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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

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Asuna had taken Emilu’s GM Canard and left her with Hod Rod while she and Erisia went into the city. He had advised her to avoid confronting Los Betas and try to find someone not captured by them and then find Blaster to get help. Her first option on who to seek out would be instructor Yahagi; it was highly unlikely that Los Beta’s could get the better of the former alleged Newtype. The only downside is he’s going to yell at her until his face is totally red.

Yahagi had been hiding to his greatest abilities but Los Betas soldiers were everywhere. How many of these guys are there? Were they all students? He thought. He loathed the idea of being forced to take a student’s life but Los Beta’s didn't share the same sentiment for his well being. Footsteps approached his position. Quickly Yahagi rushed the Mask wearing reject, knocked him over and liberated the weapon from his grasp. Unfortunately for him a Valsione appeared, likely accompanying the trooper. Yahagi felt not afraid but disgusted. He had survived conflict for so long and come so close to turning the tide against Los Betas only to end up dying at the hands of this weird Doll of a Mech. The mech began advancing but two shots from an unseen location rung out. The Valsione staggered and attempted to pull itself back up but was hit again.
The blasts belonged to a green gray Autobot who seemed old even by their standards.
“Hello? Uh Autobot I’m looking for my students. Have you seen them?” Yahagi asked
“Name’s Kup pal, and I was gonna ask you the same question about this punk I work with, he’s red and about yea high, kind of stupid you seen him?”
“Not really”
“I swear young bots these days, I leave on Energon break for 2 nanoklicks and he leaves his post!”
“I have similar troubles, as soon as I turn my back my student runs off to daydream.”
“Wanna hope we can find them both so we can give them an earful they’ll never forget?”
“Be my guest”
The Human and Veteran Autobot then departed for a location the Betas haven’t gained a foothold in. Yahagi still needed a mech, but at least he had found a kindred spirit

Art began noticing the Los Beta’s had began concentrating on another strange robot that appeared but it evaded their pursuit. Art couldn't care less about anyone else getting involved so as long as they stayed out of his way. He had had his Gundam punch a Beta mech in the face and began ripping and tearing at it viciously. When another Beta tried grabbing him he shrugged it off and fired vulcans at it, its armor was so paper thin it exploded on impact.
Jesus these guys are bigger pushovers then I thought, it’s like fighting a bunch of crippled kids in a UFC match Art thought.
This shit is beginning to bore me now…wait is that another one?

This mech had a boy roped and chained on its outside, he was apparently screaming.
A voice came out from the mech belonging to a male.
“Halt! In the Name of the Los Betas Empire I order you to cease your attack!”
Oh goddammit, now he’s using a hostage, an Ecole student at that. Art didn't really care about the student himself but damaging the Council’s golden gooses would bring him a lot of shit he didn't need. Using them as bait was entirely different as Los betas were fucking lousy shots, but outright using a student as a Human shield was too risky even for Art. If it were someone expendable he’d just cut the bastard down with no questions asked.
Grudgingly Art put away his weapons, but he was optimistic for a chance to strike again

Preet was feeling the thrill of victory come over him.

“I WON I WON I WON!” he chanted in the cockpit
“Preet he’s just putting down his weapons because of the hostage, you can’t dent him and you won’t drive him off. Just give up already or you’ll get you and the boy killed!”
“Shut up, if I just get close enough he won’t be able to sustain a direct blast!”
“You’ll kill the hostage too!”
“Good, I was going to dispose of him anyways”
“Preet I don’t know you anymore, you’re breaking my heart!”
“Can’t you see I’m doing this for you?!”
“I don’t want this, I never wanted this! I thought you were sweet but now you've showed me your true self!”
“Wait baby it’s not like that? Can’t you see I have to eliminate everyone who will deny our love?”
“Preet this isn't love, you don’t even know what real love is!” Said the electronic voice sobbingly
Preet continued to attempt to talk to his AI while Art contemplated a way to save the student.

Asuna and were wandering the city but came across a standoff between a Black Gundam and a different version of the Los beta’s mech. She also saw the boy chained and roped on its exterior, she focused her camera on it and became shocked.
“Shinn?” Asuna said in a shocking tone
“What Shinn doing out here?” Erisia asked
“He’s…on top of the girlike robot” Asuna said still stunned
Erisia’s herself began feeling fear welling up, but she forbid herself from outwardly showing it.
“We have to get help” Erisia said
“But we could catch him off guard-“
“And risk hitting Shinn?”
“B-ugh your right, we can’t handle the Los Beta’s on our own”
However the option to get help quickly disappeared when the Valsione began turning to the GM Canards occupied by the two girls.
Dammit Erisia cursed in her mind

Preet had put his AI on mute and took direct control over his machine. He was saddened by this greatly, but he felt it was necessary to insure their future together. He quickly saw two GM Canards, training variants of the GM.
“I am Preet of the Los Betas. State who you are and your business here?!”
“I am Erisia Nocton, I demand you let our friend go!”
“I don’t answer to the likes of you little miss perfect!”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me! Always looking down on guys like me, always turning your nose up on us little people. NO MORE! I’m better then you now! I will be the greatest leader the world has ever seen!”

Erisia was dumbfounded by this man’s declarations; he definitely had a screw loose.
“And who’s your friend here?”
“Asuna Elmarit! Please let Shinn go Preet” Asuna’s Canard responded
“Asuna Elmarit? Asuna… Elmarit….Asu…na……ELMARIT! AHHAGGGGH DIE YOU BITCH!” Preet began shouting like a madman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


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Abandoned Zeon outpost Theta 2-7

It was silent inside the outpost. but in a way, it was welcome. The outpost had been one of hundreds abandoned in the wake of the One Year War, even after seven years of searching the Earth Federation had only found roughly a fifth of these bases constructed either out of ship husks from the battle of Loum or Operation British, others were built into hollowed out asteroids once they were drained of all their mineral resources. For Marcus Jackson, his domicile was one of the latter. Using his mercenary pay and whatever he could scavenge from the various wrecks of his targets, Marcus was able to live a meager, if unfulfilled existence. He sat in the pilots lounge sipping a cup of coffee, reading news reports while he waited for his next job offer to arrive.

'Nothing much in the way of conflicts, things seem to really be dying down. All of the main Zeon forces retreated to Axis or Mars or Venus... Maybe it's time. Time to sell off the Abfan to Anaheim, get a pretty price for the bounty Anaheim had for a Zudah. I guess I could give this u-' His thoughts were interrupted by the chime of his comm.

"Huh? Priority transmission from... the Titans?" This couldn't have been right, anytime Marcus was hunting Zeon or Decepticon remnants, it always came from Federation Fleet HQ, not the Titans.

Opening the channel Marcus was greeted with the goggled tanned face of Bask Om, one of the highest ranking Titans members. While he couldn't tell the mans expression very well he got the feeling Om wasn't happy to be doing this. "As I understand it, you're the mercenary that's been active for almost four years." Marcus nodded, "You're correct Mr.Om." Bask's demeanor seemed to slightly relax, "Good. You come highly recommended to me from the Federation regulars, I'm contacting you because I've been told you're a person capable of discretion and that you've been able to not only track Decepticons, but kill them." Marcus kept a neutral expression outside, on the inside he was cringing. Yes he had killed Decepticons before, but they were low rankers, Bask was sounding like he wanted someone higher up killed. He'd still take the job, but he'd be in for a very tough job. "I have been able to kill Decepticons before yes, but this isn't something easily done." to Marcus' surprise Bask nodded, "I'm not asking you to do this alone, you'll be working with a Mobile Suit squad, they'll be at your disposal." This set off warning bells in Marcus' mind. "A squad? You're giving me an awful lot of Leeway here Om. I know there are more capable pilots out there and they're within your ranks, why come to me, a mercenary, off of the praise of some Federation officers." Bask heaved a great sigh. "Because I know that you're capable of keeping your mouth shut, the situation calls for someone who can do that. Less than twelve hours ago we experienced a... situation. One of our bases reported a sudden appearance of two Decepticons. We've never seen their archetypes nor do they look like any of the Decpticons we encountered over the years." There was the reason for all the weird priorities. "Meaning if the public thinks the Decepticons are back and they're stronger it'd cause a panic." Om pointed, "Now you get it, do you accept? You will be covered for all costs and paid generously." Marcus paused for a moment... "Yes I will, where's my RV?" Om grinned, " I had a feeling, meet up in the shoal zone at L4 in six hours, a Salamis Kai will be waiting for you."

Marcus cut the comm and began getting ready to move out. 'And just like that I'm off for what could be my last job.'

An hour later Marcus was in his old Zeon flight suit, the Zudah Abfanjager waiting in the nearly barren hangar. Marcus kicked off the railings to float up to the Zudah's monoeye. "Ready my old friend?" No response came from the Zudah. Marcus shook his head, getting into the cockpit, ready to head out.

"Here's hoping I didn't bite off more than I could." the Zudah flew out of the hangar, rocketing into space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Karako darted around carefully and quietly, doing her absolute best to not be spotted. Ground combat wasn't her thing. She preferred to be in a mobile suit, dealing with other mobile suits, vehicles, sentient machines, whatever was thrown her way. There was a certain vulnerability to running around with a rifle and it left her uncomfortable. Sure, she was capable of defending herself but she didn't have to like it.

She could hear other suits around as she reached the hangars. She couldn't see any from where she was but she wasn't about to wait around for them to show up. Karako bolted into one of the buildings, scanning the rows of GM units and others' personal suits. Her shiki didn't seem to be in this particular hangar so she peered out the door and then made a break for the next one.

A shadow went over Karako as a suit flew by so she quickened her pace to a sprint. This one have been easier with one huge hangar on-site. As she reached the door, the shadow reappared followed by a burst of beam rifle fire. Karako cursed under her breath as several impact explosions erupted on the ground, each one getting closer and closer to her. She kicked the door open and dove in, avoiding being pulverized by a beam rifle shot. Someone sure didn't have any idea of fairness.

Quickly scanning the hangar, Karako spotted her personal Hyaku shiki suit and wasted no time bolting up the stairs and onto the catwalk leading to the suit's cockpit. The hangar rattled as the suit outside landed nearby. Karako quickly got into the Demon Shiki and powered it up. The red mono-eye lit up and scanned the hangar. The suit's viewscreens lit up and dimmed as the image of the hangar interior came into view.

"Alright, you son of a bitch, let's see you take me on in this." Karako smirked.

As if on cue, the roof of the hangar was peeled up as if were the top of a can of sardines. Again the hangar rattled. The other suit peered inside, scanning the various mobile suits inside. Karako raised the shiki's beam rifle and shot the other suit's head off.

"It wouldn't have killed you to wait for me to get out, asshole..." she muttered.

Karako switched on her comm link and fussed around with the various controls.

"This is Lieutenant Karako. If anyone is out there and gives a damn, given the situation, I am deploying the MSN-00100 Demon Shiki at my own discretion." Karako waited in case anyone had stuck around at the control center and had orders. All was silent. "Alright. If there are any friendlies out there listening, let's light a fire under their asses!"

The metallic purple mobile suit stepped forward, breaking through the catwalk. Karako uttered an unenthused "whoops" and continued toward the large sliding doors ahead. She pressed a button on the control panel and the automatic doors opened. Karako fired up the suit's thrusters and took off for a better vantage point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

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Asuna and Erisia both made a run for it as Preet rushed in after the two girls, quickly they jetted away from his airborne attacks.
“I”LL MAKE YOU PAY!” he ranted on as he fired into the two girl’s direction
“I didn't even do anything to you Preet!” Asuna shouted
“Yes you did, you destroyed me. Now I’LL DESTROY YOU!”

Destroyed you? Asuna thought.
She remembered a boy wanting to talk about her about paring while she was attempting to draw. She basically ignored him as he carried on and moved when she saw Shinn. If such a minor thing could destroy someone Dream was crazier then she thought.

Art began taking pursuit after the Valsione as soon as it took off after the students, he was hoping he could get a chance to catch Preet off guard and release the hostage intact. But whatever idea he had only ended in the realization he couldn't think of one.
This Preet asshole is gonna pay for annoying me this much, goddamn coward taking a civilian to keep yourself from getting your shit pushed in. He thought to himself
Suddenly Art picked up something on his comm.
"Alright. If there are any friendlies out there listening, let's light a fire under their asses!"
“This is Art Right of the Titans I've got a hostage situation with the Los Beta’s leader and he is perusing two students. I’m planning to catch him off guard but I’d rather not splatter the poor son of a bitch chained outside of his machine. “
Art detested asking for help but he really lacked the subtlety for rescuing civilians, overkill was more his way. He was smart but he never could find elegant solutions to problems

Yahagi and Kup made their way to the Hanger they saw it was torn open with a demonic Black Mobile suit fighting with a Valsione.

“Well there goes the neighborhood Kup “quipped
“This happen often for you?” Yahagi asked
“Fightin yeah I got millions of years of experience in that. But I ain't seen stuff this weird till we started meeting you Humans, first a guy who wants to make Prime a trophy on his wall while igniting World War III then some guy with tech implants and hypnotic chips now this. Monsters, Superweapons, Decepticon goon of the week, that's stuff I'm used to, as soon as we get here fleshy psychopaths start coming out of nowhere each one loonier then the next.”
“Hey don’t lump us all together with those freaks, I’m not running around in a girly mask holding people at gunpoint, and it's not like all aliens are friendly”
“No need to get so defensive I never said you were, I‘m just saying you earth guys got some serious Grade-A weirdos.”
“Shouldn't we be helping that Pilot?”
“It looks like he or she has it under control” Kup said as the Black MS smacked around the Valsione

“besides these guys are nothing compared to that Ick-Yak I fought on Beta 4.”

“So mind clearing a way in the wreckage in the way of the hanger so I can get to my students?”

“Sure just gimme a klick.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Karako was a little ways away from the hangar yard when she caught an incoming comm message.

“This is Art Right of the Titans I've got a hostage situation with the Los Beta’s leader and he is perusing two students. I’m planning to catch him off guard but I’d rather not splatter the poor son of a bitch chained outside of his machine."

Karako hissed a few obscenities at the message. A hostage situation. Lovely. This was just what she needed on top of the day's events. At least this guy seemed to be alright. It wasn't often anyone came across a Titan who wasn't looking for a kill count.

The Lieutenant fumbled around in her uniform picket for a cigarette and her lighter while she tried to come up with a decent plan. She held the cigarette between her lips and pulled the small trigger on the gun shaped lighter. She puffed on the cig while lighting it, narrowing her eyes while she thought before she flicked on the comm.

"Well, Art. How do you feel about buzzing around like a maniac as a distraction? I can get in close and grab the hostage with my suit without much of a problem. I just need a really good distraction."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

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"Well, Art. How do you feel about buzzing around like a maniac as a distraction? I can get in close and grab the hostage with my suit without much of a problem. I just need a really good distraction."

Art scoffed; there was absolutely nothing that Valsione could do to penetrate his Armor.
He wasn't above risking a few hits from that rank amateur Dream to lure him into a false sense of security to take his only advantage, after that Dream was his to maim.

“No problem, these things hit so lightly I was nodding off when I was taking on whole squads of them” Art replied

Dream still pursued Asuna and Erisia like he was some kind of ridiculous hunter in frilly gear.


Suddenly a black Gundam came by attempting to get Preets attention, Preet kept firing rounds and it continued dodging

“Oh no not this monster again, DIDN’T I BEAT YOU!?” He said sobbingly
Tears in his eyes as Preet continued ranting until his AI still sent him text telling him she’s leaving.
“NO you can’t leave! I made you! I-I…love you…”
[Preet you can’t do this anymore, it is not okay to attack a girl you barely know because she didn't give you any attention about your stupid shipping fics]
[The only liar here is you Preet, enjoy your sinking ship]
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Preet let out a feral cry of agony that could be heard outside of his cockpit.

Shinn still conscious despite his agony wondered if Preet was dying or injured inside totally unaware he had greater pain, a aching heart.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Karako cast her Hyaku Shiki's beam rifle aside and unhooked one of the ninja-esque claw weapons from the back of the suit while she locked in on Art's position. He and the strangely humanoid mech seemed to be duking it out not too far away. With the claws held tightly in the Shiki's right hand, she kicked on the thrusters, scanning the Valsione mech for the hostage.

"Thanks a bunch, Art. I'm moving in. Keep the asshole occupied."

The suit's cameras picked up on a boy tied up and chained to the top of the odd looking mech. This was going to be a bit tricky but that was to be expected. She had a plan. It was going to be risky and probably scare the skit out of the hostage but Karako knew she could pull it off. A scared hostage was a lot easier to explain than a dead one.

She picked up speed, getting nice and close to the feminine mech, holding the Hyaku Shiki's left hand out to grab the hostage while making a very precise claw-slash at the chains securing the boy to the mech. It was a crazy stunt but that's what made Karako a good pilot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

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Art smiled with sadistic glee, the boy was free and he was finally ableto go to town on Preets candy ass.

Art grabbed the Valsione by its hair, Preet‘s mech flailed it’s arms around impotently.

Art then pulled the artificial hair on Preets mech off along with its face and put it in an armlock.
Preet's mech struggled until Art tore the arm completely off.

As Preet broke the hold the Gundam had on him Art began raising the face in Preets direction and pointed to it mockingly

*Warning Warning Warning* an alarm blared

“Oh god, oh god oh god! I gotta get away from this maniac!” Preet fired his thrusters and attempted to escape from this one sided beating. But there would be no respite for Preet today....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Once the hostage was in the safety of the Shiki's hand, Karako landed the suit, watching Art tear into the Valsione mech. It was probably best that she stayed out of it. The Titans mobile suit was probably more than enough to handle it. The pilot was likely to get what was coming to them, anyway. It's how karma works.

"That little shit is all yours. I'll make sure the hostage is alright." Karako said, "Thanks for the help."

The Shiki's hand was moved in closer to the cockpit as Karako opened the hatch up, hopping out of her seat and peering out at the boy before jumping out into the mobile suit's palm. She quickly started untying the ropes binding Shinn.

"There's a loooot of shit I could be asking you right now but are you okay?" she asked, "Physically, anyway. I can only imagine what's going through your head right now..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I feel okay but I kind of feel bad for Preet...he wasn't always crazy like this he was just weird. I guess what Kerry said to him made him snap and he began lashing out at everyone" Shinn said
"But I wonder where my friends are at too?"

Art had taken chase after Preet as he ran with his proverbial tail between his legs.

"Where are you going bro? I was just getting started!" Art taunted deviously

Preet had to find a way to get away from him but saw no way out

"S-stay back I mean it! I have a bomb set here!" Preet was bluffing, the Council wanted this place intact but Preet hoped it would work.

"Oh really? Go ahead then, detonate it Preet, see if I give a damn" Art said calling his bluff. He was getting pretty desperate with his gambits at this point. Funny thing is it would have worked if Art lacked extrasensory abilities.

Preet began sweating bullets

"I-I'll do it!"
"You don't have the balls or the brains to pull it off Preet, just give it up. Rather then a trip to the morgue you'll go to a nice comfy jail with a chance to meet brand new friends."
Art felt like giving him a chance to surrender as Preet was beginning to bore him with his predictability.

Seriously a bomb threat? that's the best you could pull out of your ass? if you were a real terrorist rather then a punching bag you would have used them already.

"I-I'll never give up!"

"Your funeral." Art said as he smirked with Preet in his crosshairs

Preet one again jetted off as Art missed the killing blow with his beam rifle

"Stand still damn you. At least try to die with the dignity you lacked in life you asshole!"

Preet once again saw Asuna's GM Canard in the far off distance

Preet decided if he was going to die he's Take Asuna with him. His Ai Had left him and Los Betas was routed, he had nothing else to lose Preet made one last desperate dash to blitz her from the air

Asuna saw a humanoid figure far off in the sky, it had one arm and was quickly speeding in her direction from the sky

"It's Preet again run!" She shouted
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

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While Preet's final stand would be a "valiant" one, it was doomed to failure from the very beginning. One who was that Beta could never be allowed to enjoy the privilege of life that others so cherished. It was for that reason that when Preet began his final assault, his fate had already been sealed. Far above the battlefield where Art and Preet had shared their final conversation hovered a single robotic entity. Piloting this entity was a man in martial artist garb. That wasn't the curious thing about the man though, what was truly curious was the fact that the man seemed to be inhebriated to the extent that he shouldn't have been able to pilot that machine, much less execute complex movements. Still, there he floated above the clouds, until he heard the roar of distant thrusters. At that very moment the mech tilted downwards and fired its own set of thrusters, monumentally increasing its speedy descent. The pilot of the mech didn't know why he wanted to smash whatever was making that thruster sound, but he did know that he wanted to smash something to get his blood completely flowing throughout the day.

"FUUUUUUUUJIIIIIIIIII.....DROOOOOOOOOP!" The pilot roared as his mech's hands reached out towards the empty air, said air undergoing a change as an entire mountain materialized for the mech to grip and bring down upon the unsuspecting Preet. The shadow of the looming rocky threat would blot out the sky above Preet, casting its fearsome shadow over the Los Betas commander.

The alerts inside the Valsione went off, tipping preet off that something was coming his way. "W-what the fuck is that!?" The los betas commander managed to howl out through his mech's comm systems. Art couldn't "save" him, Asuna wouldn't give a fuck, and Valsione's AI had abandoned him. Preet was alone, all alone against the crushing force of 35 shots of tequila induced righteous fury and a goddamn mountain.

"N-NO. I CAN'T DIE HERE! I HAVE TO TAKE THAT BITCH OUT! THIS CAN'T BE THE END! I'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN, SHE'LL NEVER LOVE ME IF I'M DEAD!" Preet screamed as he aimed the valsione's weapons at the mountain that was about to crush him. Unfortunately the Valsione sucked so hard that the weapons bounced off the rocky formation and disabled his thrusters, causing him to enter a free-fall state.

At that moment the pilot of the mysterious mech let loose his alcohol empowered rage and swung down, using the mountain like an oversized hammer to smash Preet into the ground before both the mech and the mountain detonated in a massive explosion.

"Tha tak's car o'that" The mysterious man slurred over his mech's communications as he hovered in place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Karako opened her mouth to reply to Shinn but just happened to glance up as what appeared to be a mountain seemed to materialize out of thin air. Actually, no. It was definitely a mountain. There was no question. However, it was hovering in the air for a moment before it was cast down in the same manner as Thor would strike with his mighty hammer. It was a sight to behold.

"Okay, so there is a motherfucking mountain about to make impact like a godddamn colony drop so I suggest you hold on tight, kiddo." Karako said as she sat down in her mobile suit's hand, bracing for a shockwave from the impact.

There wasn't just an impact from that mountain. There was a full-on explosion and the force of it was nearly enough to have knocked the Hyaku Shiki over. Thankfully, it didn't because whoever was responsible for mount-boom would have never heard the end of it.

Once the blast subsided, Karako peered over to survey the damage the falling mountain had caused.

"I don't think you have to worry about that pilot anymore. I'm pretty sure he's hamburger after that...assuming there's anything left anyway" she muttered.

She still couldn't believe that a fucking mountain just appeared...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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[woops it double posted]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

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double post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Wha....what the fuck am I looking at?" Art said as he saw the crater caused by the explosion"

Art was awestruck by this display of power, more then anything he was totally dumbfounded by the implausibility of a mountain straight up coming from thin air to be used as a hammer and blasting a motherfucker to atoms. Art thought he had seen crazy shit from Super Robots but this was extremely new to him.

Preet was definitely vaporized by the blast, sucks to be him; the dumbfuck should have just surrendered when I gave him a chance. Jesus how wide was that blast anyways? He thought to himself yet again about the mysterious mech.

"Unidentified Mech thanks for swatting an annoying pest that kept evading me, but who the hell are you? And where the fuck did that mountain come from?" Art asked

Asuna and Erisia looked on at the blast. Both girls could not believe their eyes as the mysterious mech floated through the air

"Ow" Asuna commented on Preets predicament
"Well at least he didn't suffer, that Mountain hammering alone would have reduced him into a liquid at impact...."

Yahagi and Kup saw the blast in unison as well.

"Well there still goes the neighborhood" Kup said again
"I really need to find my students now....." Yahagi said still shocked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

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A being shrouded in darkness stands on a dead world, a wasteland of his own making. Once, he was imprisoned in a strange dimension, but the disaster called the Great Slam caused severe damage to several universes, including his prison. The severity of this event caused his jailor to become momentarily distracted and with the severe cracks in reality, an escape was easily possible for him. Traveling throughout space in the form of a great shadow, the foul specter found a pristine planet full of life, its civilization untainted by war for thousands of years and their world an envy for most others.

The merest gesture of will ended everything.

Their monuments toppled, their oceans dried away, their lands barren, and the inhabitants themselves reduced to ashes as the great darkness consumed all in his gluttony. Using the life of an entire planet, he made himself into more than a mere ghost. Once more, he is alive. His eyes gaze at the stars above, and knows that one day, all of it will be his.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

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more cleanup
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

clean up on aisle six
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

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nothing to see here
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

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