn't need ease drop to guess what that was about. If things weren't weird enough as is a player then appeared out of nowhere. Which made Karma pointed the end of his staff at the newcomer, that is how Karma usually prepares to cast a spell. But everything seems to be okay with the stranger Karma turn his attention back to the front line where the new member Polak was trying disarming the Paralyse problem.

Karma truly didn't know rather not Paralyze was sane or not. So he decides to move closer just in case things go south. the fight was just about done with the wolves so Karma should be safe. "Relax, I get that you're just taking your frustrations out on NPCs but you need to be careful not to scare your party member." Karma told him seeming like he understands.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Theodore Smith

Health: 1970/2000
Mana: 500

Wolf 4 was successfully blocked - albeit temporarily. Very quickly, a massive burst of flames shot inches away from Dirk, singing the wolf into an explosion of those light particles that seemed to embody death in this world. Theo's slashes against the other two wolves were significantly more damaging than he expected - in fact, his sword cut through them very well. These hill wolves, which are the second most menacing things that the group had faced so far, were relatively weak - Theo was confident that they could only take three strikes from him before they fell. Still, that was nothing compared to the DPS of the team - Alisea took out the 4th wolf in a single burst of flames. Theo barely managed to catch the movement in his peripheral vision, as a massive claw stroked across his chest. The blow, which once would have easily taken a hundred or so of his Health, only knocked him down by 25 - this armor was amazing! Totoro, however, looked less well off - expected, considering he was less defended than Theo. One of the Hill wolves swiped it's claws at Theo's ankles, but Theo could hardly even feel it - the cocky side of him made him think that the wolf may have chipped a nail. Shaking his head, Theo pushed the thought from his mind. Everything could kill here, even if they only did a little bit of damage.

Theo questioned Reylan's orders slightly - To be completely honest, Paralyze looked like he was demolishing the two wolves. However, he felt a small twitch in the back of his head. Dirk would follow the suggestions of his friends without hesitation. Before he knew what he was doing, his sword came crashing down on the second wolf, before immediately slashing across the third's face. Theo collected himself as the enemies all exploded into the same particles as earlier, and he sheathed his sword. He barely listened to the pep talk and planning Reylan did with them, instead thinking of what caused him to attack so quickly against his will. He planned on doing it anyways, but his reaction was almost unconscious...

The thought of not dumping so many points into Acting crossed his mind, but he quickly got rid of the thought. He NEEDED the skill - it would hide the old him. These people liked Dirk. Dirk was cool, strong, a bastion of support. God knows that everyone needed support right about now... They could never know how much of a loser he was in real life. Theo was a disgrace who was destined to fail - Dirk was a hero who didn't even know the word 'Failure.' Theo would make sure there was no way anyone could find the real him.

But what about the waitress-

"uh hi, My name is Shiba. Don't attack me I cant stress that enough. I accidentally came in with you and I wanted to see if you were accepting new members?"

Theo had pulled out his longsword out of pure instinct, but sheathed it immediately - this was another player.

Reylan and Alisea talked with the mystery man first, acquainting him with the party - it was good to have another member... The party was a tad large, but luckily, the others had noticed and already divided the party up into separate groups. Paralyze seemed to receive extra attention than normal - while he was a bit savage with the mobs, Theo honestly didn't see the problem. He had taken psychology as a minor - in stressful situations, it's expected for people to respond with violence. What could be more stressful then this? Besides, at least he was channeling the aggression into something beneficial - but to be honest, Theo doubted he could feel angry at Paralyze even if he wanted to. The rosary clung to his head, shining slightly - it's mental effects coursing through Theo. Theo decided that it was better to get introductions out of the way - the faster he did, the better the result and impact he had on the new guild mate.

"Hello there! You should meet me first - the Great Bastion of the Legion of the Wolf..."

Theo pointed his sword towards the heavens, adopting a stereotypical and over dramatic pose.


Upon finishing, he immediately sheathed his sword and took Shiba's hand, shaking it aggressively.

"Welcome to the team! If you need anything, let me know!"

Theo made sure to use a strong grip - he wanted to give off the impression of a guy that didn't know his own strength. Upon finishing the handshake he let go, beaming a bright and cocky smile.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 800
Mana: 900
Renn: 8
STATs Tree:

Health: 700 >> 640
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

"I think I just shit myself," Dubstepp thought to himself. He eyed the other characters that weren't present on the last raid. One specific person caught his immediate attention. The individual was a marauder and took a great liking to the wolves -- well, specifically murdering them. His overall actions appeared insane or dangerous to others.

Dubstepp blinked a couple of times and glanced at his giant rabbit. He wanted to see if anyone else noticed what was occurring. The man simply smiled at one of the wolves as it chowed down on his hand. Scratching his own hand, Dubstepp couldn't help but imagine the pain. The musician questioned where the guys found this guy. Obviously, this man had some issues, big issues. "What a bad ass. Better my opponents than me," Dubstepp mumbled.

Dubstepp turned his attention back to his pet rabbit. Everything ran smoothly so Dubstepp wasn't on the edge. He was about to order Totoro to initiate another attack. His mouth opened but closed it as soon as Reylan spoke. Sighing, Dubstepp asked Totoro to come back next to him. As Totoro retreated to his master's side, Dubstepp crossed his arms. "Not sure if this I'm liking this Totes," Dubstepp mentioned.

He took a while and listened to Reylan speak regarding the wolves. After that, he saw Alisea and Reylan have a discreet conversation. Dubstepp assumed it might have regarded Paralyze. The musican nodded his head. He put his thumb up and made a gesture. "Did you get that, Totoro? Legion of the Wolf..." Dubstepp never knew the name of Reylan's supposed guild. He did not see the papers last night. "That's not a very..." The trainer stopped himself.

"Nevermind. Let's go on ahead, Totoro." The duo continued to walk toward area B.

Dubstepp calls back Totoro.
They walk to Area B.

Interacting with:

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

✧DAY 5 - Dungeon, "The Hill's Sorrow", Area B✧


The remaining stragglers are cleared quickly and you figure that splitting the party to save time is a viable option; one of many advantages of having large number of players to cooperate with. 2 of you decide to explore the next branch of the path while the rest of you continue. You arrive upon Area B as you have before in the previous occasion of this particular dungeon. Unfortunately, unlike the last time you do not see any obvious chests full of possible loot. Instead you see... even more wolves.
These ones are different however. They shimmer and fade as if ethereal and you do not see any other previously seen wolves nearby. The new beasts look... eerie. Spooky even. You check the monster tags above them to make sure they are not some graphic glitches in-game. Even after checking the fact that they are nothing but really game data and therefore aren't fundamentally different than any other monsters you've seen so far, you feel quite unsettled by their appearance. Unlike the other wolves you've encountered, these new wolves do not growl. As a matter of fact, they seem completely silent as they turn to face you and bare their teeth. Whether or not they are incapable of making a sound or choosing not to on purpose, you can't tell.


- 3 Phantom Wolves appeared.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Health: 1,500/1,500
Mana: 300/300
Renn: 762

To all outward appearances, the vaporous wolves were something like intangible. Their misty appearance was so unusual, so out-of-the-ordinary, it would give pause to any rational player, reminding them that this was not reality, and that the rules of this game were unknown and fickle.

Aster charged straight at Wolf 1.

Her hair streamed out behind her like a flag in the breeze, and she felt the familiar scratching feeling in her throat as she let out a whooping screech of excitement at the thrill of combat. Her soft-shoed feet padded softly against the stones as she raced towards the vaporous foe. Her Katana cleared its sheath in a smooth motion, glowing slightly as she activated her triple-strike ability against the enemy, even as she drew forth her blade.


Aster is a wonderful character, but dumb as rocks sometimes.
Attacks wolf 1 (recklessly) with triple strike.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Arrows:65 >>>>> 63
Mana: 700/800 >>>> 600/800

Interacting with:


Reylan nodded at Shiba "Of course, I mean you can't fight with people if you don't know their names right?" He asked rhetorically with a short laugh. He introduced Shiba to each of the party members present as the Guild's newest recruit. After those were done, he spoke once more to Shiba "The only one who is missing is Chari, she is our other rogue scouting another area. Like Alisea said, you'll be paired up with our Marauder, Paralyze. Our goal is clear the dungeon today but don't get too hurt out there, alright?" He placed a hand on Shiba's shoulder with a confident smile, his tone light but the words serious. The would be no point to this expedition if someone were to die on his watch.

Having got the newbie introduced to the team, Reylan made the call to move on "Alright guys, we're headed to Area B on the map. Hopefully the chests will be there to loot again." He was excited to get another crack at those chests. The path was the same as their last expedition, so that didn't change but what did made the leader hesitate. His immediate thoughts were to turn around at the sight of the three ghastly wolves since this was a dead end and there was no loot "Hold up everyone, I thi-" He barely managed to say before Aster charged ahead after the wolf on the left. This startled him and pressed him into action, retreat was no longer an option "Dirk, go after and assist Aster with Wolf 1! Draw them in! Paralyze and Shiba! You two take on the one on the right, Wolf 3! Dub and Polak, you and your summons take on wolf 2 in the middle! Everyone, keep your distance from each other in case of Area attacks! Karma, I need you to focus on combat spells! Attack wolf 1 to start!" He was inclined to believe this would be a challenging fight for sure.

Quickly he reached into his quiver and notched an arrow on the bowstring, pulling the cord back aiming for Wolf 2 and released. The string snapped forward sending the first arrow hurtling towards its target. He didn't hesitate loading the second one, this time lowering his knee to the ground to stabilize his aim. He took a deep breath and held it, taking an extra few seconds to line up a Power Shot at Wolf 2 again. Arrow 2 was released surging towards the target, Reylan exhaling as the arrow flew forward and stood back up ready to maneuver if the wolves went for him. His eyes fixed on the wolves, ready to read their movements and study their abilities as a sense of dread filled his heart. He suppressed that feeling with all of his willpower, they would not fall...not now and not ever. That was his belief.

-Gives orders
--Aster and Dirk on Wolf 1(Left)
--Polak, Dub, Totoro, Edelweiss on Wolf 2(Center)
--Paralyze and Shiba on Wolf 3(Right)
-Fires normal shot at Wolf 2
-Fires Power Shot at Wolf 2
-Prepares to dodge
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago




It seems the Reylan want to go back into the hall to see if there was unclaimed loot waiting at the end of the hall like last time. Karma then folded his arms. "I agreed, there maybe a chance treasure that respawned at the end at the end of the hall just like the monster plus if it alright with you guys i want to test a theory." Karma told them before putting his hand on his chest and casting a spell.

::Charka magic::

Karma then looked at his mana bar and noticed that he only gained about 15 Mp from that new spell of his. He then signed in disappointment after getting so little from that spell. "Pffff best silver coin i ever spent..." he said out loud before turning his attention back to the group. "Sorry about that, I want to know if there a rhyme or reason for why that in the front part of that dungeon rather then in that long hall over there." Karma told the group while pointing in hall B direction.

Most of the group didn't seem to have any objections, so there journey to hall B was green-lighted. Soon enough the group found themselves trouble waiting at the end of the hall for three new monsters were waiting. "What the hell?" Karma asked himself as he watched the wolves fade in and out of existence like a Boo when you were not looking at them. Karma was secretly hoping that Reylan would just disregard them since there was no treasure behind them; however, Aster for whatever reason decided to engage the new monsters on her own. Shit Karma cursed inside his mind before taking the staff off his back.

Karma then positions himself behind the side of Dirk, pointed the end of his staff at the wolf he then took a deep breath and begin lining up a shot. After determining where Aster, Dirk, and the Wolf would be in the next 1 or 2 seconds then at best moment to cast the spell Karma then said an incantation. "Aque Shot!" Karma then fired a powerful shot of Water that would fly past Aster and hit the Wolf. Afterwards, he began lining up his next spell once again determining where Aster, Dirk, and the wolf would be when he sent his next spell flying. Karma then chanted an incantation before casting his next spell. "Wind Blade". A blade made out of Wind was then sent flying in the wolf's direction.

-Used chakra magic out of battle and got back a whooping 0 mana back thanks to Mana payback
-Move behind Aster and Dirk
-takes a second to estimate where Aster,Dirk, and the phamtom wolf will in the next second.
-Careful Casts Aqueshot on phamtom wolf 1(-100)
-takes a another second to estimate where Aster,Dirk and the Wolf will be again.
-Careful Casts Windblade on phamtom wolf 1.(-100)

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba: interacting with @Scarescrow@Ithradine

Shiba smiled as the guild master as he put a hand on Shiba's shoulder and started to introduce him to everyone that was present he was glad he was able to be properly introduced as opposed to sneaking around and watching them afar but he was glad this was allowed given the circumstances since Shiba knew he showed up in a way that would make anyone suspicious but he really wanted to be a part of a good guild and he had believed that this group was it.

The first person to introduce himself after the boss accepted him was the self-proclaimed bastion of the legion was Dirk Davidson and when he shook hands with him Shiba couldn't help but laugh at how overdramatic he was being but he didn't dislike it. Shiba was introduced to the others before they left to get moving deeper into the dungeon. Soon enough though they were attacked by wolves which Shiba thought was ironic in a way it was pack vs pack but the legion had a clear advantage.

He was given orders to work with the Marauder Paralyze Shiba nodded as he said "Got it boss" He then moved forward and said "Paralyze go forward I'll keep it at a distance" he told him unsure if he should give orders but the fact was clear the marauder was the tank and Shiba was the damage dealer. It was also clear that Shiba wasn't suited to be in front so he would stay in the back at least until he could cause more damage in the front. Shiba then reached into his pouch and he pulled out 5 shurikens and he started to throw each of them at the wolf...

Shiba introduced himself to everyone
Shiba charge ahead and threw 5 shurikens at wolf 3
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Theodore Smith

Health: 1970/2000
Mana: 450/500

Soon, the party split off, and the main group returned to area B. The meadows stretched onward for what felt like forever, but the enemies were only a dozen meters or so away - their transparent fur radiating an almost etherealness that caused Theo's hair to stand on end. Just as he noticed it, however, the rosary immediately calmed him - the creatures still unnerved him, but not enough to impact how he fights. Hell, if he focused, they almost felt like any other murderous wolf trying to kill him. Reylan motioned for them to stop and spoke a little, but Aster rushed forwards quickly, delivering three rapid strikes to the first wolf. The blows seemed far too powerful, and didn't lose any speed as they passed the wolf - Theo, however, assumed this was merely Aster's technique. After all, he didn't know what skills she had.

Following Reylan's advice, Theo rushed the first wolf as fast as he could while he was wearing the heavy plate armor, but he quickly made his way to the beast. Up close, it was obviously different from what they had faced up to this point - it was clearly transparent, and was utterly silent. Had Theo not been looking at it directly, he would have assumed it was something in the corner of his eye. Moving to Aster's side, Theo gave a strike from his sword - when the sword easily passed through the beast, he realized that this thing was going to be difficult. It's HP bar barely moving after the strike all but confirmed it, however.

"H-hey, I don't think physical attacks are gonna work that well!"

Theo glanced at the hit points, and with a total of 800, he knew that this situation was going to be bad...

Wait, screw that! Dirk was never afraid! Shaking his head, he focused intently - Thanks to his acting skill and the rosary working in combination to make him appear fearless once more. With that, he pointed a sword at the first wolf, activating Aggravate. He wasn't going to be able to deal enough damage to keep aggro on him, so he finally had to dip into his mana.

Two bolts of clear water shot from behind Dirk, and judging by the one that cried out, it was Karma the caster was Karma. Noticing the large dip in the wolf's HP, Theo called out gleefully.

"Nice Shot, Karma! Keep that up and this'll be over before I can even do my job!"


Attack Wolf 1 with Longsword
Calm down
Cast Aggravate
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: none
Health: 1875
Mana: 550

Paralyze is feeling very lost right now. His pain and grief had not decreased by one inch even how hard he had done to the wolf. There is only greed and an overflowing sea of anger that is just ready to be burst out. Others in the guild had a pep talk with him, worrying or advising him to not doing anything foolish. Even the introduction of a new guy to the team raised no fuel in Paralyze's soul. A weak thumb up, a faint smile is enough to tell how lost he is.

But that is before he sees the phantom wolf. Its majestic and unyielding statue. Its flickering bodies that seem to hide something under that forever changing bodies. Its large dark eyes only add more gems to the already beautiful beings. And that raised a small across the paralyzed man’s face. It was small, like a just lit spark within the Norwegian jungle. Its slowly devoured the forest of boredom. Twigs by twigs, branches by branches, the flame grow ever stronger. Until consuming all in its quake of anger and thirst for destruction could the fire cease. And like a moth that is heading straight to the heart of the flame, Paralyze becomes more alive than he used to be on the trail from the hill wolfs battle to here.
And a sentence for Paralyze to begin the fight:

“I wondered how a crushed brain would look like?”

And with that, Paralyze head to the third phantom wolf. Its silence raised no fear except for letting Paralyze raising his expectation. And like a moth circling around the flame, so did Paralyze. In his mind, the other phantom wolves are against others. So all he needs to do is letting the wolf focusing on him while letting the new guy, something like Josh if Paralyze remembers correctly, to do the damage. But that doesn't mean Paralyze could not have some fun out of the whole thing. Just a few seconds ago, Paralyze used a smashed down to where the phantom wolf's spine should be. But this time there is something different. There is no feeling of metal being impacted by the wolf's weak spine, of bones being cracked apart, of organs being ruptured under such forces. Just faded like smoke. Instead, the mace creates a small crack in the ground. And a smile, now turn into a grin as Paralyze finally feels the thirst to hurt. And he wants to hurt them bad. Very, very bad.

“Instead of fear, I choose rage.”

Join the battle against phantom wolf 3
Circle around phantom wolf 3
Smash it sometimes
Smash it real hard where the spine should be located but hit the ground instead. (The mace went through the phantom's wolf body and hit the ground)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 800
Mana: 900
Renn: 8
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Health: 640
Mana: 000
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Dubstepp took a few steps behind his rabbit bodyguard. He sighed, putting a thumb to his forehead. "Another wolf party? I'm really getting sick of-." Dubstepp stopped his sentence short. He took a few seconds to examine the target more closely. Something was amiss about the new wolves. He then chuckled noticing his small mistake. "So this is how it's going to be. Red wolf, blue wolf, big wolf, a see-through wolf, we get it. This is getting repetitive." Dubstepp commented, not realizing that he made a rhyme.

Tapping Totoro on the back, he nodded his head. He heard the commands of Reylan. Shrugging his shoulders, Dubstepp considered it would be the best option. "Looks like that's the best course. You're more likely to draw the attention to the other two monsters," the musician muttered. He gently pushed his pet toward the battlefield. Totoro pounded his chest and burst into a quick rush.

He aimed directly toward the phantom wolf located in the center. Pushing his arms back, he pulled them forward to deliver a devasting punch combination. Dubstepp let his eyes quickly scan the other two. Digging into his pocket, the musician tried his throwing technique. Dubstepp withdrew a dart and carefully held it in his hand; taking the time to line it up with his shot, he threw it at the phatom wolf on the right.

Totoro hits Center Phantom Wolf.
Dubstepp throws dart at Right Phantom Wolf.
Loses -1 Dart from inventory.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mopsock17
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Health: 1300/1400
Mana: 250 > 200/400

After the small inconvenience with Paralyze and greeting the new member of the party, Polak followed the split main group into the next area. Although it seemed like Reylan expected and hoped that there would be treasure left, they were instead met by 3 wolves; different from the ones before, they had an unsettling air to them. In fact, they had such an eerie vibe to them that despite being a lower level than the White Wolf, their appearance made Polak feel a slight chill down his spine. Phantom Wolves, they were called. Being the inquisitive person he is, his fear was quickly replaced as his mind raced at the thought of these new adversaries' abilities. As ethereal beings, they must have physical resistance and/or the ability to bypass physical armor? To what degrees, he did not know, but he was sure they would be an extremely annoying enemy to fight as a physical fighter. He also thought that because of the difference he felt with the White Wolf and these Phantom Wolves, the fear he felt was from a passive ability the wolves possessed.

Although he continued investigating the wolves with his thoughts, it was short-lived as Aster charged in and Reylan soon called out orders for everyone to engage each wolf. In this moment, he was extremely disappointed in himself for not buying another wooden totem; he would have liked finishing this encounter without suffering too much damage and getting a new monster in the process. So Polak sighed and proceeded to use Charge on Phantom Wolf 2, jabbed it once with his spear, and then whistled for Edelweiss to ram it.

Charge on Phantom Wolf 2[-50 MP]
Spear jab on Phantom Wolf 2
Ram on Phantom Wolf 2 [Edelweiss]
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