Avatar of Jazz


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current I'm now 30 yrs old and my 10th year on the site! Wewt!
2 yrs ago
Well. Can say that with having a kiddo of my own, a partner that has taken the financial reins while letting me figure all this out. I only hope I can get into a decent routine.
6 yrs ago
Hey everyone! Things are slowly coming around. Still alot to do and now a new Laptop to get into that direction! :3 Maybe now I can get back to roleplaying like I've always wanted!
1 like
7 yrs ago
I have to an important decision in my life to step away from roleplaying till i can get my life in order since it is in a web of confusion and uncertainty. I still wish to talk to you all. Im sorry.
7 yrs ago
Craving a Bleach Rp. Hmm.....


Hello! Those looking at this I would like to Introduce myself:
My name is Jazz as you may know, I have been in the guild a few or so years before it had crashed and was rebuilt. I like video games: ranging with XboxOne and PC. I absolutely Assassin's Creed, Halo, Witcher and Splinter Cell. I rarely play but still try. I have a kiddo of my own and a small part time job and a partner who is letting figure out how to be a mom while I also get a routine together of how to go about the day to day.
I also like to draw but not a huge pro with my style close to manga/anime like. But loving the chibiness. Love my music, and its ranged kind not exactly specific on genre but more bands and their songs. Some of a bands songs I like, some of theirs I dont like.
As you may know I roleplay but can rp so many before I am over loaded. I like to roleplay many different fandom based roleplays and some I would be willing to try:
-Witcher -Halo -Assassin's Creed -Marvel -Transformers -Fate/Stay night
-Nauto -Star Wars -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Black Butler -Supernatural
I am usually up for anything if you wanna give me a holler. I usually do 1x1s cause I don't like making alot of people wait on me for a post since my post time is based on anything. I have a phone I like to look at these but I dont like posting from it cause of the autocorrect on it. Other than that I like crossovers sometimes, romance, humor, adventure. Not too big on horror rps. Its the whole imagination within me saying thats real and stuff when I know its not yet isn't too freaked out with Haunted houses. I usually cover my ears since some of them are really really loud and my ears hate the loud noises.

Anyway. I can male or female characters, im not tooo picky. You need a male character and if hes a fictional character, I might be able too, same goes for female. I can even do male x male or boy x girl, though havent done a girl x girl so there is that.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME! I am trying to get back into my roleplaying way but not as much as I use to. I try to post one or twice a day mainly based on how many roleplays I have. I am trying not to disappear like I use to but back then I was trying to pick the pieces of my life up and was trying to focus on my own survival.

I am very very very thankful to the people who have stayed with me through those hard times I had and were hella patient with me while I got my life in order. You know who you are and I am blessed to have you as friends. While I am still getting it all together, I am better where I am now and coming back stronger than I was before

I live in Oklahoma, US. So central time for me. I maybe online but most times during the weekday I am working within the evening.

I also have a twitch, trying to be a streamer: m.twitch.tv/jazzspartan013/home

Most Recent Posts

"I know that, Mana." His shoulders sags as he just let's it be. He was still hurt.

"I havent....buuuut....I have heaaard of them...fluuuuffyyyy....cuuuuute, inntelllligent. Cunning too olive heard..." Atem slurred but chuckled but then turned away from her to no one and puts a finger to his lips "Sssshhhhh!!!"
His eyes were starting to betray him as his pain began to show with it being her and him with no one in sight. "I can still be frustrated with her even with what their decision maybe."

Atem could feel the room sway as he was getting up. To stumble like a new born horse. "Otters" He tells her while he stumbls.
Mahad had stopped when she spoke her mind on why she did it. He did not turn around however he knew Zhara wouldn't lie or decieve them. It just hurt that he and Mana had been out of the loop and just to find our now after all this time. So for when the door to his chambers opened, he looked back to see Zhara go inside, he looked to Mana with a stoic look on his face. "Mana, come. Our Pharaoh's chambers need a thorough search before Zhara escorts our Pharaoh there. Priest Seth will encounter us on the way. Do not speak a word of this. I'll tell him what he needs to know." Mahad instructs as he turns away and making haste.

Atem was sitting on the floor with his back against Priest Mahad's bed and was muttering to himself. Feeling like the room was spinning and wavy. Seeing someone had approached him, he looked up slowly and smiles seeing Zhara. "Zhara! You still never answered me about your favorite animal." A sudden pout on his face. It seemed like she was possibly one of the ones he saw even though she hadn't been there.
Damien understood and also how long Miss Shade was going to wait before she went into a frenzy. At this point she was torturing herself. But at least the girl was safe and showing signs of figuring herself out again. "I'll probably wait a bit before making breakfast. I'm making coffee if you would like some?" He asks.
Mahad followed after Zhara wondering what in go's names was going on. He had a servant get a big pitcher of water sent to the pharaoh's chambers. Arriving to his chambers and stopped with her.

Now to say he was mad was a an understatement and was very likely livid with Zhara and that she was poisoning the their Pharaoh especially who was their dearest friend. HOWEVER.....Taking a very large deep breath (and it was very noticeable)....he saw the logic and reasoning as to why Zhara did this and the result of those efforts were just beyond that door. So Mahad could be pissed off all he wanted to....but instead was going to refrain form lashing out and using some VERY colorful words.

"Get our Pharaoh to his chambers...." and with that Mahard turned around sharply and walked away before he lost what composure he had left.
Damien stilled and he quickly turned his head to the source of the voice. Seeing Dante, it all clicked in his mind and he relaxed. "Yes. Though I'm guessing she still needs to feed or at least eat." He guessed.
Mahad closed his eyes and sighed. "I do not know I would put this. First what happened was our Pharaoh acting strang with speaking to nothing. But then just before you asked for me he also started to act like he was drunk." He states, opening his eyes.

"So far no other symptoms have reveal themselves. However it will be safer that he gets to his chambers and stays there till these symptoms wear off. Luckily since this is plant based, it will wear off. And with the Pharaoh not making any sense and his senses dulled, it would be wise for Priest Seth to up the security. Between he and I, we can help with guarding the Pharaoh's bed chambers from the outside while you are with him on the side of the room." Mahad explains further.
"I believe it is a plant that can cause one to see things. However i think there is more than one effect on that note. We hare still working to identify them." Mahad informs her as he enters the room. "As for the note, it from one of the Brotherhood." He continued while still making his way to the desk. "Mana is watching our pharaoh in my stead."
Damien doesn't wake up till early morning just as the sun peaks through. His body was running on automatic. Got up in the morning and went to the bathroom to go take a shower. Starting up the water and running it hot, he takes his shower the hankerchief loose enough that it didn't register having it still on his arm as he took off his clothes and the hankerchief going with.

After his shower and waking up a little bit more, Damien makes his way back to his room, gets dressed and heads out of the room relining for the kitchen, his senses not quite catching up yet that he had guests in his flat. He goes straight to making coffee.
Damien nods while putting the kit back together. Once done he stands up, kit in hand. "Suppose you're right. My offer still stands should you change your mind." He informs her as he goes to put the medical kit back and heads off to his bedroom to change out of his wet clothes and unto a tank top and pajama pants. Laying down on his bed, sleep soon takes hold.
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