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@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia smiled as she followed after Anise, who led the way to a battling field behind the Pokemon Center. As they arrived at the field, she took a note of the terrain and saw that it wasn't as flat as most other battle fields she saw on TV and in other media, instead having some plants and stones that could prove to be either helpful or a hinderance depending on how they were used. She took in as much as she could before listening as Anise declared that she would be using her lowest level pokemon before sending out her Riolu.
"If you're sending out your lowest level on, then I will as well. Yamask, you're up." Amelia said while gently tossing a ball into the air. It cracked open before revealing the odd mask-holding pokemon withing.

"YAAAAA!" She cried out as Amelia smiled and gently pet its head.

"We're just going to do our best, okay? No need to feel any pressure." She said to her companion before they flew out and onto the field, ready to face the Riolu.

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia smiled as it seemed that both Anise and Basil were in the mood for some training. While the young girl herself was not the biggest fan of battling she knew that she needed to be able to do so. The only way she was going to get better was through battling and thus she would have to try her best even in a practise battle. So, with that in mind, she smiled up at the older two.
"Then, if that's the case, I'll gladly be your battling partner, both of you. Determine your teams and then let's find a place to train." She said before looking at Basil. "I know how you feel. I got some pokemon I can't bring with me and I hate that. I wish we could travel with more than six at a time. It's just not fair."

@Remram @Lunarlord34

Amelia watched and listened to the Pumpkaboos spoke to her after hearing her offer. She didn't understand what was being said but at the very least, the Pumpkaboo didn't seem to be hostile, which was definitely a good sign, as it meant that they were less likely to harm her. It didn't mean she was completely safe, but she was less likely to be harmed out of malicious intent at the very least. Still, she knew she had to be careful.

Her pokemon did understand the words being said and quickly huddled together to try and figure out how to convey this information to their trainer. After a few seconds of deliberation, they still weren't sure how to convey it to their trainer in a way that might make sense until Phantump had an idea. The little stump let out a cry before moving over to Amelia, covering its face with her shirt while the other three maved away. Amelia watched in confusion as they took positions to hide while Phantump clearly counted down with ten loud cries before moving away and clearly finding it's companions in repid succession. Amelia was confused by the impromptu game of Hide and Seek for a minute or two before it finally dawned on her what was going on. Smiling, she gave each of her pokemon a pat on the head before turning to the Pumpkaboos.
"A game of hide and seek then? Alright, let's play!" She said.

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia remained silent but nearby as Basil and Anise kept on talking with one another, letting them figure out what they would want to do next. When she heard mention of them training and possibly checking out the local gym, she took a second to think about what she could do while they did that. Other than exploring the town at random and trying not to get hurt this time around, she really had no plans other than to tag along. And if she was going to tag along, she might as well try to be of help to her two traveling companions.
"Um... If you two are going to be training to prepare for the gym, maybe I can help?" She spoke up. "I know I'm not that strong of a trainer, but I think I can still be of some use. If you're willing to, I'm more than willing to battle against you if it'll help. If not, I really don't have any plans, so I could go wondering around again. And I won't leave town this time, so I shouldn't get hurt this time... hopefully."

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia as surprised by the sudden appearance of the Aipom and let out a surprised gasp as she took a quick step back, losing her balance and falling down, groaning as she got back onto her feet and brushed the dirt off her hands and shorts. She looked back up at the tree before sighing and leaving it alone, as she new the little monkey meant no harm and had simply been there. So, she oved to look at another nearby berry tree, still staying close to Basil and Anise, listeningin one their conversation so that if she got addressed, she wouldn't be so lost.

It seemed that Basil was trying to decide where to plant the berry that Landorus had given there before he began doubting some things, worrying about the impact on the environment that the berry might have. Amelia gave it a quick thought before moving over to Basil and tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
"If you're worried about the environment, I think you planting it here was the right idea." She asked, lookin up at him. She tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, as she knew her skin would burn easily in the harsh sunlight. "If it's planted here, it will be in a controlled environment and there will be experts here to monitor it's growth and the impact it might have on it's surroundings. So, why not plant it here? I doubt Landorus would bother the people here and even if it did, there are plenty of trainers to help people if things turn bad. To me, planting it here seems safest. Not only that, once you have more berries and know more about it, you can plant it somewhere else with peace of mind."

@Remram @Lunarlord34

Amelia smiled as the Pumpkaboo turned towards her and began circling her. Even as others approached her, she remained calm and if anything, she felt a little excited. She has the possibility of making a new friend here. Once all the ones who wanted to see her had come over, she took a moment to look over all of the ghostly pumpkins, trying to see if there were any that where different from the others or possibly being excluded for some reason. If there was one such Pumpkaboo among the group, she would want to take that one, since she would feel bad if she left a Pokémon in an environment where it was not welcome. Regardless of whether there was such a Pumpkaboo, she would take a moment to address the group as a whole.
"Hello there. How're you all doing?" She said to them, giving them another small wave. "I was wondering if any of you would e willing to join me on a journey? I won't try to force any of you to come with me and I would prefer to avoid a battle if possible. But if any of you would be willing to come with me, I would be happy to take you with me."

At her feet, Gollett and Mimikyu watched the possible threats closely while Yamask and Phantump floated over either of her shoulders, both f them on guard as well. While Amelia did not expect or want a battle, her Pokémon where ready to defend her if need be. But how things played out remained to be seen.

Amelia also noted the presence of a ghost back in the cabin and wondered if it was of a different species of Pokémon. But she could check that out later, first she had to see if she could capture a Pumpkaboo first.

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

"That's true. I guess I forgot." Amelia said in reply to Basil's comments about Jacques. It had been a while since she last saw the man and a lot had happened to her since then. When he brought up releasingga pokemon that cuould level a city block though, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Drapions can tear apart cars. I think it's Machamp that can move mountains with their raw strength. Metagross have the intelligence of several computers combined into one. Darkrai can put a lot of people in eternal nightmares. Lastly, Gardevior can open black holes. You're not releasing anything that's any more or less dangerous than what's already out there."

She then looked over at Anise as the girl made her argument for using fighting types and put on a small display before quickly expressing some insecurities. She smiled up at the older girl before speaking her thoughts on the matter.
"I don't think you're being inflexible. Aren't all the most succesful trainers in any regions, those being Gym Leaders and members of the Elite Four, also Type Specialists? Be who you want to be but don't let your teachers dicate that. I was thought by a Dark-Type Specialist but I'm not using that same Type he does. But if you're going to specialize in a Type, I suggest you begin thinking of what you'll do when you're up against Types that counter yours." She said calmly while kneeling down to scratch Zigzagoon behind it's ears. "Also, you got a non-=Fighting Type here. Think about how you can use them to your advantage."

Her part said and with the plan to go check out the Berry Garden in place, she followed behind the other two, content with taking in their surroundings as they walked. When they did arrive at the farm, they were quickly showered in gifts. Amelia accepted the gifts and put them in her bag before walking off a bit to examine some of the nearby berry plants. All the while, she stayed close enough to hear the conversation that was sure to go on, so that she would not be in the dark.

Also, she needed to stay in the shade as the sunlight was killer on her fair skin.

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

While Basil and Anise talked things out, Amelia was more than willing to help entertain Anise's Pokémon, letting them come out and play with her in whatever way they decided to play with her so long as they were not too rough on her. When the conversation did turn towards her though, the small child looked up and gave Anise her full attention, remaining silent as she was told the story abut Landorus and her and Basil's current mission. As the child listened, her eyes kept moving between Basil and Anise, the cherry red orbs observing Basil in particular. If she noticed anything, she didn't say anything before slowly getting back up to her feet.
"I don't... understand all of it but I'm willing to come along if you have me. I just... can't run or anything like that. As for the Pokémon you just got Basil, why not let the Professor watch over it until you find some clues about it? It'll be safe there and unless the people whowere after it really saw you catch it, they wouldn't know who has the Gothita. On top o that, isn't the Champion with her as well? I can't think of anywhere safer to send it." She said.

At this point, she then turned to Anise.
"How do you plan on taking Landorus back? If we're forced into battle with it, we're not really prepared to handle a Legendary Pokémon. I already had an encounter with a Darkrai and Cresselia, I know the damage Pokémon like that can cause. We're not strong enough. On top of that, isn't Landorus a Flying-type? If you're going to use Fighting-Types against it, you're going to need to think of how to deal with any Flying-Type attacks it might try to use against you. While a peaceful solution would be better you need to be prepared for things to take a turn for the worse. Also, if Landorus is involved, what about the other two?" She said, looking between the two older trainers, scared that she had said too much and maybe been a bit offensive towards one or both of them.

@Remram @Lunarlord34

"It'll be okay. They might not like us being here, but as long as we keep our distance, they should disturb us. They might approach out of curiosity but unless they're Beedrill, I doubt they mean to be hostile." Amelia said to Freya. Her personal experiences with Pokemon so far hda all been positive, even if thy had started out hostile like Mimikyu had. But, that didn't stop her from trying to keep seeing things in a more positive light and with that, she continued to lead the way, taking her time as they continued deeper into the forest. The young girl seemed very comfortable in this kind of setting, as if the ambient creepiness of the woods was something she enjoyed.

Eventually, they would reach a dark clearing with a single cabin in the center of it. Amelia looked around the clearing before spotting what she had been sensing: A swarm of Pumpkaboo, in particular the very large variety. As she was considering how to approach the floating pumpkin spirits, Steph walked right up the cabin and knocked on the door. Amelia was happy that her companion stuck to knocking on the door, as if someone did live inside it would be easier to be friendly with them.
"Why don't you join her Miss Freya? Being inside will get you away from all the Bug-types and I'm sure it'll be safer in there than out here. I'm going to talk to the Pumpkaboo." She said to their other companion before making her way over to the closest of the Grass/Ghost mon. Once she was sure it had noticed her, she would give it a wave and a smile. Her pokemon stayed near their trainer, ready to defend her if things turned hostile. "Hello there. Would I be able to have a word with you or your companions?"

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia listened as Basil answered her questions, nodding to show she understood what he was saying as shemade it a point to remember that they would be looking for a red-headed female once they reached the pokecenter. When Basil brought out his new partner, Amelia looked at it quizzically as it approached only to gasp as it suddenly lunged at her and Basil intercepted it.
"You're not hurt, are you?" She asked, watching he he returned the Deino to it's pokeball. When he brought up the poke's mother being violent, she nodded in understanding. "My teacher has a Hydreigon. He likes Dark-types and he told me that among those he trained, it was the hardest because of it's temperament alone. He said it got worse as it evolved, so... I hope you'll be safe while raising him."

When they reached the pokemon center, she was patient as the Nurse got to work on her, watching as they tried some unusual mmedicine but it thankfully did the trick, as Amelia was soon was soon able to walk on her own two feet without her ankle hurting. Smiling, she bowed to the nurse and gave her thanks before hugging and thanking Diflooon, the ghostly mon letting out a content and happy cry before being returned to it's pokeball. As they were leaving the building, Bsil seemed to have spotted the person he was meeting here and called out while moving over to them.

Amelia kept behind Basil, watching as Basil began talking to the older girl. Amelia was more interested in the pokemon she had with her, noting that they were mostly fighting-types, save the outliers of Froakie and Zigzagoon. When Basil suddenly talked to her, the girl looked back up at him before focusing back on Anise, as Basil made introductions, Amelia smiled and waved, feeling slightly nervous but decided to speak as well.
"Hello. I'm Amelia Averyonna of Witchpeak. It's a pleasure to meet you and all your friends." She said, glancing down at the girl's pokemon.
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