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"Me? Why me?"

Location: Swan Songs Record Shop

Interaction: @Pyxis


As Aria sat there waiting for her turn, she was thinking what she could possibly do to kill the time. She had a mobile game on her phone that she could always go back to, Aria did like playing Raid: Shadow Legends that game but she usually didn't even get her daily logins sometimes since she often forgot. Going on twitter with her 5k followers who say that she's the next big music star, though it is just going to be a bunch of dudes in her DMs they're a producer but they send her dick pics, so twitter is a bust. As she scrolled through her phone, a girl spoke from in front of her, it was that girl with the pink hair again. She held out a napkin for Hoon to take, which she did and then took off, saying to call her when she was going to perform. Hoon sat there in silence, and processed the whole event since she was practically in auto pilot while she waited. The girl had already left when Hoon let out the "What?" with the most confused face a twenty-four year old female could possibly do.

She looked down on the napkin and quietly let out a "Lilith..." Like she was trying to memorise pronouncing it for when the girl came back. Hoon was not ready to be social today at least, not until another smoke, and she can't smoke until she performs. So she's stuck in this loop until she performs, so she's hoping to dear god that girl doesn't talk to her until she does, she doesn't want to be an awkward mess in front of an attractive stranger. Aria could use the friend or something more who knows. She wanted to buff out another smoke but her singing voice would get ruined so she had to make sure she didn't do that for the time being. She took a deep breath and moved on over to the queue to see how long before she performs, as she looked at the list, she saw that there were about four more performances before she goes. Here's hoping she doesn't frick it up or something.

She went back to her spot on the couch and patted her guitar case "Try not to screw it up Aria, you got this." She let out quietly. She then glanced back at the napkin and typed in the number, ready to call that girl, and maybe ask her for a drink or something. What do I do? Do I ask her out for coffee, or do I ask her for something alcoholic, Hoon you idiot, do something-! This went on for longer than she's proud of.

"Where can I sign up?"

Location: Swan Songs Record Shop


Mentions: @Pyxis

Hoon had pretty much downed her coffee as soon as it cooled off, and she couldn't help but glance at her guitar every now and then as she looked around the area.The vibe was perfect for her, at least for her to sing later, but first she has to sign up first. She let out a quick sigh to let some of her anxiety out; she grabbed her guitar and slung it over her shoulder and walked over to the sign up counter. She didn't want to sound too excited but she didn't want to be too abrasive either in stating that one line once she got there. It did feel like time was slowing down as she was making this decision for something so small and practically irrelevant. She repeatedly told herself, that all she had to do was ask where to sign up then she was done, she can go back to not being awkward, or at least, being awkward in a completely different way that doesn't make her as self-conscious as she is now. She walked up to the counter, and with her pure awkwardness and overthinking she spoke, "Uh... W-where can I up sign?- I-I mean sign up?" The woman at the countered then slid a clipboard towards her with multiple names written on it, she pointed at one of the empty spots and told Aria to sign there. She did then moved on.

She shook her head as she held her head down as she walked away she spotted a pretty tall girl who was very much on the attractive side with very nice hair which was pink. Though she was the very same girl who was eyeing her earlier, I know, I know smoking is bad so please I am not about to be scolded by a pretty stranger. she said in her head. She was just trying to shake off her awkwardness from earlier, she moved to the couches while doing her best to forget what happened, but every time she tried, she just remember even more. She sat down on one of the couches and waited for her time to sing, she couldn't wait, yet she was nervous in a wat.

"Music always fixes the mood"

Location: Home, Swan Songs Record Shop


Due to yesterday's slow but still kind of busy day at the Starboard, Aria was pretty much out of it for the today, like she accidentally put her packet of cigs in the fridge since she didn't expect to be waiting tables yesterday. Today was significantly more normal than yesterday, something that Aria can count on is how normal her mondays are compared to most people. Speaking of which, since the head chef / her boss is relatively a nice person, he gave her the day off today, which meant she could go to the music place and perform since she has always wanted to show her talent of music to people no matter how little it was.

Aria sat in her apartment most of the day, specifically in her music room which was supposed to be where her roommate would stay if she had one. The room was lined with posters of multiple artists of multiple genres, three guitars were in the corner of the room all stood on their respective stands, the computer with a mixer and speakers attached to it, and right next to it was her keyboard which she repeatedly played one tune over and over again because she didn't know what to play yet. The smoke from the ashtray on her desk had already gone, but the pungent smell of nicotine still hasn't left the room. Aria sighed as she repeated over and over and over again that same tune but it just didn't feel right. She didn't want to perform it but she felt like it was her best bet. She pushed her glasses in and looked at the mirror to her side, she looked tired, especially since everything she was wearing was pretty baggy from her hoodie to her sweatpants and her hair was tied to a relatively small ponytail since her hair was short. She didn't have much time left, three hours at most.

So what did Aria do, she just leaned back in her chair and smoked a few cigarettes while listening to her playlist, hoping that she'll figure out what to play for tonight. Suddenly, the music changed, that light sounding music with a small beat and Post Malone's voice blasted from her speakers. At that same moment, her phone had gone off, an alarm but her alarm tone was that iphone guitar strumming. She stared at the ceiling smoking her cigarette, then it hit her "That's it." said Aria, the tune was perfect for what she wanted to do. She pushed her cigarette down on the ash tray and got up from her chair, grabbing her the acoustic guitar that sat on the corner. She paused the music and started strumming, she had memorised this song before but never sang to it. After a few runs of the song, it was perfect. She spent another hour to make sure it was good before getting herself ready to perform.

She took a shower, put on some generic Hyoon clothing. A black short sleeved shirt with the sleeves folded twice, black skinny jeans, ripped on the knees, black belt, and black rubber shoes. She had her hair tied up to that same ponytail and she had her glasses on instead of contacts since she didn't really need to show off too much. She put on a black wristband and on her left hand, and a black mouth mask since it was going to be cold on her face on her walk there, before grabbing her guitar, putting it in the case and strapping to her back before heading out. It wasn't a long walk, and she had time to sign up once she got there.

She made her walk there, once she got there, she immediately signed up. She was a bit nervous but that was normal for people like Hyoon, confidence isn't really something she can hold for a long time before dying down. A few smokes will give her what she needs, so that's exactly what she did. She had a few smokes outside the building before sitting down at the cafe and ordering herself a coffee, the ngiht was young and she'd like to last through it.

"Supply the pie"

Location: The Old Starboard

As Hyoon took the girl's order, she then thought that, that specific item on the menu had always been odd but it tasted really good which was why it was slapped on the menu without much care. Hoon wrote down the orders and went off back to the kitchen to fix up every order given to her, she started toasting the bread and then went on to grab the a slice of pie that wasn't as hot but warm enough to enjoy since it was prepared already. She called out to Tony to make get the sandwich done as she started brewing the coffee. She took the pie out to table twelve and placed it on the table, and let out a quick "Enjoy the pie~" before heading out to return to the kitchen. Tony was pretty fast with making orders, so it was ready as soon as Aria returned to the kitchen, she grabbed a mug from the cupboard, poured in some coffee and placed it all on the tray. She thanked Tony before moving out to serve everything to table five. "Sorry for the delay, it's practically just two of us here." She said as she placed the plate down and walked off. Aria didn't know how hungry the girl at table twelve was but, when she returned to the table, the plate was only left with a few crumbs and a bit of apple sauce smeared on the plate. She was pretty surprise, it was either her pie was really good or the girl was really hungry, and it would appear to be the former. The lady then left Hyoon with a real nice tip. Her face lit up and she did a quick polite bow as she said "Oh wow, Uh... Thanks a bunch!" As the girl left, Hoon made her way back to the kitchen, to see the waitress from earlier finally walk back in. "Everything alright?" She asked, the waitress let out a small smirk "Yeah, it's nothing don't worry about it." She replied. Hoon then raised her 20 at the girl and said "Look, I already made more than you will all day." Hoon stated trying not to brag- okay, she was totally bragging. "Okay." The waitress replied mockingly as they exchanged laughs "Watch me beat you." The waitress said, as she walked back out to the restaurant proper. Hoon just shrugged and waited in the kitchen for her next order.

"Today isn't that crazy."

Location: The Old Starboard

Before Aria could even walk back to the kitchen, she saw someone walk in, followed by another, both women and could look like they could use a bite of something sweet or something filling. She brushed her hair back and grabbed the notepad from off the counter and walked over to the blonde (Mali) and she was asking for specials, mostly the ones that involved pies. Since Aria knows the menu like the back of her hand, she replied with, "We have the famous starboard apple pie, strawberry rhubarb and our newly added banana cream pie." She looked back at the kitchen and thought for a second. "I recommend the apple pie since it's made by the best chef in this establishment. " She meant herself, she's rarely that full of herself but she thought it was funny and she'll love whatever this person orders since she does appreciate it when people eat her pies. As soon as the girl told her the order, she wrote it down then moved on to the brunette that sat on practically the other end of the pub. "Hi, yeah, I'm here to take your order if you've decided." Aria said as she held her notebook pretty close to her, examining the brunette, thinking what she would like to order based on her personality and all that since Aria was pretty accustomed to what people want just from what they look like; though her judgement has been wrong before.
Fixed mine too~!

"I swear I'm running this place by myself."

Location: The Old Starboard

Interaction: @HolyGrail @Allycat

As Aria got to work on Tao's order, a few minutes in, another one came. "One order of signature old starboard hot wings for table twelve, Aria." From the same waitress needless to say, "Do you have to say signature old starboard everytime?" Aria asked as she let out a quick chuckled, the heat and smoke from the pan, and that nice sizzling smell of bacon had engulfed her so that she didn't smell like cigarettes, coffee, and sadness. "As long as it pisses you off, yes." The waitress replied, as she placed the order on the order wheel. One of the order chef's in the kitchen started to work on the actual hot part of the hotwings while Aria toasted the burger buns and the burger itself on the grill. It didn't take too long since this was pretty routine for her and she knows the recipe like the back of her hand at this point. She was multitasking pretty well, she had deep fried the wings already and are now waiting for that to cook, and while she waited she was already constructing the burger. As she was constructing, that same waitress that Tao knows pretty well had a phone call to take so she quickly gave Aria the table number for the order and walked out the kitchen to talk outside. Construction of the burger was very delicate- No, it wasn't. Aria just put the usual, lettuce, tomato, beef burger cooked to a nice medium, slice of american cheddar, a generous amount of bacon topped off with the restaurant's secret sauce. The other chef already had fries cooking so she put that on the plate as well with a nice pinch of salt. She then opened the fridge ,grabbed a coke and put it all on the tray. "Hey, wings are done cooking, when I come back they better be ready for order with a glass of water okay?" Said hoon as she walked off with the tray of Tao's food, ripping that order from off the wheel and slipping it in the trash bin.

She walked out into the restaurant and walked over to Tao's table and put his food down next to his laptop "Your waitress friend had to take a call, and since it's a Saturday, we're a little light on staff." Said Hoon as she had just put down the can coke and a glass full of ice and straw down on the table. She then walked back in the kitchen to see the wings and the glass of water slide over to her "Here ya' go Hoon, didn't realise you were running it today." Said the other chef, Aria really appreciated this guy, since he was always ready to help her out, his name was Tony, African-American, short hair, fun personality, and really passionate about working in the old starboard, one of the reasons she hasn't quit yet since this guy is a pretty good work mate. "Appreciate it To, you're a real life saver." To her knowledge, he wasn't in to women, but Aria doesn't really get too personal with work friends. She grabbed the tray and walked back into the main restaurant area to serve the hot wings. She put the plate down in front of Kohl and said "You sure you don't want a milkshake along with that? Tony can't be trusted with how spicy this could get." Asked Aria as she hugged the tray to her chest. "If you wan't anything, just ring the bell in the counter, or wait for the waitress to come back, little light on staff today, sorry."" Aria then walked back in the kitchen, and waited for her next order.

"The usual unusual."

Location: The Coffee Pot, The Old Starboard


The breeze whistled pass the building, ever so silently yet present. A small cloud of smoke with the smell of morning nicotine followed along with the wind and there sat the usual sight of Aria Hyoon sat by the balcony with her back against the wall, her foot dangling off the side, smoking a cigarette to get through the day. Usually she would smoke inside with some sad music playing inside but she would not want to feel sad on a saturday; especially this early. The right on cue, her alarm blared from inside the apartment. She let out a sigh and tapped the cigarette on the ash tray that rested on her stomach. She slid herself off the railing and onto her balcony chair then down on the ground. She then walked back in and placed the the ashtray on the dresser next to the door. Her alarm was overpowering the buzzing of her phone from the multiple messages that kept notifying her that someone is in need of her attention. Her footsteps made a light thud against the wooden flooring as she walked towards the alarm clock to turn it off; it was rare for Aria to be up before her alarm but she wastes it smoking on the balcony anyway. She brushed her hair and turned to the mirror on her dresser, she brushed her hair back and dusted off the bits of cigarette on her white shirt and gray shorts. She adjusted the black open hoodie she had on as she turned to her phone. She picked up her phone just to see it flooded with messages from her mother and head-chef of The Old Starboard. As usual though, she wouldn't reply to her mum until somewhere around late afternoon but the messages from the head-chef seem important; and along those messages there was some spam text message about possibly winning her own kangaroo.

To: Hoon
From: "Head-Chef Boss Man"

Hey, IF you're coming to work today, can you pick up the package at the coffee pot? They delivered it there instead of here by accident.

To: "Head-Chef Boss Man"
From: Hoon

Okay, I'm just going to stop by for some coffee first.

And with that, Aria started her getting ready routine. She moved on index finger to a button on the alarm clock and with a quick click! Bluetooth was on, and it immediately went "Device connected." She then scrolled through her spotify playlist, and immediately picked her favourite song since it is a good way to start the day. As the soft guitar started, she immediately walked in the bathroom to have a shower. One warm shower later, she came out the bathroom with a towel on and walked over to her closet. She looked at the clothes up and down before settling on a white shirt with very simplistic print, black pants, topped off a classic red flannel hoodie. Her playlist continued as she got dressed which continued to move through her slow acoustic songs. She grabbed her wallet, her phone, her packed of cigarettes, her lighter, her pair of earphones, before turning off the bluetooth speaker on her alarmclock. She put her wallet in her back pocket, the pack of ciggies and her lighter in her jacket pocket, and walked over to the door of her apartment. She looked at all the footwear she could choose from there by the door. She ended up choosing the pair of black vans, and with that she was ready to leave the apartment. She plugged in her earphones, and put them in her ear; she grabbed the keys that was by the door and left the apartment.

She walked towards the Coffee Pot, she hummed and mouthed the song that was playing her ear, which was Goodbyes by Post Malone (Acoustic cover by Lunity). She then thought something would happen today that would be different that she won't need another cigarette to get through the day. Speaking of cigarettes, the walk towards the coffee pot seemed like a nice time to smoke one, so she did. When she arrived at the coffee pot, the cigarette was done and she threw in the bin outside the cafe. She walked in the cafe smelling like cigarettes and lined up for her order and the package. When it was her turn, the barista then asked "Hi, yes, may I take your order?" Hoon looked up at the menu, but that as just for making herself look normal, she had already memorised the exact sentence she was going to say in her head like twelve times. "Yeah a latte and the package that was supposed to be for the starboard." The barista then nodded and spoke "Oh you're the one who's picking up the package, I'll have it with your drink, that'll be $2.50." Aria then pulled out her wallet and placed a five dollar bill on the counter, with a few clicks of the register, she got her change back and stood by the side to wait for her drink. Once she got her drink, it came with a small box, the size of a melon, so it was not the size she was expecting. "This is it?" She asked as she pointed at the package, the barista nodded. Aria then just shrugged and walked out the cafe and towards the The Old Starboard.

Aria walked in The Old Starboard, through the front door, there were already a few people in the Starboard. She then looked around just to see how many people were there, but then she was surprised by the head-chef man calling her name "Aria! Do you have my package?!" The man stood by the register and had his arms crossed like Aria did something wrong. Aria walked over towards the other side of the register and paused, followed by a long sip of coffee for comedic effect, "Yeah, right here." She said raising up the small box up to his face. The man then took the box from her and opened it, inside it were multiple pepper shakers. "Pepper?" Aria asked, "Not just any pepper, this shit was imported all the way from mexico, I've been waiting to add something to the menu with these!" After that sentence he just walked off to the kitchen. Aria then just stood there confused, with the most confused face until a waitress handed her a piece of paper which snapped Aria out of her confused state "Tao's usual, you know how he likes it, right hoon?" asked the waitress, Aria just nodded and replied "Yeah, I'm on it." Aria then walked in the kitchen and hung her jacket by the door, she grabbed her apron and put it before getting to work on the order.

Here it is, I lost this like 3 times so I'm sorry if it's late !
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