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"That's the spirit!"

Location: Valoran Academy

Ahri smiled back, her eyes met Xayah's and she knew that her promise she will hold close for as long as her life serves her. She was caught in the moment, so she wasn't sure if maybe it was the adrenaline talking but her promises are never broken so lightly, Ahri's promises are known to be held up unless it is world ending. "Hey, I... I don't know what your living situation is but, do you maybe... Uhm, want to have a sleep over... At my place? We can bring Syndra and Sarah, and anyone else that isn't a boy that you have in mind." Said Ahri, to try and raise some moral. All of a sudden, the bell rang, first period was about to start.

"You have the whole day to answer, but come on, let's get out asses to class before the teacher chews us up, you know how first period is." Ahri said with a chuckle as she gestured for Xayah to follow her as first straightened her tie before walking towards first period.

"Please, just... Listen."

Location: Valoran Academy

Ahri was taken aback by the sudden anger that was came as an outburst by Xayah. Ahri felt the wind of the dagger go past her and hit the wall behind her and she immediately went defensive, her tails extended revealing the full nine, and Kiko put himself in the ball in Ahri's hands. Ahri lowered her stance, and was very much ready to defend herself if she was ever going to end up fighting her friend. "I know, I know... But that's the thing, you don't have to be alone anymore." Kiko then moved back into a passive mode and Ahri's tails converged back into one as she stood upright. "I promise, no- I promise my life as a star guardian I won't ever leave any of you. You guys are family now, all of you, Sarah, Rakan, Syndra..." Ahri extended her hand for Xayah to take. "Please, don't you trust me?" Ahri asked, sincerity in her eyes.

Ahri then made another point, "You won't see anyone you love get hurt ever again." She smiled, she hoped Xayah would understand and trust her by taking her hand, though she is not so sure if Xayah is ready to join the next mission if she goes full on rebel again.


Location: Valoran Academy

Ahri was pretty much surprised at the sudden voice that came from her side, it was familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it until she turned to face her. It was Xayah, thank the stars she was here already, she really needed to talk to her about team coordination. "Well you took your sweet time getting here, let me guess, those two held you up?" Ahri said gesturing her head at Syndra and Rakan who were walking away. Ahri didn't seem too bothered with those two but the discussion about star guardianhood is something that needs to be elaborated a bit more.

Ahri heard Kiko communicate in her head, and she turned her head to reply to him softly, "Fine, but I better not miss first period." she then grabbed Xayah by the wrist and pulled her to the back of the building, no one should be in sight. Kiko then appeared from above Ahri and flew around Ahri, whispering stuff in her ear. "I know, I know, I'll handle it."Ahri then turned back to Xayah and said, "You need to be a bit more of a team player, you can't just rush in there alone, that's what teams are for, like do you expect you can handle everything by yourself?" Ahri called out, almost scolding Xayah for it.

"Drama I won't get into today."

Location: Valoran Academy

Ahri waited, waited, and waited, but Xayah was apparently taking her sweet time getting here, and a solid ten (10) minutes have already passed; Ahri's legs started to tire, so she kept shifting her weight, as she held her bag in her hands, She let out a quick sigh and pulled out her phone to see if Xayah has a replied; she hasn't. She then maybe thought that maybe she should sit down or something, but all of a sudden, she felt someone's fingers against her back. The person spoke, "Hands up captain," that voice was very distinct, it was her second in command, no one other than miss Sarah Fortune herself. "Would have shot you dead by now if I was one of those monsters." Sarah added, as she pulled her fingers away. "I would have reacted but I don't think school girl Sarah is a threat." Said Ahri as she turned to face her friend. Sarah crossed put her bag down and crossed her arms and gave Ahri an annoyed look, "Right, but you know who is?" Ahri took a deep breath and tried to diffuse the aggressive tone from Sarah, She's just a bit unpredictable, and he's... Well, I don't think even I can handle that." With Ahri's honesty, Sarah backed down, she picked her bag back up and gave Ahri an apologetic look, things got awkward real fast. Ahri being the charismatic, quick witted, fox we all know and love tried to fix it with, "Anyway, you're here early, something up?" Sarah flinched, Ahri noticed, Sarah being early was definitely odd, "Hey! I'm early sometimes!" though the very obvious flustered look was spread across her face, Ahri was immediately getting into her head just like that. "Right, but never this early, you're meeting up with someone aren't you?" Ahri smirked and tried to get her point across while implying as much as she can with just her facial expressions.

Suddenly, "Hey! Teach!" A boy called out, blonde hair, and definitely confident just from his tone. He ran over to Sarah and Ahri immediately recognised him, since she was head of the Valoran Academy yearbook team she practically knew everyone; it was the new transfer student Ezreal Nottingham, rich family, really good with people, and big desire for selflessness through wanderlust. Sarah gave Ezreal a playful shove "Library, now, we'll start after I'm done talking with Ahri." Said Sarah, Ezreal nodded and peaked over Sarah to have a glimpse of Ahri, Ezreal gave a hesitant smile and stuttered with his words, "N-Nice to finally meet you." Said Ezreal as he took a step back to balance himself. "And I you, listen to Sarah okay, she means well, she's just scary." Sarah smiled at that comment, but Ezreal in his overconfidence mixed with nervousness he blurted out, "But not as scary as you Song Ahri!" He exclaimed, Ahri was taken aback, she was confused so she just stood there, raising a brow trying to process Ezreal's comment. "Uhh... I mean, uh... I'm going to go to the library now." He then zoomed off.

"Okay, I see your type of boys now." Ahri said with a huge smug grin on her face, inching her way towards Sarah to annoy her. "Shut up, I'm just tutoring him." Sarah defended herself, though it was true, Ahri didn't want to let it go. "If Syndra finds out, she's going to have a field day with you." Sarah then felt the weight of that statement, "You better not tell her, or else I'm gonna-" Sarah's phone then buzzed, she sighed and turned around, "-We'll talk later, I got tutoring to do." She waved at Ahri as she walked away. Ahri laughed and waved back, now it was back to waiting for Xayah.
2, is usually always the minimum., or like 2000 characters.

"A new day."

Location: Song Residential Home, Valoran Academy

A new sun rose from the horizon, the air was still cold, the morning winds flowing through Ahri's hair as she stared off into the sky, the great unknown. Ahri let out a sigh, the fur on her tail looked like it wanted to go where the wind yet, but knew they couldn't. She clutched something in her fists, a yellow gem, she didn't know what it meant but it called to her to protect it. She stared into it trying to find out what it was, but then her phone buzzed in her pocket, it even almost slipped out since it was in her pajama pants and those aren't made to hold phones. It was her morning alarm, telling her to wake up, she was already awake so that meant it was time for her to get ready. She got up from the roof, and climbed back in her window, she placed her phone on her desk and turned to the small white furry thing on her bed, resting soundly. She smile and placed her hand on it and said, "Time to get up Kiko." The vulpine guardian squeaked in a tiresome manner and sat up, actively rubbing his eyes since he was tired.

Ahri grabbed her uniform from the closet and moved to the bathroom, she took a shower and came out in a towel. She was drying her hair as she spoke to Kiko about the that same yellow gem that appeared in her bedroom a few nights ago. "I know, I know, I just don't know what it means yet, can you at least give me a hint of what it could be?" She asked Kiko, Kiko shook his head and told ahri that she had to figure that herself or she won't learn. Ahri just laughed but ended up with a playful smile as she playfully pushed Kiko away. "Okay, if you won't tell me, at least cover your eyes you little pervert." Said Ahri, Kiko blushed and covered his eyes with his hands as Ahri began to dress herself in that neat blue and brown uniform. It was boring and plain but it did the job. She walked back in the bathroom and proceeded to do her makeup, before heading out the door and downstairs into the main living area of the home. Her father had already left for work, so Ahri had to prepare her lunch box for on her own. She didn't feel like having rice later, so she made a few mini sandwiches and prepared some greens before putting it all in her bento lunch box. She grabbed her bag, slipped on her shoes and left the house, locking the door behind her.

She took out her phone from her pocket and texted Xayah.

To: Xayah
From: Ahri

Meet me by the gate, we need to talk about, you know. 💎🌠🛡️

Ahri then put her phone away and made her way to Valoran Academy, it was a good fifteen minute walk but it was usually the fun time of enjoying the breeze in her face. Her bag then flinched, and she knew exactly what was going on, she opened the zipper and Kiko came flying out. "Hey! Hide yourself, people will see you!" Ahri called out, Kiko then shook his head since he appeared to be a bit dazed from being in the Ahri's bag, all the fumes from Ahri's makeups and perfumes must have made him dizzy. "Okay, you look like you're going to throw up, maybe stay on my head for awhile, but if you throw up on my head-" Ahri was immediately cut off by Kiko throwing up on the side of the road, it was glitters, but still, no one needed to see that. Ahri sighed and picked Kiko up, "I told you not to go in my bag, can you hide yourself now?" Kiko after collecting himself for a few seconds nodded. Ahri thanked him, and said "I promise to give you some churros later." Kiko then vanished as he made his happy noises.

Ahri arrived at the gate of Valoran Academy, pretty early, there was a good forty-five minutes (45) before class started, so she waited at the gate for Xayah.
The guardians shall show what it's like to be human...

"One Hoon at a time."

Location: Swan Songs Record Shop

Interaction: @Pyxis


Some time had passed and Aria was the one after the next, she enjoyed the performances and she even got a little nervous. She stared at her guitar for a bit and started thinking that maybe she should have chosen a different song, one that was not an acoustic cover of a post malone song. It is too late now, she rubbed her hands together since she was cold, she was not actually cold she was just incredibly nervous. Suddenly, someone yelled cute girl and Hoon flinched in her seat, she even let out a little yelp since she wasn't expecting it.

That girl from earlier arrived again and walked up to her, asking her all types of questions. After the girl had finished, Aria stood up since she was taught to be polite in that regard, "Okay, okay, hold on, you have to tell me why your hair looks like you ran through the cast of the muppets head first." Hoon laughed, this girl being her definitely made her less nervous which was a god send. She then tried to answer her questions in order, counting them on her fingers as she answered. "Thanks, this guitar was signed by Hayley Williams which is pretty nice, I sing from time to time, I wouldn't say I have the best voice but I think I should be fine, yes, I can play a lot of instruments, piano is one of them, and are you asking me out? Because I'm totally going to say yes." Then all of a sudden, her name was called, though they did mispronounce her last name so it came out as "Aria Hyawn" was made her grit her teeth in cringe.

"I'm Aria by the way, nice to meet you Lilith." She smiled as she grabbed her guitar and moved to the stage, she took a deep breath and pulled out her guitar, a sleek dark brown classic acoustic guitar that had a marker imprint on the bottom of it. "Hey, I'm Aria Hyoon," she emphasised the way she said her surname and then continued, "And uh, if you know the song you can sing along if you'd like." She strummed her guitar and started singing an acoustic version of Post Malone's Goodbyes. Adrenaline pumped in her veins, and her nervousness went away, she started smiling half way through the performance and she was enjoying herself like crazy.

As soon as Aria finished her performance, she went back to Lilith and asked, "So how'd I do?" she put her guitar down and ended up smiling so much from excitement.
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