Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


some way back-

The goblins exchanged information on what must be done Gina stating that the new church would be their new home which was certainly a sound idea but a dangerous one if she forgot about the skeletons. They talked and the rabbit hissed at the Arch at his comment about not being distracted while eating taking that as a challenge but it stayed still until the goblin left. It calmed down when only Gina remained to stay inside. The rabbit understood its master couldn't get food so once Arch left it hopped away to find a bush of berries. It found the blue kind and instead of eating directly it chewed on the branch itself until the stick was left, it then hopped back to Gina and offered her the stick knowing that there were a few berries still attached offering to help its master eat so they could both leave.

Meanwhile the goblin Arch ran back to the cave as Grandpa was waiting inside in case one of the young ones needed his help...
I just saw

Shiba: interacting with, none

Shiba sighed as he left the room that day and realized just how late it was. He didn5 realize he was that tired, or that he would spend so long on choosing what skills to aquire. Although maybe it was just because he worked so hard in helping to defeat the boss himself. Once he got out of the inn he walked towards the marketplace looking for better equipment. Thanks to the boss he had more then enough to buy some new equipment. He only wished he could use a scythe which was just to him totally badass, however they are only meant for a different class which was a shame considering he thought that an assassin with a scythe would quickly become famous.

Still it wasn't all bad considering he gets to use what the game considers exotic weapons which was still good considering. He looked through the stalls and found a weapons merchant with an impr3ssive looking katana. He looked at the color text and noticed that it was called the forgotten katana a named item that can ignore armor. That seemed perfect for Shiba so he bought it. He went through the marketplace and got some new armor as well of course everything was uncommon so they better be good. He wanted be a great assassin and 5o do that he would need a variety of gear.

New rhythm-

The goblin snuck in quietly, thankfully because it was early in the morning the rabbits senses were dull as well making it an easy target. It didn't no5ice the goblin till it was to late. When the goblin took its swing the rabbit turned around just in time to hear it's hind leg being crushed. It whimpered trying 5o get away but the goblin need only make the final blow to get his breakfast

Goblin Arch gained 4XP and learned stalking stance: stalking stance allows the user to enter a sort of stealth mode when hunting. The user is harder to detect and see when in the stance allowing for easier surprise attacks


Knowledge p2-

soon the horned rabbit finally woke up giving a quiet yawn as it used its paws to rub it's eyes awake. It looked around and saw its new master by the bookcase and it hopped over till it jumped into the goblins lap to relax and keep the master warm. It's fur delicate and soft despite how hard it was to kill.

As the goblin reached up to get another book and when it opened this one she realiz3d it was a codex written in plain English on how to read ancient script. As she looked through it she realized that the pr3vious book was written with the same lines as this book. This was a translation manual that would be instrumental to learning.

Goblin Gina learned Ancient script: this goblin now knows the ancient language of humans past allowing her to more easily read and write things in such a language.

I will make a reply but don't panic if I don't mention you in this one. Since you and zats have pretty much made a search party I'm going to wait till you all start searching to make a reply
@Duthguy it's the only place both she and zats saw together and she ran in that direction

Not hard you could just say you noticed the animals avoiding a certain direction and go their

Each goblin began to wake up in their own times and a few went out to get the day started grandpa merely stayed by the entrance to the cave hoping everyone would be alive. Two of the goblins woke up but they stayed close to the cave itself waiting for their final companion to wake up. They were set to find the other goblins in the hope that they would still be alive to hunt another day.


on to hunt again-

The first goblin to go out and start hunting was goblin arch the lone wolf as it were. He seemed to be the only goblin that is choosing to go out to hunt alone. That was interesting to grandpa as he wondered how he would fare when the others became closer to each other while he stuck to himself.

As the goblin searched for rabbit he soon saw one still trying to wake up as it rubbed its face and was instead hopping away though not fast by any means. He was moving slowly heading towards a berry bush to eat its breakfast as it went through its morning routine unaware that a hunter was out so early.

a siesta-

As she peeked out into the world she realized she was safe from the wolves if only for the day as she came out and actually fell asleep against the log itself. She still smelled of alpha blood last night so she wouldn't attract the other rabbits and even then the rabbits weren't prone to violence, at least not the regular ones. Once they got a sniff of a hunter they dashed away for safety allowing the goblin to rest and wait for its rescue.



The rabbit stayed asleep since it felt safe around the little goblin it has become attached to so it didn't wake up as it felt the goblins hand push it away. It stayed asleep to rest from the shock of last night. The little goblin went to the bookcase where the books laid and she would soon realize that to her and her kind they were worth their weight in gold... at least to whoever could read it.

The statue gave a small flicker of light when the goblin finished its prayer. The eternal mother was still weak with only her as a follower but it was able to give small signs if nothing else that she heard Gina. When Gina grabbed a random book and opened it she would see that it was in a language she couldn't understand but she also saw the pictures that it had. It was of different pieces of wood different in length and size fitting together to make something simple like a chair and table. With each turn of the page, she got detailed diagrams of how to put these simple things together...

Goblin Gina learned Amature carpenter: This goblin has learned the basics in the art of carpentry, she can now understand how to make simple contraptions with wood as its base like a table or chair, more knowledge of the subject will allow the goblin to create much more complex items like siege weapons

The skeleton was no more as it laid their lifeless on the ground in pieces from her assault and while the other skeletons kept banging on the door none of them had enough strength or wit to actually get through the door on their own. For the time being she was safe and as a result, she could rest for the rest of the night. Her bunny then curled up next to Gina and fell asleep making sure its horn was pointing towards the door as a defense mechanism that was instinct.

Day 4


Another day...-

Soon the night went onwards as the goblins rested in their respective places. Thankfully none of them seem to have died or at least as far as the others could tell. Goblin Grandpa was, of course, the first to wake up before looking over at the sun hoping that the other young ones were still safe somewhere out there. The sun soon shined into the cave entrance waking all the sleepy goblins of the cave allowing them time to go out and hunt once more.

The wolves retreated back to the east and the bunnies returned to the area where one crafty goblin was hiding. She was kept safe throughout the night by hiding in the old alphas tree. The area she was in was still clear as it had been marked by an alpha and other rabbits tended to avoid an alpha rabbit for obvious reason. She would now need to find a way back to the cave to rest properly as she is most likely fatigued from the night watch.

The final goblin Gina had a rough night but thankfully she was spared from having to stay in the church any longer. As the skeletons were the creatures of the night they then retreated back to their graves and covered themselves up with the dirt effectively burying themselves once more allowing her to make a run for it or get a proper look at what was really inside the church. Now with her blessing, the goblin was the disciple of the eternal mother and it was time to do her part.

Each goblin lived for another day but now the fourth day will present new challenges for the young ones...

I was going to adress that In the next post but yeah only one
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