Name: Silvester Way
Nickname: Hatchet
Age: 36
Sex/Gender: Male
Species: Human

Silvester is fit and physically strong, with a muscular build gained from years of military duty, physical labor and training. When not on duty, he wears simple and sturdy clothing, much of which he took with him when he left his homeworld.
Height: 6’2”
Personal Qualities: In a few words, Silvester is level-headed, loyal and diligent. He is driven by his love for his family and his desire to see a galaxy without the Empire. Silvester does his job diligently, without complaining (except if he morally disagrees with something), and is almost completely focused on doing his job while on duty. Because of this, however, Silvester might come off as cold and distant, though this is not because he actively dislikes others.
Biography: Silvester spent the majority of his life on the world of Ienov, a sparsely populated frontier world on the fringes of Commonwealth, and later Imperial space. Far away from the major centers of civilization, Ienov had a lot of autonomy, but was also responsible for organizing its own defence. After finishing his education, Silvester enrolled for military service in the local planetary militia, showing remarkable aptitude for piloting the various starfighters that made up the militia’s anti-piracy forces. It was also during these years of service where he would meet his future wife, whom he married after his service was complete.
After he left the planetary militia, Silvester became a carpenter, something necessary on Ienov due to a lack of access to many high-end materials and products. He and his wife settled in and tried their best to live normal lives and be good Imperial citizens, even when the world around them changed. As Imperial influence grew on Ienov, it became clear how autocratic and xenophobic the Hegaran Empire truly was, but Silvester looked away, pretending not to notice. That all changed when he became a father. After his son was born, Silvester’s worldview changed dramatically, and he decided that a world with the Empire was not one he wanted his child to grow up in. His wife agreed, and together they managed to gain passage to one of the Free Systems, beyond the Empire’s control. There, Silvester decided to join the Resistance, using his skills as a pilot to protect his family. After fighting for the Resistance for a few years, Silvester was tranferred to Onyx Squadron.
Fighter: Archenar Systems AS-91 Thunderbolt
Fighter Customisations: Countershaded disruptive camouflage patterns in different shades of gray: lighter at the bottom and darker at the top. No other markings.