Avatar of Joshua Tamashii


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Paranoia is what says the monkey is the monster.

BTW, might is I ask your opinion for Elaranna's friends that I rolled? As I acknowledged, they are unlikely to see use, but I figure I'd ask anyway.
Part of me wants to look at the Monster Manual to see what kind of monkey monsters there are. The player in me says not to, since metagaming is no fun.
Sorry for the delay. I wasn't home at all yesterday and my phone has been acting up (I think something is wrong with the battery) and I didn't want to lose anything I wrote. But there's a reply. Lots of questions.
Elaranna examined the items in the store for a few seconds, wondering what it was that the store sold in particular. She noticed several items where stored in or behind what looked like glass... or really well crafted sugar. Resisting the urge to lick it, both because it was impractical and also because she didn't want to look like an idiot if it was glass, she turned to face Trina when the woman came into the storefront. Elaranna would grace the human woman with a smile before speaking.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Trina." She said, placing the palms of her hands together and giving a slight bow. When she straightened up, she would pull out the sheet of paper with the job request on it. "I came here in concerns to the job you had posted. I was hoping to ask some questions about your escaped pet. For example, what breed of monkey is it? Where do you think it might have gone? Can you think of anyway of luring it out so that capturing it might be easier? And how long has your pet been missing now?"
Like the one story I heard once. You think the door closed s made of wood... But I could be gingerbread. You think it's gingerbread.

I go to lick it.

Make a constitution saving throw.

Nat 20

Oof, Nat 1. I notice that the glass panes might be made of glass... but they could be made of sugar as well XD
Hey, an update!

So, let me know if this is okay, but can I roll to see if I notice if anything is off about the objects in the store?

While she hadn't been expecting there to be that many people in the school, especially students who she suspected were always more then eager to go home, Amelia was surprised that the building was still open to the general public at this hour. Since this was really the first time she had been in a school, this was something she was rather eager to do and the lack of people made it that much easier. Entering a classroom at random, she would walk around the desks, running her hand along their surfaces as she observed the room. It was simpler and less grandiose then she had imagined but she was fine with this.

After getting her fill of being in the classroom, she would begin wondering the building at random, letting Litwick out and rest on her head, the little candle-like pokemon lighting the flame on it's head using minute amount of life force from the people and pokemon around it, except for Amelia's of course.

In the end, her search turned up little more then two more instances of people going missing after doing less then pleasant things to Trina. In this case, it was a beggar and a charlatan, one who had been arrested then vanished while another had simply done so without any sign of other forces at work. Everyone else just reinforced that the bartender had said to her.

With her investigation done, she found a place to sit down and consider her options. The first was to go to Trina and see about the request, see if things were directly on the up and up. The second option was to check the prison for the beggar who had been jailed and vanished. However, it seemed as if the guards knew nothing of said beggar, if what the girl had told her was true. But there was a chance someone from the prison remembered them. Worse case, no one did or someone was hiding some and she would have to break in. She didn't fancy this option, as she had no skills in breaking into places, as she was no rogue. The third option was to investigate the charlatan who had vanished. This might be the easier option compared to the beggar, unless the home of the charlatan was locked. Also, time was a factor, as if too much time had passed, most of the evidence was either gone or in no condition to tell her much.

After several minutes of thought, she got up and made her way to Trina's shop. It was by far the easiest option and she could pursue the other two after she had checked out the details of the job. With that in mind, she made her way to the town center and examined Trina's Trinkets from the outside before slowly entering the store and looking around at it's interior to see what kind of wares it sold and if it's owner was anywhere in sight.
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