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Roxy vas Leyte - SSV-Intervention

"One, two, three...hup!"

The problem with departing without any urgency was that many took the opportunity to cut corners during the boarding. As a result, a lot of the cargo of the SS-Intervention had been left in the shuttle bay, leaving a little over half a dozen crew mates to finish the job the logistics team back on the Citadel should have finished.

"One, two, three...hup!"

One such abandoned crate was dropped onto another stack piled next to it, two crewmates working in tandem to lift and set the heavy metallic boxes on a handcart to be moved around the ship with ease. Dusting off their hands, the two straightened out the box they were setting up and crouched over the next crate, getting a solid grip on the handles.

"One, two, th-OUCH!"

The box dropped to the ground with a heavy clunk as the handle bent the wrong way on the lift. With his partner swearing up a storm as he nursed his twisted fingers, the uninjured crewmate looked over in horror as the lid popped off and a heavy ten-inch-wide explosive shell for the ship's cannon fell out and started rolling away. Moving faster then he ever did in his life before that point, he chased after the runaway shell before it came to a stop by a three-toed boot.

"Lose something?"

The hapless worker glanced up at the towering figure of a magenta-clad quarian, spinning through the controls on her omni-tool as casually as she stopped an explosive shell from escaping. He immediately snapped to attention, his face turning pale upon realizing that he just dropped an explosive in front of the head of goddamned security on the ship.

"Hey man, did you catch the...whoa..." The second crewmate trailed off as he approached the two and also snapped to attention. "Uh, sorry about the commotion, ma'am." Looking down, the quarian regarded the shell curiously and, to the shock of the two crewmates, bent over and lifted up the heavy shell without a hint of effort on her part.

"No harm done, these things won't go off unless they have an electric current running through them anyway," Raela'Xanis vas Leyte, better known to anyone who asked as 'Roxy', remarked coolly. "I wouldn't play catch with it but a few bumps won't blow holes in the ship." Without warning, she suddenly tossed the shell at the two men, who managed to catch it even if the impact sent them stumbling and knocked the wind out of their lungs.

"Hey!" The turian overseeing the move shouted as he strode over. "Stop horsing around with the...oh," He also snapped to attention as he saw the quarian at the scene. "Sorry, Miss vas Leyte, I didn't..."

"No harm done, just a little mishap with the shells," the quarian explained away. "And it's Roxy, don't call me 'Miss' unless you're buying me dinner first."

"O-okay?" the turian replied, flushing slightly at the implication.

"Good. Now, quartermaster's is back that way right?" Roxy asked, jerking a thumb somewhere behind her. The three of them nodded and the quarian strode off in that direction, pausing next to another pallet as she noticed one of the crates big enough to fit a person inside was marked to go to the same place. With a shrug, she grabbed one end and lifted it onto her broad shoulders with a slight grunt, the other workers staring numbly as she kept on going, humming a small tune under her breath.

"..doo da da da forty fives, put a record on and it all comes back to me..." she hummed as she backed into the armory, shimmying to the beat and announcing her presence by loudly depositing the crate as Kaevius was inspecting his own weapons.

Burrowing through the walls like this was dirty, grimy work, a task Marina was all too happy to leave to Randolph as she basked in her triumphant return.

Keeping pace behind Randolph, claws digging into the earthen walls, she twisted her head left and right, rediscovering her old senses again. She could pick up the distant shouting and sounds of battle, taste the pungent scent of nitrite and blood in the air even in this dank tunnel as rioters tore through the asylum. Like a long fever that finally broke, Argent was waking up again; her strength and size were enough to tell her that of course, but the small trifles, the little details and peculiarities of her transformation? It made this victory especially sweet.

Turning the corner, Marina suddenly stopped, sensing something in the walls beyond. A scent, inhuman, but familiar, paired with the thrashing sounds of a gaping maw devouring all in its path.

"Kailani..." Marina muttered in a low growl, grinning wickedly. "What fun." Sniffing the air again, she pressed closer against the dirt, detecting the subtle evidence of her erstwhile allies. The sound of flesh icing over had to be Gunther. The taste of burning plastic and cloth on the air, clearly the work of Ameliya. And that subtle electrical spark, too erratic to be a taser or other power source...who else but Min-Ji?

Then she heard something else, footsteps too rhythmic to be a deranged riotous mob or a panicked response. Three of them, the weight indicating heavy body armor, accompanied by the heavy clack of a large weapon being prepared. Marina frowned slightly, thinking they must be specialized riot troops, like the kind assigned to guard her and gun her down with armor-piercing rounds at the hint of an escape attempt. Not the kind of mook to be dealt with lightly, they were highly trained, and highly cocky. Thinking of the taunting and threats of death she endured at their hands, she curled her claws into fists, feeling the blood rising.

"I'll be...a moment. Our friends need assistance."


Barrelling through the hallways, the heavily armed response team turned the corner, coming face to face with the elevators and the villains gathered there.

"Contact!" one of them shouted. "Orders sir?"

"We're in Alpha Red priority situation, aim to kill!"

The three raised their rifles, loaded with ammunition that could pierce body armor, and took aim. Then a split second before pulling the trigger, one of them glanced towards the nearby vent, certain he saw something yellow in the vent.

Then with a terrifying roar, Marina burst through the wall, claws and teeth bared in a terrifying display of power. The poor guard screamed and swung his rifle around before Marina launched him down the corridor with a bone-crunching swipe of her arm.

"Fucking kill it!" the leader fruitlessly cried before Marina's claws lashed out, slicing his weapon in two and knocking him aside. She turned sharply to her erstwhile allies, grinning as she wondered if they would recognize her.

The moment was lost as the third guard capitalized on the hesitation by opening fire, the downed leader joining in with his sidearm. Marina roared as the shots punched through her skin.


Snarling and raging, Marina drew herself back and roared, visibly grew taller and more muscular as her flesh stretched and the threads in her stolen jacket started to rupture. Barreling forward, she grabbed the leader by the head and flung him behind her towards the group before rounding on the last one standing and slamming him against the wall, the impact cracking his ribs. Watching her victim scream in terror and pain, she drew closer, teeth bared and ready to kill, but suddenly drew back.

"You're...Andrew," she growled. "The student."

The guard, eyes widening in terror, frantically nodded. "Y-yeah, I'm s-studying history, remember? W-we talked about...Duh-duh-diocletian, and the t-tetrarchy! Oh god, please don't eat me!"

Marina let out a low-pitched laugh. She did remember their conversations, one of her more pleasant experiences. "You were...quite an engaging debater. I remember I conceded to you on several of your points." To Andrew the guard's shock, Marina relinquished her grip and let him drop to the floor. "I couldn't bear to see such promise go to waste here. Take your leave." Pale as a sheet and wondering if this was some sort of trap, Andrew nodded frantically and limped away, vanishing into the innards of the Asylum again. Marina turned back to the group with a wry grin, the bloody holes in her chest already starting to knit.

"I hope my arrival was...timely."
Randolph @Lurking Shadow



Randolph stepped into the hallway, corrupting a somewhat pristine environment with an aura of decay again. Silence and misery are normally heard through the halls, but there is something else now. Distant and quiet, but audible enough for Randolph’s senses, a fight is ongoing. Order has given way to entropy once again as a wicked grin made its way across Randolph’s face.

’So I see their gambit has succeeded in causing a ruckus. Let humans fight amongst themselves while I make things a little less even…’ Randolph thought. But first must come his prior obligation, he must await the Ve’Throk. Marina.

He remembers his…. transformation. The change from Human to Ghoul. The pain, the confusion, being branded an aberration. It is the one thing all Ghouls share, and all Ghouls remember. Something, Randolph believes, Marina would be experiencing. It’s the one thing that makes him see her as a peer and not cattle like the others. The one thing that inspires sympathy in an otherwise nihilistic heart.

“Oh, shit it’s that creepy fuck.” Someone whispered down the hall

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a trio of guards approaching, shaking him from his thoughts.

“Uhh, Get back in your cell prisoner. That’s an order!” One said, taking a moment to hide his fear.

They all knew Randolph, what he ate, how he is usually compliant. But they won’t know what to do with a non-compliant Randolph. Randolph is playing his hand, there is no going back. Not at this moment, but he could sense fear in them. Good, he still holds sway, there is no need for blood now.

“No. No I don’t think I will.” Randolph said, challenging them. He walked closer to intimidate them, making sure to stand fully upright. Uncomfortable, but it lets him tower over the humans.

“Y-You are the prisoner. You go-got to do what w-we say. There are three of us a-and o-one of you.”

”You do not get it do you, human? You three are guards without nametags against some of the vilest and strongest people on the planet. In the unlikely event you somehow kill me, I assure you that you won’t be feeling so hot, you think you can withstand the others, nevermind them in numbers? The best you can hope for is a quick death. Alternatively, you all die by my hand, at which point you become dinner. Also, not ideal. Since I do not care of your fates, I am allowing you the opportunity to just…walk away. Run as far and as fast as your human legs will take you, I will not be an obstacle. Then, maybe then, you can live to tomorrow. So I ask you three, what will it be? Life? Or offer yourself as a meal?” Randolph emphasized his words with threatening gestures, bearing his teeth at the end. He found Humans tended to fear the fangs of beasts that he shares, an evolutionary imprint from their ancestors.

After looking amongst each other, two of the three bolted away.

”Seems your comrades have abandoned you, I highly suggest you join them.”

“You make a good point, uh sir.” The Human said, doing well to hide the fear in his voice, but his body movements betrayed him. The guard then speed walked away, clearly trying to maintain some semblance of bravery, but Randolph knew his words took hold.

”Much prefer dead humans.” Randolph grumbled.

As the guard turned the corner, he nearly tripped over one of his fleeing teammates lying in a heap on the floor as Marina was midway through tugging the jacket off of his arms. The two froze as they stared down one another, before the guard deliberately looked away and gingerly stepped around the scene to keep walking. Marina, confused, narrowed her eyes for a moment, then shrugged as she finished stealing the jacket and dashed to where the ghoul was no longer caged. “I take it that’s your doing?” she asked, glancing back at the fleeing guard.

Randolph shrugged ” I offered them some advice, they were wise enough to consider the consequences of ignoring it.”

“Not bad. Saves you the trouble of...ahhh…” Marina stumbled slightly, her skin turning paler than usual as she wiped sweat from her brow. “...must be..wearing off.”

“What’s wearing off?” Randolph asked, growing concerned. “...the shackles of alchemy which binds your form? Do you require assistance?”

“No just…the initial hit is always the worst,“ Marina said shakily. “Just give me a moment and I’ll-”

Marina was suddenly violently jerked off her feet, her glasses shattering as her face smacked into the cold concrete. Something wrapped tightly around her leg and started to drag her into the darkened corridor at a frightening speed as blood trailed from her nose.
“By the sun and by the sky, it’s Miss Montressor, come to die!”

Marina struggled to escape until she was dragged to the entrance of another cell, where ugly brown roots stretched out to snare her around the chest and lift her up, face to face with a gnarled mass of roots and leaves in the shape of a humanoid squeezed into an orange jumpsuit, its face carved with two blank eyes and a gaping smile.

“Hogweed, what an unpleasant surprise,” Marina said bitterly, spitting blood from her mouth. “What do you want?” Of course, right when she finally got a chance at freedom, seconds before her powers kicked in, out comes a deranged plant monster with an axe to grind. If she could think through the pounding headache she had she’d be cursing whatever and whoever she could think of for such rotten luck.

“Oh Miss Marina’s not too bright,” the wooden monster sang, its roots traveling down Marina’s arms as she tried to pull herself free. “To think I forgot her loathsome blight.”

“You have a problem with it? Talk to the heroes, they’re the ones who used that chemical I made on you!” Marina insisted, teeth clenched and eyes shut tight as her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Hogweed let out a shrill sound that might have been laughter in his reedy voice as the brown roots tightened around Marina’s throat. “I…aaagh…”

“Do not beg, do not shout,” Hogweed sang at her again. “It’s over now…”

Marina drew one last agonizing breath before the vines tightened one last time, her eyes suddenly opening wide. She looked down on Hogweed, her mouth curving into a bloody smile.

Her eyes were a sharp shade of golden yellow.

“Uh…” Hogweed said, forgetting his rhyme as his prey suddenly tore her arm away and pulled away the roots choking her. Tossing them aside, Marina pondered the claws growing on her nails as she turned to look at the plant man again. Under any other circumstance, this loathsome weed would be reduced to kindling under her claws, but…well, she wanted to enjoy what was about to happen.

“Fuck off,” she ordered, her voice pitching lower into a sinister growl.

“...of course ma’am, right away ma’am.”

Hogweed scurried past her in an undignified shuffle as Marina strained and stretched, the vines pulling free as she started to grow, her muscles bulging underneath her jumpsuit as she started growing taller.

“Finally, about…aaah…”

Her already tousled hair started growing shaggier and longer as white fur sprouted along her skin. She opened her mouth in a low rumbling growl, showing off her sharpening teeth before her jaw started elongating into a snout.


Marina jerked backwards and slammed herself into the wall, the concrete crumbling from the blow. Metal bolts popped free of her skin as the damned device keeping her contained for so long finally detached from her back.


The vines finally snapped free, falling to the ground alongside the loud clatter of the device on her back. Still growing bigger, her jumpsuit shredding to reveal muscle and fur beneath as the WARWICK compound took hold at last, she flailed around in ecstatic gouging deep claw marks in the walls and smashing through steel bars before dropping to her knees, smashing her fists on the ground, and lifting her head to let out a howl. A loud, piercing howl that echoed clearly through the blaring alarms and the sounds of the riot.
Randolph tensed a little at Marina howling, a taboo among Ghouls, for a brief moment as instinct took command before regaining his senses. Hopefully Marina did not notice his brief shift in demeanor.

Getting to her feet again and leaving the vines and the scraps of her clothes behind, save the remains of the jumpsuit covering her lower half down to her knees, Marina paced back to Randolph again, ducking under a low-hanging beam and grabbing the jacket she stole earlier and putting it on. A tight fit for a more than seven foot tall werewolf but it did the job.

“Sorry about that,” she said, her voice pitched lower and with a distinctive growl. “But I’m back now, better than ever.”

” Hmm, much cleaner and faster than my transition. My skin festered and rotted over a year as it fractured and was torn here and there like the wrapping of a present hiding what was hiding just below the surface. Was painful and itchy, would not recommend.” Randolph noted at Marina’s metamorphosis.

“You wouldn’t have liked my initial experiments then. There were some pretty nasty side effects before I got it right,” Marina pondered, remembering that one instance with an excessive amount of teeth.

”It is grand that your situation has improved, though I must request, in the event we interact with other Ghouls, you do not howl… Randolph trailed off as he was thinking.

“Ah, good to know,” Marina said, leaning against the wall.

”Actually, remind me to give everyone a crash course on how to behave near Ghouls later, in the event they come in proximity to one. Ghouls are very defensive and naturally wary of others, and it would be better to inform everyone of what a Ghoul considers hostile behavior before they find themselves gracing a dinner, and not as a guest. Though we are reasoning beings now, we still bear the instincts from our feral past… You can still howl around me if you so wish, but around younger Ghouls or Ghouls who have yet to interact with anyone but another Ghoul, they likely won’t understand that you do not mean to threaten them and I’d….I’d hate to see you get hurt.” Randolph lowered to a whisper at the end, as if to hide the words from himself. Did he really say that? To someone not of his ilk? Sure, he expresses concern over her previously but he always thought it more like a carpenter expressing concern over his favored tools, but is he consciously regarding her as a peer? For a moment something flitted across Marina’s face as well before she resumed her confident, tooth-filled smirk.

“Good to know you care,” she said, pausing to shake her head and scratch herself behind the neck. “If we meet anyone else from your neck of the woods, I’ll resist the urge.”

’Yeah, I am just learning that I care too…. Randolph thought to himself, ”Well, we are not so much from the woods, more like an alternative dimension. Though there are woods there, we typically dwell far away from them.”

“You learn something new every day. In any case, we should perhaps make ourselves scarce, before some braver guards show up.”

Finding the spot where he wanted to dig, Randolph inspected it to be sure. He ran a claw clean through the inside of the wall, finding a layer of plaster, a wooden wall, an empty space, and another wooden wall to hold the Earth back. Excellent, He can get through no problem. It was not too long before he made a hole large enough for him and Marina and the ground, while compact, was little of an obstacle for him.

After barely more than a minute, Randolph was making massive progress, digging straight up so any guards that may stumble upon this makeshift passenger will find it difficult, and a small hill of dirt and rocks was starting to form in the hallway. ” I hope you can climb… Randolph called out to Marina. ”… because I do not intend to be followed by anyone else. The earth is soft enough here so you can dig your claws in to grip if you need to.”

“Not a problem, I’d dig through steel to get out of this place,” Marina growled eagerly, extending her claws in preparation. Pausing for a moment though, she darted back to the cell from earlier, returning with the gnarled remains of the injection device. She promised Kaliani a snack after all. “Lead the way,” she declared.


Marina glanced back and forth between the plotters surrounding her, listening to them boast of how they could break free once their various restraints and shackles were removed, a boast she had heard so many times by now. She wasn't sure if any of them, outside of Randolph and the omnivorous alien, considered her a factor in this grand plan of theirs. Well get the device off her back and they wouldn't have a choice in the matter, would they?

"Great, now I'm doing it," Marina chuckled to herself, her gaze temporarily resting on the one with long, thin black hair looking rather vacant. It was only natural of course; she kept her emotions carefully in check, never once stepping out of line when the guards could see her. Even when she wanted nothing more then to bare her claws and tear through every smug and sneering face looking down on her, she bit her tongue and waited.

That was something her enemies always got wrong about her. It was so easy to paint Marina Montressor as a schemer, a psychopathic manipulator, a grandmaster playing everyone around her like pawns on a chessboard. It was that reputation that earned her the colorful nickname "The Bismarck of the Business World" after she outmaneuvered those bastards at Sonnenlicht. She hated the nickname if only because she found the hero worship of that name so unbearable, but it fit in at least one way. The German statesman's greatest skill was never genius, a talent the aristocratic fop never once possessed. It was patience, and the willingness to hit and hit hard when the right moment presented itself.

That's when she spotted something...odd. Glancing at a distant table, an unimportant prisoner sat with his bulky wrist restraints at his side. The small light on the side was not on. Strange. She glanced to her side, where the enthusiastic alien was sitting. The light on the apparatus, a small dot so hard to spot you wouldn't know it was there unless you looked for it, was dimmed as well. Putting two and two together, her heart started racing as she looked back at the vacantly staring Hemlock again. What was his power again? She heard one guard discussing it...traveling through electric...

Fucking hell. Here she was pondering about some dead German's ability to improvise when the time was right and here she was. Right when things were starting to get dicey in the cafeteria. And if the power was out, that meant-


Such a small sound, and yet it rang in her ears like the fanfare of a hundred man orchestra. The leech of a contraption attached to her spine; that was connected to the system as well, and with the power out, the pumps had shut down. Soon she'd be free, so long as the guards lining the walls didn't realize the power was out and shoot her. Time to make herself scarce.

Quietly getting to her feet, she surreptitiously leaned over to the alien next to her. "Someone's cut the power, everything's shut down," she whispered, before turning on her heel and making herself scarce. The guards eyed her suspiciously but didn't follow; the device was supposed to still be working, after all.

Time to see what her ghoulish friend was up to.

“Monty doesn’t sound as good as your end name. Montressor! It’s much more fun!”

Marina snorted before taking another bite of her apple. For a monstrous insatiable creature that desired to consume everything in her path, she was really a charming little thing. Maybe it was because, in a surreal sort of way, she saw a bit of herself in this strange alien, a sort of natural curiosity and drive that she admired. Of course Randolph would have probably said that it was also because they were both powerful beings forced into weak human forms by their inferiors or something to that effect, which was also fairly accurate. Sure she was technically human, but...well, there was probably a reason why Marina found it more engaging to interact with the voracious alien and the corpse-like monster then, say, the perfectly normal young woman who could otherwise absorb radiation. Speaking of which...

“How do you guys feel about blowing this pop stand?” Atom Bomb whispered among the gathered inmates. Marina certainly was, so she leaned in slightly as the plan was fervently discussed, with the guards none the wiser.

"This sounds like a stupid plan," Min-Ji interjected mid-conversation.

"I would say ambitious," Marina corrected her, spinning the core of the apple she finished on the table. "In any such case, I'd be more then happy to take my leave of this wretched little hive. I would of course need some help getting this...thing off of me." She jerked a thumb towards her back. "But if that can be done, then I doubt we'll have much trouble with the guards." Listening carefully in on the rest of the plan and the players involved, she caught sight of Randolph making his leave.

“Hey Marina… meet me outside my cell when the ‘distraction’ starts. I need to tell you something…” he whispered to her. Raising an eyebrow, she nevertheless gave a curt nod as Randolph left. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly he had planned...
The D Wing was particularly rowdy today. Two of the more mentally unbalanced inmates got into a fistfight in the hallway, and upon returning to their cells whipped up the entire block to go off screeching and hollering like a band of howler monkeys. It was an utterly maddening racket, but that was just how it went in Thornwood; if you weren't already mad, the deranged criminals locked up next to you would finish the deed.

Some were better then that though. Take the one inmate in D who wasn't jumping around or burying themselves in pillows, but instead calmly reclining in her cell, drowning out the chaos around her with the dulcet tones of Der Hölle Rache from a contraband music player and earbuds. Uninterested in the unrest outside, she continued reading through her book, a new favorite of hers, about the conquests of Aurelian. Restitutor Orbis, a man who faced impossible odds and brought an empire back to greatness...it was a subject she found quite resonant nowadays.

"Inspection time. On your feet, Monty."

The inmate glanced up from her book at the pair of guards outside her cell, quickly stashing and hiding the music player. Marina was brought from the plains of the Balkans where Aurelion slew the Gothic king back to reality as the two rifle-wielding men set off the prisoners again.

"...Monty?" she let slip as she stood up.

"Maria Montressor Esquire the Third, whatever," the guard snapped back. "Stop fucking around and get against the wall."

"...right," Marina said, setting the tome aside and placing her hands against the cold cement, staring at them as the metal door slid open. She'd been playing the part of compliance well thus far, but this demeaning little ritual she was forced into made it...difficult. Moreso when she felt the familiar gun barrel pressed against her temple.

"That's hardly necessary," the soft voice of one of Novis' peons said as Maria felt the back of her shirt lifted up to her shoulder blades.

"Strict orders," the other, more polite guard informed her. "If the device isn't functional, she becomes bulletproof in seconds."

A touch extreme, but not wrong, Marina thought to herself. If the contraption strapped around her middle injecting a steady dose of WARWICK suppressant ever stopped, it wouldn't be long before she could figuratively and literally bring the claws out. Wincing as hands felt up and down her back around the attached device to check for faults, she fantasized about tearing it away and feeding it to the alien with a black hole for a stomach. No...feeding it to this guard, then feeding HIM to the alien.

"All clear, but she'll need more of the suppressant compound tomorrow," the doctor announced, leaving Marina to hastily lower her shirt again. "Feel free to escort her to dinner."

"Don't get too excited, no caviar or lobster on the menu," one of the guards smirked at her.

"I don't even like caviar," Marina replied coolly as she was marched out of her cell.



Marina's grip on the tray tightened as the wet glob of food plopped onto the tray, flecking its greasy contents across her glasses. Letting out a deep sigh, she stepped out of line at the end and stared down at the unappetizing array in front of her. Certainly not lobster, she decided. At least the fruit sampling looked somewhat appetizing. If and when she got out of this wretched place, the first thing she'd do would be to find the biggest steak she could find. Rare, of course.

She set about searching for a table, most of the other prisoners regarding her suspiciously. It was no wonder; with her mutation suppressed by a barely visible device and trapped in her frailest, slightest form, she looked almost comically out of place. Of course, she wasn't, and the worst that anyone could do was look at her strangely; the last one who tried to step to her ended up having a not so pleasant encounter with that ghoul.

Speaking of which, she easily spotted her fellow monstrous counterpart across the way, sharing a table with a few other familiar faces; the aforementioned alien with a remarkable appetite, the delightful little radioactive firebrand, even the German fellow wrapped in a ridiculous amount of restraints whom she'd talked Wagner with. Seeing they were in an animated conversation, and her intuition picking up on the importance of it, she quickly strode over, only for an obnoxious little pixie to run in front of her and jump into the seat.

“Heeey! What's crackin' ma homies?" she yelped at the group. "Randy, long time no see!" Marina rubbed the bridge of her nose with a frustrated sigh and walked around to the other side.

“Well, it’s nice that you are here… I suppose," the ghoul said to the girl before he dropped his voice to a whisper. “So you going to catch us up on what you’ve been doing or…?"

"Never heard you referred to as 'Randy' before," Marina declared, announcing her presence as she sat down and finally took off her glasses to wipe them off on her shirt. "Suppose I can't talk though, considering I was just called 'Monty'." She started prepping to eat, but upon looking at the slop, decided against it and just took the slightly malformed apple and slid the rest in front of Kailani.

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