Occupation: Workshop co-owner (Specifically the "Dashwood Workshop and Smith")
Appearance: Scarlet is considered attractive in the current day and age, attractive enough for a few men to easily fall in love with her at first glance; she stands at 5'7 with a slim but fit frame (By the looks of it she works out quite regularly) so her weight may stand at around 120lbs. Her face is a bit pale with lightly sprinkled freckles across her face, her dirty blonde hair isn't long nor is it short but just reaches down about three inches down her neck which she has tied to a ponytail most of the time; her eyes are a mix of green and blue but leaning more to green than blue, she has a button nose and small lips with a scar that goes across the bridge of her nose.
In terms of clothing, since she co-runs a workshop she's always a pair of goggles may it be on her eyes, on her head or just strapped to her belt.
Personality: Scarlet is a bit eccentric when it comes to crafting or inventing things, she always wants to show the world her new invention once it's finish or even just the idea of it. Though when not talking gadgets she's someone worth trusting, she makes sure to keep a smile on and wise cracks every now and then which is something that makes Scarlet who she is. No matter how posh her family is and how posh she is, she's no ordinary girl and she hopes to keep it that way.
Power: Being a human with flaws means so do her powers.
Living Forge - Scarlet is known for her abilities to construct things, but this specific power makes scarlet's veins in her ignite in flame, causing to create, ignore and manipulate any form of heat or fire. This power makes it so that blowtorches and being set on fire isn't anything but a regular tuesday for her. Though the flaw of this means that she grows tired and exhausted which means she will need to take a quite a break for her to be moving again,; she still feels the heat as well, though with years of tolerance and practice she's grown used to it.
Scarlet Gale - This power is more of a utility type of thing since this allows Scarlet to move her body much faster than an average human, though this doesn't allow her to run fast. This ability focuses on the speed of her arms and her reflexes, having this ability also affects her brain which makes her brain functions passively much faster as well.
Likes: - Alcohol - Fire - Tools - Gadgets - Inventing - Smoking - Commissions - Her goggles - Children - Punching - Women
Dislikes: - Diet anything - People touching her tools - People playing/touching her goggles - People who try to court her - Pineapples - Black Coffee
Skills: Hand-to-hand combat - She learned this after people tried stealing her stuff, honestly it's like those people were trying to get themselves beaten up. She's also part of a high end boxing community.
Cooking - She lives alone, so she does the cooking so she can... Live and not die of starvation, you know what I mean?
Socialising - She really likes talking to people and making them talk to her.
On the fly construction - Anything that involves Macgyvering her way for something.
High level literacy - She understands many things, may it be in different languages or just English.
Other: Scarlet has a very thick accent, it's British so she'll still be understood.
Appearance: Jiyoo is someone who is considered very beautiful in Korean standards, some of her youtube comments say that she's part of the top 100 most beautiful faces in the world. Her body is very fit and athletic from her training in the dance scene, and she's quite noticeable because of her rather fair skin. Her hair was originally black but she dyed her hair red once and that had been her staple on her channel for as long as she could remember, every subscribers knows about her signature long, flowing, red hair. Her distinct facial features would be her small lips, her cute button nose and her also well known eye smile from all the photos of her back in Korea. Her height stands at 5'7" or 170 centimeters, which is above average of Korean female heights, and along with her height her weight does not exceed 110 lbs, Jiyoo's height and weight is practically perfect for what she has fallen in love doing which is also the main focus of her channel, and with her flexible and well toned body, she can instantly swap to popping and locking hard, then immediately to graceful dances like waltz and the like.
In fashion, Jiyoo's contrast of her two fashions is quite odd and has many people question why and how things like this even occur. When she's dancing, she's always in something comfortable and baggy like sweats and loose shirts with a sports bra or whatever underneath, and when she doesn't really care about what she's wearing, it's always a white top and black bottoms in the most comfortable and lazy way, like she grabbed the first thing she saw in her closet and slapped it on.
And on the other hand, her fashion for when she's actually trying is genuine, top tier, Korean fashion, always something stylish with the perfect mix of light and dark, usually something denim when the day is just right; if someone decides to google Korean Fashion, Jiyoo has probably already wore something like what they will see. And who could forget what she wore during the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, which had people turning heads.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities: β‘ Eats a lot, like a lot, practically always seen with food in her hand. β‘ Dances to every song, like literally every song. β‘ Hardcore lip biting when focused β‘ Likes to sit outside when it's raining, not under the rain tho.
Hobbies: β‘ Playing video games. β‘ Sports, specifically Track and Volleyball. β‘ Dancing. β‘ Watching the sky, whether it be clouds, stars or rain.
Likes: β‘ Music in general. β‘ Food β‘Matt Steffania Dancing and Choreography β‘ Working Out β‘ Travelling β‘ Girls β‘ Kissing
Dislikes: β‘ Silence β‘ Warm weather β‘ People who say Dancing isn't a sport or profession β‘ Pomegranates β‘ Rats (It's an actual phobia) β‘ Tight spaces
Jiyoo is someone who is quite known to wow the stage, whether she is the face of the performance or just a back up dancer. Her allure to those who look at her seems to always catch people off guard. From her confidence on stage to her gregariousness off stage to those who come up to her. Though, Jiyoo's off-stage personality is much different to Jiyoo's on-stage personality; Off-stage, she's someone who's very approachable and easy to talk to, always making people smile to every little thing she does, heck, some even say her smile is the most contagious thing in the world, but on-stage Jiyoo is someone who is serious and only ever smiles when people are enjoying themselves, the reason that Jiyoo states why she doesn't smile much on stage is "It makes me lip bite a lot, and I don't like doing that on stage... Or in front of other people.". Jiyoo is definitely someone worth keeping, just from her smile alone.
She yearns for adoration sometimes, but only when she feels like she deserves it, which is hardly ever to begin with, which is why every time she finishes a performances and the cheering of people are load, it makes her smile like a dork. Jiyoo loves competing, but in a way where she doesn't care if she wins or lose, she just wants the experience. She is sensitive at times, but only to the point where she'll get upset about for a little while then shrug it off like it nothing. Jiyoo is foolishness and naivety is something that her subscribers know very well about, how she fails to put two and two together sometimes and laughs it off once someone points it out to her, some say it's cute and some say it's annoying.
Jiyoo was around the age of 17 when she posted her first dance cover on youtube, a short 1:22 second video of her in her room back in Daejeon, South Korea. She was very lucky to be part of the upper-middle class of South Korea which meant she had access to a lot of equipment whenever she did this, except she used her phone to record herself dancing the first time. Her parents have always supported her dancing, but they wanted her to pursue a career in law, it wasn't what she exactly wanted but she wanted to make her parents happy. Her balance in Law and Dance was odd because she always would go out of her way to immediately start learning choreography off videos off the internet or from personal lessons from her dance crew's choreographer and leader. She was well known in her dance crew for being the best, and was always the second in command whenever their choreographer/leader wasn't around. And that was proven when Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition came around the corner.
But before we get to that, Jiyoo was born in Sintanjin Hanil Hospital in Daejeon, South Korea on the 3rd of october. She as second of four and was often called the most passionate when it came to what she wanted to do. When she was young, she fell in love with dance when she saw all the street dancers. This lead to her asking her parents to give her dance lessons so she could learn how to dance. Her parents were happy to do so, and she ended up winning multiple interschool dance competitions with the school's dance troupe. Jiyoo's dancing ability does get better everyday, this was something she herself knew and was aware of. She continued to grow along with dance, it was her passion and she didn't want to let go out of it.
Now back to the preparation, as the practice went on for the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, one of her school mates asked if she could record Jiyoo as like a fan cam thing like how they did with K-Pop idols. Jiyoo agreed and was ready to give her best, the troupe practiced, and practiced and practiced until it was the time for the actual competition. The competition went on and they were surprised to have won first place, since this was the first competition they did that was nationwide. Her school mate that recorded her sent her the video after the event and Jiyoo uploaded it on youtube, which was the video that got people talking about her.
The views were within the first 24 hours of it being uploaded.
And with that video, her channel skyrocketed as the number one dance channel in South Korea, and she become one of the highest rated dance channels all over the world. And it was because of this video she started earning income for herself for the first time. This became her career, and it was because of this that she dropped college around the second year. She used the money to get herself a better dance studio, new equipment and the like. Her parents have never been prouder.
When Jiyoo received the letter to come to the cruise, she was reluctant at first but then she thought about all the people she might meet, she accepted in the hopes of getting to meet Matt Steffania. Boy was she about to be disappointed, but little did she know, that the people that will join her on the cruise are those she definitely would never forget.
Khloe flinched at the sudden wink, she just laughed it off since she was still a bit embarrassed with the whole freezing-her-hat ordeal. She found Sally to be such a cool roommate, just the fact that it wasn't anyone uptight or an over the top neat freak made it all better for her. Khloe did appreciate the show of powers, and how comfortable people were with each other, except for D, he had no intent of showing, at least for now. She just shrugged it off like it was nothing, she'll find out someday... Maybe.
"Yeah, I'll never have warm cake again!" Khloe exclaimed excitedly, but then was suddenly sad for moment, "I'll never have warm cake again..." It was one of those jump of emotions that just kind of happens, but she didn't stay sad for more than a few seconds.
As Khloe glanced at Sally, she was already mid pout, probably from the whole friend zoning thing Gunnar mentioned. Khloe was already on both ends on that spectrum, being friend zoned and friend zoning someone, it's not a good feeling when receiving really. Khloe didn't mind much when Sally suddenly spoke up once more, "well, Gunnar, II'm quite certain you'll be able to find someone here. I mean, look at all these beauties," that was all Khloe processed, if Sally said anything else after she didn't really care much about it; But Khloe did have a follow-up statement after the word beauties was mentioned. "I mean, I'm right here." Khloe mentioned, in a semi-joking manner, she laughed right after she said it, not even being able to keep a straight face.
Khloe already got the feeling that she was going to enjoy her time here, sure it definitely wasn't planned, but it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. She'd love to still be an idol, that would still be her dream if she can, but there are some thing that just can't happen anymore, at least, in the way a person thinks it should happen. "It is lovely meeting you all, here's hoping we have the time to still be silly and some shenanigans yeah?" Khloe stated, hoping for a positive response.
"Our dawn is prettier than the day So can I get a little bit of hope?"
Khloe was already surprised by the amount of questions thrown at everyone, including herself. She removed her cap and held it down to crotch, revealing her long blonde hair and then she started to answer the questions one by one, "Khloe Jeon, uhh... I was originally from L.A. But I moved to Chaewon, South Korea to become an idol but that didn't go so well, I'm 20, Gosh I'm old, I'm single and swing both ways, I did parkour once and sprained my leg but to be fair I was like 10, and yes I'm pretty good at calculus and willing to help you." Said Khloe as smiled, but the voice that went "And don't think I haven't forgotten about you two either." Was intimidating and a little scary but Khloe was happy to oblige.
Nikolai was hella intimidating, but Khloe survived a Korean survival show it wasn't as scary as being judged by 4 Korean pop stars. Khloe then smiled as she held her cap beside her head, a few inches away from her ear and spoke. "I guess you could say, I'm cooler than you might think." Said Khloe as the cap froze over. She then flinched and immediately thought about what she was doing, "μ, μ¨λ°... (Ah, Sh*t...)" She had frozen over her cap, and her being all slick and sly was cool for a solid 9 seconds before she started shaking the cap to get rid of the ice that froze over it. The ice did break, and her cap was still intact, but when she turned back to the others, she just chuckled and smiled nervously.
"-Anyone know who that is?β Khloe understood as Una pointed to some guy with barely any clothes on, "Uhh... I'd rather not find out today, or tomorrow." Khloe stated, implying that someone half-naked right now isn't someone she'd like to talk to. Khloe then spoke up, "Being 20, that makes me... Second oldest? Next to, uh..." She eyed and gestured at Drake, "Da-... D, right? We call you D?" Khloe asked as she shrugged, she took her cap and placed it back on her head as she waited for an answer.
Appearance: Jiyoo is someone who is considered very beautiful in Korean standards, some of her youtube comments say that she's part of the top 100 most beautiful faces in the world. Her body is very fit and athletic from her training in the dance scene, and she's quite noticeable because of her rather fair skin. Her hair was originally black but she dyed her hair red once and that had been her staple on her channel for as long as she could remember, every subscribers knows about her signature long, flowing, red hair. Her distinct facial features would be her small lips, her cute button nose and her also well known eye smile from all the photos of her back in Korea. Her height stands at 5'7" or 170 centimeters, which is above average of Korean female heights, and along with her height her weight does not exceed 110 lbs, Jiyoo's height and weight is practically perfect for what she has fallen in love doing which is also the main focus of her channel, and with her flexible and well toned body, she can instantly swap to popping and locking hard, then immediately to graceful dances like waltz and the like.
In fashion, Jiyoo's contrast of her two fashions is quite odd and has many people question why and how things like this even occur. When she's dancing, she's always in something comfortable and baggy like sweats and loose shirts with a sports bra or whatever underneath, and when she doesn't really care about what she's wearing, it's always a white top and black bottoms in the most comfortable and lazy way, like she grabbed the first thing she saw in her closet and slapped it on.
And on the other hand, her fashion for when she's actually trying is genuine, top tier, Korean fashion, always something stylish with the perfect mix of light and dark, usually something denim when the day is just right; if someone decides to google Korean Fashion, Jiyoo has probably already wore something like what they will see. And who could forget what she wore during the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, which had people turning heads.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities: β‘ Eats a lot, like a lot, practically always seen with food in her hand. β‘ Dances to every song, like literally every song. β‘ Hardcore lip biting when focused β‘ Likes to sit outside when it's raining, not under the rain tho.
Hobbies: β‘ Playing video games. β‘ Sports, specifically Track and Volleyball. β‘ Dancing. β‘ Watching the sky, whether it be clouds, stars or rain.
Likes: β‘ Music in general. β‘ Food β‘Matt Steffania Dancing and Choreography β‘ Working Out β‘ Travelling β‘ Girls β‘ Kissing
Dislikes: β‘ Silence β‘ Warm weather β‘ People who say Dancing isn't a sport or profession β‘ Pomegranates β‘ Rats (It's an actual phobia) β‘ Tight spaces
Jiyoo is someone who is quite known to wow the stage, whether she is the face of the performance or just a back up dancer. Her allure to those who look at her seems to always catch people off guard. From her confidence on stage to her gregariousness off stage to those who come up to her. Though, Jiyoo's off-stage personality is much different to Jiyoo's on-stage personality; Off-stage, she's someone who's very approachable and easy to talk to, always making people smile to every little thing she does, heck, some even say her smile is the most contagious thing in the world, but on-stage Jiyoo is someone who is serious and only ever smiles when people are enjoying themselves, the reason that Jiyoo states why she doesn't smile much on stage is "It makes me lip bite a lot, and I don't like doing that on stage... Or in front of other people.". Jiyoo is definitely someone worth keeping, just from her smile alone.
She yearns for adoration sometimes, but only when she feels like she deserves it, which is hardly ever to begin with, which is why every time she finishes a performances and the cheering of people are load, it makes her smile like a dork. Jiyoo loves competing, but in a way where she doesn't care if she wins or lose, she just wants the experience. She is sensitive at times, but only to the point where she'll get upset about for a little while then shrug it off like it nothing. Jiyoo is foolishness and naivety is something that her subscribers know very well about, how she fails to put two and two together sometimes and laughs it off once someone points it out to her, some say it's cute and some say it's annoying.
Jiyoo was around the age of 17 when she posted her first dance cover on youtube, a short 1:22 second video of her in her room back in Daejeon, South Korea. She was very lucky to be part of the upper-middle class of South Korea which meant she had access to a lot of equipment whenever she did this, except she used her phone to record herself dancing the first time. Her parents have always supported her dancing, but they wanted her to pursue a career in law, it wasn't what she exactly wanted but she wanted to make her parents happy. Her balance in Law and Dance was odd because she always would go out of her way to immediately start learning choreography off videos off the internet or from personal lessons from her dance crew's choreographer and leader. She was well known in her dance crew for being the best, and was always the second in command whenever their choreographer/leader wasn't around. And that was proven when Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition came around the corner.
But before we get to that, Jiyoo was born in Sintanjin Hanil Hospital in Daejeon, South Korea on the 3rd of october. She as second of four and was often called the most passionate when it came to what she wanted to do. When she was young, she fell in love with dance when she saw all the street dancers. This lead to her asking her parents to give her dance lessons so she could learn how to dance. Her parents were happy to do so, and she ended up winning multiple interschool dance competitions with the school's dance troupe. Jiyoo's dancing ability does get better everyday, this was something she herself knew and was aware of. She continued to grow along with dance, it was her passion and she didn't want to let go out of it.
Now back to the preparation, as the practice went on for the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, one of her school mates asked if she could record Jiyoo as like a fan cam thing like how they did with K-Pop idols. Jiyoo agreed and was ready to give her best, the troupe practiced, and practiced and practiced until it was the time for the actual competition. The competition went on and they were surprised to have won first place, since this was the first competition they did that was nationwide. Her school mate that recorded her sent her the video after the event and Jiyoo uploaded it on youtube, which was the video that got people talking about her.
The views were within the first 24 hours of it being uploaded.
And with that video, her channel skyrocketed as the number one dance channel in South Korea, and she become one of the highest rated dance channels all over the world. And it was because of this video she started earning income for herself for the first time. This became her career, and it was because of this that she dropped college around the second year. She used the money to get herself a better dance studio, new equipment and the like. Her parents have never been prouder.
When Jiyoo received the letter to come to the cruise, she was reluctant at first but then she thought about all the people she might meet, she accepted in the hopes of getting to meet Matt Steffania. Boy was she about to be disappointed, but little did she know, that the people that will join her on the cruise are those she definitely would never forget.
A whole day of classes, it was tiring but Khloe was used to being tired after training to be an idol for about two years. She didn't know anyone here, nor did she even consider trying to meet people as of this moment. As she stepped out of the classroom, she had a look around and decided to go out into the courtyard, there was bound to be people there to meet; she walked down the halls and straight out the double doors into the courtyard. "μμ΄κ΅¬! λλ μ€λ λ§€μ° νΌκ³€νλ€.(Aw Man! Today was really tiring.) she said to herself as she stretched her arms and scanned the courtyard, she even saw someone fly out the window on the corner of her eye but that was supposed to be normal by now.
She spotted a group of students over by the corner of the courtyard, they were in her class and they seemed to be cool. she really didn't know how to introduce herself american style, so she decided to do it in the way she definitely knew how. She walked over there and with a very audible "Annyeonghaseyo (μλ νμΈμ) (Hello!)" she said with a smile as she waved as she walked.
She saw one of them sit on the bench then kindly and wholeheartedly introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Khloe, I'm not really sure how American culture goes, but I definitely got the language down." Her fluency in the language was astounding, it would have almost made people she said something in straight Korean a few seconds ago.
Khloe then moved her arms a bit to loosen them, she was a bit stiff from being sat down listening to lectures all day. She dusted off her gray cotton jacket as she smiled there waiting for someone else to speak. Her clothes always fashionable, wearing a gray cotton jacket over a black sleeveless shirt, black ripped jeans and white Adidas walking shoes. She even had those those black Korean caps on with the rings, and a black face mask that was off her mouth and just went under her chin.