Avatar of JewelSerket


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4 mos ago
Current Head Full of Rocks
4 mos ago
Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
5 mos ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage (Refreshing every ten minutes expecting responses)
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5 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
5 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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Howdy! I'm interested, but I know very little about avatar. I understand the basic concepts of bending but have yet to fully see the show. Would it be alright if I joined in? If so, I have three character concepts in mind.
I'll post in the IC chat relatively soon, but I'd like to wait for at least one other character to be added that isn't a DMPC. I will make a character if the party is short, but I'd rather avoid it if possible.
@Enkryption She looks great! Feel free to put her in the Characters section. Just know that if you copy her over, the hider still says "One Poisoned Rose".
@Enkryption Most of your CS looks good! I just caught the name, though. The name is alright, but the title and name are separate. I apologize because the naming conventions are WEIRD in this series. I'll look at explaining it better when I'm more awake. So your character could have the name One Poisoned Rose and the title The Poisoned. Or something of the like. I suggest you keep the name One Poisoned Rose. It's very pretty! Other than that, it looks good to me!
When proposing a character, these traits must be included:

Body Color/Eye Color/Any potential patterning:
Animalistic Trait:
Diet: (Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore. Herbivores/Omnivores tend to have more passive abilities. Carnivores tend to have more aggressive ones. Most slugcats are omnivores.)
What event gave your character their title?
What brought your character to go on a potentially deadly quest to end the sickness?:
What is your character’s greatest fear and why?: (These should be something relatively possible in a primitive world set thousands of years after a super technologically advanced society died)
Is there an item your character keeps with them at all times? (Slug cats are capable of holding one acorn sized items in their cheeks)
How has your character’s life been affected by the illness? (This could be dead family members or it could be something else)
Picture: (An image that either represents your character’s themes or is a literal image of what your character generally looks like. Picrews are acceptable and encouraged!)

Some notes

Example Traits: Player characters are each allowed one animalistic, special trait that gives them a unique layer to their play style. The examples listed here either come from the game or were thought of by the GM. They are all capable of being used, but other traits are encouraged. Some examples of acceptable traits include: Long, sticky tongue for the purposes of grappling or catching prey. Barbs which can be plucked to make spears. A coat of fur capable of resisting light rain, cold weather, and the like. Enlarged cheek pouches to carry more than just one small item. Higher levels of intellect, allowing for the creation of explosive spears or glowing stones. Pseudo gills for longer underwater breathing. Skin that camouflages to match the environment.

Naming Conventions: Character naming conventions in this world are a bit strange. Your characters will have both a title and a name. Their title should say something about their diet, special animalistic ability, and how they approach the world. Your character has been given this title by their clan for one reason or another. Some game examples include: the monk, the survivor, the rivulet, the hunter, the spearmaster, and the artificer. Regular names should either be descriptive words, or a number of something. It is easier to understand with some examples: Four Drops of Sun, Sliver of Straw, Looks to the Moon, Seven Red Suns. All names are based in nature. You will decide if your character prefers to go by their name or title.

Character Acceptance: The GM will choose characters who he thinks will create interesting interpersonal character interactions. He is not particularly stringent, but the story will focus primarily on these characters interacting with each other. Other than that, character choice is first come, first serve.

picrew.me/en/image_maker/596736 Here is a cute slugcat picrew!
Rain drops pitter on crimson leaves. A gentle whisper of wind flows through the trees. Four slugcats have just awoken from their rest. Today, they will meet each other, whether on purpose or by fate. They will travel together on a journey to end the plague which has burdened their tribe. Do they have what it takes to end the creeping death? Or will the rain overtake them before they ever get the chance?

(Image by SHADE on Amino)

Welcome to
Rainworld: Dying God, Four Drops of Poison

This is an RP based on the lore of the indie game Rain World. With themes of Found Family, Survivalism, Life/Death/Rebirth, Body Horror, Illness, this RP aims to bring characters together and test their will to keep going. Four slugcats make their way up towards a distant tower, intending to question their god about the plague wiping out the flora and fauna. This RP is using the lore of the game Rain World as a base. However, there is zero expectation for those participating to have played the game itself. This is, in large part, due to it not taking place in the part of the world presented within the videogame.

You are a group of four slugcats in search of a way to save your clan from a mysterious illness killing all of the flora and fauna. Your plan is to travel to the superstructure that’s far off in the distance and confront what your clan believes is the god of rain. Your travels will be fraught with hunger, fights for survival, and most of all: The Rain.

Rain drops pitter on crimson leaves. A gentle whisper of wind flows through the trees. Four slugcats have just awoken from their rest. Today, they will meet each other, whether on purpose or by fate. They will travel together on a journey to end the plague which has burdened their tribe. Do they have what it takes to end the creeping death? Or will the rain overtake them before they ever get the chance?

(Image by SHADE on Amino)

Welcome to
Rainworld: Dying God, Four Drops of Poison

This is an RP based on the lore of the indie game Rain World. With themes of Found Family, Survivalism, Life/Death/Rebirth, Body Horror, Illness, this RP aims to bring characters together and test their will to keep going. Four slugcats make their way up towards a distant tower, intending to question their god about the plague wiping out the flora and fauna. This RP is using the lore of the game Rain World as a base. However, there is zero expectation for those participating to have played the game itself. This is, in large part, due to it not taking place in the part of the world presented within the videogame.

You are a group of four slugcats in search of a way to save your clan from a mysterious illness killing all of the flora and fauna. Your plan is to travel to the superstructure that’s far off in the distance and confront what your clan believes is the god of rain. Your travels will be fraught with hunger, fights for survival, and most of all: The Rain.

<Snipped quote by JewelSerket>

Not a silly request at all. Specificity helps in the long run.

And, yes. Once you make the proper RP thread, you'll link the OOC here, and ping everyone that's applied (usually with a character sheet) in that post.

So, like:

Awesome! Thank you!
@Enkryption That looks good to me! Thank you very much. Apologies if this is a silly question, but I’m new here so I want to make sure I do things right. When I make this into an rp, should I @ everyone in this thread?
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