He had been held up, briefly, by the guards outside, but then they had recognized their social better and ushered him through. There were many men of importance gathered, and others of little. There came flowery words from Ayla, as well, that took up quite a bit of space without meaning very much. The Perrenchman certainly nurtured no grudge against her, but it reminded him of the vipers trying to elevate themselves through their social better. His goal was plain and his time spent listening outside had given him more or less the measure of his quarry. His footsteps sounded on the marble floor. A rapier hung at his hip. He came to a stop with a smart clack of his heels.
"Marquis de Zengali." The young man nodded in his host's direction, polite and businesslike, but did not bow. It was not proper for the son of a duke and
*prince du sang* to do so before a mere marquis.
"Lady Arslan." In any event, the Mezegolan did not seem much preoccupied with formalities.
"I am Yvain de Berbignon, and I so happen to represent those 'others' who my lady anticipates working with." He smiled agreeably, but his bearing remained intense.
"We have come here, on behalf of Perrence and her allies Belzagg, Eskand, and..." He more or less smothered his grimace through his smile..
"the other one, to help you slay a beast and to ensure that no others follow in its wake. We are - all of us - capable thaumaturges who come prepared for a fight. We shall not require much but your consent and any resources you may see fit to bestow upon our effort." Left unsaid was the rest:
I trust this is agreeable.The Marquis had grown tiresome of this conversation with Lady Arslan. Double speaking and now he might have Ersand'Ernise solo actors in their port. He even ends up questioning if his own son sent word to a contact in Ersand'Ernise. But none of that mattered, the Marquis decided that he would cast Ersand'Ernise outside his port.
But first was tall gentleman, Sir Yvain de Berbignon. He came with purpose and clarity unlike the Lady standing before him. The Marquis was much more attentive to Yvain. It was like a breath of fresh air that tells you that the eggs had gone rotten.
"Well your service will be much appreciated," the Marquis silently gave a nod to Yvain.
"Your presence is permitted, of course,-" the Marquis gave a subtle glare at Ayla,
"And as such, your group will be rewarded a case of mana shots for tomorrows hunt." The Marquis lips curled into a small smile, smiling didn't fit his face.
He turned to Ayla,
"Lady Ayla," his voice grew serious,
"Anything you have to say?" he looked at her expectantly.
Ayla noted Yvain's presence as he entered the discussion and politely bowed her head in his direction. She had hoped to aspire to something better and greater in their meeting, aiming to create a united front with her fellow students from both factions and beyond. However, it became clear that such an aspect was unexpectedly threatening to the Marquis. As the adage goes, ‘better the enemy you know.’ The idea of a third party, no matter how benevolent or well-meaning, was seen as an unknown.
She sighed softly, especially as Yvain distinctly presented himself as part of the Sovereign Pact. This clearly identified her as being aligned with the Central Alliance, contrary to her intention.
"We are all here to assist in this endeavour, regardless of factional lines. We represent students from Ersand’Enise, primarily from the Central Alliance nations, as our colleague next to us has stated. Your consent and any available resources or information you can offer would be greatly appreciated to allow us to operate effectively in dealing with this issue."The Marquis weighed his judgement. She obscured herself as a neutral when she wasn't. Whether that was a lie, delusion, or genuine hope weighed on his mind. The Marquis was unashamed taking a minute or so of time to conclude his thoughts on Lady Arslan.
"The Central Alliance has done much to help hasten our readiness for tomorrow, and for a group representing a talented addition to their ranks, I thank you for coming. As such, I welcome you to Zengali, Lady Arslan. My aid will share with you the details and sleeping arrangements for tonight." Marquis Dume's kind words were laced with pity for the girl. One of the aids pulled out a scroll for Ayla and escorts her out of the Marquis's home.
Yvain nodded in response to the Marquis’s offer.
”They will be put to good use.” A sense of satisfaction enveloped the Perrenchman at hearing those honeyed words being partially taken back.
Once the Central Alliance representative was escorted out, did the young man’s sight return upon the man he had a meeting with.
”May I assume you wish to discuss more with me?” Yvain’s smile did not fade from his face.
”If so, could I suggest doing so while sharing a wonderful glass of wine?”Marquis Dume smiled again,
"As much as my aids and I wish for some reprieve, we cannot yet," the Marquis said with maybe a sigh and a small laugh among his aids.
"But I do have news on your quarters," he stood from his chair to turn and point to a lovely looking villa on the higher part of the mountain,
"A noble man like yourself should receive these accommodations, you'll find the amenities quite nice." One of the aids was quickly writing the authorization to use it after the sudden offer.
The Marquis moved on from his small gift,
"If you wish to share a drink with me, come find me after the performance tonight, until then Sir Berbignon," the Marquis waved for one of his closer advisors to guide him out to the side gate instead of the main gate to avoid the common traffic.
He handed him the piece of paper for the house and a silver tablet to receive the mana shots. Along with that, the aid gave a similar breakdown of the thresher that he learned earlier. Lastly he was slipped a small bag of coinage to enjoy himself at the festival!