Avatar of KatKook


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4 yrs ago
Current im addicted to genshin sry
4 yrs ago
hello i would to order one kiss from aubrey plaza for christmas
4 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
4 yrs ago
I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


Most Recent Posts

Ooooh, may I join this? The world looks really expansive and I would love to be a part of it!
May I join this rp? And can I have Akali?
Im hella interested, count me in if I can have akali

"Let me be a part of this!"

Location: Roof

Interaction: Whoever was in that circle of people

As Junhoe put his phone away, Pierre was gesturing him to come over and join the fun. What immediately caught his eye was a bottle of soju which he hasn't had ever since he moved in the apartment. So, of course, he wanted a few shots since it would be just like South Korea again. Pierre didn't really interact much since he was, after all, the quiet type. But even with Junhoe's introvertedness he wanted that shot bad so he did something that he'll probably regret the day after... Initiate.

Someone did say something about never have I ever, so Junhoe saw that as an opportunity to join the fun. "Mind if I be a part of that?" Junhoe asked, as he stepped forward. He then flinched for a moment, and realised that most of these people don't know him so he he bowed and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Park Junhoe, 3B, nice to meet you all." His bow was quick but very respectful, he didn't know their ages so he would usually assume above him unless stated otherwise.

"I'm actually here for that," he said pointing at the soju, "What would it take to have a few shots of that? Never have I ever?" He asked.

"I'll be here."

Location: Roof

Interaction: Pierre De Jager @Royaletutor59, Nadia Ocampo @lopsided

Junhoe smiled at this interaction with this person he now calls friend. He bowed once more to acknowledge the phone he held in his hand because he did not feel like talking. Though, on the off-chance he was mute, Junhoe's next sentence was paired with a little bit of sign language since he knew a little. "Hey, no problem, you can swing by 3B anytime to have more of that fluffy goodness, and it's nice to meet you." He replied with a smile, and of course the offer of allowing Pierre- speaking of Pierre, "Wait, is not it pronounced Pee-yair? Sorry, I don't really know, and the Pierre's I've seen in films are pronounced like that." Junhoe added.

Junhoe did not know, in fact, Junhoe's knowledge on life is more based on what he sees and hears in media; almost as if Junhoe is a splicer or sampler. Junhoe then did a much quicker bow as a form of apology during his last bit of dialogue. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket, and he made another quick bow of apologising before excusing himself to see what it was. It was Nadia, who replied in the 3B group chat. Junhoe then made two quick replies to make sure everything was alright, and that he was present if anyone needed anything, hell, he will even be there even if you do not need him.

To; 3B Peeps

Hey! There's always the next one! We'll meet you at the party!😄

He then immediately clicked back after sending that text and went to text Nadia just to see if she was okay, she does not seem like the person to miss breakfast after all.

To; 🌞 Nadia 💯

Just wanted to check in, you don't seem like the 'breakfast-missing' type, you alright?

Since Junhoe is still the introverted, hesitant guy people know and love, he stood there awkwardly for a few seconds as his finger hovered over the 'send' button before actually sending the text. He was not the one-on-one text-y type of guy, but group chats are fine. He just wanted to see if his Roommate/Friend was okay.

"You okay?"

Location: Roof

Interaction: Pierre De Jager

As Junhoe stood there by the elevator, when he turned his head to look away from his phone and to see his surroundings, he saw that his little dog was being pet by someone else, someone he didn't know so we went to go find out. He approached the man who was crouched down at his little canine companion. The man with curly hair didn't seem to be bothered or was bothering the animal, but since Junhoe is not entirely sure if that is the case he has to check either way. As he continued to approach, when he was only now a few meters away he whistled to call for his dog. " Frog ! 괜찮아? (kweanchana?) 'You okay?' " Junhoe asked, which was also indirectly towards this other person who appeared much taller than him since he was crouched down and couldn't see well the height difference.

As Frog rushed over to Junhoe, hearing those little legs pitter and patter against the pavement of the rooftop. Junhoe then picked him up the way he usually does and spoke once more to clarify, "Hey, I just wanted to see if he was bothering you or the other way around, sometimes he's like that so I had to check. " As Junhoe eyed dog, eye to eye since he was up on his shoulders, he noticed that he had not seen the man before and he must have been new or they have not met at all. Junhoe being polite and South Korean, he had to do his usual introduction. He put the dog down, who sat by his feet before he said, " 안녕하세요? 저는 구준입니다. (Annyeonghaseyo? Jeoneun Junhoe-imnida.) 'Hello, my name is Junhoe.'" Followed by a bow, "If you didn't udnerstand that, My name is Junhoe, nice to meet you, and this is my dog, his name is Frog." He then held out his hand for a handshake if the bow introduction was not enough.

Junhoe did not know what else to say other than, "You can go back to petting him, I just really wanted to make sure he didn't bite your fingers, or try to eat your laces." Junhoe is always full of genuine concern, for both his dog and everyone around him, plus making a new friend who seemed to be a quiet type might be good since Junhoe is some sort of a quiet one as well. The place had gotten quite loud as well, especially with the karaoke machine in play, and there does not seem to be any alcohol in the area yet so he can chill until that arrives.

"You make me begin"

Location: Roof

Interaction: NA

As Junhoe sat in the living room of the apartment, his dog stared back at him and let out a little whimper after some time has passed. Junhoe saw that Nadia didn't seem to be coming out of her room anytime soon so he put on the biggest smile he can muster for his dog, which wasn't that big at all and said "Looks like it's just you and me buddy." He got up from the couch and walked back to his room, issuing Frog to stay put in the living room as we went to go get ready to going to the roof. Sure he was starting to regret waiting in the living room for a no-show but that isn't his fault nor hers, there was probably something going on that he didn't want to mess up.

As he walked in his room, he stared at the clothes he laid down on his bed earlier before walking into the bathroom to take a shower and do any other hygiene related stuff a Korean man has to do. As soon as he walked out the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he closed the curtains of his windows first before closing all the doors and dropping his towel. He slipped on a gray pair of boxer briefs and put on the clothes he set earlier. He put on the black shirt first, followed by his ripped jeans because he always usually tucks his shirt inside as his way of fashion, he then held off with the beanie for now and went to his closet to get a belt and a pair of fresh socks. A classic brown belt followed by black socks which he slipped on before putting on his shoes; Mahogany Timberland boots which are a favourite of his. He grabbed the wind breaker and slung it over his shoulder and balanced the beanie on the windbreaker as well.

As he opened the door to the living room, there sat Frog his little canine companion who was waiting to be picked up. Junhoe then proceeded to do that and put him on his neck his usual way of carrying, like a weird scarf, front legs on one side of his neck and hind legs on the other. Frog carried with a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out as they walked out the door of the apartment and to the elevator. He had to bend his knees a little so he can keep a grip on frog and push the button to the roof. "You're making this hard for me buddy." He let out with a little groan while waiting for the elevator. The door then opened seconds later, and he did the same thing with the outdoor button to the button that lead to the roof, except this time it wasn't as hard.

Before he arrived at the top, he put Frog down and put on his beanie, long windbreaker and face mask, though it was pulled down under his chin since he wasn't cold on the face just yet. He then picked his canine companion back up and carried him the same way seconds ago. The door then opened, and he noticed that there were people here already, he let out a little gulp and let Frog down and run around in the open rooftop area. The quick pitter patter of him running on the pavement could be heard, and light barking every now and then since he doesn't really get to run around in the apartment rooms. A lot of people to take note in, but he just stood near the elevator, a bit off to the side since he was still a bit intimidated by these people, it didn't matter if he was built more or taller, he isn't really the one to talk to people willy nilly.

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