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"What lies underneath."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Ahri continued to laugh with Sarah, they made a few jokes and all but when Sarah's phone buzzed and she gave Xayah a look, something had to be up. She looked over to Xayah who looked like she had just spoken with Syndra and thought for moment. Did she have to talk to them? Yes, she did. "Hold on a moment, I gotta talk to those two in my 'office'." Sarah raised her brow at that statement, she then realised what she meant by office and it usually meant it wasn't going to be a good talk. "Alright, don't let me get in your way." Sarah said, stepping back and falling back on the bed to give Ahri what she needed. Ahri nodded and thanked Sarah, before walking over to her window and opening it, letting the cold wind in. "Hey, you two! Step into my office real quick." Said Ahri, as she climbed out the window and onto the roof, she gestured the two to follow them so they better follow or someone's going to get kicked out the house.

"A date? A date."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


"O-Oh, t-thanks," Hoon cleared her throat since she caught herself stuttering again, was she nervous? No, that canā€™t be- but she definitely was. "S-Skirts really arenā€™t my thing, but I thought y-youā€™d like it." Said Aria, a smile forming on her face, she mentally punched herself in the face to stop herself from stuttering, though she doubt that was going to stop soon.

Aria was quite surprised when Lilith wrapped her arms around hers, but she did miss having company as close as this, having someone that was really touchy that Hoon was close with was always a win for her. Aria was pretty hungry, Aria had a breakfast sandwich and a lunch sandwich so her diet wasnā€™t great either. "Youā€™re not the only one, I had two sandwiches today, they were good but still..." Said Aria, as she shrugged along with her response, the festival was surprisingly diverse.

When Lilith suddenly pulled away, Aria thought she had done something wrong, but Lilith explained that they havenā€™t been fully acquainted yet, but Aria honestly liked it better than awkwardly standing next to each other. Aria nearly flushed a deep red when Lilith called her warm since Aria was used to being called ice lady because her hands get cold easily, "I-Itā€™s okay, I uhh... I actually... Uhm... You know, like it..." Aria said meekly, her eyes glancing away from hers now that sheā€™s thoroughly embarrassed herself. Aria opened her arm again, inviting Lilithā€™s arms to go back where they were.

When Lilith asked Aria what she would like to see, Hoon looked around and the first thing that caught her eye was a stall with Korean flags and colours. Suddenly confidence surged through her veins and she grabbed Lilith by the hand and pulled her towards it, she read the sign which was in Korean before turning to Lilith. "Dude holy shit! Iā€™ve been itchinā€™ to eat some ģ¹˜ģ¦ˆ ė¶ˆź³ źø° ė¹„ė¹”ė°„ !(Chiejeu Bulgogi Bibimbap!) ā€˜Cheesy Spicy Korean Beef with Mixed Riceā€™" Aria exclaimed, her accent thickening as she said the food, she then realised that she was not speaking Lilithā€™s language any more. "Sorry, itā€™s uh, spicy beef wth mixed rice, itā€™s good I swear! If you know, you could handle your spicy food." She really wanted Lilith to try it since this was what she ate growing up and she would love it if Lilith liked it.

Aria then pulled out her wallet and raised it up to show to Lilith, "This oneā€™s on me, please like it." Said Aria with a smile, though she followed it up with a quick bow when she asked Lilith to like it.

"Quite the endeavour."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Sarah let out a smile and glanced at Ahri, before looking back down at the ground, she raised three fingers up and replied with "Three years, from the moment I saw her you know." She then remembered, she didn't know what to do, especially when she was transported in this new world, Ahri had always been her guiding light, had always been there for her, had always been her 'Captain', and from where she came from, she was usually captain. "I kept it in me, which is really not like me at all, just because she's someone I didn't want to lose." She looked at Xayah then let out a sigh, a small smile appearing on her face, she could see Ahri in the background, teaching Neeko more about phones. "Ahri knows that." Sarah continued to smile but deep down she was definitely frustrated, "She knows more than she lets out you know, that's standard Song Ahri." She looked at Xayah deep in the eyes, "Now that you've figured out my secret, you can't tell anyone. Not even your boyfriend. because I will shoot you. In the face. Really hard. Multiple times. And would probably reload as well. And do it again." With that long list of insults, she added one more thing. "And before you say 'why don't I go after her?' Let me tell you, Being friends with her is definitely way better than being in a relationship with her." Sarah then grunted as stood up, walking towards Ahri, reached her arm around Ahri to grab a piece of popcorn from the bowl she was holding.

"You tasted good, you been eating vanilla ice cream again?" Ahri turned her head to see her taller second hand woman, she smiled and replied "You know it-" then they both went on to say "Cherry not included!" which resulted to both of them laughing since they bonded pretty well. As Ahri turned back to Neeko, Sarah turned to Xayah and gave her a shushing gesture silently, she enjoyed being friends with Ahri, she wouldn't want to ruin that.

"An unexpected expectation."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Sarah shook her head as she was nudged to snap out of it, she saw Xayah urge her to come sit next to her, she watched Ahri talk to Neeko about relationships before proceeding to listen to Xayah. Sarah raised her brow at Xayah, sitting down next to her, legs up with her elbows resting on her knees, her head was down as she asked. "What do you want?" She asked, letting out a sigh, her heart was racing and her breathing was irregular, was she blushing? She was. "What do you mean 'preferences?'" Sarah asked, turning her head to Xayah, her eyes were filled with both confusion and angst. Does Ahri know? There is no way Ahri could possibly have known. She glanced over at Syndra for moment, and she was looking at both of them, did the two have something in mind? Whatever it was, Sarah would probably just end up more confused.

"Devious is one of the words that describes me."

Location: Song Residential Home.

The only reason Ahri was taking so long with the popcorn was because the microwave decided to break tonight, and her dad won't be able to get a replacement until a few days from now. The doorbell rang and Ahri immediately turned to the door, but as soon as she did she heard someone from upstairs call out they were going to get it, based on the deepness of the voice, it appeared to be Xayah. Soon she heard the foot steps hurry down the stairs, it didn't sound like Sarah or Neeko's socks, but instead sounded like a certain Vastayan's feet. It was Xayah, she opened the door for Syndra, they exchanged pleasantries before welcoming her in. The sweater definitely was a choice, "Surprised to see you not wearing that Varsity Jacket!" Syndra looked at Ahri, as a few Multis were bouncing beside her, "It needed a wash." Said the senior as she then moved along with Xayah upstairs. The Microwave then beeped and the popcorn finally should be good by now. Ahri opened the door and thanked the stars that it wasn't burnt, she pulled out of the microwave with the tips of her fingers and poured it on the bowls she prepared. "Kiko..." She let out, and from on top fo the microwave came the small vulpine companion slowly floating down onto Ahri. "Would you mind helping me?" Said Ahri as she raised a bowl of popcorn to Kiko. Kiko then squinted his eyes before nodding, Kiko took the bowl from Ahri and sat on her head. "I suppose that works..." Ahri then grabbed the other bowl and made her way upstairs, Kiko was really good at balancing, so that shouldn't be a problem for him.

As Ahri climbed up the stairs she heard screams and noises from her room, seems like they were having fun. She opened the door and saw Neeko trying to give Sarah a kiss, Sarah was keeping her away by pulling her head back and her arm on Neeko's forehead. Sarah turned to Ahri and called out, "A little help!?" Neeko continued to try even though she wasn't going to get close anytime soon. Ahri laughed and put the bowls down on the desk to her side, "Please?!" Sarah called out, Ahri then just raised her brow, "Come on! Do something, anything!" Sarah continued, Ahri then cleared her throat and pointed Neeko and exclaimed, "Stay away from my girlfriend!" Neeko and Sarah then turned to Ahri and simultaneously said "What?!" Both their jaws dropped and they exchanged looks, "You heard me!" She then grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her up, "She's my honeybear~" Ahri then wrapped her arms around Sarah's arm. "N-Neeko no believe you!" Neeko called out, pointing back at Ahri, her hands clenched to her sides after she had pointed. Ahri then had that smirk, you know, the smirk when she's about to do something devious. "Oh, you don't believe me?" She then put her hand on Sarah's opposite cheek, turned her head towards her and kissed her on the lips. After she pulled away she looked at Neeko, "Still don't believe me?" Neeko then had her mouth open as she was in shock, "N-Neeko believe you..." Ahri then saw Sarah in the mouth something in the corner of her eye, "What the fu-" Ahri then smiled and let go of Sarah like nothing happened, "Well you shouldn't believe me, 'cause it aint true." Said Ahri as she made her way back to the popcorn.

Sarah and Neeko both turned to her, Sarah in more of a shock than Neeko. Ahri then winked at Neeko, which made Neeko think, but before she could think deeper Ahri interjected, "I'm just showing you that you shouldn't force someone to be your girlfriend, okay Neeko?" Neeko then put her fingers under her chin like she was in thought and replied "Okay," Ahri then added another line as she picked up the bowls, "You should wait for that person to want you to be their girlfriend first okay?" Neeko nodded at that, then triumphantly raised her fists in the air, "Then Neeko will work hard to be one of your girlfriends!" Ahri then smiled, and replied "Yeah! That's the spiri- Whoa!" Sarah pulled her to the side and started whispering, "What the hell was that?" Sarah asked, Ahri then started whispering back, "You said I should do something," They were both ducked down a bit, and Sarah's hands were all over the place since she was a mix of confused, flustered, and a little turned on. "Yeah, but why'd you kiss me?" Asked Sarah, Ahri then smiled and whispered back, "It worked didn't it?" To be fair it did work, "Good work." Said Ahri with a wink as she lighly slapped Sarah's bum. "What?" Sarah whispered as her hands made the confused gesture, Ahri then took the popcorn bowls and made her way to Xayah and Syndra, "I got the popcorn!" She called out, Sarah still stood there as she turned to Xayah and Syndra, she then let out another confused "What?" since she was still very much confused.

"I didn't realise that was the case."

Location: Song Residential Home.

"Well you gotta believe it, cause it is true." Sarah replied with a chuckle, visibly shrugging with her arms, she turned to Neeko who was laying on her stomach playing on Sarah's phone. "I did have my fair share of guys wanting to date me but I turned them all down... A few girls even tried, but come on, you expect me to have a boyfriend before Ahri does?" Sarah asked, turning to Xayah, she was smiling but her eyes said otherwise. "Maybe I'm waiting for someone to choose me, who knows right?" Sarah said, as she turned to the door, Neeko then immediately sat up and shuffled over to Sarah's side, holding her hands to her chest she said "Neeko will be Sarah's girlfriend! Or-" She immediately shape shifted into Ezreal, "Boyfriend!" Sarah then immediately had a disgusted look, "Ew, ew not the kid!" She exclaimed in laughter, as she placed her hand on Neeko's face to hide Ezreal's face. Neeko then turned back into herself and wrapped her arms around Sarah, nuzzling against her neck. "Okay okay, calm down." Sarah said, patting Neeko's head, "Neeko is now Sarah's girlfriend!" Sarah just laughed, and looked back at Xayah, "Ain't ready for that hun, let's calm down."

"I didn't realise that was the case."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Sarah immediately smiled at the sight of Xayah getting flustered, it wasn't a common sight so she didn't expect it at all. She then was ready to calm her down as soon as her feathers started to glow. "Whoa girl, let's calm down. Didn't realise you were the jealous type." Said Sarah as she raised her hands to try and keep her in check, if the girl does explode into a flash of pink and purple feathers Sarah was ready to calm her down by force! Or a stern talking to, "Rakan's a good guy, are you scared he'll leave you or somethin'?" Sarah asked, she may have been poking the bear too much with that question but these questions usually provide closure, and it is a sleep over after all so these types of questions are asked all the time. Sarah turned to her front, now steering clear from any further eye contact, "Then again, I wouldn't know anything about dating, or being in a relationship."

"I miss you..."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Ahri looked down at the photo she clutched in her hand, the picture was stained with dried tears and what appeared to be a mug ring that probably had coffee. Ahri ran her finger on the paper, but the sudden appearance of Xayah immediately snapped her out of the mood, causing her ears to stand fully straight instead of the sad drooped down. Xayah just came down to grab those crisps she bought earlier. Ahri then just shook her head and put the microwave popcorn in the microwave, and while that was popping in there, she grabbed a few bowls to fill up and just waited.

Back upstairs, Sarah was explaining to Neeko that the picture is one of Ahri's few reminders of her mother, and she hates people touching it because it is already pretty and could disintegrate at any moment. Sarah turned to the door to see Xayah walk in, she flaunted a a few bag of crisps in their way and Sarah immediately grew a smile, she needed to relax so she sat by the foot of the bed and asked Xayah. "So, Rakan huh?" Sarah said, raising her brows, a small smug smirk slowly formed on her face "Pretty crazy that you two ended up together."
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