A flash of light exploded in the portal hall of the Mage Guild Association of Bradena. The clerks and assistants at the table looked up from their paperwork, the coming and going of mages was not an unusual occurrence, but there had been no scheduled arrivals for that day.
From out of the violet light and smoke strode a figure dressed head to toe in black robes, strands of dark hair shot through with grey hung over his gaunt face. A pale scar running down through one blinded eye. He briskly made his way out of the portal hall without evening pausing to give the clerks a look.
As he made his way through the corridors of Guildhall, a ripple of whispers followed him in his wake. Eventually they made their way to the chief secretary of the Guild Association, who frantically scurried their way down to the entry hall to catch him just he was about to leave.
"Arch-Mage Rindarium!" The chief secretary cried out, panting from the effort of their hurried journey to catch up with the Mage of Ilmar.
"Ah, good to see someone still recognises me around here." Eskel replied with a stony face. They were wasting his time. He had more important things to do than deal with Guild bureaucrats.
"Arch-Mage Rindarium! The council requested your presence months ago, we have been receiving concerning reports about the nature of your research at Ilmar and will be conducting a formal investigation should you not immediat-" Eskel stopped them with a wave of his hand.
"Yes, yes, yes, I am aware of the posturing your council of so-called 'Arch-Mages' are attempting to make. But I don't have time for this. I need to see Naivara Amakiir at once, the fate of the world is at stake."___________________________________________________
Eskell Rindarium, commonly known as the mad mage of Ilmar, is a brilliant yet troubled practitioner of the magical arts. His turbulent youth began in an orphanage, where his natural predilection to spell casting first made itself known. He was swiftly taken as a ward of the venerable mages of ancient and powerful magic school... which he was expelled from before his eighteenth birthday.
As with many mages of little means and no patronage, he turned to adventuring to earn his keep, and rose from being a penniless no one, to the saviour of an entire continent. Along with his party of intrepid heroes, he banished a terrible and ancient evil from the world. This victory however, did not come without its cost. In that fight, Eskel lost the most important person in the world to him... and he has been trying to get them back ever since.
Since that day he has delved into the darkest and most unsavoury of magicks in order to return his beloved to the world of the living... Necromancy. This, along with his famous temper, acerbic wit, and general haughtiness, has quickly tarnished whatever good reputation he once had.
Eskel is a character I would to explore at various points of his life. In his youth at the college, in his days as an adventurer, as the mad, depressed, desperately lonely necromancer he later becomes. He is very intelligent and witty, but filled with hidden feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing. Obvious pairings would be with his lost love (which could be requited or unrequited) or perhaps a mutual friend witnessing his descent.
Character could be played as either MxM or MxF, or with an non-binary partner.