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"Iā€™m adventurous! Yeah, this and that, yadda yadda."

Location: Food Festival

Interaction: @Tyler Night

Mentions: @Pyxis

Elise continued to walk around the festival like a lost puppy, she didnā€™t know what to try first. Should she start with something daring and eat something real weird, or something really nice and save the terrible ones by the end? She had no idea how to start of food festivals, this was the one time she went to the festival alone; she would have asked Aria but it looked like she was with someone and she didnā€™t want to get between that date, that girl she was with was real pretty and knowing how much of a panic gay Hoon Hoon was, she thought it would be best if she didnā€™t interfere.

While walking, Ela was suddenly hit by a smell of something really good, it was like the food that she was smelling was for a competit- Oh... It was. Elise has a pretty good nose so when the smell hit her, she was in a state of euphoria. The smell of lobster and Tempura just made her mouth water and she wanted that for herself, was it available for purchase? Or was it for the competition only? Whatever it was she had to ask, she scoured the area to see where it came from, and she saw a booth and immediately jogged towards that.

She stood by the booth and looked at the chefs do their work from behind, oh dear god it made her mouth water and she wanted to eat since she had eaten anything in awhile. "Uhm, excuse me?" She called out waving her hand above her head, "Do you have that lobster? It smelled really good, uh... and it uh... Is it-... Cooked in alcohol!?" she asked, just the thought of it made her mouth water. She didnā€™t care if Lobster made her throat itchy because of a minor allergy, she wanted it so bad that she would die for it... She wonā€™t die, she has her meds on her. She pulled out her wallet and pulled out a fifty, " Hereā€™s fifty dollaridoos!- I mean, dollars, fifty dollars... " Her goofy online personality had changed her and she didnā€™t know if it was for the best or for the worst.

She was then thinking, after eating at this booth where would she go next? Would she go after something more dessert like? Or something that would scar her tastebuds forever? And after a battle in her head, the tastebud scarring won since it would be better for the long run. On the way here she had gone by something rattlesnake related, and Eliseā€™s impulsive mind made her want to eat it, she would probably regret it later today but at least she tried it and her friends wonā€™t call her a coward for not being adventurous. Elise is already adventurous in nature, sheā€™s just not able to leave the apartment because of work, but today is different.

"Nah, Iā€™m good."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon shook her head lightly at the question about getting one of those cereal things, she needed a smoke to clear her head and nervousness just so she doesnā€™t embarrass herself any longer. And as an added bonus, she had noticed that Lilith was walking a bit off so she just assumed she was tired. "Iā€™d rather you and I have a smoke at the lot yeah? We can sit down and bitch about life or whatever." Said Hoon, that was probably one of her more chill responses and she was pretty happy that.

As Aria ate into that oreo, it was finished in seconds and she enjoyed every second of it, that food will now be an immediate good vibes trigger because of her being with Lilith. Aria didnā€™t know what it was about Lilith but sheā€™s getting that warm, safe feeling. Aria was starved from any romantic feeling for awhile, other than the time she tried to go for Elise but she only wanted to stay friends. Aria knew they were better as friends, so she knew courting the artist was a mistake but she still tried. When Lilith suggested the smoking area, Elise walked by and waved at Aria, Hoon squinted trying to figure out who it was, but after noticing those glasses and that long black hair, she knew who it was. She waved back with a smile before turning back to Lilith "Letā€™s get something after the smoke okay? The festival still has time... Also that was my neighbour, sheā€™s uh... The biggest extrovert... She scares me." Hoon joked, Elise didnā€™t scare her, in fact it was the opposite, she hoped that Lilith wasnā€™t the jealous type.

Hoon then took a step forward towards the smoking area and took Lilith who was still wrapped around her arm. All she could think from that moment is that if Lilith found her nice or annoying, was she ruining it? Will she lose her after today? And all those thoughts continued. Hoon was self destructive in that way, always bringing herself down, she had ruined so many things that she didnā€™t see herself a good. Her smile had disappeared for a few moments during those thoughts but after looking at how nice Lilith was, and how pretty she was, her smile immediately made its way back on her face.

She arrived at the benches and sat down with Lilith, pulling out her pack of smokes. She ruffled around her bag and realised that she forgot her lighter, she never brought bags before. She was always a put-shit-in-pockets type of person. This was the day she cursed every skirt in the world, at least she looked nice. "Do you have a lighter? I left mine in my pants... Man, skirts are the bane of me." Said Hoon as she held onto one of her ciggies with her index and middle finger.

"Let's not be irrational."

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

After being comforted by Sarah, Ahri immediately turned to Xayah who was visibly getting angry from her point of view. Her eyes arched down and her body posture had stiffed, this was an emotion Ahri was very much aware of. She knew what she had to do, but Ahri thought for a moment before acting, since it was her thought that put her on that roof and put herself in danger. She then turned to Sarah and asked her quietly to help her up and to get her over to Xayah. Xayah was- is Ahri's responsibility, all of them are, if anything happens, she would never forgive herself. Since Ahri had lost a lot of blood and energy from her encounter with the dark star flay king himself, she was a bit weak on the knees; her legs were crossed as she stood up, using her packed blood stand as her support. Sarah then spotted Ahri and helped her get to Xayah, she was like an old woman, it was rare to see Ahri in this state. As Sarah walked her to Xayah, Ahri couldn't help but thank Sarah, and that's when it hit her. Sarah had always been there for her and it was all the little things she did that piled up and made the Kumiho fall in love with the pirate queen. Odd pairing aside, Ahri made it to Xayah, she tapped her on the shoulder and said, "H-Hey now... L-Let's not be too hasty now," her voice was blatantly weak and dry, "We have time, we'll get them... We'll...-" Ahri fell to her knees, Sarah immediately started helping her up, "Come on, you're in no condition cap'." Sarah interjected, "Y-Yeah... Which is why... Let's not be too crazy... We need to be a full team to take them down." Ahri then looked at the window, were her eyes deceiving her? No, that was a purple shooting star, falling down on the planet, "Speak of the devil... Looks like we got some help." Said Ahri, deep inside she thanked the first star with all her strength.

"I understand, I'll get right on it."

Location: Her Apartment, Food Festival



"Mom... Yeah I-... I get that-... Yeah, yeah I'll be-... Mom, let me finish what I'm tryna' say." Said Ela as she sat behind her desk, her cintiq sat neatly on the desk, with a half coloured in commission that was due tomorrow. Her pen nestled in her hands as she stayed on the phone, her mother talking on the other line about chores that she's already done. "Mom, I've already done everything, I'm stocked up on groceries, I took out the trash, I've done all of it, you don't have to worry about me..." Said Elise as she let out a small smile, she pushed her glasses forward and slowly ended the conversation with her mother. "Mom, I'm really busy right now, I'll call you back okay?" There was a long pause between that and her mother's reaction, the obvious distraught tone from her mother's voice had really hit her hard. After her mother's response, she let out an "I love you too mom," and they both hung up. Elise let out a sigh and put her phone down before getting back to work, she let out a sigh as she coloured in what appeared to be background work for a scene.

Her phone then buzzed on the table, it was her friend telling her about the food festival that was happening in downtown. And Elise being Elise, she pressed pause on her commission and immediately made her way to the bathroom to get dressed. Since it was just a food festival, she didn't need to look that fashionable. After her shower, she put on a white and pink striped shirt, black skinny jeans, low cut white converse, and a dark green windbreaker. With that, she grabbed her phone and her wallet and made her way to the festival. She wanted to socialise, wanted to meet new people, maybe make some friends, who knows what happens. All she knows is that she'll get something from this festival, may it be a new friend, a romantic partner, or food poisoning, who knows what it could be?

As Elise got in her car (Hyundai Sonata) she loaded up her playlist and started thinking what she'd like to eat, she didn't have any cravings as of the moment but maybe when she gets there she'll figure something out. She found herself a parking spot (with only a little bit of trouble) and made her way in the festival. While walking around the festival she saw Aria with someone and just gave her a wave, she waved back which was nice but that was pretty much the only thing in terms of interacting with her, she walked around hoping she'd have someone to eat some food with.

"It... The darkness... It hurts..."

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Ahriā€™s smile immediately disappeared, she knew they were going to ask about it eventually. She shivered when she remembered what that hook did to her but it wasnā€™t going to stop her from telling her team about those two. "The Dark Stars, I donā€™t know who they are or what they are, but they have been in the depths of the universe for a long time, slowly converting the world into darkness" Her ears drooped down, her head slowly hung itself as if she was showing her defeat "They never have a pattern of attack, but my last encounter with them, they promised to destroy me, and they would enjoy it... There were some new faces, that one behind the one with the hook, he was new... ." She looked at each of them individually, looking at Sarah last, but the longest "I was trying to protect you all by not telling you about them, because once you know about them, you try to figure out as much as you can, and in the middle of your research, thatā€™s when they appear... Itā€™s like... They want to be found..." Said Ahri, her face told everyone she was scared, as she looked at her arm, she had only now realised that her body and guardian power is defending against a spreading corruption in her shoulder, it was probably from that hook. But no matter, Ahri knew a way to cure it, but itā€™s a long travel. The corruption in her arm wasnā€™t obvious, but looking really really closely at it would show that it was there.

"Okay Hoon, clam down."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


As Hoon moved forward in the line, she shook her head to keep her nervousness at bay, it wasn't a good look for her. She needed a smoke to be that confident and calm Hoon that people would rather be around. She looked at her oreo and examined it for a moment before taking a bite, the hot and sugary goodness of that fried oreo will definitely do something to her teeth. With a mouthful of oreo she asked Lilith, "Hey uh, can I have a smoke at the lot after this... You smoke right? I got some if you want." She then fished a pack of smokes from her sling bag to show Lilith before putting them back in. Inviting someone to smoke isn't the worst thing Hoon as ever done to someone.

There was something in that oreo that made her really happy, maybe it was just a quick sugar rush or something but hot damn it was good. Her face lit up and she was ready to bounce. Hoon then looked around as she continued to bite into the hot gooey mess of an oreo, what else did she want to try, she thought if food festivals had anything alcoholic or maybe even some edibles since those sounded really good right now. From where she was standing, she couldn't see anything that could be alcoholic or anything that could get her baked. She was disappointed but she expected that so it didn't think too much of it.

She couldn't help but admire Lilith, she's pretty, she's the wild type, she's understand, the list goes on in Aria's head. Maybe Aria hasn't had enough human interaction in the past few years that she falls for anyone who's nice to her. She fell for her neighbour that one time but they ended up just being friends in the end. Why was Aria like this? She didn't know, and she hated it, she didn't want this giddy high school kid personality anymore, she isn't eighteen, she's in her mid twenties and she should act like it; like, she pays taxes, that's adult.

When Lilith said yes to going to her studio, Aria couldn't help but smile, she couldn't help but fall a bit more for this person. Hoon had thought she had sent a weird vibe but she hoped to dear god she'd look pass that. She'll make it up to her by playing a song for her when they get there, but it would be a surprise for Lilith, so shhhhh.

"Whats new?"

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

As Sarah watched Xayah lay into the newbie, she couldnā€™t help but smile a little bit since that reminded her of Ahri when the whole guardian thing was relatively new. She shifted to her other leg since she was getting a bit tired standing around waiting for Ahri, but then the nurse came in and told them Ahri was awake and was in stable condition to talk to. Everyone rushed to her room and saw Ahri sat there, holding onto covers gently placed on her legs. Ahri arm was covered in bandages and wrapped in a cast, there were bandages around her forehead and one of her cheek, she smiled the moment she saw them and immediately said "Hey guys..." the look on her face was both happiness and pain. Neeko then ran over and nuzzled against Ahriā€™s cheek, "Argh... That hurts... Neeko-" Said Ahri, though she was glad to see them, the nuzzling did hurt "Neeko is sorry! Are you okay fox lady!" Neeko exclaimed, Ahri nodded in response and turned to Sarah. "Hey guys, can you give Ahri and I a moment."

As soon as everyone left the room, Sarah knelt beside Ahriā€™s bed, and placed her hand on Ahriā€™s. Sarah looked up at Ahri and told her what was on her mind. "I uh... Like you... like, like-like you... But I was too scared to tell you." Said Sarah, she looked away to save her the embarrassment on her face. Ahri smiled and made Sarah face her while weakly said " When are you ever scared of anything, youā€™re Sarah Fortune... Pirate Queen Extraordinaire." Sarah smiled at that but then Ahri added something, "You wanna know a secret?" Ahri asked, Sarah clicked her tongue and said "You knew all the time?" Ahri nodded at that, and Sarah looked away since she was embarrassed again something, "But... I fell for you too when I found out." Said Ahri with a smile.

Sarah was shocked, and she was even more shocked when Ahri pulled her into a hug, Sarah enjoyed this hug, sheā€™d like it to last forever. "Can you call them back in now, weā€™ll start dating when Iā€™m out of the hospital." Sarah nodded at Ahriā€™s request and stuck her head out the door, calling them back in, Ahri ended up telling the rest of the guardians that Sarah finally confessed, Neeko was confused though because she had thought they were already dating.

This took longer than I thought it would
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