I just want to see characters grow why is that so hard!
5 mos ago
9 mos ago
Wonder if I lost my touch
10 mos ago
Feeling sad
Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.
Violence- (causes or craves violence. Drawbacks short temper, need to hurt others, ect) Pain- (cause or craves pain. Drawbacks constantly in pain, needs to hurt other or gts weak, causes pain with touch, ect) Death- ( causes death. Drawback craves death) Disease- (causes disease. Drawbacks touch carries disease,) Disaster- (cause or craves disasters. Drawbacks always failing, causes other to fail, ect) Misery- (causes people to be sad. Drawback voices causes people to cry) Doubt- (cause or craves doubt. Drawbacks always doubting self, always doubting others, causing others to doubt self, ect) Promiscuity- (cause or craves sex. Drawbacks needs sex or gets weak, can't be with the same person twice, ect) Defeat- (cause or craves defeat. Drawbacks can't refuse a challenge, can't win anything, causes others to lose, ect) Lies- (cause or craves lies. Drawbacks can't lie, can't tell the truth, ect) Secrets- KatherinWinter Hope- (causes or destroys hope. Drawbacks always hopeful, always hopeleds, creates falsee hope, takes hope from.others) Distrust- (cause or craves distrust. Drawbacks can't be trusted, can't trust others, males others distrustful, ect) Nightmares- (causes nightmares. Drawback sees and changes other people's dreams.) Wrath- (Causes anger and people to crave revenge. Drawback easily angered) Greed- (causes people to be greedy. Drawback wants and needs things constantly) Jealousy- (causes or craves jealousy. Drawbacks is jealous of everyone, makes everyone jealous, ect) Obession - (causes people to be obsessed. Drawback obsessed with things) Indifference - (causes people to feel little to nothing. Drawback cares very little) Selfishness - (causes people to be selfish. Drawback focused on self.) Anarchy - (Causes disorder and the inability to recognize authority. Drawback unable to recognize authority) Strife - (causes bitterness and conflict. Drawback bitter and angry) Irresponsibility - (causes people to act irresponsibly. Drawback unable to act responsibly) Paranoida - (causes paranoia. Drawback paranoid) Unforgiveness - (causes people to be unforgiving. Drawback unable to firgive) Hate - (causes hate. Drawback hates almost everything)
1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it. 2. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability. 3. If you have a suggestion let me know I welcome suggestions 4. No fighting in the OOC. I don't mind discussions and disagreements. 5. Use the mention button. It helps people know your talking to them. Especially me ;) 6. Internal thoughts are great but please make them appear different from your spoken words. I don't care if you use color or italics. 7. Post must be atleast three sentences long.
Long ago several Lords of the Underworld were locked away in a box made of the bones of a very powerful woman. These Lords were the most powerful demons and once locked away their influence on the world lesser. The box was lost for many years. Everyone forgot that it existed.
Unfortunately the peace didn't last long. One day the box was destroyed. No one knows who or how it was destroyed only that it was gone. The Lords of the Underworld of the underworld were now free. Unfortunately they no longer had bodies. Desperate to stay in the world they were forced into human bodies. These humans woke up one day to discover that they are not alone inside their head. Most of them are decent people struggling to maintain who they were before are despite the demon that now shares their body and mind.
The Lords are on the surface and they want to stay there. They have no intentions of being locked away again. Their souls are bound with the human so they can't just take over. They have to find away to deal with the human world and stay free.
@LightningMaidenok. Thanks. @Searatok. I guess we'll have them head back than. @Phantomlink959 good timing. I'll work out two new events. With more details if I can
@Sewer Ratthe DNA has been added yes. You have survived and are now being moved to an area where you'll have more freedom and will start to learn to used the moves you got.
[color=8882be]Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness. [/color]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="#8882be">Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness. </font><br></div>