Starbright was having the time of his life at Club 27. He had just finished his olive and admired the fashion of the golden toothpick. But he had no use for the pick, what star ever gets food stuck in their teeth? Starbright found the matter laughable, so he threw it back into the conveniently placed disposal bins.
Mingling was very easy, they all knew the true power of being a hero and that is star power. Those who weren't already members of Wings of Law in this club were certainly gunning to join it. Starbright could tell the difference between the two parties, one carried a likable and familiar air of smugness and the other desperation. He himself even got a few requests to team up from largely A tier heroes. As if their powers had anything to offer him. They were leeches in Starbright's mind, looking solely to ride off of his fame and he had no interest in helping them.
"Starbright is that you?" Starbright turned around toward the familiar voice. It was Glacia, a hero who was an 'old flame' from a year ago. They had both faked a relationship for the publications that lasted about a month. The break up was very 'emotional and heartbreaking' as well. "Glacia, its so good to see you it has been too long. Looks like the last year treated you nicely." Starbright pointed toward her freshly pinned Wings of Law badge. "I know, right? I just joined tonight and I'll guess you are here for that too right?" "Not exactly, I'm just here for the party. Plus if you and I joined on the same night, there might be a back together story popping up." He rolled his eyes and laughed. The two took a booth away from the main floor and continued talking. Star wanted to know all there is to know about Wings.
Earlier: Starbright entering the club.
"Starbright! Starbright! Can we get your input on tonight?" He turned around quickly posing with a soft angel-like light shining down on him, self made of course. He was never one to give press the cold shoulder and he wasn't about to start.
"What can I say, its the 4th of July. Time to celebrate the freedom we enjoy in this country, and a time to celebrate the heroes and law enforcement that keep those very freedoms. That's why I'm celebrating, to share drinks with other heroes that help keep the peace, much like myself." Starbright rested a hand on his chest feigning humbleness. "I would also like to take this time to congratulate the heroes responsible for the recent raid in Watervale. They have kept the streets safe very recently, so I will dedicate this night to them." It was certainly the right thing to say despite being quite dishonest. He then turned his gaze toward the camera man and interviewer themselves. "Now I am going to enjoy my night, I hope you get plenty of time to spend tonight with your families." In direct conflict, Starbright hoped they would wait on him for when he left.