Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

nevermind this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Canada, Montreal

In an unassuming building the puppeteers of the incident discuss the aftermath. The administrative council of Ecole du Ciel staffed by Federation, Titan, and even corporate members oversaw the school and it's true goal.

“Gentlemen it seems our “esteemed friends” the Los Beta’s have met a messy ending, but before their commander Preet died he transmitted the data from the battle to us.”
“I see you got Bask to play around with your little scheme Hank” The glasses wearing figure named Alpha Rau retorted
“Of course, we were both merely hoping to get data from the occasional Autobot but we lucked out with a full on Super Robot, and some unusual kind of transformer we've never seen before”

Captain Hank filled the Ecole’s Administrative council in on the details of the mixed success of the Los Beta’s incident as they saw on live video its fiery climax. How Preet was a dupe to be used and disposed of at leisure to collect data that could be useful for the schools efforts to train and scout out potential Newtypes in the ranks of the student body and groom them to be the perfect weapon. They of course had no expectation of Preet becoming anything else but wormfood but this result was at least more entertaining.
Bask Om himself came on the screen in all the Council members desks
“As you know gentlemen Hanks seemingly risky plan proved to be a success at the cost of an “elite” force like the Los Betas’s. But the incident itself has damaged the Autobots reputation in the public eye along with the appearance of two unidentified Transformers wielding enigmatic and highly advanced technology. Reports say one wore what resembled vaguely a Decepticon insignia but what it was doing in the supposed “Autobot” City is a mystery. The Earth Federation Council is in uproar about these mysterious New Players to the point it has overshadowed the attention given to the Los Betas. I have decided we can use this to the Titans advantage and put together a taskforce ready to deal with Cybertronian threats but with the dual purpose of obtaining technology to advance our own. And of course Rau you and your corporation will have a cut of whatever comes out of it to modify it for your Newtype technology if they see fit” Bask said smirking

“And what about this pilot named Art Right? Doesn't he prove our speculation on the idea combat situations awaken Newtypes?” A councilor asked
“Indeed when he was a child he was forced to pilot after a skirmish with the so called Hundred Demon Empire that took place on his colony he displayed extrasensory abilities and an aptitude with technology from what the Newtype Labs say” Commander Toole Responded

“Preet was just a Beta (heh) test for two of our most likely candidates, their survival is proof enough they could handle paper tigers like the Valsione. The next test will be the final exam….and we will reap the bounty of the aftermath once again” Hank then laid down files referring to a Spacenoid activist committing acts of terrorism, piracy and sabotage within the colonies. Zeon Pirates, Hank was readying the students with lambs to send them to wolves next.

“Los Betas were no real threat; they were rejects from the schools or poor fools recruited by Dream on his own and given second hand mechs that can’t even puncture the armor of our training vehicles. The intervention from other mechs was not totally unexpected, but the power of several of them however was. Thankfully what we lost was totally expendable ”

“It seems a bit obvious, if they see a connection between this incoming this skirmish and Los Betas they could connect the two incidents together it could be traced to the Titans, the Federation or my Company” Rau said

“There is no need to be concerned; as soon as the operation is finished a Federation taskforce under my control will take steps to insure they are silenced. All the risks we have taken will all be worth finding Newtype candidates for our use!” Hank said
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 17 days ago

17 months later
Etna National Park
Outskirts of the Castello Cartel Hideout
10km from Catania, Sicily

Tired after the battle, Kainé lied down on the spot with his limbs outspread.
"Phew, that wasn't half bad, doesn't it?" Kainé said, seemingly to no one in particular.
"It was horrible. Why do you try to show up every once in a while? Yes, your opposition was a bunch of outdated machines so what? I should've summoned the Magius Mechanicus at once." Complained a female voice. Yet no one else was in the vicinity.
"We can't have that, remember? Nox is still recovering."Kainé answered nonchalantly.
"Yes. As usual you went overboard and nearly trashed the machine in the process. I was there, right with you. Still, the basic systems are fully operational and if I lower the performance you can pilot it just fine without the capacitors fully charged." The voice stated it in detail.
"Oh! Good to know." Kainé dully noted.
"Don't 'Oh' to me! You might be amnesiac but there's no way you forgot this, again! Seriously, I wish you could get your memories back soon and I can say goodbye to your idiotic streaks!" The voice continued in a scolding tone.
"Yeah, right. Hey... since when do you remember the old me? Thought we're in the same shoes."
"Well, my data banks are inaccessible so I can't confirm it but... one can only hope."
"Ha! Do you think it's..." Kainé was about word his comeback when he felt the ground trembling.
"Ignis..." Kainé asked his intelligent device, wanting confirmation.
"Yes, it's coming from North-East. Running straight towards you! Get ready!" Ignis reported.
Kainé turned his head to saw a giant mechanical beast rushing at full speed .
He then focused and evaded the bullrush with in a lightning-fast burst.
"Wow, a big guy!" Kainé said semi-surprised. The enemy mech was even taller than Nox.
But exactly because of its huge size the mech ran hundreds of meters before appearing to stop. It also turned clumsily.
(I can take him.) Thought Kainé.
"No, you don't! One bout of recklessness was enough. Quickly, prepare to summon the Magius Mechanicus!" Ignis told him and as much as hated it Kainé had to agree.
"Alright." He said that and begun to concentrate.
Kainé's forearm glowed green as a magic insignia appeared.
[[Come, Nox Infinitem Fraglantis!]]
In that moment a gigantic magic circle hovered just above the ground.
In the next instant the circle turned into a bright portal, covering Kainé and his surroundings in light.
Out of the depths of that dimension an imposing black body rose forth.
It was the Magius Mechanicus, Nox Infinitem Fraglantis!

Kainé opened his eyes and found himself in the cockpit.
He was suspended in a large space, surrounded by magic symbols.
"Ignis, are you ready?"
" The main power and locomotion systems are online but I need some time to recalibrate the weapons." Ignis reported.
"So what? Do you expect me to fight only with my fists?" Kainé sarcastically asked.
"No, I want you to play safe unti-..."
"Fine by me!" Exclaimed Kainé, running Nox straight towards the enemy.
When they got close enough, Nox performed a huge leap and attempted to drop kick the enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


Member Offline since relaunch

Titans Base

Ron pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head from a corner of the room. Bask Om's office echoed with some very angry yelling while the Titans captain paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Karako stood in proper posture and giving him the most bored look anyone had ever seen. She was completely and utterly done with him at this point. She was a lieutenant of the Earth Federation so she didn't see why she had to answer to this assclown.

"I want to know every detail of what happened back there. No bullshit. I want to know why part of the academy is now a damn crater." he demanded, "and I also want to know what made you think you were allowed to pilot your mobile suit without orders from the control center."

"You know, I already told you what happened but you don't fucking believe me despite other witnesses being present."

"Humor me, lieutenant."

"An unidentified mech appeared while one of your muscle-heads was taking care of a terrorist. I had rescued a hostage and Art went after the terrorist. Then the other mech appeared and pulled a mountain out of it's ass and then dropped it on top of the terrorist. The mountain caused the crater. You will get the exact same story from anyone else who had been there."

"I am asking YOU, lieutenant." Bask snarled, "And I do not believe this story of yours."

"There were witnesses to back me up, including one of your own pilots."

"Again, I am asking you."

"And I am telling you what happened and you are refusing to believe me for whatever goddamn reason."

"Now what about your students? You left them in the hands of your supervisor while you piloted your mobile suit without authorization."

"There was no one in the fucking control tower to authorize it." Karako said sternly, "I sent out a communication to them and it was so fucking silent on their end that I could hear the crickets chirping."

"That doesn't explain why you left your students in the care of your supervisor."

"I was doing my job by keeping terrorists far away from them. I am here to keep them safe and that is what I did. If you don't like it then you can blow me."

"Watch your tongue, lieutenant."

"And you should watch your head so you don't get it stuck while it's so far up your own fucking ass!"

"I will not have you disrespecting me!"

Bask angrily stopped his pacing and turned on his heel to face Karako. He raised his hand to perform one of those good old "corrections". He would have succeeded if he hadn't been dealing with Karako. She grabbed his wrist the moment it was raised and gripped it tightly, holding it still. She tilted her head back slightly, staring down her nose at Bask.

"Correction or not, I will defend myself if threatened, Captain."

Bask gritted his teeth and swung his fist at her. Karako stepped back to dodge it before stepping forward and slamming her knee into the Titans captain's groin. She stood over Bask while he slumped to the ground, cursing about the lieutenant's insubordinance. Ron looked on in horror.

"I refuse to get involved in this fucking circus you're trying to run here. Ask the other witnesses what happened. I'm transferring to an actual Federation base. You better hope I never run into your sorry ass again or it will be straight up Thunderdome: two enter; one leaves."

Karako turned on her heel and walked out of the office, Ron scrambling behind her.

"Karako! Okay look, I know you disagree with the captain but the way you handled tha-"

"I don't want to hear it. He's turning this place into a mad house and I'm not going along for the ride. I'm transferring."

"That's the thing....the Federation is kinda dissolving into the Titans. You will just be transferring to another base with Titans personnel."

"God dammit...ugh is there anything else? Anything is better than this Titans bullshit." Karako muttered, "Hell, I'll even join Zeon at this rate."

"You're not joining Zeon, Karako..." Ron rolled his eyes.

* * *


Karako was waiting in one of the main complex buildings for Captain Bright Noa's arrival. Word was that Bright worked independently of the Titans in the same way she'd originally thought the Federation was. If this was the case, Karako wanted to work with him.

She stood near one of the building's exits, side-eying a group of Titans officers who seemed to be awaiting the captain's arrival as well. She was starting to hate them more and more by the minute.

A blue haired boy bolted down the halls with a dark haired girl following him closely.

"Kamille! You're probably not going to be able to see him!" the girl yelled.

Kamille ignored her and kept running, skidding to a stop once he reached the entry. The girl rushed in after him.


"I heard you, Fa. Stop it." Kamille muttered.

One of the Titans officers, Jerid, turned around to look at the two teenagers. He quickly put two and two together and realized that Kamille was the boy.

"Heh. I heard a girl's name but that kid looks like a boy." he said.

Karako looked up, rolling her eyes at the asshole blonde. Leave it to the Titans to act like complete dicks to anyone they could. She looked over toward Kamille and found the boy appearing to be seething with rage. He dropped his binder and pushed Fa aside as he approached the group of officers. Karako felt like she was about to witness a car crash and couldn't stop watching.

"Kamille, stop!" Fa called out after him.

It was too late.

"Don't make fun of me!!" Kamille shouted, lunging at Jerid and punching him right in the face.

The situation began to spiral from there. Kamille was fighting various Titans officers who were trying to restrain him. Karako decided it was time to step in with some A+ lying.

"OI! KAMILLE THERE YOU ARE WHAT THE HELL!!" she yelled as she approached the brawl.

A few of the officers paused and looked toward Karako.

"Is this brat with you?" Jerid asked.

"Yes, he is one of my students. Is there a problem?" Karako crossed her arms.

"Well, he attacked me for starters..."

"I would have kicked your ass, too, you little shit starter. He's still wound up after the terrorist attack yesterday. Now cool your fucking jets and let him go. Now."

Jerid glared at Karako. Karako gritted her teeth. She was done playing nice. Kamille was completely lost as to what was going on right now but from the looks of the lieutenant he decided to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was pretty obvious she was trying to help him out.

"Alright, I'll play your little asshole game, then." Karako growled

Karako shoved past Jerid and yanked Kamille away from the other officers. Still confused, Kamille kept quiet.

"You can't do that!" Jerid shouted.

"I just did, sucker!!"

Karako grabbed Kamille's hand and ran out the exit. Fa and the Titans officers just stood there dumbfounded. That was until Jerid cracked the whip and got the officers scrambling to alert the base.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
Avatar of Guy of Z

Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jamaican's Garuda-class MS Transport Plane
“I’m being transferred?” Art asked Jamaican

“Indeed, the labs were interested in your manhandling of Preet so they decided to give you a chance to spearhead a little project for them.”

“What is it?

“It’s to guard two experiential Newtype weapons still in the testing Phase in Tokyo”

“So what I’m a babysitter?”

“In a way, they’re has been a wide amount of reports of UFO’s in the area and we would like one of the tests to be engaging them”

“Then what?”

“Afterwards you will be reassigned to again a new taskforce to deal with the Aliens specifically Cybertronians and whatever else.”

“What brought this on?”

“Two unidentified highly advanced Transformers with unknown technology did”

“Hmpf I told you couldn't trust those damn machines! No matter what I do I can’t read them. They’re unnatural!”

“Yes yes I’m aware Art...”

Bryston Well, Elf Castle
Byston Well is the birthplace of people's souls that exists between the sea and the shore.

We have forgotten our memories as we are born onto this earth. But according to this story as the Mi Ferario tell it we are trying to awaken these memories…

Niel Given had approached King Fauron requesting for him to accept the support of the Crew of the Aura ship Zalana and 10 Aura battlers from King Foizon to stave off the incoming attack from Drake.

“In accordance with the Imperial command of King Foizon of the Land of Rau, I have come along with ten Bozon desiring to be distinguished with the honor of protecting Elf Castle” Niel said

“I shall not speak of events before today; we’ll have you enter the castle but...is it only ten units? How uncertain…with this can the drake army be held at bay?” Fauron said

“As if he should talk, when he didn’t even send reinforcements during the night raid.” Keen Kiss said from a platform far away with the Firrario Cham.

“I don’t like this kind of King” Cham said

“So as long as the Drake Army doesn’t throw out a large quantity of new Biranbee and Basutooru models we should be able to hold them back” Niel said

“And what shall you do if he does throw out a large quantity? You will not dessert me as with before will you?” Fauron said fearfully

“Please have a large heart and believe in your subjects”

“Believe you say? But even Drake betrayed me!”

“But excellency.” Marvel said

“We will do our upmost along with your subjects. Please let your soul rest assured.” Niel said while bowing

“I understand” Fauron said

“This is hopeless isn’t it?” Shou said while lying in Dunbine’s cockpit

“Oh with that I feel sorry for the people around him!” Keen said

“Even I could be a better king then that! Cham said

She saw something in the clouds

“The enemy?It’s the Drake Army! Enemy attack!” Keen shouted

“They’ve come?! They’ve come! Go Niel Given! The Bozon unit too!” The King shouted

In the skies above the three new pilots kidnapped from upper earth flew into their first battle.

“Bern will crush the Aura battlers! The three of you battlers will shoot the aura battlers that come from the rear” Shot Weapon told his new prospects

“Oh boy you say it like it’s so easy. The cockpit defenses better be alright” Fei Cheung Kwan complained

“It’s the same with the enemy. Don’t worry.” Allen Brady told his fellow battler

“Finally time to kill people isn't it? Hahaha ” Jeril Coochibi said

“People of upper earth, learn you cannot battle with only words!”Bern Burnings taking charge at Elf Castle from the sky said aloud. Before the battle began they had mocked him for his inability to defeat Dunbine and his subsequent demotion from his position and replacement by Shot Weapon.

“Dowa! the enemy is only at the front?” Shou said to the ships mechanic

‘Their just in front!” Cham answer for his question as she flew into his cockpit
“Niel there’s no way they’re that simpleminded! Dunbine heading out!”

As the battle raged on reinforcements from the rear arrived. As a blast came to his view from the Zelana Niel realized this.
“Their new Drumlo’s Show!”
“No their another unit Shou corrected him”
“It’s Garalia! Garalia’s Bastole!”

“Where is Dunbine?” Garalia said searching for her old foe from her cockpit

She approached an Aura ship and readied to fire

“Disappear! you are in my way! “She shouted as she shot a missile at it causing an explosion

“Oh no they dropped one again!” King Furaon said panicking at the sight of the blast
“It’s gone bad already! This is the end of Elf castle!”
An explosion knocked him on his ass as his attendants tried picking him back up

“I shall escape just give this castle to Drake!” Furaon said putting his hands on his head spinelessly

“I’ll get it in one shot!” Shou said as he fired an aura shot at the Bastole

Garalia sensed the blast unconsciously trough Aura and dodged it

“Dunbine?” She said as she theorized on the source of the shot

“It should have hit!” Cham said
“What’s the meaning of this?” Shou wondered
“Shou!” Cham warned him

Allen had come in close firing at Shou
“Dunbine! Got it!” Allen said quietly in his cockpit
“Don’t rush towards death now!” Shou shouted as he drew his sword.

Shou then kicked Allen’s unit with the leg claws on Dunbine damaging Allen’s battler and sending it to break off
Allan’s comrades fired at Dunbine as well but Shou easily dodged their fire

“Your mine Dunbine!” Garalia declared.
Shou dodged her fire and swiped at her but she evaded

“Garalia?” Show asked quizzical of her new power

“Do not interfere people of Upper Earth! I shall take down Dunbine!”

“Shou!” Cham said fearfully
“Today Garalia is different, I feel like she has more power then Bern!”
Garalia fired several missiles that Shou dodged so quickly he left afterimages

“What is this?” Garalia said
“Here I come Garalia!” Shou shouted with Aura flowing trough him

Garalia’s Battler drew its sword and locked with Dunbines own sword, bright green light began emanating from both Battlers.

“It’s a test of strength then!” Garalia said
“I won’t lose” Shou responded

Shou and Garalia’s battle continued surrounding them in the Green light with both units unable to move. It evolved into a large oval which shot into the sky.
Shou and Garalia had disappeared in the flash
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


Member Offline since relaunch

"Hey, uh, what exactly are you trying to do?" Kamille muttered.

"I'm trying to get the hell out of here. It's only a metter of time before some armed assholes come after us." Karako said, "Name's Karako, by the way. I'm a Lieutenant and a piloting instructor. Or I was a piloting instructor."

"Why did you do that, anyway?"

"Titans are bad news. They took over the Earth Federation and from the sounds of things, they have their own agenda. They let their own pilots do as they please and question every fucking detail of everyone else. They're completely ass-backwards. There was a terrorist attack yesterday and I'd helped take care of it but their leader was trying to push me to lie about it, probably so he'd have an excuse to imprison my ass or something. So I'm leaving this bullshit sideshow of a base and I'm taking my mobile suit with me. Your little scuffle with Jerid was kinda my ticket out. Sorry if I stole your thunder."

"It's okay."

Kamille processed what Karako had told him about the Titans. He'd had a bad feeling about them ever since they'd showed up in the city. If what Karako was getting at was indeed true, then it was probably best that he'd leave as well. He'd probably only continue butting-heads with them until he landed himself in some deep trouble. He felt bad leaving Fa behind with no idea what was happening but he'd find a way to catch up with her later.

"You can let go of my hand, you know." Kamille said, "So where are you planning to go?"

"I'm not entirely sure but as far from here as possible would be nice." Karako said letting go of Kamille's hand, "You can go ahead and go wherever. Just tell them I kidnapped you and you got away."

"No, I want to go, too. If the Titans are really that bad, I don't want to be around them either."

"Really? Huh. Well, you ever pilot a mobile suit before?"

"Ha! I've built them. Smaller exosketelon type ones but I can probably manage."

"Think you can handle one of those Titans gundams? I kinda want to give those asswipes a final fuck you on the way out."

"Yeah, shouldn't be too hard."

"I'll get you in their hangars. C'mon!"

* * *

The hangar that housed the test-suits was shorter than the others, as the suits were stored laying down on truckbeds instead of standing up.

"Alright, here they are. Looks like the cockpit is open on that one over there on the truckbed on the end. Looks like they're testing them so be careful. I'll meet up with you as soon as I can." Karako said before sprinting off.

"Got it!"

Kamille snuck around the hangar as a jeep pulled out with armed Titans personel pulled up near a group of workers. He broke into a sprint, hopping onto the mobile suit and diving into the open cockpit of the mk-II. It was now or never. He hopped into the cockpit and quickly closed the hatch, breathing a short sigh of relief. He skimmed over the controls, finding they were a little different from what he was used to but nothing he couldn't figure out. He switched on the cameras before powering on the suit. Sure enough, this caught the attention of the engineers and armed guards. One of the guards got on the loudspeaker.

"Pilot, identify yourself!"

Kamille just chuckled as his suit sat up, effectively breaking through the roof of the hangar and sending everyone scrambling. The loudspeaker guard wasted no time phoning the control center and any pilots on the field. Kamille's mk-II stood up and took a few steps forward, ruining the hangar and flattening a few trucks. He couldn't help but laugh.

* * *

Karako's situation was a bit more challenging, as the hangar which housed her Hyaku Shiki was being guarded. This only further proved that Bask was an asshole and had probably been plotting against her from the start.

"I should have steel-toed that son of a bitch." she growled.

Startled by the sound of screeching tires behind her, Karako whirled around as she spotted armed guards had pulled up and were hopping out of thier jeep. Well, shit. She made a run for it, sprinting toward the guarded hangar door. The guards looked toward her only to be dropped by some well-placed kicks before Karako slammed herself through the door. She made a break for the catwalk stairs with the armed guards close behind her, some of them firing their rifles haphazardly.

A few of the shots managed to graze Karako but it wasn't nearly enough to stop her. It only pissed her off more. She slid to a stop in front of the cockpit hatch of the Shiki and opened it up, wasting no time hopping in and closing it.

"Oooooh you all are in deep shit." she said flicking on the cameras and powering up the suit.

The comm system quickly came to life as the control tower called in. Karako rolled her eyes.

"Lieutenant Karako, you are to cease activity right now and stand down."

"You can blow me. I am not one of your pilots." she muttered in response, slamming the shiki's arms through the catwalk.

"Karako, if you don't stand down, we will authorize all pilots to use force."

"And they will do nothing but scratch the paint on my suit and piss me off."

Karako lit up a smoke and then set about eliminating the guards in the most unnecessary manner: by delivering an Isaac Clarke curbstomp to each and every one of them, smiling to herself.

"Better hurry, I stepped on some ants." she said, holding the cigarette between her teeth as she spoke.

The Shiki took its kanabo staff off it's backpack and swung it through the side of the building, clearing out a wall.

"Oh and you may be surprised to find that one of your pilots isn't one of your own, but actually one of mine." she said with a smirk as she took off toward the Titans testing hangars.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
Avatar of Guy of Z

Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

17 months later
Etna National Park
Outskirts of the Castello Cartel Hideout
10km from Catania, Sicily

Kiba had just watched his opponent summon a Mecha out of thin air and was helplessly kicked aside
“Holy shit!” He gasped
This guy packs one hell of a punch, where the fuck did that thing even come from? Kiba thought.
With the existence of Cyborgs and rumors of other supermen who could take on giant robots did not seem totally implausible to Kiba. But magic circles that summoned mechs strained credulity far too greatly.

Kiba prepared his mech to get up and began firing all of his auto-canons in a deadly barrage that shredded trees in the area

"Hahahahaha try some of this you fucker!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jesus


Member Offline since relaunch

Smoke ebbed out of the battlefield, the mechanical corpses of the Zeon Remnants' Gelgoogs and Zakus lay scattered across the now silent field. Hovering over the dead land, the White Emperor cut a striking figure as it held a barely functioning Gelgoog in the air with nary an effort despite the lack of a visible medium keeping the unit in the air. With a tap of a button, Jace opened a line to the pilot.

"Tell me little pilot, who set you up to this farce of an ambush?", Jace's voice streamed through the static filled voice-only comms line.
"I-I-I WILL NEVER TELL YOU FEDERATION SCUM", the young patriotic Zeon pilot yelled back.
"You are sorely testing my patience little pilot. I will give you one last chance. Who. Was. It."
Ignoring the underlying threat of Jace's speech, he shouted through his mic, "SIEG ZEON!"
"Your antics amuse me no longer. If you seek to die, I see no reason to deny your wish."

With a gesture, the gravity forces holding the Gelgoog push inwards, the machine slowly collapsed inwards even as the pilot started shrieking in fear over the line even as the tiniest hint of a smile appeared on Jace's lips. The screaming came to a sudden stop as the cockpit caved in with a large crunch. Letting the now unrecognisable mech fall to the ground, Jace started heading back towards the Titan base.

It was a real shame the lead on his home dimension was nothing more than a trap.

On the bright side, the man's last moments had certainly perked him up, so there was that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


Member Offline since relaunch

Titans Cruiser, high altitude above Titans Base.

Marcus was now convinced Bask was either trying to kill him or he was an idiot. Inside of the Salamis' hangar was a collection of prototype Mobile Suits, five in total, there were three GM Sniper III's and a pair of Galbaldy Beta High mobility types. Though they weren't outdated suits, they weren't the Titans latest and greatest Marcus had been expecting given the severity of the situation.

Currently, Marcus was trying his best to debug the Zudah's Smart targeting program, for what felt like the twentieth time this month. He was in the middle of running the process when an announcement rang out. [b]"Attention all crew, our first stop is the Titans base near the conflict site, but there appears to be a mutiny or rebellion of some kind in progress, all pilots head to your suits, we're going to have your suits drop to the base and help secure the perimeter.

Sure enough the Squadron was already preparing for an emergency launch. "Credit to the Titans, they do know how to make good pilots." Cancelling the debug and moving the Zudah into position at the back of the line for drop, Marcus noticed the hangar bay doors opening and noticed how he could barely see the outline of the base. Marcus immediately opened a channel to the other suits. "Gentlemen you do know that we're way higher than we should be for a drop right?" One of the GM Sniper pilots responded "We're fine, this isn't the One Year War we won't overshoot our verniers just trying to get down, well we won't anyway. I don't know about you're little Relic there, for all we know you're going to over heat and make your suit just flat out explode." The pilot commented laughing at his own joke. Marcus cracked a little grin, "Care to bet on that Titan? I'll bet whatever you make in a month I can make it down faster than your little Stormtrooper suit over there." He held out the Zudah's fist. "Or do you not have faith in your vaunted Anaheim?" The pilot responded by fist bumping the Zudah back. "You're on." When the time came for them to drop they had their suits stand side by side.

Marcus help up his suits fingers. "Three, two, o-" The GM had already jumped. Marcus was left slack jawed for a second. "Little shit." The Zudah followed hitting it's booster and following at 75% speed. They both rocketed toward the ground passing up the other suits very quickly. The GM began moving close to the Zudah, "NO WAY I'M NOT ABOUT TO LOSE A MONTH'S PAY TO SOME MERC IN A ZEKE SUIT." The GM kicked the Zudah sending it off course and towards the sea.

Marcus roared into his comm "CHEATING BASTARD! I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU AND YOUR CRAP SUIT!" Marcus did his best to recover and slow his descent from what had been intended as a close nut easily managed landing was now a freefall into the sea near the base.

The Zudah hit the water with a huge splash sending waves in every direction and unintentionally helping the stolen Gundam MKII escape.

20 minutes later somewhere in the sea

After furiously grappling with a surprisingly angry Whale Shark The Zudah had been righted, adjusted for Earth's gravity and Marcus had calmed down, letting out a breath MArcus checked his scanners, "Huh, looks like I wasn't that far off." After moving the Zudah (Still carrying the dead whale shark) Toward the beach Marcus' sensors let out a three tone warning signifying an incoming Mobile Suit. 'It's that GM, GOTTA BE!'

Hitting the over boost on the Zudah and flying forward using the Whale Shark's corpse as a club MArcus was able to catch the... purple suit off guard and sucker club it with the Shark.... Wait what?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


Member Offline since relaunch

Karako had been ready to beat the living hell out of anything that got in her way.....that was until her Hyaku Shiki was clobbered by a....whale shark?! The dead fish exploded on impact, it's head dropping to the ground below the suits. First mountains appearing out of nowhere and now sharks. At this rate, a newtype shark wouldn't even faze her. The suit halted, effectively glaring at the Zudah with it's bright red mono-eye as the sharks blood and viscera trailed off of it. Karako slammed her fist on the comm button.

"Well paint my suit red and call me Char Aznable. Looks like I've got a lost Zeke on my hands." she hissed, "You better hope you didn't scratch the metallic paint."

With a bloodthirsty grin and memories of the One Year War in mind, Karako kicked the Shiki's thrusters to full speed and launched the Shiki into a heavy headbutt with enough force to have at the very least, shattered the Zudah's head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


Member Offline since relaunch

This was very obviously not Marcus' day. The Whale shark was gone, and now his Zudah's main camera was disabled if not destroyed, and the rage in the voice of the pilot spoke volumes as to what he'd just done, and he just didn't care. At this point he was laughing. "You know at a time like this I should be positively livid! It might be that I'm just in shock, or it might be that I became so angry I've come full circle." he drew his Zudah's axe and grabbed the head of the Shark to use as a kind of shield. "DOESN'T MATTER THOUGH! YOU BROKE MY MAIN CAMERA SO I'LL RETURN THE FAVOR!!" He brought the Shark head-Boxer shield to the left side of the Shiki's head, hopefully crushing the main camera so they'd be on equal ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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And just like that, the screen flickered and went black. The Shiki's camera was crushed and Karako was pissed. She sat up straight, closed her eyes, cracked her knuckles and neck, and then took a deep breath. It was time to put her veteran experience to good use.

"I'll have you know, this suit is a one-of-a-kind custom color. It cost $400,000 to paint this suit." she said eerily calm.

She tossed the kanabo to the side and armed the ninja cat-claws in both fists. The shiki lurched forward, taking a nasty swing at the Zudah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


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The claws unfortunately did connect, carving a very nasty gash into the Zudah's chest very VERY narrowly missing the cockpit.

He boosted back and kept laughing, "Tell me Titan pilot did you serve in the One Year? Because none of the other Titan pukes I've fought can fight like you!"

Marcus started laughing. "I haven't had this much fun in a fight since my escape from Pezun, those space modded GM Strikers were hell." He brought the axe forward hoping to cut the arm off at the elbow. "C'mon Titan pilot, I know you've got more! If you don't I'll break out the turpentine!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Karako gritted her teeth, hearing the lower arm of the Hyaku Shiki crash to the ground. Her calm composure from moments ago was shattered. Once again, she slammed her fist on the comm.

"You have me mistaken for one of those dumbass muscle-heads that trash prototypes for Bask Om. I am a veteran Earth Federation pilot. Don't ever call me a Titan pilot again, you hear me?!" she yelled.

With that, she made a swing for what should have been the Zudah's shoulder and then afterward, aiming a kick at the suit's torso.

Meanwhile, a dumbfounded Kamille hovered nearby in the Titans mk-II, conflicted as to whether or not to play mediator between the two brawling mobile suits. He was fairly certain the purple Hyaku Shiki was Karako's, judging by the communications he'd been eavesdropping on. And to think that they were trying to flee the base...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


Member Offline since relaunch

Marcus felt the Zudah's arm collapse, his last melee option gone and the Zudah was sounding like it wouldnt take much more abuse. While he could use the Shark Shield he'd actually gotten very attached to the Shark. That left him with one option.

The Zudah dropped to one Knee as a sign of surrender.

"Well feddie pilot, it looks like you and I are evenly matched. Since I'm sure the Titans think I'm dead I won't be getting paid. I concede to you, and would ask to accompany you."

'This is a long shot but I don't have many options.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sometime later in a secret cave complex that may or may not have previously existed:

"Well thank Primus we managed to timeskip away from the Titans and set up our base otherwise I'm not sure today would have ended." Brainwave says while plugging in the last of the computer systems. "Stealth Field online, at last. Now we can get to work."

"Don't you think you should have warned Rastun communication with his people may not be possible?"

"Eh, let him figure it out the hard way. I'm not here to hold his hand. I'm sure once he does he'll contact us. Now let's see how far the nanites I left behind have wormed their way into the Titans systems. Alright, some tech has managed to infect the bases main computer. Time to see what we have he... well that sounds kinda excessive but I can't say I'll miss him"

Megatron's curiosity piqued by Brainwave's comment. "Oh, I assume something interesting has happened while we were busy doing other things."

"Yes..." Laughing slightly as he continued "That idiot that attacked us at the exit of the city... someone dropped, they dropped a mountain on him!"

"HAHAHAHAHA, that's the most hilarious thing I've heard in ages! I want whoever did that to be my new Rampage, yes!"

Stopping for a moment Brainwave looked to Megatron with a questioning look. "You want a replacement for you psycho pet crab? Yeah, that's not happening." Turning back to the computer he delved deeper into the Titans records. Discovering how the Earth Federation and Zeon ran into the Autobots and Decepticons in the middle of their war and all parties picked their sides and continued the war as usual. Eventually the Earth Federation and Autobots won but after the war ended terrorist cells of Zeon and Decepticon remnants dropped a space colony on Earth prompting the creation of the Titans who quickly turned into barbaric overlords in the name of keeping the peace. It got so bad members from all factions, unofficially of course, joined together to fight the monstrous tactics of the Titans which seems kinda hypocritical of the Decepticons involved because they'd gladly be doing the same if the situation was reversed.

It was immediately obvious to Brainwave the groups formed to fight the Titans, the AUEG and Karaba, were the best bet to keep the Titans distracted so they could do their jobs. There was only one problem with that plan... "So I feel the need to ask you what your intentions are with the Decepticons trapped in these anomalies?"

Giving Brainwave an ominous glace and smirking Megatron replies "You'll just have to wait and see won't you?"

"You know, maybe someday the rest of you primitives will realize cooperation will yield much greater results than war does."

"Well why don't you go tell the Maximals that?"

Brainwave laughed the suggestion off. "Oh come now, it should be obvious I don't agree with the politics in your universe. On either side. For us Autobots and Decepticons stand as equals as it should be. But it's not our place to force enlightenment on your people. However if you were really shrewd you'd use what I said to your advantage. In the end what I think of these silly little wars you all manage to have isn't important. Only stopping Unicron is and I will work with whoever helps get that done. Can you say the same?"

Reflecting on what the Transtech was saying Megatron was begrudging force to agree. The wars of the past don't matter right now because if Unicron isn't stopped everything will be destroyed. "I'll go along with you on this until Unicron is stopped. After that I make no promises."

"Good, now we can begin to undermine the Titans. I'm sure you'll enjoy this part. After all these sorts of situations are why I brought you along."

The excitement on Megatron's face would be obvious to anyone. "Exactly how far are you willing to let me go on this?"

"I have no issues making sacrifices when the situations calls for them. Mindless brutality on the other hand is stupid. I'll come up with the new weapons for them, you come up with your "special" battle plans. Avoid civilian casualties though. We don't need more people coming after us."

Megatron was barely able to contain his laughter. "This will be more fun than steamrolling those idiots."

If the Titans were annoyed with their first encounter with the duo they were soon going to hate them. But ultimately this was a problem they brought on themselves for a multitude of reasons. And so the plotting began in earnest and soon the war would escalate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Somewhere in between dimensions

Vector Prime viewed these turn of events with a dissatisfied face

From what he knew of this universe's timeline this theft is two years earlier then the time it's supposed to take place, and AEUG is absent from it. Events are flowing in a even more radically different fashion then before. The Gundam MK II shouldn't even be completed yet but the speed of it's completion can be attributed to the aid of Cybertronian building techniques. It was troublesome seeing a version of his homeworld contribute to this madness, and somewhere in the cosmos the Chaos bringer was smiling with glee.

He doubted he was the only entity overseeing time and space aware of this,,,hodgepodge, many would seek to end this disruption, or take advantage of it....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 17 days ago

Guy of Z said
Kiba had just watched his opponent summon a Mecha out of thin air and was helplessly kicked aside“Holy shit!” He gasped Kiba thought. With the existence of Cyborgs and rumors of other supermen who could take on giant robots did not seem totally implausible to Kiba. But magic circles that summoned mechs strained credulity far too greatly.Kiba prepared his mech to get up and began firing all of his turrets in a deadly barrage that shredded trees in the area"Hahahahaha try some of this you fucker!"

Nox, Kainé's Magius Mechanicus recklessly charged forward and then performed a flying kick to the opposing mech.
"Take this!" Shouted Kainé in mid-flight then the kick connected with the dense super metal of the enemy, sending it flying.
"Eh?!" Kain's attack was bold and full of opening. To be honest he had expected to miss and already made plans for the follow-up.
Was his enemy just too slow to react? Hard to tell.
Anyways, Kainé's job was done. Time to focus on his actual missio...
"Kainé look!" Ignis warned him.
Did his eyes play a trick on him or did the enemy had just stood up after receiving his kick?
"Damn, that thing is though." Cursed Kainé.
"Correction, our availible power is only fraction of normal." Ignis cut in.
The enemy only survived because Nox was well below its usual power.
Meanwhile Kiba stood up an immediately pointed the mech's weapons at Nox.
"Enemy mechanical unit is opening fire, be careful!" Ignis warned him but Kainé already knew what to do. Nox rushed towards the target while taking erratic and zig-zagging maneuvers.
Missiles and cannon shells were flying past him, trees were either cut or vaporized by the lasers.
But given the opponent's poor accuracy and Nox inhuman agility, none of these hit.
"Ignis, how are the gravity drives?"
"Impetus Maximum are successfully calibrated, they're ready for use."
"Great timing, let's kick some mechabeast butt!" Kainé exclaimed and Nox suddenly kicked off the ground.
In that instant Nox seemingly disappeared, vertically flying with speed that made the bullets look slow in comparison.
In a split-second Nox cut the remaining distance rammed its knee into the enemy with full momentum.
Soon this action was followed by an uppercut to send the opponent flying into the air.
But Kainé wasn't done yet, he jumped again to get right next to the mechabeast.
First he delivered a flurry of light punches then alternated it with a spinning kick of death, all while the two of them were flying up with high speed, reaching the region above the clouds.
Lastly Kainé used Impetus Maximum to cancel Nox's momentum and then kick himself off the air to deliver a flying kick at full power, possessing enough force to directly plow through his opponent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehChron


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cosmic Era 70


A group of men in normal suits move around energetically in a a generic hangar of some kind, their clothes identify them as neither ZAFT, ORB, or members of the Alliance. As if on cue, the activity comes to a halt, as one member removes his helmet, turning towards a door hissing open with the sound of released atmosphere.

A figure in a brown normal suit enters, their helmet obscuring their features, but not the Junk Guild emblem emblazoned upon their person. The figure approaches the group.

"Per your contract, I have delivered your cargo." He tosses a tablet to the man in front of him, who catches it deftly in the low gravity environment.

He looks it over, checking its contents against what appears on his own device.

"It looks good, now as far as your payment goes..."

The Guild Tech nods in understanding, "I've already seen to the arrangements. Just fill out the necessary information and the credits will be transferred to my account."

The man tilts back his helmet, revealing a smirk for the lone figure. "Actually, I was thinking something a bit cheaper. Like free."

The brown normal suits head tilts to the side, as if in curiosity, "That is not in accordance with the contract."

"Ah, well," The man shrugs, before pulling out a Disco Pistol and leveling at the significantly taller figure in front of him, "I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement."

The Guild Tech's helmet nods in understanding, "I agree. Your ship and crew should prove to be an adequate compensation."

The unaffiliated man blinks slowly in confusion as the lights in the hold dim, filling the area in darkness. A loud clanging fills the chamber as the emergency lights kick in, bathing the room in red. A second later, vacuum takes hold of the individuals as a massive hole is cut through the ships hull, exposing the insides to space.

The Guild Tech reaches over as the rooms inhabitants begin to be pulled out, snatching his tablet back, his other hand shooting the stragglers with survival instincts, the shock of the gunfire causing them to forget to resist the pull. As his would be backstabbers are sucked into the void, Aaron Gentles fires a wire from his belt, anchoring himself to the ships hull as the forced depressurization comes to end as the atmosphere finishes being ripped out from the hull breach.

Maneuvering rockets take him through the hole, and into the waiting hands of his Astray Gold Frame.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Willy Vereb said
Nox, Kainé's Magius Mechanicus recklessly charged forward and then performed a flying kick to the opposing mech."" Shouted Kainé in mid-flight then the kick connected with the dense super metal of the enemy, sending it flying."" Kain's attack was bold and full of opening. To be honest he had expected to miss and already made plans for the follow-up.Was his enemy just too slow to react? Hard to tell.Anyways, Kainé's job was done. Time to focus on his actual missio..."" Ignis warned him.Did his eyes play a trick on him or did the enemy had just stood up after receiving his kick?"" Cursed Kainé."" Ignis cut in.The enemy only survived because Nox was well below its usual power.Meanwhile Kiba stood up an immediately pointed the mech's weapons at Nox."" Ignis warned him but Kainé already knew what to do. Nox rushed towards the target while taking erratic and zig-zagging maneuvers. Missiles and cannon shells were flying past him, trees were either cut or vaporized by the lasers.But given the opponent's poor accuracy and Nox inhuman agility, none of these hit."""""" Kainé exclaimed and Nox suddenly kicked off the ground.In that instant Nox seemingly disappeared, vertically flying with speed that made the bullets look slow in comparison.In a split-second Nox cut the remaining distance rammed its knee into the enemy with full momentum.Soon this action was followed by an uppercut to send the opponent flying into the air.But Kainé wasn't done yet, he jumped again to get right next to the mechabeast.First he delivered a flurry of light punches then alternated it with a spinning kick of death, all while the two of them were flying up with high speed, reaching the region above the clouds.Lastly Kainé used Impetus Maximum to cancel Nox's momentum and then kick himself off the air to deliver a flying kick at full power, possessing enough force to directly plow through his opponent.

Kiba tried dodging the attack but his mech was too slow
Kiba heard the integrity of his unit become compromised and he was helpless to prevent it

"This isn't over you bastard!" Kiba cried out as he used his ejection seat and rocketed out of the cockpit

Humiliated, Kiba planned his revenge and obtaining a new mech as he sped off
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