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Current Head Full of Rocks
4 mos ago
Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
5 mos ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage (Refreshing every ten minutes expecting responses)
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5 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
5 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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It took a moment for Elijah to even register his hand was getting shaken. By the time his brain caught up, the handshake was already broken. Elijah blinked, finally making eye contact with the people around him. His nose immediately scrunched at the man who was talking to them that was not, in fact, Li. Elijah hated that tone of voice. He knew it well, though it had been a good few years since he had last heard it. Probably at one of his father’s events.

Elijah gazed around the room he had been dragged to. His continuing thoughts on potential escape routes also meant he could ignore how much Falcone embarrassed him with her forward behavior. It also meant he could avoid staring at Li, which was relieving. He was not sure he would be able to avoid it otherwise… How long had it been since he started that habit? Not staring. No. The habit of searching out escape routes. It was after he had first become a firefighter… right? That sounded right. Maybe being a superhero was weighing on him more than he realized.

Elijah did not have a lot of time to dwell on that thought. He anxiously tugged at the shitty collar. God, he hated this part of the job. He sat down at the large table at the center, though he did not stay sitting for long. One of the many issues with being covered in big ass armor was how heavy it was. The chair groaned immediately under his weight and he decided it was not worth the risk of breaking it.

Falcone continued speaking, though it was initially to herself as she pulled out a clipboard and started taking notes. ”Mm… Ignored request to only speak to Lilian…”

She paused and scanned the room, then sat to the left side of the head of the table. Elijah moved the chair at the head of the table out of the way and stood where it once was. He went back to his thoughts, though he paid a little more attention as Falcone continued, ”Lets keep this efficient Mr. Amie. I assume you have your questions prepared? As stated in the contract we sent your boss, King Stag will not give up information about his or other’s identities. He will not be speaking about certain restricted topics, such as his private, intimate affairs. Is that all understood?”

At least Falcone knew what she was doing. Elijah was not her only client. Hell, not even technically her most popular one. Elijah took a deep breath and finally made eye contact with Li. He can do this. It’s just answering questions.
@Elite Minor That's so fair!

Welcome to the Land of Mountains, home to countless ancient ruins, one large town, towering peaks, and Pokemon. Located in the middle of the Void Sea, the Land of Mountains is entirely surrounded by an inky, black ocean. It is a collection of large islands, each boasting their own mountain range and a town or two. Three of the main five islands, all connected by mountains that dip into the Void Sea, boast their own Adventuring Guilds. These guilds are connected by their owners: the greatest adventuring team of all time, Team Cinderwave.

There are three main reasons Pokemon are in the Land of Mountains: They were born there, they are there to hunt treasure, or they are there to join Rescue Teams. Because of the natural resources found in the Land of Mountains, Pokemon have brought their families for mining, farming, and even exploration. Treasure hunters come from all over to explore the ancient ruins that dot the mountainscapes, as well as the myriad of tunnels that lie underneath. Some treasure hunters are there simply for the money they can make. Others are there to study the ruins and learn more of the ancient pokemon that lived there. Some believe that the answer to the mystery of how to stop the dungeons lies within those depths.

Dungeons… The monstrous places that have been a problem for as long as any pokemon can remember. They open up under two conditions: 1, a disastrous event happens in an area, or 2, a powerful pokemon is angered or dies. Each dungeon is a labyrinthian disaster zone, with extreme conditions, dangerous pokemon, treasure, and powerful relics. When they open up, it usually comes in the form of a crack in the ground or an opening to a cavern or even the entrance to a previously non-existent forest. Innocent pokemon fall into them and rescue teams often get lost inside. Many pokemon are, therefore, real pokemon driven blood thirsty and desperate by the power of the dungeons. Many more are illusions, created by the dungeon. Most theorize that this is a protective measure to keep Pokemon from reaching the last layer of the dungeon. However, if one can get to the end of the dungeon and stop what started it in the first place (e.g. Stopping the hurt/raging pokemon, quelling the disaster, etc.) then one can make the dungeon disappear.

It is for this reason that Rescue and Treasure Hunting teams have formed. The end of dungeons usually has a powerful artifact created by what started the dungeon. On top of that, the ultimate form of rescue is to end the danger. It is these teams that are accepted by the Adventurers Guild, and paid handsomely to take on missions that are anything from saving specific pokemon to bringing in criminals to finding relics to study. The most dangerous jobs are the most well paid: Putting an end to dungeons. However, only S rank or above adventurers are ever allowed to do so by the guild.

What is this RP?

As a man absolutely obsessed with the Pokemon series, especially Mystery Dungeon, I wanted to create an rp for it. I intend to respond to this particular rp about 1-2 times a week, as it is the second rp I am leading and I want to be able to give both enough attention to be good. Faster responses are likely to happen, especially during dialogue. I do not typically have a response order, as I feel it limits natural conversation. However, I will always wait for everyone to respond (or give the go ahead) before I push the story forward. It will be on the angsty-er side, with maybe a little body horror/gore? I don’t intend to make it a focus, but I probably won’t make my battles sanitized. It will be 18+, simply because I do not feel comfortable RPing many of the subjects I like to RP with people who are minors. There will be no blatant NSFW.

This RP is a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP set in a place mostly disconnected from the cannon lore. There will be no mention of humans. There will be four characters who make up the main team, myself included. They will start at the lowest rank of the guild and slowly work their way up to compete with Team Cinderwave. The party (4 player characters) will explore the Land of Mountains, especially the depths of the caverns underneath.

Players will be expected to have characters who:
Want to help other Pokemon.
Have some sort of desire or reason for joining a rescue team.
Are willing to go into combat (though they may not necessarily want to)
Are pokemon that have at least one evolution. (There can be exceptions to this but I am personally a big fan of evolution being used as an important character growth story moment. Any Pokemon that isn’t a non-evolving pokemon will work.)

I will probably be more picky with this one. As it stands, I don’t know if I want to make it for a general level or advanced level. I probably want replies to be at least two paragraphs in length, but they don’t have to be much more than that. It entirely depends on where interests lie. The RP will be first approved, first served. If you’re interested in the RP, let me know! As long as this picks up traction, I will be adding more lore. I have a lot of ideas, but I don’t want to write them up if this does not have any sort of interest.

I will give a full character sheet if this gets a full RP post. As it stands, here are some things I will be looking for in initial character approvals:

Preferred Pronouns:
Reason for wanting to join a rescue team:
Brief Summary (or more) of backstory:

Thank you for reading! I’ll be keeping a close eye on this RP. I have been craving a pokemon rp for a while.

Below is lore I have added since first creating this post.

“A snack would be quite pleasurable… Thank you. And it’s a shame, really. Even if I wanted to teleport you, or could, there are simply too many eyes. Unfortunately, they’re trying to stop me from teleporting.”

Dr. Gate had been so focused on her conversation with the guard and Lauden that she nearly jumped out of her skin with Sabriel’s greeting. She managed to hide her shock, though she bristled instead. Her skin prickled at resisting her own impulse. The Doctor scrunched its nose at Sabriel, looking him up and down.

“Good morning, Doll.” The word was said with utter vitriol. “I could almost agree with you, if you were not so wrong. The chocolate-hazelnut uncrustables are simply better.” It took the Doctor a minute to process Sabriel’s last question. Then she snorted, “And yes, you are quite cute. About the same level of cute as one of those ugly little Chihuahuas ladies put in their purse. Ah, and just as ferocious.”
Oops, I'm sorry to have forgotten that! I edited the Special skill and hope it is ok now :)

Interesting! I like it. Approved!
Mother Dula’s smirk faltered. Then her eyes narrowed. She stepped off of the stage and moved to the opposite side of the table. Mother Dula’s stride was slow and measured. Her gaze trailed over the human with unhidden disdain. ”Ah… Lady Gwynn. I have heard much about you from your family. All good, I assure you.” Despite her words, her underlying meaning was sarcastic. ”Let’s make this quick, shall we?

All of the sudden, Mother Dula’s face turned stoney. To the average person, they would only be able to read cold indifference. Pure neutrality. In fact, it became almost impossible for Gwynn to connect and understand Mother Dula as she had before. Almost. Mother Dula spoke in a cool, neutral tone, ”This stone is imbued with magic. It is rather weak, but it is capable of showing when one is telling the truth.” The priestess scooped up the blade and looked it over. ”This blade is laced with black-adder venom. It will kill you in an instant if it so much as breaks your skin. Now tell me… do you sense any aggressive intent?”

It took much more concentration than Gwynn was used to, but she could sense Mother Dula’s meaning. As if Gwynn was slipping into the cracks of Mother Dula’s psyche. The priestess had lied. The stone was not enchanted. It was hardly more than green quartz. There was something more though, hidden behind those sharp, emerald eyes. It was impossible to make out until a wave of energy rushed through Gwynn. She could see it, just beyond a crack in Mother Dula’s visage.

The real threat was not Mother Dula. It was the monk silently approaching from behind.
2:31 AM: Is it weird to send an invite at 2 AM?

Elijah could not sleep the night after his run in with Li and Sorrel. The whole event played on repeat in his head. He had yet to gather the courage to message Sorrel, but he had spent all night being obliterated by Taco Bell thinking about it. When he finally managed to muster up the courage to manage it, Elijah pulled out his phone and texted.

’Hey! It’s Elijah! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up this Saturday to have lunch? I could bring desert if you make a meal.’

Elijah sighed with relief and flopped back on his bed. Now he could relax. He glanced at his phone to see how long he had to sleep– and froze. Two in the morning?! Oh fuck. Oh fuck, he just sent an invite to hang out at two in the morning. Sorrel would think he was so desperate! Or creepy! Oh fuck me seven ways to sunday– or. Well. Saturday, in this case. Gods above, he was a creep. Okay, okay. I can salvage this.

’It doesn’t have to be at your place! We could eat at the park near that Chipotle we met up at.’

There. That’s a whole lot less creepy. Hopefully. Shockingly, sleep did not come easy that night.

1:00 PM: This was stupid and I should have never offered.

The best part of being King Stag for an interview was that Elijah had to do very little dressing up. His chitin casing created a sort of suit of armor that meant that all but his eyes were covered, and even those were difficult for the average person to see. Not to mention how bulky he was. No clothes would fit over the armor, even if he wanted them to.

”So why the hell am I wearing this again?”

”Because you need to pretend like you actually care about your public image.”

Jenna Falcone readjusted King Stag’s collar and tie, the only piece of clothing he wore over the armor. It was a silly little thing, pressed and white. It looked even smaller compared to his massive bulk and strained against the width of him. Elijah scrunched his nose, grateful that Falcone could not see it. ”I do care about my public image. And the public is going to laugh if they see me in this.

”They will not. They will see you as someone like them. A businessman. Now get to the car. With all of your stalling, we’re going to be late.

1:59 PM: Why the hell am I so nervous?

Elijah tugged at his collar as he stared at the door to the offices of Word of the Willow. His head fluttered in his throat. He would have liked to enter minutes ago, but Falcone preferred to be exactly punctual. It stressed Elijah out. When two o’clock struck, it was not King Stag who opened the door, but Falcone, with her sharp eyes and sharper heels. She stepped in and held the door open for King Stag as he entered.

Falcone started to speak but Elijah paid little attention to her. Instead, he played his “favorite game” of scanning the room. The windows would be sufficiently breakable in case of escape. There would not be much room for combat if it broke out and innocents would be hurt. In the case of fire or gas, he could carry several people himself and Falcone could lead them towards the staircase. Unless that staircase is where the danger is. Then she can help guide them to the window, where he could cart them out.

Those thoughts went on and on. In a way, they were comforting. There was always an escape plan, even if it was not needed. On top of that, it was a brilliant distraction from the strange fluttering anxiety that filled him.

”King Stag has arrived. We’ll need coffee and to talk in a private area. We will not be speaking to the public at this time, which means only Lilian Amie may speak to us.” As Falcone spoke, her tone just as sharp as her attire, she pulled out a card and placed it in the closest intern’s hand. ”We will require donuts. Buy enough for your office and bring that card to me. Ensure that at least one box is maple and one box is cream filled. Now go.” She turned her attention back to the rest of the room. ”Now, where is Lilian Amie?”
Mother Dula waited for the bowl to be emptied, then she leaned over and scooped it up. With a formal air, she set it underneath the table with the dragon eggs, then turned back to the crowd. She let the people take in their numbers, then gestured for silence. When that did not work, the loud clong of the drum was more than enough.

”It is time to begin.”

A group of priests and guards pushed the crowd up against the walls. Some more readjustment meant that food tables were pushed up against the walls. The testing tables created a semi-circle, with the eggs at the open end. Mother Dula stared out at it all, then nodded her approval. Her voice filled the room, ”Who has drawn the first slip?”

Mother Dula’s gaze cut across the crowd. She did not wait for a response when her gaze landed on Gwynn. Her lips curled into a small smirk. A gesture to one of the tables sent several men scrambling to bring it to the center. The table was, perhaps, the most sparse. It contained only two items. A blade and a brilliant, green crystal on a golden stand. The blade was slick with some sort of liquid. Perhaps a poison.

”Come. Introduce yourself.”
I’ll gladly play the chief medical officer or science officer!
@Fetzen I am a huge fan of him! And I love how you’ve fleshed out the Undine. My only note is: What is the skill Rathros excels at? Any sort of skill. You’ve given me interesting dragon powers, but not the skill they stem from.
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