(OC Character)
Name: Marcus Jackson.
Gender: Male
Weight: 200lbs
Rank/Title: Lieutenant
Special: Mercenary.
Bio: A former Zeon Lieutenant who distinguished himself during Operation British, and later on transferred to the Zeon 603'rd test corps and becoming a pilot for the Zudah. Being one of the only pilots to actually use a Zudah without it's engine exploding on him, Marcus was picked to help test the Zudah's upgrade, the Zudah Abfangjäger. Days after he was transferred to Pezun, Zeon surrendered to the Federation and the Autobots. When the orders came down that all forces could either surrender to the Federation or flee to Axis, Marcus decided to instead steal the Zudah Abfangjäger and use it to become a Mercenary aiding either the Federation in cleaning up Zeon or assisting Zeon and Decepticon forces in their retreat to various safe zones. Marcus is considered an Ace Pilot comparable to Anavel Gato or Shin Matsunaga, and is specialized in high speed combat with an emphasis on hit and run attacks. Marcus views the Titans as a potential employer, though he will be extremely cautious in taking jobs from them.
Name: EMS-018 Zudah Abfangjäger
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 17.3 meters
Weight:61 metric tons
Strength: 26
Armor: 22
Firepower: 40
Performance: 48
Energy Output:44
Sensors: 36
Description:Bearing a close similarity to the Original Zudah with the only real differences being the use of two smaller boosters on the backpack instead of the single oversized booster, an upgraded reactor capable of handling beam weaponry and a stronger shield. Though at the expense of armor on par with the Kampfer and very little in the way of physical strength, and limiting the amount of weaponry the Abfangjäger can carry.
1x Beam Saber
1x:Anti MS Shotgun
1x:Beam Smartgun/Machine Gun.
2x:Strumfaust missiles mounted on the shield.
Overboost: diverts power from the weaponry into the boosters, allowing the Zudah to double its already considerable speed for an extremely short amount of time.
Smart Targeting:A program built into the Zudahs Fire Control System that assists the Beam smartgun in ultra high speed combat, allowing for a quick lock on, however the system is very prone to crashing and at the longest has run for only a minute.
(Canon Character)
Name: Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height:6' 0'
Weight: 147lbs
Rank/Title: Gundam Meister
Alignment: Hero
Special: Highly Talented Sniper both in a Mobile Suit and on foot.
Bio:Lockon Stratos, born Neil Dylandy, was born with his brother, Lyle, on 3 March UC 0054 to Owen and Lyndsay Dylandy. Beside having a twin brother, Neil also had a younger sister named Amy. The young Neil spent his childhood days in Ireland and grew up there surrounded by his loving family and friends. Neil's peaceful days continued up to his early teens; until that fateful day in UC 0065. Young Neil was with his parents and sister Amy for a family outing when the KPSA launched an attack on the recreational area where the Dylandys were at. The blast instantly killed Neil's parents and younger sister. Neil survived the explosion, as he was separated from his family at the time of the blast, but the incident left an emotional scar on Neil and the lost of his loved ones planted seeds of hatred within him against KPSA and terrorists in general. In UC 0078, Veda caught an eye on Neil's eligibility to become one of Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters and had Grave Violento scout on the young man. Grave noted about Neil's excellent marksmanship, friendly attitude and his distinct hate for terrorists. Neil was later invited into Celestial Being and accepted the role of a Gundam Meister. He was given the codename, Lockon Stratos, and the GN-002 Gundam Dynames to pilot. Bears a distinct hatred for Zeon, the Earth Federation, and the Decepticons, considers the Autobots to be on the right path but overall ineffective, and the Titans as nothing more than thugs with serious Ego issues.
Name: GN-0002 Dynames
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions:18.2 meters
Weight: 59.2 metric tons
Armor: 52
Firepower: 56
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 50
Sensors: 30

Weapons:GN sniper rifle x 1
GN beam pistol x 2
GN shield x 1
GN full shield x 1
super substratospheric altitude gun x 1
GN beam saber x 2
GN missile x 24
Trans-Am system:Increases GN Drive Particle output by a magnitude of three, tinting the entire suit red allowing for increased performance. Can only be used in short bursts and once expired the suit will have 1/2 their original output and performance.