@Dawnblade@Phantomlink959@LightningMaiden@Blueflame@SearatThe director called Rost, a human who was knowledgeable in wards, to see if the man could use his knowledge to help Madon. After the other man agreed to join him, the director made his way down to the holding cells. He wasn't sure that he could or would use this non human. Some were willing to a bid by the rules. Others were too set in the old ways. They were refused to see that if they didn't change they would die out. He opened the door cautiously not sure if he would be be greeted by the human or the demon. He was prepared for either.
Griffin met with the elders. Vampires were an old species. Since they had once been human it was alot easier for them to think like humans. But that didn't mean that there were those who did not wish to see things change. His sire was one of those. Not only had he had to listen to the elders point out all of his short comings. In front of a the local kiss but then he had to report to his sire. He pushed those memories away as he entered headquarters.
There was going to a meeting to go over the fubar mission. Griffin ran his hand through his hair. The last thing he wanted to do was go through his failures a third time. But he had little choice. The bureau was his best bet at accomplishing his goal. So he made his way up to the meeting room where the rest of the 'team' would be.