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she/her pronouns. I'm interested in a wide variety of roleplays, but I tend toward prefering High Fantasy and High Sci Fi settings (think Elder Scrolls or Warhammer 40k). Whether it's a Nation Roleplay (I love digging into fictional politics) something on a smaller, individual scale, or something in between, there's a good chance I might be interested! I especially enjoy fantasy setting with weird, esoteric fluff - up to and including the nonsense that happens in Elder Scrolls, or, occasionally, Age of Sigmar.

Fave settings /period/ are Warcraft, and Golarion. WH40k and AoS are close.

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As it is, everything my played nation did was IRL. Everything, although the order of events may have been a bit muddled.

And considering how Britain has a France which is soon to boil over in renewed Revolution to deal with, there will only be a limited window for any bombardment.

A Collab between Jeddaven and CaptainBritton

Mexico City, Sección Bosque de Chapultepec

A small, unassuming white Ford van rolled down the Avenida Constituyentes, the words "Le Bec-Fin" emblazoned in extravagant cursive across its sides. The streets weren't empty at this hour of night - but there were clear enough for the van to proceed smoothly toward its destination, smoothly turning off into a small road leading into the Parque La Hormiga, following its chosen path west toward the presidential palace - Los Pinos.

For a minute, perhaps a little more, it proceeded undisturbed beneath the cover of trees, watchful sentries gazing at it as it passed by their posts. A handful didn't bother to turn and look, simply glancing the van's way, hands on their rifles.

Eventually, though, the van was forced to come to a stop in front of a large, patina-covered gate, a tan-skinned man leaning out of the driver's side window as the vehicle slowed.

The guard box was a few meters away, and a shorter man in a camouflage uniform stepped out, adjusting his black beret and pulling it snug on his head.

"Hola." He mumbled as he reached the driver's side window, craning his neck over to read the text on the van's exterior. "You the catering?"

"We are." He said, gesturing to the large woman sitting next to him, her long black hair tied into a tight bun behind her head. "There are five of us in total. The other three are in the back."

"Ay, sí." He eyed down the woman in the passenger seat particularly, breaking eye contact begrudgingly, waving them on. "Avanzar, have a good one."

The oxidized copper gate parted without input.

And the van, of course, proceeded, moving along at a crawling pace. Diaz glanced sideways at First Lt. Caldeira, but no words passed between them. Only silence.

The roundabout in front of the palace was lined with meticulously trimmed hedges, accented by ornate lamp posts which lined the stairwell. A side path labeled 'SOLO SERVICIO' - service only - snaked off to the right towards a loading dock. They were directed onto it, and found themselves parked at a service ramp manned by a single uniformed guard.

"Hey, uh - sir, I mean - we're the caterers. Is this where we go inside?"

"Sí, door leads to the kitchen, there's a lift inside for you and the goods." Christ, this kid couldn't have been nineteen. He was a baby-faced guard wearing the insignia of the Mexican Army.

Enéas nodded, popping open the door as he stepped out of the van. Out from the rear came three more people, each wheeling out a large, tablecloth-covered metal cart - one more woman, far more lithe than the giant, two tan-skinned men, and one with a distinctly fair complexion.

"Alright - we'll just be headed inside. Watch the van and we'll see if we can get you some leftovers, eh?" Enéas joked, leading his fellow staff up the ramp.

"Sí, sí." The guard grinned, helping to hold the door.

Directly inside was a room of solid white. The floor was a reflective marble, shined to perfection and matched with textured pillars of Roman style bordering a marble staircase with brass-inlaid stairs. On their right, a metal swing door was already held open by a woman in a server's dress clothes. A lit sign was suspended above the door labeled in both Spanish and English: 'COCINA / KITCHEN'.

Entry into said kitchen showed yet more white, but instead made of grout tile and reflective metal surfaces. The service lift in question sat on the far side of the room, manual door already open and waiting.

Toward the lift they went, making idle chatter about how nervous they were, how they hoped the President would like the food they prepared - they hadn't much time to rehearse, but they had enough for whoever was watching them, hopefully. Then, the moment they filed into the lift and closed the door - nervous, jittery silence.

All rehearsed, all acted out in an elaborate display.

The lift ascended slowly, delicately before coming to a stop with a thump. The door would be opened to reveal an opulent hallway, floored with polished hardwood and buttressed with brass arches. The floor plan indicated the dining room was just down the hall, which was corroborated by a soldier in an ornate formal uniform standing at parade rest outside the indicated door.

One by one, the covered carts wheeled down the hallway, Enéas at the front of the line and Caldeira at the rear. Not one of the five dared speak until they finally reached the door, and Enéas finally spoke up. "Excuse me - may we enter? We've brought a full seven-course meal as requested. It was difficult to prepare on such short notice, but... Frankly, it's to die for. We wouldn't have anything less."

"Sí." The guard gave a knowing smile, pulling open the door. As Enéas passed in, the guard leaned in close. "Buena suerte, amigo."
The caterers otherwise passed through without incident.

The room was a quaint dining room, not quite as gaudy as the remainder of the palace. A long wooden table sat about a dozen men, with a balding, lanky gentleman sitting at the table's head and flanked by two plainclothes guards. The group paid almost no mind to the catering crew, continuing talks which centered around words such as 'economía' and 'centroamericano'. It was hard to make out much in the low rumble of murmurs.

And the catering crew, of course, went about their work almost instantly, retrieving plates of canapes from the carts. Each cabinet member - including the president himself, was served a plate with a selection of seafood canapes, then the "caterers" moved to return to their carts.

The guests of the dinner scooted back in their chairs as they were served, preparing their own cloth napkins in their laps as they continued speaking among each other. They hadn't the slightest clue what was coming.

They would - and soon. One by one, the caterers bent down, examining the insides of their carts. Lifting one of the tablecloths with Caldeira, Enéas peered inside, into the darkness, feeling around with his right hand, until it touched cold polymer. He glanced sideways at Caldeira, nodded - and they all rose, Colt 635s in hand. The moment Enéas say his barrel peek over the cart, he squeezed the trigger, the sharp, snapping sounds of five submachineguns filling the room, sweeping from left to right with almost mechanical precision. The armed guards, of course, were first to go, first to be targeted - then the rest, massacred all at once.

The room went deathly silent as charging handles racked from behind the carts. The guards moved, breaking the silence but were cut down in sequence, falling upon their half-drawn pistols.

Then began the yelling and the screams. The politicians in the first few rows died quickly, as did the President of Mexico, face down in his plate of lobster and mussels. One of the politicians fled for the door, making it for one heavy moment and jerking on the handle. The door was locked from the outside, and he crumpled under withering gunfire.

It all happened in the course of less than a minute, and the Mexican President, along with his entire cabinet, were slain.

"Get the photos?" Campbell spoke up, receiving a nod in reply from the man standing to Enéas's right as he pulled a balaclava over his head, and the rest of the 'caterers' followed.

Enéas turned, knocking on the door.

"Dinner's finished."

Wednesday, 27 OF MARCH 1991 YEAR LXXVI - № 31.132 Irineu Marinho (1876-1925) RIO DE JANEIRO oglobo.com.br

Building a New South American Economy in a Post-Visitation World

In a world where Washington is dying, what can the continent that relied on it most do?

The solution, at its most basic, is a simple one, according to Mr. Juan Devilla, the Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs, a man many of our readers who have followed the news in the past week will be well aware of.

They work together.

The model they plan to use already exists elsewhere in Europe. Devastated by the Second World War, Europe west of the Iron Curtain sought to recover from the War - and prevent it from ever happening again - by making such violence utterly impossible. The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), proposed by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman in 1951, was arguably the first major step in this direction, and sought to integrate Germany's coal and steel industries with those of the rest of Western Europe (and them with each other other) so heavily that none of the involved countries could wage war on another, all in the face of massive ultranationalist opposition in France. Regardless, the French Assembly passed the measure, and so the ECSC was formed. Following a scant seven years later was the Treaty of Rome, which took principles of economic integration much further to form the European Economic Community (EEC) all the way from intertwined industries to striving for a customs union, to common economic policies (especially standardization) and striving for a single market. This, Mr. Devilla says, is what the Americas need to strive for, and as of 12:00PM UTC today, it's what they will be striving for; formally, at least.

In reality, such plans have been in the works for months, maybe even longer. Mr. Devilla has worked with every government on the continent, all the way up to Belize and Guatemala, to ensure that plans were finalized before anything was released to the press.

"It's a shame," he explained, "that we must worry about retaliation simply because we want to succeed, but we won’t allow anyone to intimidate us.”

It’s equally true, however, that the American continents haven’t been left entirely high and dry. OTAN member nations have become major investors in Latin American economies with the sudden absence of American companies and government money. It’s undeniable that their assistance has been invaluable in maintaining some degree of stability, and ensuring continued economic growth, but as Mr. Devilla puts it, there’s so much more that can be done, and it’d be downright foolish for us to simply rest on our laurels when there is so much more to be done. With the devastation of the United States, there is an enormous agricultural niche for South-Central America to fill. Vast mineral resources are available for exploitation, too, from materials we might think of as basic like silver or tin or copper to components for more complicated things, like those used to make superconductors. These, and many more, are resources Mr. Devilla and the diplomats and economists he’s working with hope to make available to the global market - but through local companies and governments, not through exploitation and theft by Washington and the corporations that bribe its politicians.

There are more than just natural, earth-made resources to access, though, as anyone knows. South America is home to one of the largest anomalous zones in the world; by some measures, the second largest contiguous zone in the world, after the central United States. Compared to the United States, though, far more of this zone is uninhabited, leaving it ripe for use. What Mr. Devilla emphasizes, therefore, is that close international cooperation and regulation would be required to take full advantage of this anomalous zone. Without close cooperation in the future, the Amazon Rainforest Anomalous Zone (ARAZ), in other words, would become an unproductive mess at best, and a flashpoint for massive military conflict at worst, potentially to the point of causing nuclear armageddon.

The organization’s reasons for existing are well-established, then, and are well-supported both by historical precedent (in the form of the EEC and its predecessor organizations) - but what is the plan for this new international community, and what will it be called.

“In Spanish, it is the Unión de Naciones Sur-Centro-Centroamericanas. In Portuguese, it is the União das Nações Sul-Centro-Americanas.” He explains, additionally pointing out that the organization intends to use both languages for its business, though it will primarily rely on Spanish for day-to-day work, and will provide documentation in several languages used both within the organization proper and abroad. The official acronym, somewhat obviously, is UNASUCA, for both Spanish and Portuguese languages, and construction for the organization’s headquarters is already underway in São Paulo, the third largest city in the world by population, after Tokyo and New York-Newark. Until it is complete, large sections of office buildings in the city have been leased out for temporary use; construction is estimated to take approximately two years.

They don't plan to wait for the complex to be constructed to get to work, however. Work is already underway on drafting common economic policies, from food and safety standards to more unified rail gauges. Trade barriers are being gradually removed to allow for the eventual creation of a single, common market, and border and immigration treaties are being adjusted to allow for freer movement of people, and talk is already underway of integrated justice systems. The basic structure of the organization and its organs, in fact, have already been quietly put in place, from independently appointed experts to ensure the objectives of this new organization are being met (and are being met in ways consistent with its ethical standards) to councils and committees of ministers and representatives from its constituent nations to ensure that their interests are being met - and, radically, to vote on measures that the organization might take.

Mr. Davilla, the architect of UNASUCA, is aware that this might all seem like little more than talk, even though the constituent nations have already confirmed their participation (Brazil's senate, the last to finalize its decision, confirmed its intent earlier this week).

That's why he's come to us with a specific proposal, what he dubs the "Amazon Rehabilitation Project", a massive infrastructural initiative to render the ARAZ traverable and, perhaps more importantly, industrially viable. Initial clearing and preparation efforts are already underway as the member militaries secure the expected infrastructure routes necessary for further construction against hostile mutants and other unnatural hazards, up to and including systematic "meter-by-meter" sequesters and occasionally even purges of those anomalous lifeforms deemed to dangerous to earthbound life to be allowed to survive. Carefully prepared defoliants, selective against anomalous foliage, are likewise being air-dropped into sectors intended for development where the flora is equally dangerous, and plans have been drawn up to secure and harvest the now incredibly valuable antigravity materials for UN-affiliated scientists to examine. If all goes well, Mr. Davilla explains, South and Central America will finally be an economic force to be reckoned with.

Note: the full list of member nations is being continually updated on our website, but presently includes Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Nicaragua.
Observers, those with limited participatory status and diplomatic involvement, include the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom.
César Assunção Saraiva

MONDAY, 25 OF MARCH OF 1991 YEAR LXXVI - № 31.132 Irineu Marinho (1876-1925) RIO DE JANEIRO oglobo.com.br

Tylmaesa, for all their faults, could scarcely remember a time they enjoyed more than this bloody art - the singing of blades, the whistling of arrows, the screams of the fallen foe... Together, it formed a symphony to their ears; a cacophony of awful noises that together became something beautiful, something that brought them all that much closer to reaching Heaven.

Bliss, perhaps.

Turning from their thoughts, Tylmaesa spent a handful of moments scanning the field ahead of them, and toward the stream of Altmeri s'wit swarming about the Legate like mindless Kwama drones to an invader marked by their Queen. Truly, they wondered if the Altmer could be even be called people in such a state - did they lose their personhood when they thoughtlessly obeyed their orders? Was their dedication a thing to admire, especially in the face of how so many of their allies cowered behind their shields? Regardless, they were enemies to be slain.

Now, unfortunately, was not the time for philosophical contemplations, they thought, advancing closer toward the Legate, the giant's graceful steps carrying them forward, into the mass of the gold-armored elves, desperately clawing for the glory of being the one to put a blade through the Legate's throat. Silently, Tylmaesa reached out, ignoring the sounds of arrows whistling past overhead. The Legate was capable - but he was only one man, and the foe were many.

They wished there was more time to plan - to carefully select an enemy where a fallen foe would be the most beneficial, even to push their way to his front and help him force his way deeper into enemy lines...

But there was none.

If they dared allow a single second to pass, more drones would press about the Legate, surrounding him with so many blades that even he could not stop them all.

And so, acting quickly, Tylmaesa simply charged at the first Altmer drone they saw in the Legate's vicinity, a shield-and-sword wielding soldier clad in gold. Grunt or sergeant or officer, Tylmaesa did not care, though the sheer bravado and glory-thirst they showed revealed the truth. A young soldier, unknowingly charging to their death.

Tylmaesa moved as fast and their legs could carry them, pushing past the masses of soldiers engaged in savage melee with little thought to any of them. Arrows rained down from above, each threatening to spear them through - all the more reason to find cover.

Finally, with mere feet separating them, the Altmer began to turn...

And narrowly managed to bring their shield up in time to intercept the path of Tylmaesa's blow, a downward stab mere moments ago aimed for their vulnerable neck.

Tylmaesa didn't follow through, instead taking a step backwards, bringing themself out of the smaller elf's reach. They were larger, and a large target, but their sheer size afforded them immense reach; reach enough that it was a simple matter to lay blow after blow upon the soldier's shield, hammering away so persistently as to force them to maintain a defensive posture, exhausting and waiting for them to make a fatal error. In the heat of battle, of course, there was little time for extended duels - most inevitably ended in less than a minute, and when the life of their commander was on the line...

Sucking in a deep breath, Tylmaesa took a step forward, into the Altmer's reach. They slowed their next strike, hoping the Altmer would see it coming...

And so it did. The blade lanced out for Tylmaesa's side, scraping against their skin, and Tylmaesa responded by ducking down, thrusting her own sword upward into the Altmer's armpit, thanking Mephala that their deception had succeeded. From their, it was a simple matter of kicking the Altmer's legs out from under them, and moving atop their body. Tylmaesa didn't waste time looking at them, even to grant them mercy, instead stomping on the soldier's open face, the first blow crushing their nose with a sickening crunch, the second denting their skull, the third opening it, and the second leaving it a smashed ruin like a rotting coconut.

Panting and satisfied with their kill, Tylmaesa turned toward the Legate, eager for a chance to further hone their battle-craft in a brief, brutal duel. The Legate was overwhelmed. He couldn't handle the sheer volume of soldiers swarming about him, and so they-

And then, suddenly, there was naught but smashed armor and gory paste about him. Their comprehension of the Nord tongue aside, Tylmaesa needed only to see what happened to understand what she'd just witnessed, a smile spreading across their face. In but a fraction of a second, the overconfidence of the Altmer had turned to stunned confusion, the noise of shouting Nords ringing in Tylmaesa's ears.

In this confusion, they found the perfect time to strike, snatching up a fallen grunt's shield.

After a brief pause to collect themself, Tylmaesa broke into a lightning sprint, each step kicking up little clouds of dust, their previous prey's shield clutched tightly in their arm. Past the slower legionnaires and wounded Altmer they went, blood-red eyes scanning a fleeing wall of gold for the telltale signs of someone of more use than a grunt. Many of the higher-ranking officers had surely fled like the cowards they were, but for each twi that had given away to the instinct to flee, surely one would have simply frozen in place, hesitated in the face of the knowledge that such a certain victory had been turned into a rout by supposedly inferior beings.

Shoving their way past a bloodthirsty legionnaire, Tylmaesa finally caught sight of what they'd hoped to see -- the glint of blue-green malachite glass among a sea of golden moonstone, the mark of one above the status of mere footsoldier. They didn't imagine any of the real commanders would have lingered for so long, but...

It'd have to do.

Sucking in a deep breath through their nostrils, the giant put all the energy they could into moving as fast as possible, momentarily struggling to catch up with the fleeing sergeant. Tylmaesa, though, was both faster and wearing even less armor, for what little weight glass and moonstone carried, but it was enough. Each great stride shrunk the divide between them, step by step, until Tylmaesa was forced to admit with a disappointed sigh that the badges of rank they saw were, indeed, merely those of a sergeant. Less valuable prey, but much safer prey, even if the challenge had evaporated the moment they began to route.

Two dozen meters eventually turned into one dozen, one dozen into six meters, six into three, and still, the Altmer hadn't noticed the towering Dunmer barreling down on them. *Her*, Tylmaesa thought, numbly evaluating the running officer, noting the way they moved, the shape of their armor and the body beneath..

Three meters into one, and the muscles in Tylmaesa's legs tightened, spring-like, before they launched themselves at the Altmer, outstretched arms reaching for her torso. The moment they collected, the Altmer crumpled with a sharp gasp, brought down by the sheer weight on top of her, struggling to turn herself around from her position between Tylmaesa's powerfully muscled legs, straddling her waist.

Tylmaesa wasted no time securing their prey, though. A heavy, closed-fisted blow to their forehead rung their skull like a bell, dropping their into unconsciousness before they had the chance to act.

Grunting in frustration, Tylmaesa quickly worked the Altmer's helmet free, tearing free a strip of cloth to stuff into their open mouth, shield raised above their head all the while.
@Jeddaven Feel like Ronto would hate the HFU more the other way around; the HFU is pretty much an embodiment of the American ultra-nationalism they despise taken to a ridiculous and religious level but the HFU doesn't really have all that much interest in Canada. They'd see it as "part of Old America" but otherwise don't really have any ideological claims on it and would rather focus on going west if they ever got that big, taking control of the lower 48 first.

Relations with the Enclave are still up in the air but in a way they see the Enclave as wayward Americanists who became too secular and abandoned the Founders looking at them with a mix of pity and religious contempt.

@TheEvanCat Oh yeah, the Ghouls are not going to like the HFU. The HFU isn't any more anti-mutant than the average wasteland state by nature or intrinsically anti-mutant, their expulsion was purely religious. I'd also like to believe that at least one preacher has wandered up to New York at some point or some merchants have crossed paths in port.

It'd honestly be kind of funny to see a super mutant in a powered wig and oversized laser musket with a roll of the constitution going around asking random New Yorkers if they've heard of the good word of the Founders and of Old America.

That's fair, yeah, and probably accurate. There's also the issue of Ronto explicitly welcoming ghouls and other mutants, so maybe incorporating some of your ghouls or eventual Rontonian support of them could be a thing?

Another enemy for Ronto - or an ally against the Enclave, perhaps? Just stay out of Canada.

Here be my NS. This honestly might be the fastest I've ever completed one

Working on my lefty EU. I've decided that the UK is coming back, possibly some time after Scotland and Northern ireland bounced.
@Jeddaven I should probably call it something like a chapter end or page break since that is what their purpose actually is, to give a break section that lets time jumps occur and world events take place. Although please elaborate on what you mean by this system would "gamify" the RP too much since I legit do not think it would gamify the RP any more than dividing it into sections as opposed to an endless run on chapter.

Well, with that clarification, do you mean that this wouldn't actually impose limits on how often people can post?
@Dark CloudHey, it's an interest check. I'm allowed to express my concerns; I've had bad experiences with these sorts of mechanics in the past.
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