Sorry, but after thoroughly reviewing my priorities and the character concept that I have at the moment, I don't think it would be the most opportune time for me to join an RP like this. Believe me, I love my cyberpunk but I think I've been rushing into this RP without a thought of whether I would enjoy it.
Thus, I think I am dropping my interest and therefore, opening a space for any other roleplayer to join.
@LetMeDoStuff So, how many people you thinking of accepting for this?
<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>
The assault drone isn’t sentient. It is piloted by Tobis’s sim rig. It cannot function alone, and Tobis cannot move his “real” body while piloting it.
EDIT // Should probably mention that around half of his body is Cybernetic, but it functions the same as a Normal Human. It is calibrated to the strength and reaction times of a normal human as it was all installed for "civillian" use. It is largely to provide chracter growth down the line when he can get it upgraded.
Oh, I do love this genre...
@LetMeDoStuff, I do have a concept for a "network security specialist" type character I created for another RP months ago that never actually took off. Essentially they work behind the scenes for the most part, from either an NSF home office or perhaps remote safe house (depending on where the group is positioned) and are tasked with getting the team in & out of secured areas. Dealing with most security measures as needed.
They do have combat/self defense training, etc, however, I was thinking of having them confined to a wheelchair due to an accident that caused irreparable lower spinal damage, so there won't be much field work for them. They sort of work behind the scenes.
Anyway, let me know if this concept works for you.
Ah yes, I gotcha. You're right. Donny isn't what you'd call a 'flawed' human character because most of his design components complement his abilities as a killer, and not as a realistic person who would integrate into this plot properly. Even though his options are limited in a practical sense, he's still made to abuse those options to the logical extreme, which I see now kind of works against what's going on here and isn't really fair to 'normal' or 'realistic' humans.
Thanks for the consideration!
Oh, and in response to the edit, most of Donny's backstory is iffy on purpose. That's the kind of pull he has. He's meant to be someone smart enough to bypass laws, as stated in his CS. He also cannot think his way out of any situation that I myself can't. If you place me in a locked room, I can't just say 'Donny escaped'. I have to explain how, and it must make sense. In that way Donny's power is limited, by the options available to me and how I use them.
If the Jinrai are indeed more skilled, more clever, then I'd imagine that will become evident through who plays them, yes?