"Pizza's late :("
Location: Song Residential Home.
"I'm not going to freak, it's defence and all that." Said Ahri, she raised her hands up to her chest, palms towards xayah in a defensive manor. "The only thing you did wrong was delay pizza, I was about to enjoy me some margarita pizza." Ahri then moved next to Xayah and wrapped one of her arms around her neck. "I trust your judgement, if it meant you had to defend yourself like that, then I don't see anything wrong with that... Well maybe you could turn down the brutal murder." Ahri said, she tried to lift up the spirits of the room with that joke. Ahri then moved away for a moment to grab the bag of crisps. "Don't beat yourself up over it, I've had my fair share of... Uh... Incidents." Ahri said with a shrug, she then grabbed Xayah's hand and started dragging her upstairs, "Come on, we're watching like an old movie called wind samurai, Sarah's movie choices are awesome."
As she walked upstairs, she was pretty chill about the situation and she was willing to forget it ever happened as long as it doesn't happen again. "So, Syndra's on her way?" Ahri asked, opening the door to her room, and the scene was Neeko on Sarah's lap, she looked like she tripped, and Sarah was holding the picture that Ahri told Sarah not to touch. "Sarah! What in the name of the stars are you doing?" Ahri exclaimed in an extremely angry tone, rushing over to Sarah to grab the picture. "Sarah, honestly I thought you knew-" Neeko then stopped Ahri "It was Neeko, Neeko is sorry..." Ahri then looked at Sarah then slowly calmed down. "I was just trying to stop her, sorry... So uhh... Wind Samurai?" Sarah asked, Ahri just nodded, then her smile came back on. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go make some popcorn." Said Ahri as she grabbed the butter flavoured one then made her way downstairs.
As she walked upstairs, she was pretty chill about the situation and she was willing to forget it ever happened as long as it doesn't happen again. "So, Syndra's on her way?" Ahri asked, opening the door to her room, and the scene was Neeko on Sarah's lap, she looked like she tripped, and Sarah was holding the picture that Ahri told Sarah not to touch. "Sarah! What in the name of the stars are you doing?" Ahri exclaimed in an extremely angry tone, rushing over to Sarah to grab the picture. "Sarah, honestly I thought you knew-" Neeko then stopped Ahri "It was Neeko, Neeko is sorry..." Ahri then looked at Sarah then slowly calmed down. "I was just trying to stop her, sorry... So uhh... Wind Samurai?" Sarah asked, Ahri just nodded, then her smile came back on. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go make some popcorn." Said Ahri as she grabbed the butter flavoured one then made her way downstairs.