
{ “ If there's anything I've learned about life, it's that it goes on with or without you. "}
{ " It's meaningless unless you get yourself into the picture for everyone to see that smile of yours. " }
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[✯] Name:
[✯] Alias:
[✯] Code Name:
[✯] Age:
[✯] Skills:
[✯] Powers:
[✯] Personality:
[✯] Bio:
[✯] Relationship / Family:
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Hopefully he is fine!

{ “ If there's anything I've learned about life, it's that it goes on with or without you. "}
{ " It's meaningless unless you get yourself into the picture for everyone to see that smile of yours. " }
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[✯] Name:
Alexander Minksy
[✯] Alias:
[✯] Code Name:
Keraunos - 'Uno'
[✯] Age:
[✯] Skills:
Alex is more or less the same as your average day young adult, with a dash of a little more responsibility which people wouldn't expect from this man. Being surprisingly above average in the area of academics while he was in high school, which was surprising from what it looked like to his peers, where he aced every test with little problem but homework and similar things were left undone which balanced themselves out. As Alex spent more of his time being more involved in things like sports mostly with the jocks or participating in school plays occasionally with the quirky group. Excelling in sports during his years in school, with various athletic activities like wrestling, basketball, soccer and volleyball. In terms of combat, Alex may not have formally been trained in any fighting technique or style but he has been in his own pocketful of tustles and ruffles with others so he knows how to handle himself. Along with his time in high school as a wrestler, he incorporates what he remembers into his fighting when he can to take down his opponents. Using his youth and athleticism give him the edge in fighting, with his honed body and instincts from sports be used. He was accepted into many different schools despite applying for them as a non-athlete, and when he did apply as one his acceptance rate only increased from other universities as well.
With advice from his mother, he began preparing himself to be the next man of the house should his father not come back and ready himself with the skills he would need. Learning and eventually becoming a talented cook for handling his own meals every day and his roommates back then. While also being financially savvy as he learned quickly how to count money or face being thrown out into the streets with a bonus of a shot of maturity to go along with it. Learning how to function like an adult a long time ago when the reality of life was approaching on the horizon before it came knocking on his door. Spreading his range of influence as well by connecting with a variety of people during school.
With advice from his mother, he began preparing himself to be the next man of the house should his father not come back and ready himself with the skills he would need. Learning and eventually becoming a talented cook for handling his own meals every day and his roommates back then. While also being financially savvy as he learned quickly how to count money or face being thrown out into the streets with a bonus of a shot of maturity to go along with it. Learning how to function like an adult a long time ago when the reality of life was approaching on the horizon before it came knocking on his door. Spreading his range of influence as well by connecting with a variety of people during school.
[✯] Powers:
Electricity Manipulation
Alex's mutant powers is very simple which is the ability to control electricity, being able to generate it and manipulate it. He is able to cause a variety of effects to occur with the wide breathe of his ability but requires time for larger amounts of energy to be used. With his ability being exponential in the amount he is able to control at the moment, he isn't able to instantaneously realize an effect. He is fairly proficient in use of his mutant ability despite his attempts of downplaying the skill which is required to do the things he's capable of.
[✯] Personality:
Cautious, Calculative, Willful, Sensible, Cunning, Fake, Intimidating, Friendly, and Intense
Alex's personality is a jumble of things as it will always be molding itself to fit into the cookie cutter tin that the situation presents itself. Shaping himself to fit what the other people expect and think of him, his personality is always changing from a group to group basis. It is what everyone does, but Alex just puts more thought into than most people would normally do. Being a popular jock with sports to being a surprisingly weird person for the quirky group or even being a surprisingly artistic person. His personality is always shifting to fit the situation as best as it can, making him unpredictable in the center of the storm that is Alex himself. With many sides of Alex that is revealed but never all at the same time, just a piece here or there to reveal a part of himself. He simply goes with the flow where ever he is, fitting it without much hassle or conflict as possible.
In the most default state that Alex could possibly get is being an outgoing person naturally who likes to talk to people. Being very social, he talks with a certain appeal to it and always responds appropriately with a charming laugh for a cracked joke or an infectious smile for something else. It gives him the appearance of a confident person and an intimidating air around him yet still appealing for some reason. His nature which is almost considered joyful if not pleasant which is infectious to others, a flower almost to watch and smell but never to touch for its thorns.
Alex's personality is a jumble of things as it will always be molding itself to fit into the cookie cutter tin that the situation presents itself. Shaping himself to fit what the other people expect and think of him, his personality is always changing from a group to group basis. It is what everyone does, but Alex just puts more thought into than most people would normally do. Being a popular jock with sports to being a surprisingly weird person for the quirky group or even being a surprisingly artistic person. His personality is always shifting to fit the situation as best as it can, making him unpredictable in the center of the storm that is Alex himself. With many sides of Alex that is revealed but never all at the same time, just a piece here or there to reveal a part of himself. He simply goes with the flow where ever he is, fitting it without much hassle or conflict as possible.
In the most default state that Alex could possibly get is being an outgoing person naturally who likes to talk to people. Being very social, he talks with a certain appeal to it and always responds appropriately with a charming laugh for a cracked joke or an infectious smile for something else. It gives him the appearance of a confident person and an intimidating air around him yet still appealing for some reason. His nature which is almost considered joyful if not pleasant which is infectious to others, a flower almost to watch and smell but never to touch for its thorns.
[✯] Bio:
Alex was born into his family as the second born son, the youngest and the baby of his family with an older brother who was about a good five years older than him. Growing up in a relatively normal childhood he made friends, played around with the other children and went to school like any other kid. His absence of his father was notable for leaving to join the army to support the family, mainly for the medical bills that their mom had due to her medical condition. On occasion, however, Alex still saw him on his brief but enjoyable visits before going back. Still, it wasn't too bad being raised most of the time by his mother and his older brother, he still grew up to be a respectable boy who entered school as a charming individual. However, this shaky family structure would not last long when the letters eventually stopped and two soldiers came to the door, where their mother ushered them to their two rooms while the three would talk. There was sobbing could be heard from the other room, as his brother Joshua could be heard talking as well trying to comfort her.
After the visit, his mother began telling him that he will need to pick up some of the weight in the household now that their father was gone and he understood what he had to do. Along with further prompting with an ominous warning from his brother Joshua that Alex would need to prepare to become the next man in the household should anything happen to Joshua himself. He matured quickly as he began to pick up his academic grades and excel in school and even getting a job on the side like his brother to support the family as well. Everything then returned to an uneasy calm that left an awkward feeling around the house, but they all managed to get through it somehow.
It was during this period of stress that his mutant abilities subtly awoke themselves with seemingly no noticeable change from Alex. Causing him to develop a sense of self-consciousness from the duties that were being carried on his back as he perceived the entirety of events in his life. A few nervous breakdowns were a common event for Alex which he hid from his friends and especially his family as he planned vigorously for the future.
However, it still was not enough to support the treatments for their mother and living expenses as well with the money they were making at this rate. Despite the hard effort by his brother and himself, they couldn't make due from their meager wages and their sick mom not being able to anything but rest. So by the 2nd year in High School, his brother began working full time out-of-state with a lucrative job offer despite the combined protest from Alex himself and his mother. With it just his mother and Alex now living in the relatively empty house. The burden of the house now being carried on his back was immense as Alex would be the column that supported their life at home.
The pressure of juggling school, sports, and life at home took a toll on his mind as he slowly broke down with the onslaught of maturity hitting him, despite preparing for it. Stacked along with the deteriorating condition of his mother, the event horizon approached as soon she grew deathly ill. As on his senior year, it was the time that his mother finally let go and passed away at the start of the school year from her cancer that took her away. It was now just Alex alone at home, as his brother was still now just out of the state making money for the two of them. The money from his brother was directed to him now as he used it to support himself for a short time before he found two other roommates to pay a portion of money for the bills on the house. After sorting out various problems, life began aligning itself and the seas began to settle as Alex focused his resolve on graduating.
And so, Alex graduated with his classmates of the same year as he with a rough start to the year, he still had memories of school which would be cherished as he went into college. Earning a scholarship for being an athlete for a University, his tuition was covered for as long as he didn't mess anything up. Quickly starting college as soon as he could, it looked like everything would be but by uncanny coincidence. During his first few years of college, something shook the confines of his world again. A lecturer by the names of Charles Xavier tapped on the glass that would be better left undisturbed. Convincing him that he was indeed special as the scientist claimed that he was along with a few feats from the other, he reluctantly accepted his proposition to join one of the schools to watch over his powers.
After the visit, his mother began telling him that he will need to pick up some of the weight in the household now that their father was gone and he understood what he had to do. Along with further prompting with an ominous warning from his brother Joshua that Alex would need to prepare to become the next man in the household should anything happen to Joshua himself. He matured quickly as he began to pick up his academic grades and excel in school and even getting a job on the side like his brother to support the family as well. Everything then returned to an uneasy calm that left an awkward feeling around the house, but they all managed to get through it somehow.
It was during this period of stress that his mutant abilities subtly awoke themselves with seemingly no noticeable change from Alex. Causing him to develop a sense of self-consciousness from the duties that were being carried on his back as he perceived the entirety of events in his life. A few nervous breakdowns were a common event for Alex which he hid from his friends and especially his family as he planned vigorously for the future.
However, it still was not enough to support the treatments for their mother and living expenses as well with the money they were making at this rate. Despite the hard effort by his brother and himself, they couldn't make due from their meager wages and their sick mom not being able to anything but rest. So by the 2nd year in High School, his brother began working full time out-of-state with a lucrative job offer despite the combined protest from Alex himself and his mother. With it just his mother and Alex now living in the relatively empty house. The burden of the house now being carried on his back was immense as Alex would be the column that supported their life at home.
The pressure of juggling school, sports, and life at home took a toll on his mind as he slowly broke down with the onslaught of maturity hitting him, despite preparing for it. Stacked along with the deteriorating condition of his mother, the event horizon approached as soon she grew deathly ill. As on his senior year, it was the time that his mother finally let go and passed away at the start of the school year from her cancer that took her away. It was now just Alex alone at home, as his brother was still now just out of the state making money for the two of them. The money from his brother was directed to him now as he used it to support himself for a short time before he found two other roommates to pay a portion of money for the bills on the house. After sorting out various problems, life began aligning itself and the seas began to settle as Alex focused his resolve on graduating.
And so, Alex graduated with his classmates of the same year as he with a rough start to the year, he still had memories of school which would be cherished as he went into college. Earning a scholarship for being an athlete for a University, his tuition was covered for as long as he didn't mess anything up. Quickly starting college as soon as he could, it looked like everything would be but by uncanny coincidence. During his first few years of college, something shook the confines of his world again. A lecturer by the names of Charles Xavier tapped on the glass that would be better left undisturbed. Convincing him that he was indeed special as the scientist claimed that he was along with a few feats from the other, he reluctantly accepted his proposition to join one of the schools to watch over his powers.
[✯] Relationship / Family:
- Father - Jeremiah Minsky <Deceased>
- Mother - Elizabeth Minsky <Deceased>
- Siblings - Joshua Minsky
- Aunt - Catherine Ackles
- Uncle - Robert Ackles
- Cousin - Vincent Ackles
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Hopefully he is fine!