Avatar of Kaithe Dame


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9 days ago
Current Venture Brothers made an episode about that. Check if there's any little cowboy dolls laying around.
18 days ago
Profile art finished. Gay Vette is kino.
19 days ago
Credit to Copy Replays for drawing my PFP; an OC lesbian Sith Warrior removing a non-canon Vette's slave collar from the SWTOR MMO. Good artist. Check her out for KOTOR stuff.
1 like
8 mos ago
"It is the Echo. A wound that travels still, that when heard, made me understand that there was another wounded as I was. When I heard it, I loved you more than I loved my own life." - Visas Marr.
2 yrs ago
Celebrating my 666th day here by modifying my prompt to be more hellish.


I write about fiscally irresponsible politicians in fictional 17th century settings, porn, and combination of those two things. Writing sample below.


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Shortly below will be a Reddit post that I encourage (more-or-less require) my partners to read nowadays before I'm comfortable moving forward with them. The TLDR of it goes that I'm an advanced-novella writer with writing samples that I'll be requesting from my readers as well. IRL gender isn't relevant to this prompt; this post, along with many of my others, will eventually just get lumped into my compilation before this thread gets retired forever.


This post is looking for a GM. If you want a GM, feel free to look at the GM4A positions I offer.

"We all burn our decency for the future."

I've now trademarked the quote 'Divide Et Impera' as I see the last time it was used on Roleplayer's Guild was 4 years ago.

It should be said that I'm very much not married to the notions of using Stellaris' meta for the universe here; if you've got your own private universe you've lovingly handcrafted yourself, great. Or if you'd prefer to use another fandom such as Star Wars; also acceptable. I'm primarily concerned with the stakes and atmosphere of this RP more than the backdrop.

Those stakes in question being, at least as it stands in my mind, a faraway and distant planet that's long struggled beneath the exploitation of the Galactic Community. In a Stellaris-esq setting I've envisioned it as a world whose economy has been undermined by tribute to the Khan as well as an immense and unsustainable crisis of refugees looking for safety. The exact nitty gritty isn't key to the inevitable end of it all; a democracy on its last legs with only a little push being necessary to send it into the abyss of autocracy.

Entering our main character; a lowborn woman (or man) that's known as a bit of firebrand senator. A galvanizing figure that's kicked and prodded the masses behind ideals like welfare programs, public works, better roads, better access to democracy . . . so on. Unfortunately for them all, this creature has no intentions of restoring things to the way they were, and has played a long, vile game to see themselves seated as the supreme power of their homeworld.

And, hypothetically, one day, Galactic Custodian.

This RP would be exploring complicated topics such as finances, warfare, as well as naturally grim and mature topics such as genocide and exploitation in a non-sexual light. Despite my enjoyment of GRIMDARK storytelling I do not enjoy fetishized non-con or torture porn (usually. Kobeni from Chainsaw Man makes me laugh.) Things I /do/ enjoy however are people who share my senile appreciation for trade deficits and well-earned, high quality porn being rolled into one.

As for kinks; they'll change depending on whether we have a lady or male lead, but, no matter what, I will not engage with these kinks --

Non-con, tentacles, monsters, too non-human characters (I'd go as far as Asari from Mass Effect,) futa, toys, animals, boring and stereotypical characters, overly bitter reactions and rebelliousness that chews up the scenery, oversized or hyper anything.

I am especially enthusiastic for things like power couples and unexpected relationships; kindred spirits who compliment one another. Spankings, orgasm denial and control, outfits, competency and intelligence, collars, considerate dominants (and not-so considerate ones). Unusual appearances, unconventional and conventional beauty.


This post is looking for a GM. I have posts where I GM in my profile, or, if you just want something that's much kinder and happier.

Trigger warning; mutual albeit toxic love. Violence. Borderline slavery and abuse in the workplace.

It occurs to me a WH40K 'not-quite' crossover would probably also work. Note to self for the future; probably touching on similar grounds albeit on a Hive World and a psyker instead of a Force Sensitive and poking fun at Games Workshop for failing to continue the storyline.

Hey there. For every person that happens to be interested in Signalis and Star Wars whether they know it or not, I've decided to create a mashup of involving my favorite part of Star Wars; episode 2 of season 2 of Visions. In my addled imagination of the way this might come together the story is an strange and 'not-quite-right' view of Star Wars similar to the way Screecher's Ridge presents the Sith Mother; whether or not quite like that or not depending on further workshopping of the prompt. The Force, the politics of the galaxy and its Sith and Jedi; none of them should be normal, and instead experiencing shifts of character and presence that cannot be rationalized. Maybe this world is entirely detached from Star Wars and is just an AU, maybe it's in the delirious mind of the main character, or maybe it's a fun bit of meta commentary on how 'nothing changes' in Star Wars due to corporate creativity rot.

In essence, pulling at that late-game text of Signalis from Andler --


This, in theory, frames the entire RP. More than simply giving some love to a piece of love to my new favorite Indie title, it, hopefully, will allow us to explore a whole new series of angles to Star Wars. Probably mildly disturbing ones; all the Yuuzhan Vong fans will probably be raving over all the weird flesh horror they get to do. The main character in my head is a woman like Daal; a Force-gifted working within the confines of an industrial world, toiling away like millions of others with only the dreams of a better life keeping her going. In our version of it however, I'm imagining that they've developed a sickening, obsessive relationship with a childhood friend of theirs, one that further fuels their desire to become a Sith and free themselves from the urban hell of their homeworld . . . and probably slap a slave collar on them.

This should be a toxic relationship. One bent on control and domination and strength, bordering on the edge of sanity in just how impulsive and inescapable all their thoughts are on this person they've fallen in love with. The main character dreams of giving both of them a better life together, but they also dream of doing horrible and unspeakable things to them; whether because they're a broken individual, or because of the Dark Side, or . . .

You probably get the idea, reader. This is a warped love story from the perspective of a deeply insecure, self-hating Sith apprentice who despises herself for not being strong enough to kill their overseers and free their friends; but not for what's supposed to be altruistic, heroic reasons.

They've got a sick mind.

As far as kinks are concerned in this story despite the extremely dark and triggering material up above I don't actually enjoy most extreme fetishes. Complicated emotions, aspects of dominance and submission (sexually and platonically), kissing, sapphic longing and yearning, spankings, collars, contrasts of all kind, 'I want to kiss and hold you but I also want to strangle you but I won't,' orgasm denial and control as well as overstimulation, underdogs 'getting the girl.'

Most vanilla and lukewarm kinks in general. I won't touch anything relating to futa, tentacles, unrealistic or exaggerated anything, toys, animals, my character will not engage in non-con, If you have any extreme kink, it probably goes here.
This post is looking for a GM. If you're looking for a GM, feel free to look at my GM4A posts in my profile. I'm an advanced-novella writer with writing samples that I'll be requesting from my readers as well. IRL gender isn't relevant to this prompt.

I've broad broad concepts for this RP, both of which involve, naturally, VAMPIRES. The two scenarios I've got envisioned in my head are quite polar opposites to one another and involve contrary main characters; an Ulrika-like heroine who travels the breadth of the Old World saving cats from trees, saving Brettonians from walking trees and literacy, saving Emperors from inbreeding, all that jazz. It'd be a very heavily swashbuckling adventure story about saving the world, girls kissing girls, girls biting girls, skaven getting their heads ripped off, all that fun stuff.

In the opposite corner we've got what I'm imagining as a newly risen lady from Sylvania, low on the totem pole and focusing more on the diabolical politicking side of things, focusing on the casual loss of life in Sylvania, the witchhunting, economics, warfare -- this is by far the more 'complicated' of the bunch. I'd expect to see a low-level vampiress wage war with a quill, fang, and the blades of her kin alike. I'm imagining them as a pretty pro-living type of gal, insofar as in a way Settra would view all of his subjects as being equally his property.

Kinks vary between these two, but, the former is a service dominant and the latter is a pretty harsh, cruel sort of domme; no extreme kinks. Emphasis on spankings, kissing, WLW, orgasm denial and control, overstimulation, experienced partners / inexperienced partners, eccentricism, intelligent banter, flirting and foreplay . . . mostly a lot of vanilla and lukewarm stuff. I use Discord for OOC chatter.
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