Pre-SmashName: Aaron Gentles
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 180 lbs
Rank/Title: Guild Tech
Special: Freelancing
Alignment: Neutral
Bio: Aaron Gentles is a gifted Engineer of the Junk Guild, his skills with machines compared to some of the organizations best, even at such a relatively young age. A child of mixed Native American and Caucasian descent, he is one of the few Naturals to have won the genetic lottery, appearances aside. With his own inquisitive mind, stark rejection from his home community, and outright staggering technical ability, Aaron joined the Guild at the age of 17, swiftly winning approval for Guild Tech status. Some time into the First Bloody Valentine War, Aaron's Guild team investigated a battlefield on contract with the Guild's governing body to assist Lowe Guele's team when engaged, along with Mercenary Team Serpant Tail, against Rondo Gina Sahaku. Arriving in the pitch of the battle, several crew members deployed in order to assist in the fighting, however the the power of the three prototype Astray mobile suits present proved too dangerous, and Aaron's comrades were butchered in the crossfire.
As the battle ended, Aaron was left alone to salvage the remains of the battle, both in an attempt to lay his team to rest, and also to acquire any useful technology. He succeeded in both respects.

Name: MBF-01ReGHOST Astray Gold Frame
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 17.99 meters
Weight: 69.2 metric tons
Strength: 55
Armor: 20
Firepower: 20
Performance: 55
Mobility: 60
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 50
Description: After the death of Rondo Gina Sahaku at the hands of Serpent Tail leader Gai Murakamo, the remains of the Gold Frame Amatsu were recovered by Guild Tech Aaron Gentles, who went about rebuilding the machine aboard his teams Cornelia-Class Tender Ship, the
Nava-Hoe, as a means of getting past their death and ensuring his own survival in the dangerous world around him. After several months, he was able to work out the mobile suits basic design, as well as repair it's trademark Mirage Colloid System and unique Maga no Ikutachi energy claws. It was at this time, that the engineer discovered that as...interesting as the mobile suits armament under it's previous owner had been, it didn't suit his personal approach to engagement. While the Mirage Colloid was a godsend with it's stealth capabilities, the Guild Tech found that the firepower it could bring to bear was largely useless to him.
And so, having stripped down the extraneous weaponry to outfit the
Nava-Hoe with enhanced methods of self-defense (Phase Shift Harpoons always being a nice touch), Aaron found himself looking for what exactly would suit his fighting style best...
"Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS: Mounted in the Gold Frame Amatsu's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles, although it is classified as Anti Air
"Maga no Ikutachi" Energy Absorption Claws: One of the most unique new weapons of the ReGHOST Gold Frame are its two prototype "Maga no Ikutachi" energy absorption claws, which are mounted on the back of the suit. These "claws" can drain energy from the batteries of enemy mobile suits through the use of colloid technology, weakening them while at the same time recharging Gold Frame Amatsu's own battery. During the design phase, it was meant to be a non-contact weapon that discharged colloid particles to cover the area surrounding the Amatsu and drained enemy units that stepped into this field. This system however prove to be inefficient and is later modified to require physical contact between the claws and the enemy unit.
VPS "Tomahawk" Heavy Axe: A one-off prototype melee weapon, designed as a testbed for ZAFT's Variable Phase Shift technology, a future improvement upon the Phase Shift technology introduced during the war. At the cost of a steady drain on the units power supply (a major reason for why it didn't go into mass production), the Tomahawk would obtain a shifting hardness that would adapt to whatever it was striking against, sharpening and increasing it's durability to better match and thus overpower it's opponent with sheer brute force.
Equipment:Mirage Colloid Stealth System: This system is inherited from Gold Frame Amatsu and allows the suit to disappear from both visual and sensor detection
Enhanced Sensor: An additional, ZAFT inspired sensor mounted in the head.
Phase Shift Armor: This feature is only limited to the right arm as it originated from Blitz Gundam.
Abilities: Aaron is a prodigy in mechanics, with an intuitive aptitude towards understanding and applying any new information. There have been hints that this applies to more than just mechanics, given the level of automation that allows the
Nava-Hoe to function with a one-man crew. Also decently athletic, if malnourished.
Signature Moves:The ReGHOST drops it's invisibility behind an opponent, before either draining the enemy unit with it's energy claws, or simply cleaving it in two.
Canon Character is Ali Al Sachez, to be added in later