Avatar of JewelSerket


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4 mos ago
Current Head Full of Rocks
4 mos ago
Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
4 mos ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage (Refreshing every ten minutes expecting responses)
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4 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
4 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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Oh shit! How had he missed that? Had he been so focused on the interview that he had not noticed someone getting hurt? It was Falconeā€™s turn to grab Elijahā€™s arm before he took off to go check on the man. She shook her head and muttered, ā€Theyā€™re handling it.ā€

That was, often, the worst part of being a hero. People wanted to do little things for King Stag so that his life was made easier. He knew they had good intentions, but that did not stop him from wanting to go help. Not to mention that it brought back particularly unfavorable memories of a time he preferred not to acknowledge. Falcone pulled him out of his thoughts by offering a donut. He graciously accepted, then tore off a chunk and awkwardly pushed it past his carapace mask and into his mouth.

Jenna did not mind the next question, luckily enough. Neither did Elijah. He relaxed considerably at such a silly question. ā€I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever replace my abilities. I love my little friends too much.ā€ That and the carapace was the only thing protecting his fragile insides from harm. ā€But if I could have a new power? Probably something like super speed. Really round out my kit, you know?ā€
Hi guys. I am so sorry, but I don't think I can run this rp. I have recently experienced some rough family issues and don't think that I have the mental health and space to handle leading a second rp right now. Thank you for your interest. There is a good chance I try again in the future with this one, at a time when my brain can handle everything.
Falcone could have ripped Li apart there and then. Her gaze said she read right through their casual facade, though she probably assumed Li was attempting to throw King Stag under the bus. Elijah was following that same line of thought. He did not know how to defend himself. Falcone started to stand, but Elijah put a hand on her shoulder. Liā€™s words were not inaccurate and, in some ways, damning. But that ending part was where it mattered. Elijah was not in this for the money, though it was a big reason why he worked for the DNCC specifically.

Elijah watched Lilian flip through the book. His mouth was dry and it took him a second to think of a response. By the time he did, there was another question. One he hoped would not be twisted. One he was prepared for. ā€We can get to a scene faster, as well as get to the root of an issue quicker. Plus, we have advantages that can often save the lives of many police officers. For instance, my ability to handle radiation. Many others would die in that situation. We have specifics that generalized forces donā€™t have.ā€
ā€Mhm.ā€ Elijah nodded at Lilianā€™s muttering of the DNCC. He was glad to have avoided the question. Falcone did not meet Lilianā€™s eye contact. She was far more focused on the notes she was furiously scratching.

ā€Youā€™re alright.ā€ Elijah smiled, though that smile faltered at the question. ā€Without saying too much, I can tell you that my previous job had me working with a lot of hurting people. People who died. I couldnā€™t stand people being abandoned by those that were supposed to care about them. Protect them. The policeā€“ā€

Falcone interrupted, her head shooting up. ā€Remember, youā€™re not obligated to say anything about your personal life.ā€

ā€Ah. Heh. Yeah. Apologies.ā€ It was a damn good thing she stopped him. He was about to go off on a tirade she had explicitly advised him against. ā€Iā€™m in this to protect the people. The people who canā€™t protect themselves. Someone has to do it and I fit that bill.ā€
Cool? Elijah was so focused on his power being called cool (rather than creepy or crawly) that he hardly noticed the excitable look in Lilianā€™s eyes. His cheeks flushed hot with blush, which he was grateful was covered by the pseudo-mask of carapace.

Nowā€¦ that next question was a lot fucking harder to answer. One wrong word and the DNCC would be ripping his ass apart in an instant. He mulled the question over in his head, searching for words. ā€Thatā€™s a bit hard to say. I mostly have more opportunities than limitations, even if they do keep me from working some of the smaller stuff. I can go directly to the source of an issue and they provide me with a database of information which helps me track down particularly bad villains.ā€

Thereā€¦ that would solve the issue of the question. Not that it did not make him uneasy. If Lilian kept pushing on such polarizing subjects, he was unsure he would be able to stop himself from spilling his frustration and, subsequently, getting fired.
Once again, Falconeā€™s cutting glare sliced into Elijah. Elijah did not let her phase him. At least, not right now. He knew she would tear into him later. Something something, villains would use this information against him. She had warned him about that kind of thing several times already. Yeah. Good luck in stopping a fucked up bug swarm from helping him. Especially when a good forty percent of it was inside of his body.

ā€Thatā€™s correct. They give me this. Itā€™s a give and take.ā€ He chuckled, ā€Theyā€™re very needy. But thatā€™s alright. Iā€™m needy too. A lot of people are afraid of bugs,ā€ His tone turned jovial, ā€But theyā€™re good listeners and tell some good jokes. Plus, theyā€™re the ones that help me help you.ā€

Lilianā€™s interest made Elijah relax a little. He was clearly interested in hearing what King Stag had to say. It was almostā€¦ adorableā€¦
I'll likely be making this into an rp thread in the next day or two. Might do it tonight but I have DnD so I may not be able to.
Mother Dulaā€™s eyes trained over Gwynn. A silent tension rose between them. Then Mother Dula lifted a hand. All at once, a pain split across Gwynnā€™s skull. It was as if an ice spike had been driven into her skill. The air around Mother Dulaā€™s hand trembled. She closed her hand into a fist and the pain doubled.

ā€Youā€™re surprisingly honest. Very well. You may present yourself to the eggs.ā€

Mother Dula stepped away from Gwynn and gestured to a set of steps that led up to the stage. The pain subsided slowly, leaving Gwynnā€™s legs wobbly. She could taste blood on her tongue. Despite it all, the eggs beckoned.
Oh! Shoot! Sorry, I forgot to add you. I've been very scatterbrained!
Even more. Though I guess this isn't really lore so much as information.

Side note: If you're interested, please fill out the little character sheet in the main post. This lets me know that the people interested not only have a character in mind but are interested enough to dedicate a little time to it.

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