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"I’m... What?"

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon immediately raised her brow at the mention of the word adorable, since had been called that for the lot of her life, her defence mechanism kicked in. "Yeah, I’m not...” She said, and since this was the first time in a long while that she had felt some romantic tension her eyes widened at the moment of regret when she said that, she told herself that she could have just taken the compliment or she might screw things up. "I-I mean uh... Haha... Uh... yeah, I-I’m adorable(?)” Said Hoon, unsure if that was the approach she was supposed to take.

After Hoon had embarrassed herself already so at this point she didn’t care what came out of her mouth, and since Lilith spoke about the fried oreos being a three in the morning snack, Aria then said "I prefer weed at three in the morning, or you know just a regular cigarette. And uh... I don’t go to clubs, too loud, too many people, not my style." stated Aria, but when Lilith winked at her, Aria felt a little weak in the knees and suddenly she was in highschool again, falling for someone... Romantic styles.

The fact that Lilith leaned in her ear just to tell her about eating made Hoon even weaker, even making her legs cross a little, she tilted her head for a quick moment as a way of processing what Lilith had just said to her. For the first time, Aria wasn’t on top, and for the first time, she was okay with that. "I’m... uh... Yeah... You know... yes... cheat... uhh... day..." said Hyoon in her everlasting nervousness.

It would appear that Lilith had bypassed all of Hoon’s defences, so this meant- "D-Do you wanna come over to my place?!" Hoon practically exclaimed in the middle of the line, people giving her weird looks. "I mean like... My studio, where I make music and all that." Her nervousness had just amped itself up to eleven and she didn’t even know why.

"Whatever happens..."

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Sarah leaned down to make it so it wouldn’t be too obvious to the other two who were present in the situation. She looked behind her for a moment then back to Xayah and stated "Well, here’s the thing, I don’t know how long any of us will be alive..." Sarah clenched her fist at the thought of that and continued "I wouldn’t want that to be something I’d regret not doing, regrets are not my style." Said Sarah, she crossed her arms and brushed her hair. She let out a sigh and added "Heres hoping I guess." said Sarah as she let out a small smile.

Though someone was peeking through the window, the person didn’t look like anyone they knew, but based on the demeanour it did seemed like someone she knew, a certain guardian who wasn’t present. Sarah looked the person down and she immediately changed herself back to the chameleon vastayan. She walked in the hospital, baffled by the automatic doors. Her eyes were puffy and her head was down but she ran to Sarah and gave her a hug, through her ugly crying she said "N-Neeko is sorry! N-Neeko w-was scared! Neeko won’t be scared next time." said Neeko as she cried into Sarah’s shoulder. Sarah let out a smile and patted her head "Kid... I’d be angrier but Ahri has fallen pretty hard, so..." Sarah looked at Xayah and moved her head as a gesture for her to be angry at Neeko, Neeko needed to learn, and if it had to be by an angry vastayan or an angry pirate captain, any was fine.

"That hurt." "Nothing to hide anymore."

Location: Deep Space, Valoran City International Hospital

Ahri clenched her arm as she weakly looked up at the sky, a yellow light came crashing down a few blocks from here, she wondered why Neeko left so early compared to the others. Soon after awhile, darkness boomed from the sky which made her ears twitch a bit, she was barely holding on, barely keeping her consciousness intact, it was all on the hope that her team would survive whatever was going on up there. She rooted for them, with all her power, with all her strength, she even asked Kiko to go help them but he refused, he was stubborn like that, but he was probably the only thing keeping Ahri alive. Ahri needed a hospital, real bad.

Her eyes lit up with joy as she saw 4 rays of light heading towards her, her team survived and she couldn't be happier. Xayah running over to her and giving her a hug was definitely something she'd remember and tease the vastayan about but God did that hug hurt. "Ow... Ow... Xayah- Good... Grief... Ah... I'm glad you survived- Ah... Please let go now..." Said Ahri, she was able to sort of wrap her uninjured arm around Xayah and gave her a not tight hug back. "Where's... Argh... Neeko? I saw her come down early, did she get hurt?" Ahri asked, she turned to Sarah but Sarah just shook her head in response, "she retreated when kha...-Nix?" "-zix" Ahri corrected. "Right, Kha'zix got close, she's still a scared one, needs training." Sarah stated, "Glad to see you taking initiative..." Said Ahri, Sarah then knelt down next to Ahri and wiped the blood from the Kumiho's mouth with her thumb, "You okay cap?" Ahri was barely able to let out a smile, but soon after Kiko fell to the ground, he was barely holding Ahri together, and Ahri followed, falling into Sarah's hands. "We have to get to the hospital now! Get Kiko, I'll take care of Ahri." She said, she struggled to pick up Ahri but got it seconds later, she began fly towards Valoran City International Hospital, and brought Ahri there.

The team waited in the waiting Area, Sarah paced back and forth in nervousness, hoping that her friend was okay, she swore that she would announce her feelings to Ahri as soon as she could say it to her. To lessen her nervousness she walked over to Xayah and told her about her plan, "I'm... Gonna tell her." Said Sarah, hoping Xayah knew what she meant.

"It's never easy."

Location: Deep Space.

As Sarah watched the vastayan guardian unleash what appeared to be all her power. She saw the looks those dark stars gave, she had known their existence but had never seen then before even alongside Ahri. Maybe Ahri was trying to keep the other guardians protected by hiding their existence. Ahri definitely knew more than any other guardian, but how much. As the two dark creatures reeled back, it was clear that a lantern of some sorts protected them from the lot of Xayah's flurry. Sarah's eyes widened as the movement from Thresh's arms signified a major attack. He let out a gut wrenching screech and from his blackhole looking lantern, came waves and waves of black and green creatures, they were buglike in nature and charged at the guardians. Sarah then flew back a few feet before giving Boki and Baki a quick nod, she unleashed her patented make it rain - bullet time combo and started clearing the lot of the smaller creatures.

Then from the lantern she saw a creature crawl out of it, it was almost like a horror movie, the creature looked undeveloped and lacking but it looked like it wasn't even in it's final form. Neeko was helping in the background, clearing out the smaller bugs like it was nothing but as soon as that creature jumped at Neeko, she immediately let out a yelp and started pulling back, it was a like a deer in headlights. The dark creature extended his claws and swiped at Neeko, it hurt her, putting some scratched on her arm and Neeko immediately ran away, falling back to the planet. Sarah knew about this creature, Ahri told her about this one in particular, Kha'zix, she said that whenever he fights, he comes back stronger every time.

"We have to fall back! There's too many! We're outnumbered!" Sarah exclaimed at Xayah, Thresh let out a smile as soon as Xayah yelled at her. Those dark eyes knew that he was winning the psychological battle. "Y҉o҉ur͟ ̀ĺe͘ade̡r͟ is ̀jus̸t͜ ̛the ͠b͡eg̀i͘n͝nin̨g͜,̨ ̡s̕o͡òn͝ ͡ąll̢ ̛o̷f ̸y̕o͘u ̧w̕il͡l ͝fa͢l͏l.̨" ("Your leader is just the beginning, soon all of you will fall.") And with that, he faded into the darkness, leaving the creatures to continue their onslaught as he disappeared into deep space.

"Oh yeah, that was a thing."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon was glad that she could laugh about her twitter moods with someone other than her friends back in Korea. She was really happy that Lilith approached her that night. For a moment she had forgotten her worries an moved herself closer to Lilith, she felt safe but then she realised that maybe she was being a bit clingy. Though she couldn't pull away since Lilith had wrapped herself around her arm quite tightly, Aria enjoyed it, but she hoped to dear God that Lilith did as well. She let out a meek smile as she once again moved closer to Lilith. Aria wasn't used to a girl being taller than her since most of her lady friends have been significantly shorter than her; what can she say, Aria was born pretty tall in Korean standards.

At the mention of fried Oreos, Hoon looked like she was questioning her existence. It was odd to say the least but it didn't sound like the weirdest thing available in the festival. "Fried... Oreos? That's a thing? People fry shit like that? Sounds hella unhealthy... I'm in." Her eyes shifted to show more determination for some odd reason. A larger determined smile grew on her face as she was practically waiting in anticipation. "Is it like a whole desert thing I'm supposed to share with a girlfri-... Urr... Date- A date, yes, that's what I said, date, I didn't say girlfriend." Aria then shifted into a nervous wreck but she was still keeping it cool. Her thoughts kept yelling at her You blew it! She's going to think you're awkward and weird and she's never going to call you ever again, you're going to die alone with twenty-six cats and- Let's stop right there, you get the point.

Though even with those thoughts, Aria didn't change much physically, her face might have gotten a bit more embarrassed but that's normal for her. Lilith then caught her off guard by saying she'd like to try her idea too, and that made Aria feel a bit nicer, less awkward but still awkward. "Heh, I wasn't even considering getting a bubble tea, I was just in it for the cereal desert thing, I gotta ruin my perfect teeth somehow." Said Aria in a humble-braggy sort of way, it was her sense of humour and most of the people she did that on found it rather amusing. The food festival made it difficult for anyone to focus; apple pie could be being smelled from one nostril while the other would smell something like Chinese roast turkey or whatever. Hot damn this festival was huge.

"We got your back, Cap!"

Location: Deep Space.

The sudden flash of pink from outside the window looked surprisingly, and this lead to both Neeko and Sarah to look directly at the window. Sarah stood up in concern, then Kiko, Boki and Baki rose and floated up to Sarah’s eye level. Sarah walked towards the window before it swung open a feet away from her face. It was Syndra and all she had to say was Ahri was in danger, Sarah immediately transformed into her guardian self and Kiko zoomed out into the depths of space.

Sarah called Neeko to follow her after she transformed into a guardian. "Come on, Ahri- ur... Cap’s in trouble." Said Sarah as she immediately followed Xayah and Syndra. She was about to blame herself if Ahri dies, and she didn not even get to say what she really feels. But Sarah promised her guardianhood to tell Ahri how she feels if they both get out alive, and Sarah is going to get her out of there if it costs her life.

As she arrived at that part of space, she saw Ahri. As the guardians flew in to come save Ahri, Ahri was able to let out a small smile, but the crushing force around her neck made it a bit difficult to breathe, but she let out a quick. "You’re fucked now..." she let out, but the grip around her neck got tighter and her air supply without Kiko was about to kill her consciousness.

When Xayah’s daggers caused the creature to drop Ahri, Kiko immediately gave Ahri an airbubble to breathe, when Varus tried to pick Ahri back up, Sarah shot at his hand and wiggled her finger. "Hands off, you wouldn't want to lose your weird dark fingers now would be." Said Sarah, Varus then immediately let out a chilling screech and his both appeared out of nowhere. "Kiko, get Ahri home!" Sarah exclaimed, Kiko then let out a squeak, before wrapping Ahri in pink starlight. Before Ahri was launched back to earth she tried to say something, "Wait Kiko, I can help them-" With a flash of pink, Ahri flew back to the planet, like a pink shooting star. Sarah raised her guns as Varus charged an Arrow, Thresh then laughed and threw out his hook at Xayah, if it were to land, Varus might let lose his arrow on Xayah instead of Sarah.

"Xayah, on your right!" Sarah exclaimed, as she fired at Thresh, but his hook was already flying, this may prevent any further follow ups from him, but Varus was a different problem.

"I do understand."

Location: Song Residential Home.

"Here's the thing about crushes Xayah, you never take away from the person their moment to confess, the moment I take that away from her, she's not going to want to be around me anymore." Ahri moved closer to Xayah, her eyes told stories that she didn't want to do this, and her ears drooped down because she knew it was wrong. "I do understand, people aren't born brave, but Sarah is, Sarah has always been brave, she just likes to time her moment, trust me, if Sarah really does want me, she'll go for me." Ahri smiled, though her eyes again, says otherwise, "I don't know what goes on in Sarah's head, but I know for a fact that whatever she wants to do, she'll-" Then all of a sudden, a dark purple hook flew from the heavens, latching on Ahri, wrapping around her shoulder. Ahri didn't have time to react, "Open the windo-" she was then pulled up to the darkness above, into the stars... The dark star have come to attack yet again.

She could feel the pain in her shoulder, the hook was digging deep and she was slowly losing feeling in her arms as she was being dragged to the void of space, without Kiko, she wasn't going to survive in space for very long. She took a deep breath and hoped that her team would come quickly. She heard laughter from above her, two voices, she knew exactly who they were. "G̴̡̫̞̳͆̀ů̵͔͎̒̋ạ̶̦̱̼̾̊̕ŕ̵̫͇̌̂̆ͅd̵̼͔̖͒̀̈́͆i̷̢̹̰̻͛ȧ̶̳̫ͅn̶̻͐̿.̶̙̼̓̋.̷̱̒͌.̷̡̢̮̋̉͌͛" ("Guardian...") The voice crackled, with a flash of black, the hook wasn't around her arm anymore, but instead there was a dark, sinister looking hand around her throat. Ahri's clawed at the hands to let her go but the more she struggled the more she was going to lose consciousness. Her eyes trailed to see who it was, Thresh... And behind him, someone who she's never seen before. The figure look like he held a bow, "V̶͚͆ǎ̵̧͍r̵̥̀u̴̹͑s̴̖̅͝, W̶̰̋ḧ̸́̕͜a̶͕̭̅ẗ̵͎̭ ̵̼̒ś̷̺̾ḧ̸̰́̋a̸̿͜l̴̖͜͝ļ̶͂̆ ̸̤̣͂w̶̤͐ẻ̷̠͙ ̶͇̂̆d̵̺͛ő̷͎͕ ̷͉̻̑w̸̳̬̓ĭ̴͚͝t̷̢̿h̸͖͐͛ ̴̞̪͌͝ṫ̶͚h̸͈̠̓̇i̷͕͐̉ͅs̴̢͓͋͑ ̷̩͗̽o̶̮͐n̶̩̚͠ë̵̱͉́?̷̹̻̃" ("Varus, What shall we do with this one?") Said Thresh as his grip tightened around Ahri's neck. Ahri could barely hold on, but that name, Ahri repeated in her head over and over again, why did it sound familiar. The figure behind her, Varus, let out a maniacal laugh before replying "K̶̪͍͝i̶͇̓ľ̷̞̪ḻ̴̽͝ ̶̩̌̔h̶̜͈͗è̴̯̮͗ṙ̴͖͝.̷̦̰̆͝" ("Kill her.") Ahri prepared for the worst, she hopes the guardians would at least avenge her if she falls.

"Forget about it."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


As Lilith put her phone by Aria, Hoon immediately started inputting both her twitter handle (HoonHoonTwit) and her Instagram handle (HoonHoonPic). Aria, for so reason, decided to repeat Lilith's last name in her head, almost like she was implanting it in her head so she doesn't forget. It has been since Aria has done this, well probably because Hoon's range of friends have been pretty limited. She knows a lot of people but their names do not stand out at all. As her instagram loaded, Aria immediately saw her instagram pics, she had forgotten that most of her pictures didn't even show her face but instead showed cigarettes, her music equipment, and food. The few pics that showed her face were usually group photos or Aria feeling really happy that day. There was a selfie that was taken the night of the swan songs monday music night, she looked really happy in that one. Though her twitter is practically the opposite, her tweets seem to just be about smoking, drinking, and cooking, with the occasional shit post between the posts. "There, if I tweet about jumping out of my apartment window, don't worry because I can't." Hoon joked, were those the type of jokes to be made in dates? Hoon didn't know, it's been awhile.

Aria noticed that Lilith has avoided the work question, and being Aria, she thought she was prying too much, and those usually lead to one of the issues Hoon seems to have. When Lilith offered to share her music with all of her friends, Aria immediately flinched before flushing a light pink, "Y-You don't have to, I can get by, I-I mean, I have been for awhile now." Said Aria, as she immediately covered her the lower half of her face with her phone.

As they ate, if people were to compare Aria's reaction to Lilith's when eating the spicy food, it was very clear that Hoon doesn't react to spicy at all. She just practically stands there eating without looking like she cares, if it was spicy or not. As they both finished their food, Hoon turned to the taller girl and asked, "So uh... What are we eating next? There was this cereal thing with shaved milk, boba tea stand I saw when we walked, line was long when I last checked though-... B-but m-maybe you should pick! I-I don't wanna be dragging you around, dates aren't like that, or at least twitter said that's not supposed to be a thing. " Hoon said, confirming that it was a date in her perspective.

"What lies underneath. pt2."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Ahri had her arms crossed, as she stood fully upright on the roof, the cold wind blowing against her hair and tails that made it flow behind her. Her eyes locked with Xayah then after awhile, with Syndra. "It's cold so I'll make this quick." She walked back to the window and closed it so no one would hear. She gestured at the people inside and said "Based on how Sarah looked at you earlier, I'm assuming she told you that she likes me." Ahri let out a quick sigh, fog forming by her mouth. "Before you say anything, yes I know, and I've known for like a year, Sarah's not really good at hiding things." Ahri added as she shrugged. She then looked at the sky and slowly ended up sitting down, "It's just, she's not seizing her moment, and I thought giving her a taste what could be might move her." Said Ahri, defending herself and her friend.

"God I wish."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


"Okay, sorry sorry, I’m just used to bowing to new people, force of habit." Hoon replied as she stepped forward because the line moved. Aria thanked the heavens that Lilith could handle her spicy food. Aria watching the Korean chefs do actual authentic cooking techniques made her miss home and her mouth water, mostly the mouth watering part. Her eyes were trained on the sizzling of beef on the skillet, and the cheese stretches of the people who already got her food.

Aria smiled as she saw Lilith keep pressing herself against her but when Lilith asked her if she did music for a living, Aria let out a quick sigh and tilted her head down a little. "I uh... I wish, I work as the assistant chef at the Starboard." Said Aria, though seeing Lilith’s face practically got rid of her sad thought so she ended up smiling in the end. "I would like my music career to take off but I don’t really have enough followers to do so." Said Aria, she took another step forward as the line moved again and continued, "But you know, I hope so! Fingers crossed." She added, raising her index and middle finger wrapped together.

As they arrived at the front of the line, Aria cleared her throat, glanced at Lilith for a moment then spoke in full Korean to the cashier their order. The cashier smiled and asked if she was Korean, Aria nodded in reply and ended up bowing and shaking her hand. She handed the woman the money and she yelled at the chefs behind her, telling them their order. Aria then asked if they could give hers extra korean fire sauce, and the woman nodded in response.

Aria moved to the side as they waited, "So uh, how about you, whats your work-" Aria then blinked and remembered that she didn’t even know the girl’s full name so she couldn’t add her on facebook or follow her on twitter. "-A-And your last name, w-what’s your last name?" she added. The cashier lady then handed them their food and they were in these little disposable paper take out bowls. Aria’s bowl was significantly redder than Lilith’s, Aria handed Lilith some chopsticks and said,"You wrap the beef in the cheese before getting some rice, trust me, it’s the good shit." she added.

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