Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

So what has happened? How can I jump in?

Shiba: interacting with, @Ithradine

Shiba had been to put in a single word busy. He had been working on getting the new blacksmithing shop set up. He had borrowed money from the guild so he was both excited and nervous to get it up and running but the fact was he wanted to do this because he knew that this would be a big investment that would no doubt set the stage for their guild becoming one of the best. After all, it wasn't cheap to arm an army and once Shiba started to see a profit coming in he would work to expand and make the shop well known to both players and NPCs. He had to spend a full day just getting the place built and up to code and once he did that he spent another day to start getting to work with the meager supplies he had on him. He needed to wait till the guilds deal went through and he could get a constant supply of iron which was the lifeblood of a smith.

It was only last night that Shiba was able to get a full nights sleep. He didn't think he would feel tired in a game but maybe it was mental fatigue rather than physical fatigue. He had been so absorbed in getting the place set up and working he forget to let the guild master know that it was up and running. He then walked out of the building and he took a screenshot with his menu and he sent a PM to him "Just got the place up and running, when you get the iron send on over and I will get back to work"
glad to hear it as for working under a servant I can live with it. He will still do what he does best and that's sneaking around. Like I put in the bio he won't always listen but will when it counts

Alright added a few different skills, made him a spectral wraith instead and made him a member of the guilds Frumentarri system. I also changed out the part in my bio about believing in their justice and switched it with joining their Frumentarri

God damn dude, congrats. That like a freaking war zone or something
Yeah don't worry about that I know not to go to far with it, it wouldn't be fair if I was immune to melee. I would only have a limited time to be completely ethereal and walk through walls of course.

That said my biggest problem is just coming up with a name! Grrr ghost sounds to plain and arm with doesn't give me the terror factor I want and a revent is innacurate because I'm not a corpse
Bingo! That's the one Frumentarri sounds so much more like my character and is perfect in line with his character. He will of course refuse to do certain acts but will fit in much better with them because of his race and class.

By the way I am having trouble coming up with the right name [@everyone] does anyone know a good name for a wrath like monster? White kind of spectral ghost with the whole walking through walls, terrifying appearance, all that stuff
Thanks I'll look into my ghost like demon then.

As for the guild I can understand that it's more like the Roman Empire but I want my character to have a clear character role. As an empire it would need enforcers to do dirty work and the like. I want my character to be the type that seeks justice with his own hands and if the guild would accept him as he is being a demon which would most likely be very out of place in such a guild with mostly humans.
Would that mean that I could get creative with my demon so to speak? Cause I intentionally had the idea for a sort of wisp like character, the ghost that terrified you before stabbing you sort of deal but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to move away from the known classes.

As for the guild I honestly didn't know that I had didn't think the guild would be so pro human and pro chaos. If that was the case then my character would have more likely joined a guild of non humans that believed in justice but I would have no clue if such a guild would be allowed here. After all the title stated this specific guild so I assumed I had to be a part of it in some manner.

Finally thank you for explaining that I will adjust my skills accordingly once I fully understand the situation of what my character can actually be and where he is in terms of this new world. I would rather he not be alone because he is weak a fighter and needs allies to fight with or someone to give him orders on which person to assassinate.
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