Avatar of Jen


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
I have group RP dating back to AOL days - so like 94? 93? Somewhere in there.
2 yrs ago
@Dagger - It's because you're awesome. <3
1 like
2 yrs ago
No power in the 'verse can stop me.
2 yrs ago
Creeping around in cardboard boxes since 1998.


I've been playing since AOL days (I just dated myself, didn't I?), and I've been looking to get more writing into my life again. I do paragraphs, consider myself advanced, and write in the third person. I live in the Eastern US timezone; I'm 30+ and prefer mature RP partners. You don't have to be my age by any means, but that maturity needs to be there. XD

I can post multiple times during the day and would love to find other folks who can do the same. I write paragraphs, and the amount can vary depending on the situation, but you can typically expect 2-3. I may go a bit shorter if the scene calls for it, such as if there are a lot of conversations or a location transition. I can also go a bit longer if I'm diving into the way my characters think/feel, setting a scene, or happen to get into it. If I churn out 50 paragraphs, don't feel you have to! We're good as long as you get a paragraph or two and hit all of the critical parts.

Things about me:
I love to write! I also love video games, TTRPGS, etc., and enjoy fibercrafts (knitting, crocheting, spinning), watercolor, and about 5000 other hobbies. XD

Most Recent Posts

Room for one more for Omegaverse. :)
I just had a thought, could it possibly be because I'm on a tablet?

Probably not. We have a lot of people that seem to post from phones and similar devices. I post from my phone all of the time without issue.
I would try adding a profile pic, as Yankee suggested, and see if that makes a difference. If that doesn't work, then I don't know.
We may be able to help you better if we can see what you're doing. You could do a screen recording with loom.com - we'd just need to see the steps you're taking to try and make a post, and wouldn't need any audio or cam.
Well, you made a topic in this section. What section are you trying to make a thread in, and what's it doing instead?
Bump! Room for one more, currently.
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