Avatar of Jazz


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current I'm now 30 yrs old and my 10th year on the site! Wewt!
2 yrs ago
Well. Can say that with having a kiddo of my own, a partner that has taken the financial reins while letting me figure all this out. I only hope I can get into a decent routine.
6 yrs ago
Hey everyone! Things are slowly coming around. Still alot to do and now a new Laptop to get into that direction! :3 Maybe now I can get back to roleplaying like I've always wanted!
1 like
7 yrs ago
I have to an important decision in my life to step away from roleplaying till i can get my life in order since it is in a web of confusion and uncertainty. I still wish to talk to you all. Im sorry.
7 yrs ago
Craving a Bleach Rp. Hmm.....


Hello! Those looking at this I would like to Introduce myself:
My name is Jazz as you may know, I have been in the guild a few or so years before it had crashed and was rebuilt. I like video games: ranging with XboxOne and PC. I absolutely Assassin's Creed, Halo, Witcher and Splinter Cell. I rarely play but still try. I have a kiddo of my own and a small part time job and a partner who is letting figure out how to be a mom while I also get a routine together of how to go about the day to day.
I also like to draw but not a huge pro with my style close to manga/anime like. But loving the chibiness. Love my music, and its ranged kind not exactly specific on genre but more bands and their songs. Some of a bands songs I like, some of theirs I dont like.
As you may know I roleplay but can rp so many before I am over loaded. I like to roleplay many different fandom based roleplays and some I would be willing to try:
-Witcher -Halo -Assassin's Creed -Marvel -Transformers -Fate/Stay night
-Nauto -Star Wars -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Black Butler -Supernatural
I am usually up for anything if you wanna give me a holler. I usually do 1x1s cause I don't like making alot of people wait on me for a post since my post time is based on anything. I have a phone I like to look at these but I dont like posting from it cause of the autocorrect on it. Other than that I like crossovers sometimes, romance, humor, adventure. Not too big on horror rps. Its the whole imagination within me saying thats real and stuff when I know its not yet isn't too freaked out with Haunted houses. I usually cover my ears since some of them are really really loud and my ears hate the loud noises.

Anyway. I can male or female characters, im not tooo picky. You need a male character and if hes a fictional character, I might be able too, same goes for female. I can even do male x male or boy x girl, though havent done a girl x girl so there is that.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME! I am trying to get back into my roleplaying way but not as much as I use to. I try to post one or twice a day mainly based on how many roleplays I have. I am trying not to disappear like I use to but back then I was trying to pick the pieces of my life up and was trying to focus on my own survival.

I am very very very thankful to the people who have stayed with me through those hard times I had and were hella patient with me while I got my life in order. You know who you are and I am blessed to have you as friends. While I am still getting it all together, I am better where I am now and coming back stronger than I was before

I live in Oklahoma, US. So central time for me. I maybe online but most times during the weekday I am working within the evening.

I also have a twitch, trying to be a streamer: m.twitch.tv/jazzspartan013/home

Most Recent Posts

Yami walked with her out of the back of the tent as Dartz thanked the seer whom smiled to him as she was putting things away for the night. "You are quite welcome. I hope you get home safely now." She told them with a smile.

Marik nods. "I still have much to learn from the world."

"Interesting. We still don't understand how those wands completely work." Seto tells Mako then looking toward Set. "Would you know what the wands do?"
Considering the offer from Dartz, Yami turned his head to see what Serena thought about the situation and noticed her smile and so looked back to Dartz as he stood. "If you're okay to walk now Serena, I say we head back now. It is late and no doubt need the rest for tomorrow." Yami says as he stands up. He then offers his hand to Serena.

Marik deflated, knowing how true it way. "I understand. However I am not worthy of such choosing. However, should I ever be chosen by any of the gods, than I choose to do my best to not fail them and my friends. For now However, I am content with the role I have now as a tombkeeper of the Pharaoh and serve him and his friends." Marik explains before bowing to Harthor with the upmost respect he could show.

Seto had sat down while Joey scooted himself over to the coffee table. So far everything was adding up for Seto and what had been gathered. The recruiting seemed simple and the easiest way to gain follows and to get Sacrifices. As grim as this sounded, it may be a way to hit them hard. This something he would have to consider and keep to himself till there was a foolproof way of making it work.

In the meantime Joey looked focused but relieved that Mako was even here. "Glad your here bud. We had been looking into the disappearances and we found out about the dark take over they do. But after that it was still something we couldn't wrap our heads around."
Yami smiled softly, noticing throughout that Dartz seemed genuine about what he wanted to do and in making amends. I know it probably won't be till tomorrow, however maybe we can gather everyone and get everything talked out." He suggests.

Marik seemed flustered at the sudden attention he was receiving. He waved his hands infront of his chest. "Oh, it's quite alright. I just want to support my friends and the Pharaoh. That's all."

Joey looked over to Mako and looked in the direction of Yugi. "Yug's asleep right now resting. We can getcha up to speed here in a bit. Yami is out and about. He won't be back for a bit yet. What's going on?" Joey asks. Hearing The conversation between Mako and Joey, Kaiba decided to listen in on the conversation.
"They have actually been a huge help. Though they were ambushed they are in the hospital. But should be out tomorrow I believe should everything work out." Yami explained to him.

Cora watched in utter awe of what the goddess did before them. This was magic that kids would imagine that at one time she thought magic was real. She looked to Sekhmet with a grateful smile. "Thank you very much!"

Marik and Odion were coming back from the kitchen with a tray with some cookies and a pitcher and some cups of milk. He notices additional being in the room and smiles as he continues to go further into the room and sets the tray on the coffee table.
Yami gives Serena a reassuring smile till his attention was back to Dartz whom was explaining what he meant about the cells and what had happened. "I see. Either way, I am suse this would have happened sooner or later. Now we just need to deal with the now and how to seal him back up." Yami explained to Dartz. "I welcome your assistance. However though I do forgive I will not forget and I am sure some of the group are the same way."

Joey turned red like a tomato when Hathor had her attention from Seto to him. He had no idea what to say to her. Though felt a sigh of relief when her attention was now on Cora. Cora herself fidgeting with her fingers. "I called you here for help. Asking to help form as protective barrier around this building to protect it and my friends." She requests.
"Yes. That is the very same Dartz. However he has returned from his eternal slumber to help us. The one whom you fought was Sir Timeaus. A dragon Knight of Atlantis." Yami explained to her as he moves his hand from hers. "How are you feeling?" He asks her.

Joey blushes and nods to the goddess while scratching the back of his head. "I mean, they told us about their relationship." He informs her.

Seto sighs as he shakes his head, feeling this was starting to get out of hand. Cora got up with the card still in her hand. She stops before the goddess. "Madam Goddess, Sekhmet? If I may ask for your assistance please?"
Yami nods. "You did. But I fairness, you started the assault. Even when I tried to call you off Timeaus." Yami explains to her.

To say the blush didn't fade and only grew as he stood his ground physically. Hearing to what Set had to say about his sister who was of two personalities. Hathor love. And Sekhmet, war. "Ma'am. It doesn't matter what others think of me, and my love life is none of your concern." He states, though Set was too on the nose.

Joey also was about to lose his cool and start laughing in hysterics with what he was seeing of Kaiba right now. Though he heard Set's question. "We had them send some time together."
Now Yami was confused. "I don't think I am following. Could yo-" stopping when he heard Serena groan. He placed a hand on her own. "I am here. I am safe." He assures her.

Cora was caught off guard by the sudden arms that wrapped around her. Opening her eyes and turning her head, he looked to the goddess and realized it was Sekhmet. Now in awe of the goddess she was watching. Know she turned her attention to her brother, she didn't mind. It seemed like the reunion was needed.

As much as Seto didn't mind the spotlight, this was not the kind of the attention he sought. The sight of the goddess Sekhmet in front of him and a hand on his chest brought a light dusting of a blush on the bridge of his nose while clearing his throat to change the air of the situation. "May we...get back on topic?" Looking toward Cora to emphasize his meaning. Cora blinked before looking away slightly.
Listening to his explanation, it did make sense where he was coming from and appreciated the help. "I see. Though I do not think that this is because of your actions per say. This Brotherhood runs as far back as during my father's rule as far as I am aware. Only now it's grown far more than what it did back then even after Apep's followers were forced to disband." Yami explains to Dartz. "Honestly we will accept all the help we can get. There is still much we are figuring out especially from our enemies."

Cora felt as if she was being spoken to as her posture straightened and looked to Set. She thought about Set's suggestion, moving to where he deck was and went through it till she found Sekhmet's card. She made herself comfortable in sitting on the fouton. While holding the card in her hands and resting on her lap, closes her eyes. 'I hope im doing this right but here goes. Sekhmet, goddess of War please hear me. I wish for assistance to protect this place where my new friend and i reside."
It seemed there was no avoiding iy any longer. He looks to Dartz. "Iam sure you know what I am going to ask. At least a couple. Let's start with how you came back. I thought your soul moved on."

Seto looks to the scouts who were checking over the warehouse when he then laid his eyes on Mako once more. Joey turns off his light and puts his phone away, going over to help their friend. "I guess that's one way to make an entrance." Seto glances a gaze toward Set. "As long as Mako is in one piece that is all I can ask for. Hopefully we won't have to deal with his persuers any time soon."

Marik come from behind Odion. "Seems all is well now Odion. Come. I need your help in the kitchen."
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