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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The main rules for character creation are

You are allowed one cannon character and one OC character.

If you go with a canon character please do not start in an end of series Mecha upgrade

If you do an OC it must incorporate some pieces of the setting. What's their opinion on the politics about the Titans? What do they think of the Autobots and Decepticons wars? What is their response to the twisted aftermath of the slam? What or who do they blame


These are the main events that cause the slam for those unfamiliar. I intend to start the story in an intro before the slam takes place. You are able to introduce your character and show their basic personality in action in this.

I will also have scripted events occur in addition to you writing out your own actions in response to them. For all affiliations I will have different events. Some events may bring different groups at arms with other players. You write the actions you take then I do the NPC's and then the responding action. You are also welcome to controlling NPC's

If you have any questions or suggestions I am totally open with them.

In addition to the above chart you will do your characters alignment

Hero: Although this universe is totally ruined there are still those who fight on in the name of justice

Neutral: These are those who favor moral ambiguity. They favor neither other aliment and can ally with either or oppose them

Villain: Those depraved few who see the tattered universe as an opportunity for power and influence rather then the tragedy and encroaching doom

For character profiles we will follow this format

willyvereb said (start with an image of your character's appearance, not obligatory but it generally helps to enhance your post)

Name: (your character's name)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (Your character's age in years)
Height: (Your character's height)
Weight: (Your character's height)
Rank/Title: (Your character's status in the military or other special titles he/she might be known as)
Special: (anything else worth noting, be very brief and categorical, for example: robot, alien, ESP, magician etc...)

(You can add a few more other information you want but generally these are the minimum.)

(Write a short introduction about your character. Who is he/she? Where did he/she come from? How did he/she became a mech pilot? What he/she can do? How skilled he/she is? What are his/her motivations? Etcetera,etcetera...)

Following that we can get to the next part, creating a profile for your mech.

(image for your machine, not obligatory but helpful)

Name: (how's your mecha called? With model/serial numbers and everything)
Type: (Is it a Real or Super Robo?)
Dimensions: (How big is your machine? If it's a humanoid robot then you only have to mention its height in meters)
Weight: (How heavy is your machine? Preferably expressed in metric tons)

Stats: (The 7 parameters showing the power of your machine.They range from 1 to 100 but the differences aren't linear. For further details, see below)

Strength: (Your machine's strength. How hard its punches and kicks? How much weight it lifts?)
Armor: (How tough is your machine? Mechs with high armor can easily withstand even the most powerful attacks.)
Firepower: (How much destruction you can deal? Applies to guns, missiles, energy cannons and any other ranged means to attack)
Performance: (How fast is your machine? High-performance mechs are so fast the enemy has problems to target them)
Mobility: (Determines how easy your machine performs turns and generally how agile it is)
Energy Output: (How much power can your machine generate? Generally it shows that for how long can your machine last in combat.)
Sensors: (Radar and other sensing/detecting stuff. Allows the detection of stealth/cloaked units. Also if your machine has auto-targeting systems your sensors determine their effectiveness.)

(Briefly describe your machine, including its appearance, development and special features)

(What kind of weapons your machine possesses? If it has hidden weapons that you either want to keep secret or your character has yet to become aware of them, then they're an exception. We'll treat those kind of weapons as "upgrades" in the future.)

(What sort of special abilities does your character have? It can be anything from a temporally speed boost to a whole transformation sequence that changes your machine completely)

Signature Moves:
(Mostly the property of Super Robots, what kind of character defining attack you have? It can be a flashy finishing move or a combination of various attacks. If your mecha has energy attacks that aren't connected to any weapons, they belong here)

said Okay, further sentiments about the Stats.
They are here for us to get a relative estimate on each other's powers, including their general strengths and weaknesses.
Also helps to resolve cases when two people are arguing who's the faster,more powerful and etc.
Furthermore I plan to write stats for most of the opposing mechs so you'd get a general idea on the enemy.

On the other hand don't expect me to be a hardass about these. If Mech A has the firepower of 50 while Mech B has the armor of 60, that doesn't mean Mech A's attacks are useless.
Quite far from that. It just means Mech A needs to put in more effort in their attacks. Maybe by scoring many hits or using a charged attack.

Writing and RP-ing always takes priority compared to the stats.
They're a roleplaying aid, not a rule.

Anyways, for people who're still lost I list an example for both Real and Super Robos. Both are what you'd call the regular mooks in this RP.


Name: M5E "Trooper"
Type: Mobile Suit (Real Robo)
Dimensions: height: 18.9 meters
Weight: 189 tons

Strength: 10
Armor: 10
Firepower: 15
Performance: 15
Mobility: 15
Energy Output: 10
Sensors: 25


Head Vulcan: Twin-linked machineguns used to intercept missiles
Missile Pod: Located on the side this small launcher can shoot homing missiles.
Beam Rifle: Standard energy rifle with detachable E-cap
Shield: wielded in the other hand, this shield is strong enough to withstand most common attacks.
Combat Knife: Extremely sharpened and hard physical weapon used in close combat for last resort.

Name: Gigamaniax
Type: Destroyer Machine (Super Robo)
Dimensions: height: 47 meters
Weight: c. 4000 tons


Strength: 20
Armor: 20
Firepower: 20
Performance: 5
Mobility: 5
Energy Output: 25
Sensors: 5


Rocket Fists: Two wrecking ball like fists that can be launched like missiles at the enemy.
Arm Gatling: Huge chain cannon spread over the machine's wrists.
Mouth Cannon: Large energy cannon hidden within the machine's mouth.
Chest Burner: The machine's chest open to reveal an entire gallery of energy weapons.
Signature moves:

- Total Rampage: Finishing move. The machine launches both his fists that loudly impact with the enemy. Following that the Gigamaniax opens up its chests an releases a huge salvo of beams and bullets. Lastly the Gigamaniax opens its mouth and finishes the enemy with a wide beam of energy.

You can also do combination attack move names if you like as well in cooperation of your fellow poster

Edit: You are also allowed thme songs if you would like

I'll allow 300 points to both mechs and we may have overdone a bit for each
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Johnson


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(OC Character)
Name: Marcus Jackson.
Gender: Male
Weight: 200lbs
Rank/Title: Lieutenant
Special: Mercenary.
Bio: A former Zeon Lieutenant who distinguished himself during Operation British, and later on transferred to the Zeon 603'rd test corps and becoming a pilot for the Zudah. Being one of the only pilots to actually use a Zudah without it's engine exploding on him, Marcus was picked to help test the Zudah's upgrade, the Zudah Abfangjäger. Days after he was transferred to Pezun, Zeon surrendered to the Federation and the Autobots. When the orders came down that all forces could either surrender to the Federation or flee to Axis, Marcus decided to instead steal the Zudah Abfangjäger and use it to become a Mercenary aiding either the Federation in cleaning up Zeon or assisting Zeon and Decepticon forces in their retreat to various safe zones. Marcus is considered an Ace Pilot comparable to Anavel Gato or Shin Matsunaga, and is specialized in high speed combat with an emphasis on hit and run attacks. Marcus views the Titans as a potential employer, though he will be extremely cautious in taking jobs from them.

Name: EMS-018 Zudah Abfangjäger
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 17.3 meters
Weight:61 metric tons

Strength: 26
Armor: 22
Firepower: 40
Performance: 48
Energy Output:44
Sensors: 36

Description:Bearing a close similarity to the Original Zudah with the only real differences being the use of two smaller boosters on the backpack instead of the single oversized booster, an upgraded reactor capable of handling beam weaponry and a stronger shield. Though at the expense of armor on par with the Kampfer and very little in the way of physical strength, and limiting the amount of weaponry the Abfangjäger can carry.

1x Beam Saber
1x:Anti MS Shotgun
1x:Beam Smartgun/Machine Gun.
2x:Strumfaust missiles mounted on the shield.

Overboost: diverts power from the weaponry into the boosters, allowing the Zudah to double its already considerable speed for an extremely short amount of time.
Smart Targeting:A program built into the Zudahs Fire Control System that assists the Beam smartgun in ultra high speed combat, allowing for a quick lock on, however the system is very prone to crashing and at the longest has run for only a minute.

(Canon Character)
Name: Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height:6' 0'
Weight: 147lbs
Rank/Title: Gundam Meister
Alignment: Hero
Special: Highly Talented Sniper both in a Mobile Suit and on foot.

Bio:Lockon Stratos, born Neil Dylandy, was born with his brother, Lyle, on 3 March UC 0054 to Owen and Lyndsay Dylandy. Beside having a twin brother, Neil also had a younger sister named Amy. The young Neil spent his childhood days in Ireland and grew up there surrounded by his loving family and friends. Neil's peaceful days continued up to his early teens; until that fateful day in UC 0065. Young Neil was with his parents and sister Amy for a family outing when the KPSA launched an attack on the recreational area where the Dylandys were at. The blast instantly killed Neil's parents and younger sister. Neil survived the explosion, as he was separated from his family at the time of the blast, but the incident left an emotional scar on Neil and the lost of his loved ones planted seeds of hatred within him against KPSA and terrorists in general. In UC 0078, Veda caught an eye on Neil's eligibility to become one of Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters and had Grave Violento scout on the young man. Grave noted about Neil's excellent marksmanship, friendly attitude and his distinct hate for terrorists. Neil was later invited into Celestial Being and accepted the role of a Gundam Meister. He was given the codename, Lockon Stratos, and the GN-002 Gundam Dynames to pilot. Bears a distinct hatred for Zeon, the Earth Federation, and the Decepticons, considers the Autobots to be on the right path but overall ineffective, and the Titans as nothing more than thugs with serious Ego issues.

Name: GN-0002 Dynames
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions:18.2 meters
Weight: 59.2 metric tons


Armor: 52
Firepower: 56
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 50
Sensors: 30


Weapons:GN sniper rifle x 1
GN beam pistol x 2
GN shield x 1
GN full shield x 1
super substratospheric altitude gun x 1
GN beam saber x 2
GN missile x 24

Trans-Am system:Increases GN Drive Particle output by a magnitude of three, tinting the entire suit red allowing for increased performance. Can only be used in short bursts and once expired the suit will have 1/2 their original output and performance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skiiage


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm interested. Reserving this post for my character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Karyu


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Name: Kamille Bidan
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 131 lbs
Rank/Title: Ensign
Special: Newtype

Kamille grew up in the Gryps (formerly known as Green Noa) space colony and found a hobby in robotics. He became a mech pilot after a chain of events leading to him taking control of a Titans Gundam Mk-II and aiding the AEUG. Kamille's robotics experience coupled with his Newtype abilities make him a highly skilled pilot. His beliefs follow those of the AEUG: The space colonies should be free from Earth.

Name: RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Type: Real
Dimensions: Overall Height: 19.6 meters
Weight: 33.4 metric tons (Standard) 54.1 metric tons (Max)


Strength: 40
Armor: 45
Firepower: 40
Performance: 35
Mobility: 25
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 40

The RX-178 was designed to be a direct descendant of the RX-78-2 from the One Year War both in appearance and function. It features a 360 panoramic viewscreen surrounding a linear "floating" seat which gives the pilot a large view of view. The RX-178 Gundam Mk-II are three prototype mobile suits developed by the Titans in UC 0087. All three were stolen by the AEUG: one kept and repainted while the other two were sent to Anaheim Electronics.

The Mk-II is equipped with two beam sabers while other weapons it can carry (such as a vulcan pod, a beam rifle, a hyper bazooka or a clay bazooka alongside a shield) depend on what is deemed necessary.

Kamille has remarkable intuition thanks to his Newtype abilities and (later on when he can use the Zeta) he can call upon the souls of the departed to aid him in battle.

Signature Moves:
Kamille fires off a barrage of shots with whichever firearm he has equipped.

[Zeta stats for later]

Name: MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam
Type: Real
Dimensions: Overall Height: 19.85 meters, Waverider Wingspan: 18.61 meters
Weight: 28.7 metric tons (Standard) 62.3 metric tons (Max)
Waverider Wingspan: 18.61 meters

Strength: 45
Armor: 50
Firepower: 45
Performance: 45
Mobility: 35
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 40

Description: The Zeta Gundam is a high-performance, next-gen suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for use by the AEUG. It was designed by Kamille who applied the movable frame technology extracted from the stolen Titans Mk-II suits. Because of this, the suit is able to transform quickly and smoothly even in the midst of battle.

Weapons: The Zeta includes standard weaponry such as head mounted Vulcan guns, dual beam sabers, and a high powered beam rifle. It also has arm mounted grenade launchers which can also be fitted with a grappling hook. If needed the zeta can also carry a large rifle known as the Hyper Mega Launcher in place of its beam rifle.

Waverider mode: The Zeta transforms into a craft which allows greater mobility and speed
Newtype Resonance: Because the Zeta was Kamille's own design, his newtype abilities are more effective (Requires pilot to be in a very driven and determined of mind. Cannot be used right away and is not a passive ability).

Signature moves:
The Zeta Gundam transforms to waverider mode and rams into the enemy (finishing move).


Name: Karako
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143 lbs
Rank/Title: Lieutenant
Special: low-level Newtype
Alignment: Good

Karako is a mobile suit pilot stationed at the EF Academy as an instructor. She has a feisty personality and can be a bit on the sassy side. She tells things like it is and isn't afraid to speak her mind (with plenty of cussing of course). Karako grew up on Earth, constantly moving to various military bases thanks to her father. She joined the military at the age of 18, hating it until she had the opportunity to pilot a mobile suit. A natural at it, she piloted various suits for the EF over the years before settling down back on Earth to train young pilots. Karako has a very strong protective drive which is her motivation. She does her best to protect those she fights alongside. Karako can't stand the Titans whatsoever but somewhat passive aggressively plays nice with them when necessary. She supports the Autobots since pretty much anyone trying to either destroy everything or take over is on her shit list.

Name: MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki Demon, or "Demon Shiki" (sometimes Karako refers to it as the "Purple People Eater")
Type: Real
Dimensions: Overall Height: 21.4 meters
Weight: 31.5 metric tons (Standard) 54.5 metric tons (Max)


Strength: 50
Armor: 45
Firepower: 30
Performance: 50
Mobility: 45
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 40

Description: The Demon Shiki is a [mostly cosmetically] modified Hyaku Shiki prototype built by Anaheim Electronics. Its appearance represents that of a mono-eyed demonic warrior painted metallic purple, black, and white. It's also equipped with powerful thrusters to enhance the speed and mobility of the suit. This suit excels in close-combat and was modified to be able to use hit-and-run style tactics.

Kanabo-Nata: A pole-arm weapon reminiscent of a samurai naginatas. One end features a serrated blade while the other is the armor-smashing spiked club of a Kanabo.
Kitty Claws: A pair of long, incredibly durable ninja claws.
Dual Beam Sabers: self-explanatory
Beam Rifle: self-explanatory

This suit is meant for getting in and dealing high damage before getting the hell out. It's fast and it's tough.

Signature Moves:
Armor-buster: The kanabo is used to damage the opponent's armor capabilities. Requires the pilot to be within fairly close range. Can be a very risky tactic depending on the opponent.
Kitty's got Claws: If able to get close enough, the kitty claws can be used to tear apart the opponent(requires both sets) or impale. Again, requires close range.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I may as well do my own characters

(OC Character)
"I-I'm a murderer?" -0079

"You disgusting Automatons. Preaching about freedom is the right of sentient beings and crap when It's just the living ones that really matter.I'll show you why! "-0087

Name: Art Right
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (Pre slam) 20 (post)
Height: 6 1/2
Weight: 214
Rank/Title: Ensign
Special: Insane Newtype/ whispered
Alignment: (Pre slam) Neutral (Post Slam) Bad
Bio: Born into an abusive and strict lower class family Art right was know as a child as an introvert and a loner, powerless to change his situation and too scared to talk to anyone. As his loneliness grew so did a hidden sixth sense he seemed to posses in addition to a brilliant technological mind despite being a mere adolecent. The One year war however freed him from his personal hell and thrust him into another. At age 11 he was forced by Jamaican Daninghan to pilot an Mobile Suit after hearing the rumors of his extrasensory abilities. Desperate to maintain order after the colony broke into a riot caused by Emperor Brai's infiltrators Art was unknowingly forced to kill his own parents and numerous civilians who were under the demons control. Jamaican kept the truth hidden from the boy to keep him in is control and sent him away to Newtype labs to be studied. Fearing his potential as his mental instability showed it'self the researchers had erased his prior memories and tried making him more docile,however deep down he feels an emptiness within his heart that he seeks to understand. He's very paranoid and erratic towards other humans due to reading their true thoughts, often he sees manifestations of their emotions as foreboding visions. He fears the Autobots power and is uncertain of their friendship with Humanity due to being unable to feel their emotions. He is loyal to the Titans but is reluctant to totally give into the organization's anti-spacenoid slant due to his own Space colony background.

(Post slam)
After the slam his memory became restored by mental trauma of the worlds decent into anarchy. His PTSD of his slaughter of his colony sent him into a decent into madness in bloodlust. He begins blaming Ryoma Nagare and the Getter team for allowing his slaughter of innocents turned into demons to happen and for not ending Barai sooner. He also goes on a fanatical crusade against the resurrected Brai . Art blames the the Transformers both Autobot and Decepticon for causing this catastrophe, and his hate has grown to encompass all mechanical forms of life like Zoids. His sense of morals to other Humans have become twisted as well. Rather then forming connections and with others to bring understanding as Newtypes were foretold to do Art has become addicted to feelings of despair, mental trauma and death. Each life he takes the more of a thrill he obtains from each cocktail of emotions. With every traumatic event he rips from the minds of others the more masochistic pleasure he gains, the more despair he feels the more powerful he feels for conquering his own inner weakness.


Name: RX-78T Gundam Titans Version
Type: Mobile Suit (Real Robot)
Dimensions: height: 18.5 meters
Weight: 60.0 metric tons

Description: A Titans production unit directly descended from the RX-78-2 the Titans hoped to use the legacy of the White Devil to keep the colonies in line. Effectively is has the same capabilities as the original

Strength: 25
Armor: 58
Firepower: 45
Performance: 55
Mobility: 37
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 30
Abilities:As well as being a Newtype with precognition and enhanced empathy he has a wide range of skills in technology and is a brilliant engineer and weapons designer. An ironic prerequisite for such a violent technophobe. Unknowingly his gift comes from being among the enigmatic whispered.

60mm Vulcan Gun
Beam Saber
Beam Javelin
Beam Rifle

Signature Moves:
He is known to fire off his beam rifle and Vulcan guns at the same time then when he gets close prefers to use the beam javelin over his saber

(Canon character)

Name: Asuna Elmarit
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16 (pre Slam) 17 (Post slam)
Height: 5 feet 4
Weight: 114 pounds.
Rank/Title: Cadet
Special: Newtype
Born into the Principality of Zeon Asuna was but an adolescent when she was put through training commenced by Shockwave to hone her expected Newtype abilities. Often during the training her father would barge in and berate her. Dissatisfied with her performance her father would often break in during the tests and berate her for not reaching his expectations. After the end of the one Year war her father fled to Cybertron with Shockwave to escape war crimes accusations and after the Delaz conflict a teenaged Asuna was forced into the E’cole du Ciel Federation Piloting Academy based in Canada. She had little motivation to become a pilot and aimed for a support role. Discriminated because of her Zeon origins and berated by her fellow classmate Erisia because of her poor piloting skills she became more determined to become a more competent pilot. Eventually she discovers she’s more adjusted to Zeon Mobile suits in simulations. She becomes more capable in simulations despite her difficulty with panoramic sensor in atmosphere. After an incident where paint rounds were “accidentally” replaced with bullets Asuna and Erisia became friendly rivals of sorts and began practicing with one another in simulations.

Asuna’s circle of friends are composed of Emilu Voigtlander who went to the Acadamy to be able to take care of her siblings, the former Marine Shinn Barnack, her crush and the perfectionist Erisia Nocton who shares emotions for Shin.

After the Titans pay for Zeonic pirates to attack the school while in space training Asuna’s newtype potential slowly becomes unlocked after encountering her fellow Zeon test subject named Akira. After destroying several salamis class ships the Zeon begin targeting the students misled by the Titans to be Earth Federation hardliners. Being overwhelmed with all the deaths within the battle Asuna is to frozen with shock to prevent Shin taking a hit from Akira meant for her. Devastated by this loss Asuna runs away from the school. She is captured by the Pirates and becomes forced to become part of the crew.
Post Slam
After the slam the Pirates are destroyed by the Titans and she Joins AUEG. She encounters her old rival Erisia, now a Cyber Newtype and obsessed with defeating her alongside her former instructor’s one of whom Yahagi Franziback is her biological father. After narrowly evading Erisia’s pursuit Asuna obtains an advanced Mobile Suit called Le Cygne

She is a talented artist although these skills remain unnoticed. She occasionally throws her sketchbook at people when irritated. She has a disinterest in robots and somewhat initially intimidated by the Autobots due to her memories of Shockwave but eventually befriends the Autobots Hot Rod and Kup. She becomes facinated by the Aura battlers for their organic appearance. Post slam Asuna is distrustful of the new Cult that has sprung up in the wake of the Slam that claims to bring refuge and haven for refugees. She is determined to stop destructive Newtypes like Erisia, Art Right and sees them as twisted mockeries of themselves. She sees the Decepticons similarly as the Titans
TGM-79C GM Canard

Strength: 30
Armor: 40
Firepower: 29
Performance: 30
Mobility: 30
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 40

MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Strength: 30
Armor: 45
Firepower: 46
Performance: 60
Mobility: 59
Energy Output:30
Sensors: 35

RMS-106 Hizack

Strength: 30
Armor: 45
Firepower: 46
Performance: 60
Mobility: 59
Energy Output:30
Sensors: 35

Post slam
Name: RMS-099 Rick Dias
Strength: 37
Armor: 40
Firepower: 40
Performance: 50
Mobility: 46
Energy Output: 48
Sensors: 39

Name: MSS-008 Le Cygne
Descrption: A prototype developed by AEUG and Anihiem Electronics based on Asuna's testing data it's main focus is enhanced maneuverability
Type: Mobile Suit
Weight: 38.2 metric tons
Strength: 19
Armor: 25
Firepower: 54
Performance: 70
Mobility: 70
Energy Output: 32
Sensors: 30

Abilities: Asuna is a Newtype and possesses precognition an enhanced empathy

Weapons:1 x Beam Rifle
2 x Gatling Gun
2 x Beam Saber (Twin Beam Trident)
1 x Shield
Mega Beam Launcher
I'll fill everything else out later when I'm less lazy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

OC first, will think of canon character later. I can limit some of these abilities more if necessary.


Name: Rohnosc Rastun
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lbs
Rank/Title: Overseer Agent
Special: Rohnosc can detect fluctuations and changes in timelines.

Bio: The Great Slam, a cataclysmic event that merged countless worlds into one, incoherent mess. Time and space became chaotic, twisted beyond recognition. After this event, a faction called the Chronal Overseers formed. Stationed on various worlds, the Overseers would send an agent to a particular universe and/or timeline to alleviate whatever problem it's causing to the already damaged spacetime continuum. They act as a neutral party, only interested in establishing order to a chaotic cosmos. Rohnosc, who was eight at the time and would later be one of their finest agents, was found in the slums by a wandering scouting patrol. Picking up massive temporal energies surrounding the boy, they took him into the base. For years they've trained him and while they were at first disappointed at his lack of more overt powers over time, the Overseers appreciated his piloting abilities and his acute sensory abilities concerning spacetime structure. At present, he pilots the Astafanel, one of the Overseers' advanced mechs. Acting as one of their agents, he now hunts for unruly anomalies gnawing at the fabric of the universe, but his mission might become more than he bargained for...


Name: Astafanel
Type: Super
Dimensions: 30 meters in height
Weight: 2500 tons


Strength: 35
Armor: 30
Firepower: 30
Performance: 55
Mobility: 50
Energy Output: 60
Sensors: 40

Description: The Astafanel is one of the Overseers' top-of-the-line Chronoframes, which focuses on speed and maneuverability. Its already high speed is supplemented by its ability to slow down time, making the Astafanel nigh-untouchable. It can also reverse time on itself, reverting the Chronoframe to a period in time before it was damaged. The Astafanel's power source is a Temporal Energy Reactor, which channels energy from alternate dimensions. In the hands of any skilled pilot, the Astafanel would be a formidable machine but in the hands of one with great amounts of temporal energy like Rohnosc, its potential is almost limitless.

Also, like any Chronoframe, it can warp into another star system and/or timeline.


Optic Beam Cannons: The Astafanel fires concentrated blue-green beams from its eyes to pierce through enemies.

Wrist-mounted Beam Cannons: Similar to the optic beam cannons above, but is explosive instead of piercing.

Entropy Blades: Channeling power from the Astafanel's reactor, these blades have the ability to age anything they touch, making the act of cutting through enemies easier. The effect of this varies, depending on the material.

Existence Reversal Cannon: The Astafanel's chest opens up, revealing a large cannon. This weapon channels the most power from the reactor and fires energy that reverses the time of those it hits to a point where it didn't exist. However, the Astafanel has to charge it for ten seconds before firing it and remains stationary while doing so. In addition, the time abilities listed below can't be used during the process of charging this weapon. It can only be used once per day.


Time Slow: Slows down time for the Astafanel, reducing the speed of everything around it by half. This effect lasts for ten seconds and there is a minute-long delay before it can be used again.

Time Reversal: Reverses time solely for the Astafanel and reverts itself to a point before any damage was taken. This can be used only twice per day.

FTL and Time Travel: The Astafanel can warp into another system and/or another timeline via its Spacetime Warp Engine. It needs the proper set of coordinates for a successful jump.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jesus


Member Offline since relaunch

(OC Character)

Name: Jace Dager
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 185cm
Weight: 67kg
Rank/Title: Major/Crimson
Special: Dimensional General
Bio: Pre-slam: The grandnephew of the king of Va Rox, he was widely known to be among the most skilled and arrogant pilots in the empire. Fully accustomed to his status, he believed that everyone except his granduncle was beneath him. During the climax of a major battle with a rebel kingdom, the dimensional engine stationed in the Emperor malfunctioned and he was sent spiraling into the current world. Stunned at the new circumstances initially, he made contact with the Federation, the closest thing to the empire in this dimension, he offered his services as a mercenary despite his distaste of having to lower himself to such a disgusting low level job.

Post-slam: Intriuged at the goals of the Titans and the possibility of finding a way to get back to his home dimension, Jace allied with them in the role as a security consultant. He seeks to use them as a personal army to his own ends eventually and isn't above killing even Titan soldiers if he finds it suits him.

Name: White Emperor
Type: Super Robot
Dimensions: 22 meters
Weight: 200 metric tons


Strength: 20(70)
Armour: 60(40)
Firepower: 80(10)
Performance: 40(50)
Mobility: 30(50)
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 30

The White Emperor. A prototype mechanical unit constructed by the top scientists in the alternate dimension Va Rox, It was granted to Jace as a mark of his abilities and position as one of the three top generals of his world. Powered by a dimensional engine, an imbalance in the engine during a battle resulted in both Jace and the White Emperor to be transported into the current universe pre-slam.

Plasma beams: By directly funneling the power of the Emperor's reactor, into an electromagnetic field surrounding the Emperor, multiple plasma spears can be formed to be "hurled" towards the enemy or used as a rudimentary defense system which can be instantly turned into an excellent offensive one. Plasma swords can too be formed around the mech's hands for close-range combat.

Gravitational control: Through the means of the prototype system BABYLON maintained by the AI, Ea, the Emperor can manipulate the gravitational fields around it. It can be used to restrain enemies or to simply crush them through gravitational forces. The system may also be used as a replacement to actual thrusters on the unit if they are damaged by using gravity to control it's speed and direction, though it is crude in comparison. It's greatest value though, is to act as the ultimate defense system to the already well armoured Emperor by either dramatically reducing any physical impacts, diverting most energy attacks simply around its body and to act as a white blood-cell system for the mech by eliminating any nanites or similar objects used to attack or infiltrate it with Ea coordinating the system down to the simplest calculation.

Alternate melee mode. All power is instead funneled into the Emperor's body, enhancing the performance of the machine and drastically increasing it's strength. By manipulating the gravity fields internally the Emperor's frame, he can increase it's physical prowess dramatically in exchange for the ability to utilize its gravity fields externally.

Signature Moves:
Last sight: Jace first slams the the opponent into the ground with a gravity field before floating above him. Slowly increasing the gravity, his enemy slowly grinds itself further into the ground. Ignoring any please of mercy, he smirks at his enemy's despair and their horror, finally boosting the gravity rapidly until both the mech and pilot are unrecognisable paste.
Critical point: Jace places multiple gravity fields around his enemy before drastically increasing their strength, tearing both the unit and pilot into multiple directions.
Dimension shot: Using his gravitational powers to hold his enemy in place, he powers up the Emperor, he places a immense amount of dimensional energy in a small but powerful gravity field before sending it hurtling towards his opponent which proceeds to either warp away or obiliterate the general area where it was fired at along with the trapped entity.

(Cannon character)
Graham Aker. Reserving him, will fill in details later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mechs for the NPC villains. I'll expand on this as the story progresses
Los Betas mechs

Name: Valsione
Height: 24.6 meters
Weight: 39.7 metric tons
Type: Super machinery humanoid
Strength: 5
Armor: 5
Firepower: 10
Performance: 15
Mobility: 15
Energy Output: 10
Sensors: 25

Wapons: Psychoblaster x 1, divine blade x 1, mega beam cannon x 1, cross smasher x 1

Name: Preet
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Rank/Title: Los Betas commander
Special: Toaster Lover, every time Dream sees a female Robot he becomes enamored
Bio: After being spurned by a classmate in Ecole Du Ciel Preet began to plot revenge against not merely the girl but the entire school. Catching wind of his plot the Titans led council of the School allowed him to act on his own devices, seeing Preets antagonism as an opportunity as a warm up test for their next plot to find the newtype ranking of their students. They even provided him with poorly made experimental mechs to use as his vanguard. Little did they know Preet was a delusional loose cannon at this point, he became fixated on his mech the Valsione R and went as far to talk to it and treat it like an actual person. In his mind Valsione was the perfect replacement for the love who had rejected him and left him broken. Preet decided with his new love nothing could stand to him and even the Titans would be trampled underfoot. But in reality he was nothing more then a nuisance made to give the Titans good publicity and discredit their opponents rather then be a legitimate threat.

Name: Valsione R
type: super machinery humanoid
Height: 24.6 meters
Weight: 39.6 metric tons
Strength: 10
Armor: 10
Firepower: 10
Performance: 15
Mobility: 15
Energy Output: 10
Sensors: 25
Weapons: Psychoblaster x 1, divine blade x 1, mega beam cannon x 1, cross smasher x 1, cross saucer x 2, divine arm, mobius jade, engetsu sappou
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Kainé Fablesmith
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (claims to be 25)
Height: 183 cm (6'1")
Weight: 86 kg (192 lbs)
Rank/Title: Adventurer
Special: ARMS-Magus
Aura Index: 88 (currently, in process of slow recovery)
Mystic Code: Unknown


Kainé is a dimensional wanderer, an adventurer between parallel universes. He originates from a world where magic was part of the everyday lives and were treated like technology. During the events of the Slam Kainé suffers an accident which causes him to forget his past. Kainé now walks the Earth and solves problems while his memories and powers gradually return.


Kainé is from a world where magic energy was identified as a group of imaginary particles. By gathering and refining these particles people are capable of using magic. Kainé is an ARMS-Magus. He cannot genuinely process magic and instead relies on devices called A.R.M.S. to aid him. The subconscious use and processing of excess magic energy alone gives Kainé superhuman physique. By focusing power to certain areas Kainé can further boost his strength, speed or resilience on demand. In addition he's capable of casting various spells, using his A.R.M.S. as a medium. This makes him a formidable fighter even on foot. When necessary Kainé can also summon his Magius Mechanicus "Nox", a giant techno-magical mecha which boosts his powers exponentially.

- A.R.M.S. - I.D. Ω907ZF "Ignis Caligulae": Kainé's medallion worn on his neck. This is his primary magic device which is sentient and capable of casting a variety of spells. Its two main domains are fire and mist, the latter allowing to create temporally M-Particle constructs for combat.

- A.R.M.S. - I.D. Ψ375EX "Clava Tempestis": Large and heavy sword-shaped weapon with thickness that makes it unsuitable for cutting (or to be wielded by human without enhanced strength). Like every A.R.M.S. Clava Tempestis has the ability to absorb the various types of Particle D from the environment and turn them into Particle M. The difference is that Clava Tempestis can perform this at a pace faster than its rate of transfering the particles to their condensers. This is an intentionally faulty design which allows the user to perform raw magic phenomena on-site in its most destructive form. Simply put this is a weapon which can kill people with the force of explosions. So even with a blunt edge this weapon is as lethal as one can get. Clava Tempestis has the attribute of lightning and it's generally the medium of Kainé's most offensive spells. The sheer bulk of the weapon also makes it very durable and Kainé prefers to use this with surprising dexterity to parry.

Name: Ω919Ω "Nox Infinitem Fraglantis" (commonly referred as Nox)
Type: A.G.R.M.S./Magius Mechanicus (Super Robo)
Height: 37.88 m
Weight: 2880 tons
Powerplant: H.A.R.M.S. - I.D. Ωω999ZZ "Perpetuus Noctis" M-Reactor


  • Strength: 50

  • Armor: 30

  • Firepower:70

  • Performance: 20

  • Mobility: 70

  • Energy Output: 40

  • Sensors: 20

Nox Infinitem Fraglantis is an advanced magic apparatus originating from Kainé's world and would be considered an extension of Ignis Caligulae's power. Nox is a giant humanoid machine with rather extraordinary design and magic markings, signifying its otherwordly origin. The mecha can channel magic power through either its or weapons or via casting spells. Nox cannot fly but its raw power and magic jets allow it to perform extremely long jumps while the gravity-defying characteristics of Impetus Maximum can give it a limited maneuverability. Currently Nox Infinitem Fraglantis is only 10% operational, limiting its power severely and locking a number of its more intrinsic features.


- H.A.C.M.S. - I.D. Γβ233GG "Velocitas Magnum" : Boxy automatic pistol shooting magical bullets. Both the charge and the bullet's body are formed of Particle M and its derivatives thus the actual number of shots is only limited by power. Depending on the bullets' strength a single magazine is enough for 10 to 5000 shots. There's also a technique to unleash the magazine's whole charge in a single shot but this is also considered harmful to the weapon. Nox has two such pistols allowing the mech to effectively dual wield them.

- H.A.C.M.S. - I.D. Λφ877ZZ "Fulminis Certus" : Silvery magic revolver, housing 6 cannisters of concentrated magic cannisters. Each of these cannisters hold magic energy superior to a full powered shot from Velocitas Magnum with the trade-off being that the cannisters are limited only for a single use prior to refill. Basically Fulminis Certus is powerful 6-shot revolver with the attribute of lightning.

- H.A.C.M.S. - I.D. Ππ521AZ "Radica-Lamina Segmentae" : Sword with a cruved blade made out of over a hundred segments. These segment can fold in and disappear into sub-space to scale down to a smaller size or rapidly reappear to seemingly grow in size. At its smallest the sword is on the size of a mech-proportional kitchen knife. At its largest the blade can expand to the size comparable to Nox's whole height. This application gives a degree of veratility for the weapon in combat. In addition it's outfitted with M-Particle exhausts to propel the blade like a magic jet for increased control and attack power. With some calibration it's even possible to cast primitive spells with the blade thus making Radica-Lamina Segmentae fairly practical during combat.

- H.A.C.M.S. - I.D. Θω818XL "Impetus Maximum" : A pair of oversized protruding shinguards with magic engravings, that's Impetus Maximum. Their function is to absorb, refine, channel and focus magic energy. Basically it allows Nox to enhance it kicks with raw magic power and may even cast various spells with it. One of their most curious feature is though to temporally boost Nox's speed and even ignore the rules of gravity and inertia, allowing Nox to perform a limited number of maneuvers while in the air.


- Compressed Space Transference System (C.S.T.S.): Mechanism allowing to store Nox's weapons and ammunitions in sub-space, summoning them only on demand. A similar method is also used to teleport Nox to Kainé's location whenever he invokes the mech's name.

- Magic: Being a Magius Mechanicus Nox is capable of casting all of Kainé's spells with enhanced power. Certain advanced spells are also only possible while piloting Nox.

While there's no sign of outer harm the events of the Slam caused great damage to Nox's systems. As such many of the mech's features are currently locked or working at far less than optimum capacity. The M-Reactor' activity is seriously impeded which means even with the reduced capabilities the available energy is much less than required to operate at max power. Nox relies on its capacitors and magic storage magazines to retain its full combat capabilities for a while but after an amount of time these would deplete and force the machine to operate at a far more conservative output. For similar reasons the originally enchanted armor of Nox bears no power and currently it can be worn down by conventional weapons. Nox is fully capable of erecting a barrier but that'd further deplete its already limited reserves. The tough and mighty Magius Mechanicus is currently paradoxically forced to rely on speed and power in order to overcome the enemies before the energy reserves are out.

Signature Moves
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

And here's my canon character.
Some changes did occur with him, his mech and the organization he works for.
That's all due to the merging dimensions.

Name: Sousuke Sagara
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 176 cm (5'11")
Weight: 72 kg (159 lbs)
Affiliation: Mithril
Rank: Sergeant Major
Special: None



- Pilot Suit: Arm-Slave pilots of Mithril are all outfitted with the latest generation of ballistic suits. They help to off-set G forces, cushion shock or falls and were even deigned to offer limited protection against fire, blades and small arms. The suit has an enclosed and bulkier exospheric variation which allows the pilot to even survive in space.

- Glock-19X: Pistol created for and standardized by Mithril. It's an upgraded version of the old Glock-19C with ID-lock feature, wireless link to the pilot suit's enhanced HUD and the option to use programmable bullets. The latter are standardized ammo for Mithril soldiers with multiple potential roles, allowing Sousuke to choose which type suits the situation the best.

- Steyr UGX: Full name: Steyr Universal Gun X. This is an assault rifle created by Steyr Mannlicher with shape resembling the old Steyr AUG. It has bullpup design, ID-lock, direct HUD link and programmable bullets. The UGX is also highly customizable and can be easily altered to receive 4 different calibers. There are several potential add-ons like bipod, barrel extension and corner-shoot features. Steyr UGX is rarely used by pilots and mostly seen carried by the Primary Response Team when they're on field duty.

- Grenades: PRT and in a more limited number SRT pilots like Sousuke carry various grenades like smoke, flashbang, incrediary and fragmentation grenades. The latter received a serious upgrade with the intelligent blast feature. Using IFF the grenade can shape the blast in a way to ignore nearby allies and only kill hostiles.

- LAW-2E Anti-MS System: Massively upgraded version of the ancient M72 LAW, this is a light and easily portable anti-armor missile launcher with surprising power. With precise aim it's plausible to cripple or even to mission-kill a standard Mobile Suit. Albeit the missile doesn't have the sufficient power to pose much threat to Gundams or above. As cautious as ever, Sousuke always has at least one LAW-2E hidden within the cockpit.

Name: ARX-7 Arbalest
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics & GeoTron Electronics (collaborative)
Type: 3.5rd Generation Arm-Slave (Real Robo)
Height: 8.5 meters
Weight: 22.7 metric tons
Armor Component: Gundarium γ
Powerplant: Ross & Humbleton APR 2500C Palladium Reactor
Maximum Operation Time: 150 Hours


  • Strength: 30 (50)

  • Armor: 30

  • Firepower: 30 (50)

  • Performance: 30

  • Maneuverability: 40 (60)

  • Energy Output: 40

  • Sensors: 50




Fixed Armaments

- AM11 Chainguns: Pair of 12.7mm chainguns housed in the Arbalest's head. Used against infantry, missiles and light vehicles.

- GeoTron GRAW-2S Monomolecular Cutter: High-quality vibroblade with extremely sharpened edges. GRAW-2S (Sonic) also incorporated the AEU's sonic blade technology, increasing its power and allowing to block beam sabers. The Monomolecular Cutter is stored in an electromagnetic scabbard on the back.

- Royal Ordinance M1108E Anti-Armor Daggers: Throwing dagger filled with a powerful shaped charge, penetrating armor with both force and the strength of the explosives. The Arbalest carriers 5 of these. Four stored in the hip containers and one held in the mecha's "mouth".

- Grenade Containers: Found near to the mecha's shoulders there are a pair of containers used to hold grenades. It can store various types of grenades like the Honeywell M1097 Frag or the MIP-B6 Cracker. They are potent against group of light or medium armored Mobile Suits but save for specialized variations they aren't particularly effective against Gundams and above.

- XM18 Wire Guns: Hidden within the wrists the Arbalest has a pair of wire launchers, allowing it to grapple onto objects and reel itself up in order to climb or glide over obstacles. This weapon has next to none direct combat applications. Maximum wire length is 500m.

- EEF-201X Tasers: Non-lethal anti-personnel weapons hidden in the mecha's fingers, capable of launching electrified wires over a short (40m) distance. Used to capture hostiles on foot for future interrogations.

- Dummy/Adhesive Launchers: A different section of the Arbalest's wrists also have the option to shoot inflatable dummy mechs to confuse the enemy. The balloon-mechs have special stabilizers to stand realistically on the ground and covered by paint which mimicks the heat and radar image of the Arbalest. Each launcher can hold 3 dummies at maximum. The other half is occupied with the adhessive launcher, it shoots a rapid-binding adhesive for hasty repairs and has space for 10L in each wrist. Both of these arms are non-lethal and have rather short (20m) range.

Optional Armaments

- Oto Melara 57/46 "Boxer" Shotgun: Small-caliber howitzer which esentially fills in the role of shotgun for Arm-Slaves. The smoothbore barrel can fit various ammunitions including: APFSDS, APBC, HE, HESH, Flechette, Cluster, Grapeshot and even non-lethal rounds. Its versatility and sheer stopping power made this Sousuke's preferred weapon in combat which he kept even after Mithril acquired beam rifles.

- GEC-B Assault Rifle: Rapid-firing weapon shooting physical projectiles. The comparatively small bore (40mm) to the more standard Anti-MS calibers is compensated by advanced design and multi-stage acceleration. The weapon is only effective against light to medium armored targets and in the proces of getting phased out by the new Beam Carbines.

- BOWA BC-M-87SE03 Beam Carbine: Scaled down more energy efficient beam rifle from Anaheim Electronics, specially made for Mithril's demands. The Beam Carbine is small enough to be carried by Arm-Slaves and still packs enough punch to compete with a standard beam rifle. Unfortunately the smaller size resulted in halved acceleration coil length, reducing the Beam Carbine's range to only quarter of the original. The Beam Carbine can shoot 50 times before depleting its slightly oversizes E-Pack. The Arbalest usually carries two spare E-Packs during missions.

- Bofors ASG96-C Sniper Gun: Relatively large caliber (76mm) L/111 cannon used for sniping. For this purpose it utilizes high-velocity multi-stage sabot ammunition edged for range and superior penetration. It's a venerable and well-tested gun in Mithril's arsenal. In spite of that the organization already has talks with Anaheim Electronics for a potential beam-based replacement.

- Houghs VGM-A2(M) Multi-Missile Launcher: 9-tube launcher shooting "Versile II" all-purpose missiles. True to their name the missiles can be programmed to various targeting and blast modes thus potentially filling the role for anti-air, anti-armor or saturation bombardment. Each tube can hold two missiles, 18 total.

- Raytheon Javelin K1 Bazooka: Large, cumbersome but also powerful and versatile missile launcher used against the most fortified targets. It can launch HE, HEAT, UHVAP and various other missiles. It's technically capable of even using nuclear warheads but they're outlawed by the Grenada Peace Treaty.

Notable Features

- Electronic Camouflage System (ECS): System of lasers that disrupt electromagnetic waves thus reducing the Arm-Slave's radar and heat signal considerably. In addition ECS can be also used to create a holographic screen, effectively rendering the mecha invisible. The only drawback of this system that it requires low particle concentration otherwise the system short-circuits. This makes it sensible to rain and high concentration of dust.

- Fairy Eye: Standard equipment of Mithril's Arm-Slave ever since of the mysterious fuse of worlds about 2 years ago. Fairy Eye is a system to watch gravitational fluctuations and supernatural phenomena, allowing the detection and clean observation of supernatural powers. When encountering such opponent Mithril operatives can plan with far more precision.

- Lambda Driver: Special system that essentially turns the user's willpower into energy which can be then used for various purposes. With the Lambda Driver Sousuke can erect barriers, unleash waves of destructive psychic energy or suddenly boost the mech's speed and power. The actual mechanism of this system is top secret and not even Sousuke is aware of its exact workings. Having almost 2 years of experience with the Arbalest, Sousuke had already mastered the use of Lambda Driver.

Signature Moves

- Magic Bullet: Sousuke can focus the Lambda Driver's energy into his next shot, unleashing a projectile coated in psychic energy.

- Raging Wave: Sousuke gathers the Lambda Driver's energies into the Arbalest's fist and delivers a punch in the air. Soon thereafter a wave of psychic energy rushes toward the target to tear it into pieces. This technique has somewhat limited range (50m) but it's powerful and Sousuke also learned how to control the wave enough for it to avoid harming friendly units.

Theme Song

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And now, my canon character


Name: Starscream
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Type: Super
Dimensions: Six meters tall, 4.6 meters in length when in jet mode
Weight: 11 tons

Bio: Once a Decepticon soldier conflicted about his allegiances, Starscream now remembers nothing after his old life. His last memory is sacrificing himself to unite Optimus and Megatron against Unicron. Starscream became nothing more than scrap after being struck down by Unicron, or so he remembers. He doesn't know how he's still alive and how he wound up on a moon orbiting Earth. However, he gets visions of a silhouetted crowned figure, with a frame somewhat resembling his own. "I must purge this weakness," the figure says. There are other jumbled flashes of him fiercely struggling with what seems to be an illness within himself, and appears to be attempting to exorcise it out. More mysterious is the strange power that manifests from Starscream during intense moments. He glows gold for a short time whenever he uses this power and his abilities are greatly enhanced temporarily. Just what could this all mean?


Strength: 20
Armor: 20
Firepower: 30
Performance: 70
Mobility: 60
Energy Output: 50
Sensors: 50

Description: A Cybertronian Decepticon who can transform into a high-speed jet. One of his wings can be used as a sword in robot form. He also has a Minicon with him to enhance his combat capability and unlocks his twin null ray cannons.


Twin Rapid Fire Energy Guns: Located on the sides of Starscream's nose in jet mode, they fire generic rapid fire energy bullets.

Twin Null Ray Cannons: Starscream uses his Minicon to activate this weapon and fires twin red beams of energy.

Wing Sword: Starscream converts one of his wings into a sword and imbues it with red-colored energy to enhance its cutting power.


Aside from his ability to transform and his use of a Minicon, Starscream can surround himself with an unusual golden aura that enhances his abilities for a short time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So I guess it's time to throw my canon character out there

Name: Joe Convoy

Gender: Male
Age: Old, quite possible a few million years
Type: Real
Height: 9 meters/ 2.98 meters in height, 7.64 meters in length in vehicle mode
Weight: 21 tons
Rank/Title: Renegade Predacon Commander/(temporary) Overlord of Cybertron

Special: Potential threat to the franchise in more ways than one.

Bio: Illegal visitor to Axiom Nexus of questionable repute, first claiming to be a Prime and later a Megatron. After the silliness with Unicron in the Universe Wars he somehow ended up on Axiom Nexus from all his dimension hopping and eventually ran afoul of the morally ambiguous Transtech Shockwave and eventually got tossed in jail for attempting to use a MacGuffin to conquer the Transtech home world. Offered a full pardon and "free" trip out of Axiom Nexus in return for assistance involving potential Unicron related threat due to his involvement in the Universe Wars.

Other past actions cataloged after the "Key Incident" include attempting to erase an entire timeline without considering the consequences, liberal MacGuffin use (what a shocker), and enslaving his version of Cybertron. All the while dealing with the plots of Unicron's spawn and interference from The Vok who claim to be guardians of The One (we think they're full of shit but whatever) which is rather impressive for a dude that started with a crew of 5 most of which were idiots and one being the above mentioned spawn of Unicron. Has also suffered numerous humiliating defeats in contrast to his impressive success.

Strength: 49
Armor: 50
Firepower: 50
Performance: 42
Mobility: 30
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 39


ICBM: Large long range shoulder mounted missile of Cybertronian design. High destructive but impractical against small, fast moving targets. Disabled by Transtechs upon reformatting due to Joe's morally questionable nature though it can be rearmed if the need arises.

Particle Accelerator Cannon: In typical Cybertronian logic the ICBM also houses a particle accelerator. One can only assume this is the source of the missiles destructive power otherwise the thing makes no sense. Though far weaker than the ICBM the cannon is powerful enough to down most Cybertronians in a single hit with the toughest generally taking one or two more making it the main weapon of choice for most situations despite its charge up time. Also capable of firing on a weaker rapid fire setting without fully deploying thus negating charge time but is generally pointless due to the arm gun.

Arm Mounted Gun: A small...ish rapid fire gun attached to what can only be described as a shield on Joe's right arm. Though lacking the one hit kill potential of the particle cannon it is capable of leaving very painful, often times debilitating, wounds on Cybertronians. Repeated strikes can be fatal. Primarily used as suppression fire to line up cannon shots.

Missile Pods: Two leg mounted missile pods holding 5 missiles each. Additional missiles are stored in transwarp space but the energy cost for repeated rearming is too extensive for spamming though with Transtech upgrades the number of times it can be done is higher than normal. Generally used as an emergency distraction tactic.

Energy Sword: Ultra sharp energy blade designed to slice Cybertronian armor with ease slipped into the reformatting because why the hell not? you never know when you need a close combat weapon. Stored in transwarp space until needed. Capable of blocking any known type of energy. A mace was considered but deemed too G1.

Abilities: General transformation abilities. Master manipulator and strategic genius. More fuel economical than standard Transformers.

Signature Moves: Xanatos Gambit. Monologuing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And now my OC

Name: (Transtech) Brainwave

Gender: Male
Age: 1,000 years
Height: 7 meters
Weight: 11 tons
Rank/Title: Junior Military Scientist
Special: Advanced genius alien robot from a universe better than yours!

Bio: Recent graduate of the Transtech Academy of Sciences, top of his class. Aspires to be the greatest scientist in Transtech history surpassing even Shockwave after hearing about all his great discoveries century after century. All instructors remarked he has incredible skill as well as an incredible ego. Sent to investigate an anomaly with readings similar to the Unicron Singularity in a place it shouldn't exist. Being the most promising Junior member of the Transtech Military Science Division he was deemed perfect for this mission due to his high skill level which already rivals most senior members without risking anyone involved in important "research". It is currently unclear where his ethics lie.

Strength: 30
Armor: 45
Firepower: 45
Performance: 42
Mobility: 42
Energy Output: 54
Sensors: 42


Multipurpose Blaster: Comes with a multitude of settings ranging from stun to vaporize. Less lethal setting are generally preferred to data collection purposes. Crude by Transtech standards but effective enough while not risking capture of more advanced weapons technology.

Scientific Package: Various types of scanners and nanite probes that can be used in a verity of manors including debilitating sound waves and disrupting the targets nervous system and even blocking the flow of bodily fluids on top of usual data gathering abilities.

Abilities:General transformation abilities. Is capable of identifying Transformer related anomalies, technologies, and individuals from well known/high risk universal streams on sight. High level hacking ability of non Cybertronian machines. Also claims to hear something called the "narrator" though most with no experience with Axiom Nexus generally think Transtechs are insane because of this.

Signature Moves: SCIENCE!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Yin Feilong
Gender: Male
Age: 33 Pre-Slam, 35 Post-slam
Height: Five Feet, Eleven Inches
Weight: 180 pounds
Rank/Title: Blazing God of Battle
Special: Expert Martial artist, controls Ki/Chi energy to a high degree

Yin was born to a long line of martial artists who always strove to be the very best they could be. Subjected to intensely harsh training by both his father and his mother, Yin grew up knowing only the thrill that came with engaging in combat and coming out superior to his opponent. The feeling of victory quickly grew intoxicating for the young man who was rising through the ranks of the martial arts world, quickly ascending to the very top of the food chain in a relatively short amount of time. It was then that tragedy struck one day as Yin's strength proved to be too much for an opponent, resulting in his untimely death. The feeling of having used his fists to end a life quickly sent him into a spiraling depression, and he grew attatched to the snare of the bottle of alcohol that he always kept in a cupboard in his house. Surprisingly enough being drunk most of the time did not do much to inhibit his skills as a martial artist. If nothing else he wound up more lethal due to the loss of his normal inhibitions about killing those who would get in his way. Once the Cybertronians appeared in the world, Yin was too busy drinking himself into a coma to truly care about the possible threat the beings represented. He also doesn't happen to care much about the Titans or their methods, even though normally he'd be disgusted by how brutal and inhumane their tactics are. The one thing Yin pursues above all else is that feeling of absolute strength that his father once talked about when he was a child. The kind of strength that's so overwhelming that no one would ever dare try to draw him into a fight. This is what drives the man known as Yin Feilong.


Name: EFF-313 "GodZanger"
Type: Super
Dimensions: 35 meters tall
Weight: 200 metric tons


Strength: 60
Armor: 40
Firepower: 0
Performance: 60
Mobility: 50
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 50
A technological marvel specially designed by the Earth Federation for use by Yin Feilong to combat any threat that couldn't be handled via conventional means. It sports a lightweight frame with a surprising amount of armor that is both maneuverable and can reach high speeds. All these features serve to accent Yin's brutal combat style and allow him to close in on enemies quickly in order to crush them with his signature moves. It's a veritable lightning bruiser type mech that can go toe to toe with some of the higher end enemies that threaten the peace of the Earth.
Its fists and legs. Doesn't really need anything else

Control over chi/ki allows Yin to warp reality when he's fighting inside Godzanger.

Drunkard's Intuition: Activates when Yin is severely inhebriated. Allows him to better predict and dodge incoming attacks and deliver a counter to his opponent.

Signature Moves:

Fuji Hammer drop: Yin Summons Mount Fuji below the opponent before jumping into orbit and hammering both, pulverizing them into dust.

Fuji Otoshi: Yin once again summons the mountain, except this time he picks it up and smashes the opponent with it

Fuji Breaker: Yin channels his energy and summons Mt.Fuji through sheer force of will. Then he punches his enemy through it, destroying them both
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mount Fuji is forever smashed
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroinu Corps

Front line Soviet Army unit; a common Arm Slave in the hands of terrorist organizations. One of the titular second generation Arm Slaves created by the Soviet Union in 1992 after the Gulf War, the Savage is a mass produced unit used by the Eastern bloc. It has also been exported to other communist nations, including North Korea and North China. The Rk-92 "Savage" is the successor to the Rk-91, essentially a Rk-91 with a gas turbine engine, and a weaker frame.

Armament Optional Armaments
2× 14.5mm machine gun
Loginov BK-540 37mm Rifle

Strength: 13
Armor: 18
Firepower: 15
Performance: 5
Mobility: 20
Energy Output: 15
Sensors: 25

Garadoubla MK01
A weapon of antiquity which remains Inspired two of Doctor Hell's fearsome Mechanical Beasts. Kiba was assigned to guard the excavation of a perfectly preserved model and chose to slaughter the researchers as soon as the excavation was completed and took it as his own personal combat mech.
Weapons: Laser Turrents on all eyes, Spikes, Tail, Close-in weapon system, Missile launchers, autocannons, energy beam cannon hidden in it's stomach region
Strength: 25
Armor: 40
Firepower: 30
Performance: 15
Mobility: 15
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 25


A former applicant for Professor Yumi's Mazinger Army Kiba was rejected as a pilot for his reckless endangerment of innocents and growing signs of mental instability. He later became a Private Contractor but became bored by the mundanity of his posts. He craved war, he hungered for a good fight and terrorizing civilians or guarding some base in the middle of nowhere was far from what he had in mind. Until one day the excavation site he was drawn to the machine they discovered, it called to him like honey to a bee. Kiba waited and waited until the opportunity to raise dissent showed itself he slaughtered all the researchers involved in a mutiny and left with his new machine and his new followers in tow. He decided he would be his own boss and answer to only the guy with the biggest wad of cash in the bloodiest hellhole he could find. The more deadly and hopeless the battle the more interesting and thrilling it became. Near death experiences became like a drug to Kiba and he had become an addict. But even addicts get low on cash eventually, so he doesn't avoid the occasional fast job.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I think this is the first RP I'm in where there are more posts in the IC thread than the OOC one
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

dat sextuple post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

too unstoppable
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