Avatar of Jerkchicken


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2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
1 like
5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

Most Recent Posts


Chaos once again dominated the scene. That man who was leader of the guards that he saw yesterday at the inn, he had reappeared at the tower. Now a fight broke out after a tense argument between his group and the cultists. He quickly followed the others down. Despite the chaos, the path forward was clear as day to him, they needed to get the hell out of here. Even with the guards fighting they were still outnumbered on top of having the power of two sightless. Because of course, Sightless Syella just had to make an appearance.

A graceful weaving of strikes and thrusts would be aimed at whatever Cultist was close. To him this wasn't a battle aimed at winning but incapacitating as many threats so they can retreat. Yet more chaos would happen as there appeared to be cultists infighting amongst themselves. We're these some sort of allies or was the cult less unified than he thought? "WE NEED TO GO!" Karina shouted.There was no time to wonder about that, or rather he could think about that later.

"In there like swimwear!" Was all he said as he followed the others out. He'd hear Chres call out to them. Well it meant that they were close. "Show us the way outta here!" He shouted to Chres.
So what familiar Fable elements will be there and what original will be mixed in?
Name: Pisco Salji

Age: 28

Race: Human

Occupation: Privateer/smuggler and scavenger

Personality: Pisco in unsurprisingly somewhat of an asshole or at least possesses the requisite amount of callousness for someone in his profession. That being said, he's also not a complete monster either. Despite his piracy, he has a distaste for the slaves and slavers for a reason he can't quite articulate fully. He refuses to take people for slaves, although hostages for ransoming he'll do, which just justifies it as preferring to being efficient with objects as they don't need food and water,you can have more, and can be plenty valuable.

As a Captain he's a firm one who can bust asses if needed. After all, the sailors can be rowdy and lazy and without order nothing is done but time and profits being wasted. However he's never cruel as that creates mutiny and a mutinous crew is a ticking time-bomb no one wants to face. Sure you can try and squelch dissent with force, but you'll slip up and you're more or less dead. He'll readily cycle out the more weary looking crew members in exchange for fresher ones. Still it's not too bad, he has some loyal crew that's stayed with him for several voyages.

His strategy for raiding is basically the play style in Sid Meier's Pirates where you ram a smaller ship to quickly capture the boat and loot it. In other words, he favors efficient get in/get out smash and grab type attacks where they can get the other crew surrender quickly. That way they can grab whatever is valuable and leave while maintaining as little injury on themselves as possible. However, this isn't the sole source of income for him and the crew. They also do other various works of equally varying of legitimacy.

Currently he's eyeing on upgrading himself to a larger boat that can be used more for salvaging operations. He desires to acquire resources for some projects that in his mind will give him tools to be more successful.

Religion: Doesn't care

Skills: He has all the relevant skills pertaining to being a sailor, a thief, and smuggler. He knows all the intimate details of his "home waters".

He has a competency in repairing and cobbling machinery together, although he lacks a proper space and tools so there's a certain roughness.

Pici is fluent in Geanish, pirate cant, and knows some pidgins.

Is actually an insanely talented cook, but unfortunately the world is in no state to host fine dining establishments

A "salvaged" revolver which he has amassed some scrap for the purpose of creating ammunition for.
Utility knife


  • Aforementioned weapons
  • Rations of food and drink
  • Stimulant herbs
  • handful of scrap
  • Tools for repairing
  • Flint & iron
  • Ancient incomplete box set of "Matlock" on Violet-ray


Description: A man of average height and athletic build. His skin tone is like coffee with milk, but due to sun experience is darker. His hair color is a reddish-brown with slight waves and of medium length. He has light brown eyes that never seem to be fully open. For clothing he tends to keep it simple and utilitarian. Pants and what amounts to a jerkin are what he wears most of the time.

Background: Pisco was born a landlubber on what would be arguably one of the better areas to be one. Within the high elevation remains of South America. His name is an odd reminder of the Old World. The world where once continents shared space with the ocean as opposed where it's just all islands as solid land now.

His first job and by extension connection to the sea would be as a hunter of seals and penguins that resided on both the coastline and small islands. He and many others hunted these animals and then dump the bodies in giant boilers to create valuable oil from their fat . Of course, these animals aren't infinite and the local government has an incentive to balance out the the hunting with letting the population breed lest they run out of a source of oil.

This meant downtime as he wouldn't always be hunting. In the meantime he'd learn other things including how to get away with a bit of extra hunting and other shady activities. From there on out he'd shift to working as a privateer's crew member. While there was danger, it also meant pay. He'd part ways and spend some time on extended shore leave.

Time would pass and he decided that why do the same thing, but this time as captain. Luck and some good contacts would allow him to earn his ship. From there the assembled a crew and off they went. His first job was to raid a vessel carrying goods to Zoloto. It was a success and he spent some time bullying the ship by intercepting more ships carrying things for them. At least until they started getting serious about security and then he had to stop.
Name: Pisco Salji

Age: 28

Race: Human

Occupation: Privateer/smuggler and scavenger

Personality: Pisco in unsurprisingly somewhat of an asshole or at least possesses the requisite amount of callousness for someone in his profession. That being said, he's also not a complete monster either. Despite his piracy, he has a distaste for the slaves and slavers for a reason he can't quite articulate fully. He refuses to take people for slaves, although hostages for ransoming he'll do, which just justifies it as preferring to being efficient with objects as they don't need food and water,you can have more, and can be plenty valuable.

As a Captain he's a firm one who can bust asses if needed. After all, the sailors can be rowdy and lazy and without order nothing is done but time and profits being wasted. However he's never cruel as that creates mutiny and a mutinous crew is a ticking time-bomb no one wants to face. Sure you can try and squelch dissent with force, but you'll slip up and you're more or less dead. He'll readily cycle out the more weary looking crew members in exchange for fresher ones. Still it's not too bad, he has some loyal crew that's stayed with him for several voyages.

His strategy for raiding is basically the play style in Sid Meier's Pirates where you ram a smaller ship to quickly capture the boat and loot it. In other words, he favors efficient get in/get out smash and grab type attacks where they can get the other crew surrender quickly. That way they can grab whatever is valuable and leave while maintaining as little injury on themselves as possible. However, this isn't the sole source of income for him and the crew. They also do other various works of equally varying of legitimacy.

Currently he's eyeing on upgrading himself to a larger boat that can be used more for salvaging operations. He desires to acquire resources for some projects that in his mind will give him tools to be more successful.

Religion: Doesn't care

Skills: He has all the relevant skills pertaining to being a sailor, a thief, and smuggler. He knows all the intimate details of his "home waters".

He has a competency in repairing and cobbling machinery together, although he lacks a proper space and tools so there's a certain roughness.

Pici is fluent in Geanish, pirate cant, and knows some pidgins.

Is actually an insanely talented cook, but unfortunately the world is in no state to host fine dining establishments

A "salvaged" revolver which he has amassed some scrap for the purpose of creating ammunition for.
Utility knife


  • Aforementioned weapons
  • Rations of food and drink
  • Stimulant herbs
  • handful of scrap
  • Tools for repairing
  • Flint & iron
  • Ancient incomplete box set of "Matlock" on Violet-ray


Description: A man of average height and athletic build. His skin tone is like coffee with milk, but due to sun experience is darker. His hair color is a reddish-brown with slight waves and of medium length. He has light brown eyes that never seem to be fully open. For clothing he tends to keep it simple and utilitarian. Pants and what amounts to a jerkin are what he wears most of the time.

Background: Pisco was born a landlubber on what would be arguably one of the better areas to be one. Within the high elevation remains of South America. His name is an odd reminder of the Old World. The world where once continents shared space with the ocean as opposed where it's just all islands as solid land now.

His first job and by extension connection to the sea would be as a hunter of seals and penguins that resided on both the coastline and small islands. He and many others hunted these animals and then dump the bodies in giant boilers to create valuable oil from their fat . Of course, these animals aren't infinite and the local government has an incentive to balance out the the hunting with letting the population breed lest they run out of a source of oil.

This meant downtime as he wouldn't always be hunting. In the meantime he'd learn other things including how to get away with a bit of extra hunting and other shady activities. From there on out he'd shift to working as a privateer's crew member. While there was danger, it also meant pay. He'd part ways and spend some time on extended shore leave.

Time would pass and he decided that why do the same thing, but this time as captain. Luck and some good contacts would allow him to earn his ship. From there the assembled a crew and off they went. His first job was to raid a vessel carrying goods to Zoloto. It was a success and he spent some time bullying the ship by intercepting more ships carrying things for them. At least until they started getting serious about security and then he had to stop.
Don't be excited for whatever I put out.
Yeah I'll get something up.
Damn I wanted surfing mech pirate battles.
Does that mean there's gonna be anime mechs?
Nah let's go with Dances with Jet skis aka the water world setting.


The figure got closer and closer as the sound of his steps got more audible. Sure, whoever was climbing up as trying to be discrete, but it didn't go unnoticed to the man. Thanks to the presence of Sil and her message from Chres, that help was arriving soon, he wasn't as worried about who was coming. Whoever was climbing up could be a friend it would be a bad idea to hit whoever came up. While his attention was mostly focused on the stairwell, his gaze redirected itself upwards. It was Karina's voice as she told him she couldn't do the jump without her powers. "Well that's a damn shame. While I don't quite remember what your ability is, there's no doubt it would've come in handy in whatever we're going to face. Anyway, if the deterrent still persists and we got the time, we can check you out and see if we can alleviate the effect. Oh right, what did you even get hit with?" He said to her looking up.

Her attention would focus to the stairs and he'd look too. A strange man he never seen before and that lynx. It was the familiar and traveling companion of that stylish man from the first night in town. It felt like a quaint memory as so much has happened in such a short period. He was curious to know about how the other group fared in their investigation of the anti-cult group. Of course, this would be best done once they got out of the tower. The man would speak introducing himself as Ferris and his magic type. He really didn't ruminate on the Ferris and his magic. Regrouping and figuring out their next set of actions was more pressing for him. Ferris saw down to the floor and asked if it was Týfurkh. Both Karina and him answered in the affirmative. Before he could ask what they were going to do next, he heard footsteps and Karina's voice. She was jumping down now.

"On it!" He said to her.

The moment she gave the command, he ran towards the wall. In one very well practiced motion he partially ran up the wall and then used it to vault off. His body was lightened with the magic he was channeling earlier in anticipation of an enemy. Instead it was being used to fuel a very graceful, floating jump. It was his way of ensuring there'd be no room for error with her jump. He would grab her mid-fall into a carry using both arms as they would float downwards to safety. He didn't want any room for error in It wasn't too bad but he was compensating for the extra weight by using more of his energy to keep them from plummeting too fast.

"You know, I'm kinda glad it's you I'm catching and not Týfurkh. Although I'm not entirely sure which would be less awkward." He said trying to overcome the awkwardness that came over him as he realized that perhaps this was a bit too dashing. At the very least it didn't last that long as once they hit the floor he lowered his hold allowing her to stand on her own feet rather than being carried in his arms. "Right, so what are we to do now? Týfurkh is either captured or gonna be captured, but we're outmatched with the number of cultists here. That Sightless isn't helping either too." He asked with some urgency in his voice.
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