Avatar of Jeddaven


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2 yrs ago
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she/her pronouns. I'm interested in a wide variety of roleplays, but I tend toward prefering High Fantasy and High Sci Fi settings (think Elder Scrolls or Warhammer 40k). Whether it's a Nation Roleplay (I love digging into fictional politics) something on a smaller, individual scale, or something in between, there's a good chance I might be interested! I especially enjoy fantasy setting with weird, esoteric fluff - up to and including the nonsense that happens in Elder Scrolls, or, occasionally, Age of Sigmar.

Fave settings /period/ are Warcraft, and Golarion. WH40k and AoS are close.

Most Recent Posts

Stonehill District -- West Gate

Varathira felt her eyes slowly creak open to the sound of grating, guttural laughter, roused from her lazy slumber at the side of the carriage to her immense chagrin. The noise was entirely unpleasant, not that the sound of cackling ever was -- but the air of smugness it was laden with made it far, far worse.

Reminding herself that violence now would, indeed, solve nothing, Varathira resolved to try to talk her way through...

After listening a little longer, in hopes of better understanding what drove the ogres, surreptitiously closing her eyes again to keep up the appearance of still being asleep.

Every second she did, though, only made her wish she could deal with the ogres -- violently -- even more. Every filthy word that spilled out from their lips was utterly intolerable, either poorly veiled threat or a disgustingly childish expression of ignorance. Ignorance itself was no sin -- but whatever these ogres had about them made her sick to her stomach, concern growing for her companions, each second spent listening and evaluating a grueling exercise in restraint which Varathira could only manage by casting her mind back to better times, spent in the company of centaur maidens and orcish warrior-women and with the heiresses of noble titles. That was enough to quiet her, at least for now...

Until vague threats turned to extortion. Varathira quietly sighed to herself as she fully stirred, rising from within the wagon to deftly sling herself over its side, the thin outfit cladding her marble-sculpted body fluttering in the air.

"Ah, excuse me," she apologized, her voice like honey as she moved to join the rest of the entourage, forcing herself to put on the appearance of being tired-and bleary-eyed.

"...But surely, such measures are hardly necessary? If you'd simply let us pass through this gate, we'll be out of your way. Won't have to lift a finger about us again that way." She chuckled, hoping to disarm the ogres with a self-deprecating joke -- if her preternatural charm didn't do the job by itself. At the very least, she wasn't about to let the party build itself a reputation for being extort-able... And besides, she was eager to enjoy the company of demons and devils, however dangerous they might be. Whatever was inside, it'd be much better than dealing with this brand of pointless childishness. Worst came to worst, she could offer a couple drinks of her most powerful liquor. Probably. Or the ogres would insist on greed, and chaos would ensue.

Yeah same
yes i'm double posting fuck you get on my level

(Kinda don't want this to die)

Y the discord ded


Me not want it die either
@HahaOh! Ok. I should pick another, then?
Karma dictates how others perceive you before youโ€™ve even spoke to them.
High karma means you pass the vibe check, low karma means theyโ€™re immediately suspicious.

Understood! I have an idea for the Magician I'll work on.
Hey! If you're still taking people, I'm interested, though I'm admittedly having some trouble with the stats, Karma in particular. Does low Karma directly translate to being *evil*, or is it more about your relationship with polite society? I.e. can someone have low karma and still be a morally good person?

I had an idea for a magic warrior-monk, or a very socially reclusive warrior-druidess. Was also wondering what survival is, since I didn't see it in the OP.
I'd also like to express my interest! I was wondering, though -- are the corps all going to be privately owned, or might some be semi-nationalized, i.e. Canada's Crown Corporations?
"In a circumstance where we had the available time, my lord, I would recommend destroying the hostile vessels, then escorting the pilgrim vessel into Ordo Hereticus custody to to ensure we do not risk the witches escaping. My convent has access to a wide array of contacts within the Ordos Malleus and Hereticus, after all." Magda interjected, casting disapproving glance toward Dahti, a small frown on her face. She didn't particularly like the Magos's answer, but, as much as she hated to admit it, his was rather unquestionable the optimal one, in a sense of pure efficiency.

"However, while I cannot morally condone the Magos's suggestion, it is the most efficient way to ensure that the mutineers cannot escape - as while a pilgrimage vessel may be a painful place to hide, it is the least likely one for us to pulverize. Nonetheless, taking moral considerations into account, I would recommend escorting the pilgrim vessel into the custody of the Ordo Hereticus or, failing that, the Adeptus Arbites in the interim. Additionally, I am ready to board whichever vessel you would drect me towards, though I must caution allowing the enemy to get close to us, considering our reduces numbers, and the absence of unexpected aid."
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