Avatar of Jeep Wrangler
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  • Posts: 3696 (1.05 / day)
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    1. Jeep Wrangler 2 yrs ago
    2. ████████████ 10 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Do what I do and write two novels and then have like 4 people read them B)
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2 yrs ago
We've got a certified "Bozo Down" today
2 yrs ago
Also why's everyone getting so pressed about writing perspectives like dude just go write a book lol
2 yrs ago
Might want to pick it back up before I put it in my wallet
2 yrs ago
40k fans are like the "Can he beat Goku" guys of Science Fiction
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Literally 1984 by Jorjor Well

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You speed demon

>Welcome, User.

>Identification - Authorised_For_System.

>WARNING/Highly_Confidential_File: Continue? [Y/N]



>Mission_Information: Winter Contingency has been declared. On March 2nd, 2551, the human colony of Atis IV was struck by an unprecedented invasion. Communications have been severed with reactionary fleets elsewhere. Commander Joseph Philemon of UNICOM has placed himself as direct Commanding Officer over the defence of the colony. All forces under UNICOM fall under his directive, as well as present UNSC Marine Corps branches. Information regarding the planet's current state are relatively unknown, even to the ground forces left holding the surface. Orbital Fleets have been scattered and scuffed through violent engagements near the colony. With communications down, it is safe to assume that the ground forces are uncoordinated and, at worst, unaware of the threat. Local insurrectionist forces have been recorded using the tundra regions of the planet to coordinate raids on UNSC compounds. Covenant forces were expected to make landfall en mass shortly after. Their goals were uncertain, as always. As Atis IV was a key strategic manufacturing planet for arming the outer set of human colonies, it could've been to hamper the war effort. It is unknown if any technology of interest was on the planet surface either. Loss of life is unrecorded. Military action is unknown. Final outcome of the Battle for Atis IV is yet to be updated.



>Command/Update: Do you wish to update this file?


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a new Halo RP! Here, we're taking a bit of inspiration here and there from the 'Reach' scenario. Planetary Defence, the fine line between preventing Covenant glassing all the whilst uncovering the underlying ancient secrets that lay within the planet's underbelly. Specific story aspects are obviously going to be kept hidden for the time being, as this is an interest check, but there are a few things I do want to go over. Whilst the story, as it stands now, is based around the UNSC forces stationed on Atis IV at the beginning of the invasion, I am open to the potential of branching out and taking the cast elsewhere, such as in pursuit of the fleet or whatnot. However, right now, it's focused on the defence of the colony until further notice or demand.

Secondly, the RP itself is taking a look at the UNSC's main forces, not the Spartan Programme nor Special Warfare Group. I feel like it'd be more interesting to cover the lives, struggles and relationships between the regular forces. Now, when I say regular, I don't limit it to the casual UNSC Marine. We branch out to several different parts, such as the UNSC Army, UNSC Marines, ODSTs and other collaborative forces that would partake in the defence of the planet. We don't all have to follow one branch, as I'm currently open to the idea of having us be a part of several others, all coming together as the situation begins to grow worse and worse overtime.

Going in-depth here at the moment will probably leave me less open to changes down the line, so I'll keep the interest check brief apart from that. There are other scenarios I've got lurking around, such as the original Fleet Stranded on a Shield World that was implemented in a two-year old Halo RP back yonder. So, I'm open to ideas on the case. If you're happy with the idea presented above, then that's also cool with me. I'd rather discuss what the RP may be like through questions asked by anyone who is interested, which are more than welcome! I know it isn't a lot to go off so far as I've kept it brief, but I hope you enjoy the idea of the roleplay and would like to partake in this! Feel free to ask anything on your mind below!

PS - Wrote this at 1am help

Oh, I'm alright! Sorry for the inactivity.

No worries! Just checking!

Did you end up finishing your CS? Memory doing the blank-blank!
@Majoras EndEyo things good, chief?

Just checking up on yah

Interacting with: @Smike @Landaus Five-One

A voice. Voices were common, obviously, even in the quiet spaces of the open area Laurence worked within. It took him by surprise however, as it seemed directed at him. He'd been making some notes on his laptop, brainstorming yet another film idea. A documentary, perhaps, but it was all drawing up as blank. Then the voice came. American, unsure of what state. Laurence looked up, more out of courtesy, and looked at her. Immediately, he was hit with several questions. He wasn't sure if it were his polish culture confusing him or there being a new normality to the university life, and so he mentally began to think to himself. Up and down, subtly, he took a second to check who she was. Interesting. Had a cane. Two great dogs. Two? Already, he was lost for what to say. She spoke with relative informality, as did any university student, and took about a casual pose from what he assumed was a slight physical difference. All fancy, all glamour. Even in normal clothing, he felt a strong sense of a figurehead, a tip to the pyramid he'd so helplessly slid down.

"Hey, I'm alright. How's things?" He always felt a little awkward. A very slight accent always peeked through the cracks of his false East-Anglo tone. Again, he had no clue who this girl was. Well, sort of. Chances were he'd passed her several times, giving the odd welcome or nod of introduction, the common courtesy of a passing pedestrian.

"About as well as can be expected, under the circumstances. You?" Confirming his suspicions, there was most definitely an issue at hand, something of a burden to her way of life. Even if not physically, it struck a chord with Laurence's psyche, something he wasn't quite prepared for. It took him a second to gather his thoughts as he stared at the ground. She'd gestured to her leg with a free hand, leaving him to take in the confirmation with a level of uneasiness. He didn't feel sorry for her. Feeling sorry for her wouldn't make her feel better. Instead, he empathised, just on a completely different plain of thought.

His eyes moved to her dogs. Two of them. It still filled him with a small level of cultural confusion. Once more, it wasn't an impossible feat to find a blind or disabled student in the university. Off of the top of his head, he could name three who were reliant on a service dog. All of them were Labrador Retrievers, or Golden Retrievers for pedantic eye, and were dressed in the usual service dog outfitting. Two of those students were blind and thus had used them as a source of guidance, whilst the third relied on them as a combatant of anxiety. Truly, Laurence was surprised as to how much trivial knowledge he had held in the back of his mind. All of these people who he'd acquainted with, but never made friends with, all stuck to him like quotes from Shakespeare during an exam. In a way, it was a foul taunt towards him, the personal information that he shouldn't necessarily know unless he was their friend. And in truth, no one really was. He was just glad that she was talking to him.

"I'm just...getting by. Sorry, I have the tendency to stumble on my words when not properly focused." He couldn't draw his eyes from her two pups - the dogs, not the... They weren't anything like the standard dog by any means. It just felt odd, peculiar. A common explorer inside of him beckoned for the inquiry, and his temptation delivered as swift as it had manifested. "Sorry to ask but...how come you have two dogs? And of such different breeds?"

"I get it, day's still early and all. They're service dogs, help me by getting things and letting me lean on them and stuff. They're also trained to defend me since I can't really run away from anyone with the whole leg deal. This is Turner and the other is Basker. You can pet them if you'd like?" And even in explanation, he couldn't quite point his finger onto it all.

"But don't you usually get one dog? Sorry, it may be rude of me to ask. Can't pet them either. My guardians all taught me never to interrupt a service dog." Finally, he left an awkward smile as he rubbed the back of his head. Her occasional gestures towards to each of the puppers had at least given him a solid response - which one was which. In the end, he thought best to drop the subject for something a little helpful, or at least something to take his mind away from the confusion which was international culture. "So, Turner and Basker? And so who might you be then?"

There weren't many times where Laurence was curve-balled in a social situation. Rarely had he been broadsided with a sudden emotional distress or buzzword that stumped him in his tracks. He was usually reliable. Usually. It was out of character for him to face a problem without an open mind, expecting the worst and simply taking the beating as it came. Laurence didn't expect the best though. And when it showed, it showed.

"Usually yes, on both accounts. But some lucky little bastards get two of them. In my case Basker is more for mobility while Turner is more for emotional support and making sure I take care of myself. And if their owner is telling you to touch them, go right on ahead." She'd smile back at him, looking him up and down. "Fidelity, Fiddle for short. Who are you, handsome?"

He followed her words with intrigue and interest, right up until she unveiled her name. Fiddle. A nice nickname. A lovely one in fact, one that definitely held some sort of ironic meaning. Twisting it into some pretentious meaning was easy; take the instrument and forge it into a name, a playful tune that would associate itself with how she acted, how she dealt with other people and how she entertained. Everything seemed in order. A normal conversation. Her eyes, he slightly followed, but didn't quite catch their direction, right up until she dropped the final word.

He opened his mouth, unsure of what to say in response. His cheeks flushed themselves a bright pink and his voice went from clear and well-enunciated to empty and staggered. A smile battled his face for its presence, the compliment taking way more of an impact than he'd have initially imagined. Firstly, he thought that it would be such a tease, a trick given by the freshers as part of some stupid dare. Sure, he'd been called handsome before, but by passing individuals like the elderly or the guardians he had moved between. This, however, was a complete broadside, an unfair barrage of pure emotional turmoil as he'd been hit by something that could've meant anything insignificant. He dug deeper than he should have, or was he not digging deep enough? His eyes darted from the dogs to her, back to the floor, his work laptop, the dogs, and her smile. If there were ever a time of confusion over his emotions, it was that one moment.

"I...uhh..." Clearing his throat, he tried to recompose himself and adjust his seating, find a way to comfortably hide his inner anxiety over the menial compliment. "That's a very pretty name. Uhm...I'm Laurence."

Without hesitation, he stuck with his English name. It had become instinct, almost unavoidable. The true self, hidden behind a veiled lie that the university just accepted. If he didn't want to be called Laka, then so it was. He couldn't face it, so why should've anyone else have cared about it? Instead, he just sat still, his hand in his lengthy blonde hair as to give it something to do. A distraction.

"Well thank you very much." She'd sit down next to him on the bench-chair thing, prop up her bad leg on a stool. "Laurence. Handsome name for a handsome man."

Internally, he began to scream. She was being too flattering, adorable if he were to return the compliment, but his voice stuttered at the thought of even saying anything. He'd spent a lot of his time away from such beautiful tidbits in life. A drive away from love, from blossoming comforts in life, had always stagnated his very existence. A desire to not end up like his father, he couldn't tell if the situation was exciting or absolutely terrifying. In a way, that made it all the more enjoyable. As she sat beside him, he couldn't quite imagine what to say. His mind told him that it was nothing more than a need to relax her leg, nothing out of that. His face still remained as pink and crimson as before, his eyes darting from her face and looking toward his laptop whenever he could. The uncontrollable smile still toyed with his morning confusion. Surely it was a prank. Surely...

"That's...extremely endearing...coming from-" The balance of disaster or ultimate success from flirtation was interrupted by a new voice, one that came from a timid first year searching for their class. It was an opportunity for him to turn his eyes to another topic, something that he couldn't embarrass himself as much on, presumably. He stood up, courteously nodding again and trying so hard to stop smiling over the things that had been uttered from his newfound acquaintance. He barely looked at the second girl, and just pointed to a nearby desk. "Uhm...there's a small uni map on that desk! I'll be...back. I just need to get a drink of water, sorry Fidelity. I'll come back, soon." Leaving his laptop behind, he rushed away, the same smile still on his face from when he was first complimented. Without him realising, it wasn't to be the most unusual thing to occur that day.

In the blight of the figure's awakening, they heard the sails begin to ride alongside a wind from an unknown source. A chilling, artificial temperature dampened the world around the vessel, leading it into a dark and twisted sea. Arctic spires passed by the port and starboard sides. Trails of fragmented ice littered the oceans around them. A fog obscured the way. A creak of steel, wood and iron echoed through the blackness. Beyond the confinement of the ship, only the thick mist hid the horizon. Crashing wave and curling tidal currents slammed against the hull and sprayed a frozen shower onto the deck. Two large masts of velvet sails dragged the motionless vessel through. Between them, three iron funnels lay in dormancy. No plumes of burnt coal puffed from its chimney, only the silent and deathly silence it carried with it. Across from the deck, a rectangular room, laced with glaciers of stained glass in 20 unfamiliar signs presented itself. Its door slowly opened, and inside it, the doings of two hidden individuals played out. First, circling the room in a twirling long-coat, a lean and fluid dance occupied the navy-toned Attendant. Their voice hummed a tune they'd never heard before, and yet it was instantly recognisable. Delicate harmonies battled against the raging waves outside, toying with the idea that perhaps there was more beauty inside the twisted world they inhabited than they'd realised. However, at the helm of the Captain's bridge, an odd figure stood, clad in a suit with a small Officer's Cap.

Igor sat in delightful patience. The hour would soon be upon them. A course could finally be set, and the vessel left stranded in aimless hopelessness. He chuckled, a wheeze from behind his teeth and a snort exhaled from his pointed nostrils. As he spun, the Attendant looked back at him, halting their spin. Igor soon drew the final breath of his chuckle and wiped his eyes with the parade-gloved hands. Adjusting the hat placed upon him by the Attendant, he felt a slight irritation towards wearing it. Rolling his eyes at his assistant's gentle chuckle, he readjusted himself and composed his posture.

"Well, if it isn't a delight to finally begin the due process. All roads once...lead to their destinations eventually. Though, I must apologise for the restlessness of my Attendee, they've been waiting quite a long time." With a gestured hand, he laid an open palm towards the Naval-Clad Attendant. Their twirling flowed elegantly into a courteous bow, one that contrasted the stillness of the Captain's helm.

"I can only wait so long before I get bored. But you're here now, so that's all I can be thankful of!"

The hall fell silent as the Attendant led the shadowy figure towards the desk, standing them directly in front of Igor. One could've sworn they'd seen another face or two, but nothing of a crowd. Instead, they were met well with Igor's great eyes, staring them up and down unlike ever before. His scrutiny felt unmatched, a scanning gaze tearing through clothes, skin and bone, straight to their heart. It was a sensation unlike any other, somewhat fearful and anxiety-inducing. A tear into their soul finished in absolute quietness. A solitary churn came from deep within the ship. Somewhere, down in its bowels, the engine room seemed to scream for help, for alleviation from its course and vile static abandonment. Igor waved his hand in the sky, beckoning for the guest to ignore its brutalised pleas. An apparition of a card deck sparked before him as he chuckled, drowning out all ambience with the sombre tune of a piano, similar to that of the one hummed by the Attendant. Where the tune came from was unseen, yet it felt almost all around the room, almost as if it were a part of the room itself.

"In times of dire circumstance, sometimes one must always hold a spare at hand. Sometimes it could be a spare tyre, a new sail or...a new awakening. Something will make its way to your doorstep in close proximity. Time will be against you. The world may be against you. You'll potentially find allies, but there will be foes in your way. I look forward to gambling on your journey to set a course through this vapid ocean you've created. Goodbye, for now. We'll meet once you hit the brick wall." And with a smile of giddy intent, the entire room collapsed into darkness, and the dream was soon subsided with that of blight. The world returned to how it once was. Dreams remained as dreams. Mysteries remained potently mysterious. The cryptic speech, however, lingered in the minds of the attentive.

The alarm had been particularly annoying that dreary Monday morning. A thumping fist slammed down on the alarm clock. Its ever-growling screech pestered his dreams, giving him a return to reality. Grumbles and morning groans combated its wail right up until it turned off. He couldn't slack off anymore. The time was then and he had to get up, to shower and to do all things that normal people did. It should've been an exciting day. The second week of University starting off with a bang. Laurence wasn't timetabled any lessons on the Monday but going in to study and talk to whoever wanted to bother doing so was always a treat in some alternative universe. The routine of the morning went by sickly. His breakfast tasted stale, the toaster refused to work with him and the showerhead nearly detached itself from the wall for a second time in two days. Everything else about the flat was well kept, in good condition and fairly decent for the price he'd gotten it at.

An hour ticked by. He finished, dressed himself and braved into the streets, a glum and emotionless gaze upon his face. He'd had a weird dream. It wasn't uncommon. There were faces in it of people he didn't know. A flurry of crowds occupied the streets as he took the journey as he always did. A cold September breeze violated the sky with the typical English weather. The sunshine had mostly gone and the downpour was right around the corner. At least he could make do of the Autumn atmosphere before going outside became more of a oceanic survival mission than a general stroll to university.

Laurence passed by all the regular small shops and did to rekindle his senses. The vibrant smells of bakery produce, confectionery, bacon butties, hashbrowns and all things inbetween made for a wonderful reminder of what he didn't have. Eventually, he saw the pearly gates to his institution on the corner of his road, and he put on a smile. Inside, a bustle of faces he'd not seen before coated the outside and inside world. Freshers, of course. The usual university goers had already segmented themselves to early classes, social gatherings or private studies early on into the year. For Laurence, it was a case of brainstorming, finding a general distraction to get him away from the dark lingering cloud that held above his face.

Moving past the crowds, he waved a silent hand to the few people who nodded in his direction, the courteous welcoming that everyone seemed to give, regardless of who it was. From there, entered the main building and indulged himself in the loving warmth of its interior heating. Blissful, definitely. And so, he moved to one of the many common areas, preferably the one with the least amount of individuals around him. Even in his desire to get straight to work, the contents of a peculiar dream had his imagination running wild. Whether or not it was a clever conjuration for a new film project or a spark of his conscience whispering to him, it didn't change who he was in the moment of it all. He truly believed that life would remain the same, a spiral upward that left no desire to satisfy himself with. There was no love at the top, just as there was at the very bottom. And, just as he had before, he truly believed that the rest of the day would go unnoticed, without a flicker of conversation, hope or surprise.
Color me interested.

We still have some space, though the Arcana's we have left may be a bit limiting depending on what you want! Feel free to join the discord!
You still accepting people I assume? I just want to be sure before I start brainstorming more than I already have for my hangman character.

Hey, I saw that you joined the discord but left after? You still interested in joining?
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