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"I could smell it from the hall."

Location: Lilith’s apartment

Interaction: @Pyxis


Aria then thanked the heavens when the door she knocked on swung open to reveal her girlfriend instead of an old man sipping an earl grey in his boxers. The smell of food was seeping through the cracks of the door when she stood in the hall, and it smelled good but not quite there. Aria walked in through the door and immediately removed her shoes as soon as she got passed the door frame. "Thanks! Who would have guessed I’d boom overnight... in Korea..." Said Hoon as she was untying her shoes, she then stood up straight holding her sneakers with her index finger and her middle finger. "Nice place, I like the Italian flag by your teli over there- Oh... Uh, where do I put these?" she asked raising her shoes.

After hoon placed her shoes in the designated spot, she felt Lilith squeeze her arm and offer her drinks. Aria shook her head and immediately gravitated to the kitchen, "I could smell this from the hall, " Said Hoon as she gave the pasta sauce a nice sniff. "Don’t kill me but it does smell like it’s missing something... Uhh... Oregano, paprika, and a few more shakes of salt of pepper." she had thought that she had insulted Lilith’s entire country if she is Italian, but her nose is pretty good as understanding food in that way.

She looked at Lilith and gave off a soft smile followed by a small meek chuckle. She looked Lilith up and down and hesitated a bit before moving into her arms for a hug as a greeting. Lilith was warm and smelled nice, while the outside was cold and smelled like pollution, Lilith was a breath of fresh air. "I uh... just uh... Just didn’t get to this in the morning." Said Aria as she pulled away, her hands placed gently just above Lilith’s elbows. Her smile was genuine and warm, something Aria had not shown in a long, long time.

"A quiet afternoon"

Location: Her apartment, Lilith's apartment


Mentions: @Pyxis

As Hoon felt her phone buzz in her pocket, she let out one last huff before flicking the cigarette towards the corner of the building. She pulled out her phone as she walked to the cigarette and read the message as soon as she stomped on the cigarette. The address was a good ways away, and Aria not having a car and not wanting to call an uber made her just walk it since she didn't really mind, she does enough cardio for this to not matter.

As she walked through the streets, she had her earbuds on and it was shuffled to her 'Rainy Day' playlist which was a lot of soft spoken acoustics and songs to make you feel all the feelings you'd get in this weather. Cars went by differently to her, for the longest time, Aria had been in a slump of not being happy ever since the incidents: Her dad died, her old girlfriend who she wanted to commit to and run away with was murdered by a psycho murderous photography teacher. But now things have never looked better, it looks like she could get a nice career in music as soon as she gets enough popularity, she's got a girlfriend who seems nice enough to actually give a shit, and her world just seems a little brighter now.

She arrived at the apartment and before knocking let out a heads up,

To: Lily 💜
From: HoonHoon
Am outside

Do I knock?


I'm gonna knock

I knocked

Each text was sent after she did something, when she knocked she stood there and waited for a response. She may have knocked on the wrong door (she definitely knocked on the wrong door, this door probably belongs to an old man or something), but who knows (We know), she hoped she wouldn't screw anything up, but there was a strong smell of food that was blowing past there, though she couldn't exactly tell where it was coming from. Her nose was telling her it was under seasoned but that should be an easy fix if it was Lilith. She then flinched and remembered to take her earbuds off since she didn't want to be rude and not give a nice greeting to whoever opened the door. It then hit her that she doesn't know if Lilith lives alone so she probably needs to socialise, but good God she hopes she doesn't have to.

"We'll figure it out."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah had her arms crossed as she thought for a moment, but thinking back on everything that happened, the guardians all gravitated towards Ahri, but with her out of the picture, Sarah didn't know how to find the new guardian. "I uh... Don't know, when all of the guardians, including all of you showed up it was towards Ahri." Sarah then shook her head and saw the time, "But we should get ready for school first, there's Ahri's bathroom which I'll take first, then the one around the corner over there." She said pointing down the hall from the kitchen. "We'll figure it out." Said Sarah before she left to go take a shower upstairs.

As she went in the shower, she kept thinking who it could be, it should be someone they know or at least, someone they've seen before.

"Things are better now... I think."

Location: In front of her apartment


Mentions: @Pyxis

Hoon stood there, scrolling through her phone, she hadn't opened social media at all today and her phone was on silent for the whole day other than time she texted Elise. Her twitter was booming and instagram was still notifying of a lot of things, what was going on? She opened twitter and there was a constant stream of random accounts tweeting to go listen and follow Hyoon on spotify. Why was this happening? After minutes of scrolling she had seen it, apparently her newest song "Rogue" blew up in South Korea because an idol was caught listening to it during a V-Live. She was going through the messages and notifs, and her followers practically doubled overnight, was this Lilith doing? When she told people to listen to her music did it chain react like crazy? How did it get to Korea? Hoon was entirely confused.

Her phone then buzzed, and a text from Lilith appeared, after a quick read she took one huff of her cigarette, and blew out the smoke before replying.

To: Lily 💜
From: HoonHoon
Yea... Uh... What's your address?

And I don't watch anything, I've been living off Youtube and K-dramas for the past few years.

Also uh... Are you famous in Korea? My follower count just doubled, was that you?

She then hit send and finished her cigarette and put on her hood before stuffing her hands in her pockets since it was pretty cold, she sat there thinking how it got this far, how someone like her, who's seem herself having a pretty crap life have it this good. She thought something was up. Though maybe she should just be glad that things are looking up for her now.

"That complicate things."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah flinched at the sudden call of her name, she turned around to see the older vastayan, her eyes filled with both and confusion as she saw the snow coming down. She then handed the phone over to Sarah which was buzzing like crazy, Sarah answered the phone and immediately asked, "Does this have anything to do with us?" Ahri visibly shook as her heart rate monitored slowly calmed down, "Something big is coming, you guys need to find that guardian soon." Sarah glanced over at Xayah then back to the sky, "We’ll do our best cap, time has been moving pretty slow, it was only last night where you got grabbed." Ahri let out a sound of digression, "Okay, I’ll text you what we have to do when we find her, you got my back right?” Sarah let out a smile and walked over to Xayah then stood beside her, "Always." Ahri smiled at the other end, she felt herself melt but she also felt weaker, everything was tiring her out so quickly, "Thanks Sarah, I... I gotta go now, Love you~” Sarah then glanced over at Xayah and replied, "I love you too." With that they both hung up.

Sarah turned to Xayah and put her arm around her, "We should get inside, it’s freezing as shit." She then took Xayah by the shoulder, and walked inside. There everyone sat there, "Okay since no one anticipated for snow, who here didn’t bring a jacket or a coat or anything?" Sarah asked, Neeko then raised her hand to interject, "N-Neeko no have jacket, but cold no affect Neeko!" Sarah’s brows then quickly raised then went back down again to acknowledge that, "Okay uh... Anyone else?"

"Maybe something different."

Location: Haven Squate

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon carried on with her shopping, her cart didn’t have much until she moved over to a k-mart and her cart was practically full after awhile, all those special cut meats and authentic spices really made it for her, she loved them so much since it reminded her of home, and everyone there. She then glanced down at her list which was on her phone and remembered that she was low on her face care essentials. She then went over to the multiple aisles of face cate and filled her cart with what she needed.

After that, she went to grab Ela’s meds, at the nearby pharmacy and of course her pringles. She didn’t waste any time getting it since she saw how bad Ela was doing, so once she had finished she called an uber, she usually wouldn’t call an uber since she always rode in Ela’s car but once the uber driver arrived, she quickly made her way home. The uber driver was nice enough to help her bring the groceries to the twenty-fourth which was nice of him. He paid the man extra and they said their goodbyes.

Hoon then looked down and her phone buzzed, another text from Lilith a photo of her attached. After seeing that photo, Hoon couldn’t help but smile after seeing Lilith’s face, she didn’t get to see it this morning so seeing it now was really nice. She then replied as soon as she could with

To: Lily 💜
From: HoonHoon
Yea yea sure!

Where do you wanna meet?

Oh you can keep the hoodie for awhile, I don’t mind.

After she replied, she moved all her groceries inside her apartment and put it all in place, Korean cut meat isn’t exactly the cheapest thing in the world. Her fridge was now jam packed with meats and veggies, her pantries were full again, and she had a lot of fresh toilet paper. Once she was done, she took the small paper bag of Ela’s meds and walked to her door. She knocked and said, "Hey Ela! It’s me, I got your meds!" She then took a step back and lightly heard some footsteps going towards the door, the creaked slowly and Ela looked worse that before, her nose was red, her eyes were puffy and she looked like she was freezing. Hoon handed the bag to Ela with an audible "Here you go," Ela took the bag and looked inside, there were the meds and not one, but two pringles cans in there. Ela’s face lit up, her signature smile finally formed on her face and she went in and tightly hugged Aria, Aria’s hands were still on her side but she loved the hug. " Thanks Hoon, you just made my day!" After that, they said their goodbyes and Hoon left the building. She stood by the entrance of the building and started smoking, waiting for Lilith’s reply on where they can meet.

"That’s not normal is it."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah ended up eating a few but Neeko just kept making more and it looked like they weren’t going to run out anytime. "How are you making as fast as I eat?" Neeko smiled and put her finger on her lips giving Sarah the shh gesture. "Neeko’s secret-" Suddenly Neeko’s ears flinched, and drooped down, she heard footsteps coming from the stairs and peaked over, "Bird feet! Bird lady is awake!" Said Neeko, Sarah then turned with a mouthful of veggie wrap to see Xayah at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, one more to go and we can get our asses to the academy." Sarah then put her phone down on the counter and stretched her arms out, "Alright, I’m gonna get some fresh air, you feed everyone that comes from those stairs, alright catch ya’ in awhile kiddo~" Sarah then walked out the door and stood by the garden for awhile.

After minutes of standing there, something landed on her arm, a snowflake. Sarah was confused, it was the middle of summer, and even though the city was in a naturally cold place there shouldn’t be snow until September. She looked up to see it snowing pretty liberally, her phone started buzzing on the counter, Neeko just looked over, confused and a little bit scared to why the phone was gradually sliding away and making weird buzzing noises. Sarah continued to look around as the entire neighbourhood came out of their houses to see the snow.

Meanwhile, Ahri pressed her phone as hard as she could against her ear waiting for Sarah to pick up since she may know why the snow is happening, her heart rate was monitored so it was visibly and audibly getting faster and louder, Ahri was in a small state of panic since no one was picking up. A nurse came rushing in and tried her best to calm Ahri down, telling her it was just snow, Ahri repeatedly shook her head since she knew it was something more.

"A new hope- I mean day, new day."

Location: Her apartment,


Mentions: @Pyxis

With everyone going as smoothly as Aria didn’t expect, Hoon was rather suspicious that everything went well, the only thing Hoon expected was Lilith renewing Hoon’s V-card if you get me. Hoon’s been... Let’s say... ‘dry’ for awhile now, for years even. Hoon didn’t even get to play her a song before the whole getting wasted thing happened. At least they did not do anything they would regret. Having slept through the drunk night after their session of bitching of life, Aria was pretty happy which was something pretty rare ever since how her life went to shit.

Hoon awoke, her face was buried in the pillow that Lilith was using, it was now instinct to move close to Lilith’s scent and Hoon didn’t mind, she loved it to be exact. She got up with haste after realising that Lilith was gone, her eyes darted around the room, she grabbed her phone and hurried out to the main part of her apartment. There she slowed down after seeing the readily prepared breakfast and a note sitting on her dinner table. She closed the jacket she wore as she walked over to the note, she picked it up and read it. Aria just smiled, she thought that she just got into a person into one night stands, even though there was no sex involved. She sat down to see the large stack of pancakes and strawberries that rested over it. She sat down and grabbed a fork, she rubbed her nose before digging in. The first bite was surprising, it was delicious but that wasn’t what surprised her, the thing that surprised her is the taste of something homemade, something she hadn’t tasted in awhile. This was the part that she was glad that Lilith left the apartment because tears slowly streamed down her face as she happily ate the pancakes, the pancakes tasted a lot like the pancakes her dad made whenever she was having a bad day. She quietly cried, tears dripping on the table but the sudden buzz of her phone snapped her out of it. She wiped her tears away and read the text from Lilith.

Her eyes lit up after seeing Lilith’s text, so she replied pretty quickly.

To: Lily 💜
From: HoonHoon
I have a lot, is it my college hoodie? The green one with a dinosaur on the back? The mustard yellow one? Dude you have to be specific.

Anyway... Where are you?

She then looked at her phone, her thumb kept wiping the screen as she was anxious for a reply. Hoon then looked behind her to see her apartment running out of supplies, she decided to go grocery shopping today, but first she needs to hit up her neighbour who usually helps her, Elise Brooke.

She got up, the icky feeling of yesterday’s clothes was now taking hold, but she needed to ask Ela first. She then walked out her door and knocked on room beside her. "Hey Ela, you wanna go get some groceries today?" She stood there for a solid minute, she heard nothing from inside so she knocked again. Her phone then buzzed, a text from Ela appeared.

To: Hyooooon
From: Elais Bruk
Can’t go to the groceries with you, I got food poisoning from something yesterday, and I think I was allergic to rattlesnake. Sorry.

Hoon then nodded at her phone before putting it away, she then knocked once more and replied. "Alright, you want anything though, nothing large though." The door then swung open right after she said that, There stood a very pale looking Elise Brooke, her eyes were puffy and her nose was red, she appeared to be crying but it was probably something related to her allergies. A physical written list was presented to her face by the digital artist, most of it was meds, though the bottom of the list did say large cheddar pringles. "Hyoon, you’re a life saver, I’ll buy you dinner sometime okay?" Said Elise as she thanked Hoon, she even bowed. "Alright, hey no prob, we’ll get ramen tomorrow or something, you down?" Elise just nodded at that, they then said their farewells and Aria was off.

She returned to her apartment, took a quick but warm shower and got into really comfortable and warm clothing. She was wearing sweatpants, a thick shirt, a thick hoodie, and a pair of sneakers. She then grabbed a black cap on the way out and put it on, she then made her way to Haven Square and walked in the grocery mall, doing everything she needs to do, or all the shopping that she needs. She did keep checking her phone, and since she was feeling it, she took a selfie from below the chin, so there was a double chin and her hair was drooping down in the picture. She held out her fingers in a V and her tongue was slightly out. She then sent it to Lilith.

To: Lily 💜
From: HoonHoon
~Attached Image~

Anyway, I’m in the groceries at Haven square.

Miss ya’

She then put her phone away and continued with her grocery shopping.

"It makes no difference."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah let out a small snort and ended up bursting into laughter as it is now apparent that the dark sovereign is hella on the non-straight side. "Alright alright, no one in Runeterra is fully straight... Fact." Said Sarah. She then leaned back and let out a small yawn, "Alright, bed time, acting captain’s orders." Said Sarah, her phone then buzzed, she pulled it out to see a text from Ahri.

To: Sarah
From: Ahri 💜


Forgot to say to go grab the futons in the closet, wouldn’t want you guys crammed up in my one person bed, anyway thats all.

Jk, I’m sending kisses too! Xoxo

There was an attached picture of Ahri with a V sign and a kissy face. Sarah replied to Ahri before putting her phone away. She then got up with a groan and walked over to the closet, she opened it and grabbed the futons, laying them on the ground with the sheets. Alright, that should be all.

The night went on, as they slept, Sarah just went through her phone, scrolling through the hundreds of selfies of her and Ahri trying to find an appropriate lockscreen, but being best friend for years there wasn’t one that Sarah wanted to show off to everyone to prove that they were dating, she didn’t even realise that the sun went up already. She sat up and noticed that Neeko had disappeared, she then went into panic trying to look for their newest member. Her head was a mess, she had zombie face and she was all over the place. She ran downstairs, she saw neeko preparing them breakfast, veggie wraps and they looked really good. "Hey, whatcha making there?" Neeko flinched and turned to Sarah with a smile "Oh hello!Neeko is making breakfast from her hometown, veggietable wuraps!" Sarah couldn’t help but smile at her pronunciations, she gave her a pat on the back and let out a yawn, Sarah had no sleep at all. She took a wrap and gobbed it down before walking to the bathroom to get ready. Neeko smiled and just shook her head as she continued to prepare breakfast for the crew.

"This is uh... Not Ideal."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon shifted a bit as she was kissed on her cheek, it had been awhile so the feeling was alien to her, though it did feel nice, it was nice that she wasn’t the top of the relationship for once, though that may not be certain just yet, that is how she sees it in her current situation. Aria thanked the heavens that Lilith was understanding enough to give her time to open up, unlike a past relationship that never got passed the ‘getting to know’ phase because of how demanding the girl was, so this was pretty nice.

Hoon had noticed the background image of Lilith’s phone and something uneasy started brewing inside her, but Hoon being the type of person that she is, she bottled it up and stored it deep, deep down. Was this jealousy? She had never felt jealousy on this level before, she was never jealous of someone else before, the last time she was jealous of something that involved her past girlfriend was her passing maths and Hoon not. But being jealous of a person was not a good look for Hoon, "Uh... Yeah, I thought I may have something to drink as well but I do have some alcohol back at home, it’s not much though since it’s been awhile since I restocked." Said Hoon, her head then moved to face Lilith’s phone and her thoughts immediately went back to the girl. "Hey uh, if you don’t mind me asking, who’s uh... The one on the cover of your phone?" she asked.

With that question floating in the air, she typed down her apartment building and handed it back to Lilith, when Lilith saw the girl Hoon had served back at the starboard and hearing Lilith say ‘Cute girl from the coffee shop’ triggered her now newly acquired jealousy senses. She stood there with her brows scrunched up and her eyes squinted but good thing she left immediately because Hoon didn’t know how much she could handle two bits of jealousy at once, she was bad at emotions after all.

Hoon then lost all of the jealousy feeling when Lilith wrapped around her arm and started pulling her to the designated pick up area for the uber driver. Hoon then thought for a moment, since she had never ubered before, she didn’t know what she was supposed to do when she got in the vehicle, was she supposed to chat with the driver? Stay silent? Propose some sort of dark scheme to destroy the entire government system? Who knows? As they walked, Hoon’s face was showing signs of confusion since she was thinking about this too much when she souldn’t have from the start.

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