Monday Evening
Still Warmer - Light Clouds
Baseball Bonanza - Luna Sports Facility & Monday Melodies - Swan Songs Record Shop
Baseball Bonanza - Luna Sports Facility & Monday Melodies - Swan Songs Record Shop

Event time!
You have a choice, the city is hosting two events on Monday night:
Monday Melodies at Swan Songs record shop- Are you a singer songwriter or are you a just a plucky punter who has had a few and enough alcoholic courage to stand up on stage? This event is for you, set in one of Sol's best smaller venues, open bar and snacks available from 8 till late. Maybe you will see the City's latest upcoming artist before they hit it big!
Baseball Bonanza! Sol City's own minor league baseball team, the Sol City Wild continue their home-opening stint hosting the Neo-City Night at Luna Sports Facility baseball grounds. Come be a part of the Wildlife and show your support. Remember, every Monday game means half-price concessions so start your week right and come enjoy an evening at the ballpark.
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Latest News
Cephalopod Carnage, Inky Strikes Again

In a follow up to the tale of the escaped Inky raid on the angling event, it seems he has taken a liking to submarines and high heels. Experts continue to be baffled by the Cephalopod crime wave. Inky recently taunted the crew of the SCPD submarine Jaws VI, leaving a cloud of ink that blocked the periscope causing a collision the mayor's boat at a publicity event and dunked his PA in Old Harbour. "Its a menace, the aquarium owe me for dry cleaning!" His PA was quite indignant, though experts are confused as to why, merely thinking Inky might be bored, and now has freedom to play.
In a second, strange event the now, "Feared Kraken" stole a high heeled shoe from Astrid Peterson, a manager at Nakomoji Entertainment, while she was on a date by the waterside. Giving only a smile why her heel was loose, she was less hostile. "I saw a perfect pair of Jimmy Choos on sale... and well Inky gave me a nudge to buy them. Can't complain too much. Thanks Inky."
Acutus Salmon is in a small minority, along with sushi chef, Jonnah Whalus and David Jonesy has set it on themselves to hunt the Kraken in part to avenge his families loss of the angling tournament and formerly wet, Proctus Salmon. "Its personal, we're gonna enjoy Calamari that's for sure. We held that title for 27 years, it's on Kraken!" Well, seems out Cephalopod celebrity is a divisive figure.
Kaiden Cod,
Local News Team
Star messenger
Run and Light-Lane Properties Targeted by Investors

Commercial properties along The Run and Light Lane continue to be a hot item for real estate investment from brokerages within and outside the city. However, what this means for Sol's local business leasing their properties within these areas still remains nebulous. With the exception of the property formerly home to Club Aether, nearly all of The Run had fallen under the umbrella of Elvin Santos Holdings before his passing. Star Messenger reached out to ESH, but our requests for comments have been repeatedly denied.
It's no secret that Santos was often a proponent of preserving "Old" Sol City, though many of his critics and supporters alike would agree that he could be rather opportunistic. The rumors of a professional baseball team coming to Sol would have (and still do) made for a very lucrative property deal though the displacement of those businesses remains a sore subject for many who do not wish to see a second major sporting facility introduced to the waterfront.
The mayor's office has remained cautious of taking sides throughout the entire process with the residents and business on one side of the battle and the the massive revenue injection a second major sports team on the other. Relief for the heavily-used Luna Sports Facility is also a major factor where Sol's minor league baseball team currently shares the stadium with the Icarus Angels pro-football squad.
Kelsey Chamblins
Business Editor
Riverside Festival forthcoming. Application Deadline Closing In
Sol City Mayor, before being rudely disrupted by Inky`s Cephalopod crime wave, was announcing the annual Riverside Festival to a hungry crowd, emphasizing the always popular SOL-Food Competition. "Well Before Inky intervened, we were showcasing the finest chefs that make our city special. Everything from classic pies to the latest multi-ethnic cuisines. Anyone wanting to get involved just needs to have their application turned in by the deadline."
We where told from a slightly wet PA, who was inquiring quite seriously about somewhere selling Calamari, that as always, vendors of all sizes, types and styles are welcome and the event again will be hosted in the heart of the city at Corona Park. Though not very forthcoming, the PA teased that there would be a bold, new twist to the cooking competition this year. More details on that to come.
As our esteemed mayor said, inquiries can be made at City Hall or on the website. We know it will again be a rather delicious success and several large brands have tendered there interest in getting involved including Rebellion Energy Drinks, Umbrella Corps Medical Reseach, Deadalus Airlines and Star Bank.
Levi Letuce
Food Columist / Critic
Star Messenger
Another fairly mild early spring evening for Sol City, mostly dry and cooling for the evening. Light winds but still not too cold until after sunset. A crisp full moon should be visible in the night sky.
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