@Searat"If you want to search them go right ahead. The basement is through the back. I will be contacting my lawyer about this breach of privacy." The owner growled his eyes briefly flashed.
Griffin made his way over to the other man.
"I know you're not human." He announced. Anyone would have knowing that after being attacked by the man. He didn't like the man and wanted to take him in. Technically he could. Assaulting an officer was against the law but doing so wouldn't solve the case and would only make him look bad. No he needed something solid in order to arrest the guy.
"What are you?"Technically the man didn't have to answer. Supernatural beings had the right to hide the origins. It helped keep the peace. They could bypass that if they thought it had something to do with the case, which Griffin unfortunately wasn't sure if that knowledge would help or not.
"I am not telling anything."