Avatar of KatherinWinter


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I just want to see characters grow why is that so hard!
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Wonder if I lost my touch


Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

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No problem. Thanks for letting me know.
Roxy started the van and headed down the street. She drove casually as if this was an ordinary night instead of what it was. She snorted when he suggested that this was some kind of prank or challenge. She didn't blame him for thinking that. She could see some teenagers do something like that. She agreed it wouldn't but cute or funny. It definitely wasn't ok. Unfortunately this was the only choice she had.

"I want to protect you from my asshole sperm donor. And I want revenge." Roxy admitted. She couldn't call him father. He had lost the rights to that name. He was simply a man who had once been a part of her life. She would have walked away completely if it hadn't been for Drake. It wasn't her brother's fault that their father was an asshole.

"I want the data chip that belonged to your father." She told him bluntly. She needed that chip to safe guard herself and her brother. With this information she could make sure that her freedom would never be jeopardized again and her brother would be able to choose his own path.
"There's no need to apologize Devika. It's no one's fault." Roxy growled. She didn't need or want the other woman's pity. Her life hadn't been great but she knew others had it worse. She had mostly been proud of her life. Things changed when she turned sixteen but she still didn't have it that bad. She had built a life she was mostly happy with. It didn't matter that her mother had abandoned her when she was 9 or that her father had betrayed her when she was sixteen.

"This isn't the first time I've been left and it isn't likely to be the last." Roxy told Devika. She had been alone most of her life. That was one of the reasons this whole thing was so hard for her. "I'll be fine. I can survive a couple of days of awkwardness." She assured Devika. Being uncomfortable wouldn't kill her. There were worse things. "Can we go back now that you're reassured I'm not going to fall apart?"
I'm thinking the van should have a window so they can talk if he wants to.
Delivery huh. Roxy thought. That would work. Whatever got him over to the van. She tried to look like a confused college girl. Someone who didn't know what was going on but was trying to get the job done. Kidnapping wasn't something that she had ever thought about doing. She hadn't researched how to do it. Nor had she practiced it. All she could do was wing it and hope for the best. She wait until he was beside her. It was a risk. He would be able to see that the back was empty but it was her best chance at getting him into the van.

Once he was beside her Roxy pushed him as hard as she could. She was hoping that his drunken state would propel him into the can. It was the only way she could think of something think of to get him in the van. If the plan worked she would slam the door closed behind him. It would lock automatically. He wouldn't be able to escape until she opened the back again.
"I'm fine." Roxy crossed her over her chest. She didn't approach the mirror. She didn't need to check on her appearance, she didn't want to know what she looked like. It couldn't be good. She knew Devika meant well but it didn't change anything. She would never be comfortable with someone knowing what she was feeling. She had a feeling Devika would always know what she was feeling. It was something she was going to have to find a way to deal with.

"I'm going to lie just because it would be easy to do so." Roxy told Devika bluntly. She tried not to lie more than necessary. Besides lying wouldn't accomplish anything. Devika knew she wasn't uncomfortable because she overeat. "My family isn't close like yours so I'm a little uncomfortable. I'll live." She assured the other woman. It wouldn't be easy but it would be alright.
"First your thumb should cover the first to fingers." Roxy reached out and adjusted Jess's fist. It was important that the empath knew how to do things right."Clich your fist as firmly as you can. Then make it as flat as possible. Try to hit your target with the first two knuckles." She explained. She showed Jess what she meant. She didn't want the empath to hurt herself if she had to defend herself.

"Keep your arm as straight as possible. If you have a chance brace your legs. It will help." Roxy explained. She showed Jess what she meant. She planted her feet and punched the back as hard as she could. "You can start with gloves. It will take some time for your body to get used to the impact. It will hurt for awhile." She warned Jess. She didn't want the empath taken by surprise when she hit the bag.
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