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"Let me break it down for you."

Location: Food Festival

Interaction: @Rabidporcupine


Elise took a step back since the smell hit her hard, though it didn't smell weird or anything, Chili smell has always been a strong thing that Ela was never prepared for. She looked at both dishes that loudly sat in front of her and her eyebrows scrunched up in response, there was a small amount of regret building up inside her and she seemed to be wishing she never ordered something so... Different as her first food in the festival. She took the serving of rattle snake and held it up to her nose, taking a small whiff of what is to come. She took a spoon and got herself a nice generous spoonful of that chili and gulped, but before she could do anything with it, she was told that it was going to be underwhelming so she put the spoon in her mouth without hesitation after that. And with no surprise it just tasted like regular chili with some weird soft chewy bits in it. She looked it then back at the guy, it wasn't bad and she was pretty thankful for that.

She then placed the rattlesnake down and moved on the kangaroo stir fry, after putting that in her mouth, she immediately had this face of disgust since she did not like the texture of it at all, it was gamey and weird, she just didn't like it at all. She put it down and moved back to the rattlesnake which she surprisingly preferred over the gamey Australian animal. She pushed that back to Jeremy and payed extra since she was apologetic that she couldn't eat it all, a small five dollar extra with Elise's apology of "Sorry, I uh... Don't like it." She said with a small awkward smile, though she did keep eating the rattlesnake since that was pretty good.

"It's nice to meet you." He then said about her trying new stuff and Ela had to explain to him that, "Yeah, I sit infront of my desk everyday doing work, which means I practically never leave the apartment, so trying out stuff is the best my life can get." She replied before taking another bite of the chili, "Anyway this is really good, kinda has this home cooked vibe to it, I don't know, maybe it's just me." Said Ela since she couldn't be any more surprised that the rattlesnake tastes a lot like fish which was is something Ela isn't allergic to so she could enjoy it very well, now she just hoped that she wasn't allergic to this.

"Eating snake makes me half-snake."

Location: Food Festival

Interaction: @Rabidporcupine


Elise then just walked away, guy was part of the cook off after all so he must have been preparing, she had then chosen to come back later, so that should make it a save the best for last type of situation. A she walked away from the booth, her shoes then crunched as she dragged her feet on the concrete floor. When she remembered about the rattlesnake thing, she swivelled 180 degrees and turned the opposite direction to walk to the booth that served it. She stood in place first and pulled out her phone to see some messages that she needed to answer, the group chat she was in asked if the food festival was good so far, but she simply replied with a quick "lmao idk yet" before tucking her phone back in her pocket.

She walked over to the booth and the aroma of different meats cooking smelled really, really weird but it definitely did not drive her away, in fact she got much more curious since it was a smell she had never smelled before. She glanced over at the guy who called out all the foods and immediately ordered with little to no hesitation. She was starving and this may not have been the best choice but she needed to eat something or her eating schedule is going to get messed up again. "One rattlesnake chili and one kangaroo stir--fry, both for me." She stated, adding a wink as she pulled out her wallet. She pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it over, she didn't know if it was how much it costed but it should be fine since it is a hundred dollars.

She then peaked her head behind the counter to see all the pots and pans used to make all those weird meats, there were surprisingly a lot of stuff just to make all those weird meats palatable. She didn't even know if she'll regret it or not, but it should be fine for the time being since it is the first food she was going to eat, she's got the whole festival ahead of her for her eat something to get rid of the taste if it does taste... Odd.

"Everyone is the same."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah raised her brow and her mouth slowly formed into a mischievous smile. "You’re right, being sad isn’t my thing..." She then raised two fingers and pointed it forward and acted like it was a gun and shot it forward. "But then again that was before I shot something." she said putting her hands down, when Xayah whispered in her ear saying the kiss was hot Sarah then whispered back "Oh please, being straight is a myth, everyone is Bi... Even Syndra probably." She said looking over her shoulder to look at Syndra, "And our new friend of course." She said turning to Neeko who seemed to be confused about popcorn.

"Something just like this."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis @PrinceAlexus


That was just it, Hoon really wanted someone to tell all her woes too but something inside her just kept stopping her, it was like it physically hurts her whenever she tries. In this light, she had to explain to her that she wanted to tell her but couldn't in the most Aria Hyoon way possible, "Look, I want to tell you, but I just... I can't..." She let out, she looked almost disappointed in herself with her head now slightly tilted down. She obviously didn't owe Lilith anything but due to her mindset, she already told herself that this was something she had to tell her, whatever it takes.

Aria never liked the fact that she was like this, she always yelled at herself to change but never ended up doing it or would change for a day but revert back to the awkward mess that is known as Aria Hyoon. As Aria stared at the beaten path, her boots and her date's heels, she couldn't help but smile at how Lilith chose looking good over comfortability, Aria could, could tell herself that Lilith did it for her but Aria never saw herself highly enough for anyone to go the extra mile for her.

An Uber ride was then suggested, and with that suggestion Hoon looked up at Lilith and blinked as if it offended her, though it only looked like it offended her but in reality she didn't mind, she just thought walking home was better than getting into a stranger's car and telling them where you live. But Hoon did notice that Lilith's feet weren't still, probably due to being tired or something. Hoon then gave her a small smile an nodded, "Uh, yeah... I uh..." she then pulled out her phone and clicked the power button, revealing her lock screen and seeing the time on the screen, as she looked down on the screen of her phone she had then realised that didn't even have the app on her phone since she never needed uber... Ever. "Can I uh, borrow your phone? I uh, don't have the uh, the app." she stated, giving Lilith that awkward smile you give to cashiers when they ask if you want anything else with your order.

Pomf! She heard, Hoon then peaked over to see a blonde girl who definitely looked familiar bumping into Lilith. Her reaction went from eye squint to raised brow in a span of a few seconds since it was awkward, confusing, and a little on the rude side. She then looked the blonde up and down and realised that she had definitely seen this girl before, she couldn't remember for the life of her, her name (if she even told her) but she remembered serving this girl at the Starboard about a few weeks ago. As the awkwardness continued to rise, the girl then awkwardly tried to move out of the situation by blabbering like a silly little goose which Aria found amusing. It was nice to see someone as awkward as her during any awkward moment. "Uh... Okay, nice to meet you?" Aria said in a questioning yet confusing tone, she just looked back at Lilith and shrugged as she didn't know what to do after that point.

"I suppose its not as different as you think."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah flinched at that question, Boki and Baki gave each other looks before they looked up at Sarah who looked both relieved and distressed at the same time. Though being tired and still the confident queen people know and love she answered as truthfully and humbly as she could. "Well..." Sarah said, nodding her head as she prolonged that word to think about it. "It’s basically like the movies, a rush of adrenaline and your palms get sweaty cause you’re nervous but..." She stopped that main thought for a moment to change it into a better one. "It just... Came out, I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I was, I wasn’t an awkward stuttering mess... I think it was because of the fact that I’ve known Ahri for so long that I just... You know, kinda... Knew." Said Sarah as she looked down on the floor, her head then slowly moved to face Xayah. She could see the concern on her friend’s face, Boki and Baki then helped keep the other familiars at bay as she added. "It did feel pretty good, it was like everything got lighter ever since I told her that, now all I have to care about are upcoming homeworks... Oh and evil monsters invading the earth of course." Sarah said jokingly, that smile on her face made its way back on her face and she was all happy and dandy again.

"I suppose it's not that bad."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon took a deep breath after practically being told to calm down since there was no problem with her sudden wave of confidence. Her eyes showed both relief and distress after Lilith's reaction to her having the biggest balls in all of SOL city. She couldn't help but awkwardly smile after seeing Lilith blush like she did because, well, Hoon was usually the one who gets embarrassed. She cleared her throat and instinctively bowed at her asking for the non-requirement of an apology, so in classic Hoon fashion, she apologised for her apology with a very distinct but awkward, "I'm sorry."

When Lilith kissed her back she didn't know what to do, but what felt natural was leaning into it since she did like it, she held onto Lilith's hands like she never wanted to let go. She had that look in her eye, that look of not wanting to lose something no matter what the cost, in this case, that something was Lilith. "It's just I haven't had anyone in like six- no... Seven? Yeah, seven years. The uh... My uh... Last girlfriend kinda, got uhm...-" It was clear that Aria didn't want to get into that, since it still hurt her, "It's not important." she shook away the thought in her head that was going to lead her to think about her last girlfriend who had quite the cruel fate.

As the Lilith's lighter called Aria name, she took it without hesitation and pulled out another of her reds. With three clicks of the lighter, it lit her nicotine stick's tip and with a huff followed by puff (away from Lilith's face of course) she let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, that's a good idea." She said in reply to Lilith's question about going to the studio, the mix and matching of foods definitely smelled weird, and with the overwhelming smell of cheese from multiple booths she needed to get out of there before her nose just starts deteriorating from how bad some of it smelled.

In her brain, she was all giddy and happy, all she could think about was that it couldn't get any better than that (This was her only thought in her head). And of course she thought it couldn't get any better than that, unless Lilith could bring back her dead from the dead and undo her breakdown at the junkyard years ago. Though there was no reason to be picky, she sat there, smoking her cigarette, waiting for it to burn out before she would take Lilith back to her place.

"Who could they be?"

Location: Song Residential Home

As they made their way back to the house, Sarah couldn't help but think who this mystery guardian was, no one came into mind who could be chosen by the guardian, at least from Valoran Academy. She looked back to see the group of people following her, Rakan had left but that was no surprise, she supposed she didn't want to be part of a girl's sleepover. Sarah could feel something heavy in her chest, whatever it was it was eating her up inside, what was this feeling? Guilt. It was Guilt, the guilt of not being there fast enough to have prevented Ahri from getting caught in the first place. She landed on the roof of the house and opened the window, everything was still there, the popcorn was cold and the drinks were close to room temperature. "Do you think this person will be in our class?" Sarah asked, as she waited for everyone to get in. As soon as everyone entered she sat down at the foot of the bed and pressed continue on the film that was playing earlier. "Maybe they're someone we know? I... I have to- I mean, We have to find her." Sarah felt like she owed this to Ahri, just for not being fast enough.

"Oh... So that’s the case."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis @Almalthia


Hoon looked at the girl who had asked them about the fried Oreos, girl looked nice and Hoon loved her hair, it was so vibrant and relatively distracting. After staring at her hair for a solid twenty seconds she had heard Lilith answer her and she immediately snapped back to reality. "Uh... Yeah, I think the ones covered in peanut butter or cookie butter taste great, we didn’t try that when we bought ours but you can’t go wrong with peanut butter." Said Hoon as she raised her shoulders in a quick shrug.

After that, she took another huff of her smoke, she moved forward in her seat before letting the smoke out in the other direction. "I still like my reds though." she said as she fished one of her reds, ready to smoke that soon as the gold was finished. When they were quiet, Hoon enjoyed that, a lot of people didn’t like silence when they were with someone but Hoon did. Her gold was practically done and she lit the red with the remaining flame of her gold. She threw her gold in the bin to her side and started smoking the red.

As Hoon took a huff of her red, it happened, Lilith had told her she liked her and it hit her like a truck. Her eyes widened and she let out a "What!?" but saying that with lungs full of smoke made her cough. She was coughing for a good ten seconds and once she stopped Lilith continued. She told her how she really liked being with her, Hoon’s face was confused but Hoon’s brain was happier than a puppy in a meat store. Lilith talked about her work, she remembered that she avoided that question the last time it was asked. "Hun- I mean... Hey, you don’t have to worry, I’m already a mess, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to." She was calmer and a less awkward Hoon but she didn’t care if Lilith ended up being something like a serial murderer, as long as she’s true with her she wouldn’t mind.

Lilith then continued on, telling her that she was a stripper. She had noticed the long huff from her cigarette before she said that but again, Hoon didn’t care, she tilted her head to the side and forward a little bit, her hair fell forward and covered her brow and a portion of her eye, a soft spoken smile painted its way on Hoon’s face but Lilith had turned her head away out of what appeared to be embarrassment. She then went on to say something really fast and she couldn’t quite catch all of it, but it was something about her ex and window breaking. And again, for the last time, Hoon didn’t mind, her life was already a mess so having something perfect and goody-goody in her life would be out of the ordinary. "Before a second date..." She quietly let out, hoping she didn’t hard that because it definitely sounded like she was plotting something.

She moved closer to her and placed her hand on hers before saying. "I’m the last person who’d mind, if anything the only thing I’m upset about is the fact that I can’t have you all to myself." with that phrase her courage started building up inside her, "I mean I’ll break shit but not because you work as a stripper, I’ve got my own problems you know’? I only ever smash shit at the junkyard." she continued, she was doing great, her courage meter continued to build up. "Dude I have dad issues because I thought I was the one who caused his death, and uh... Still working on that, but yeah, I wouldn’t really mind." She then inched even closer, she squeezed the girl’s hand lightly and moved her face closer, her other hand reached for the opposite side of her cheek. "We’re gonna have a second date alright, and I’ll prove it." She then pulled Lilith’s head closer and placed her lips on hers. She was being bold and she didn’t know why, she sealed the future date with a kiss that lasted for a good fifteen seconds.

When she pulled away, she gave her the patented Hoon smile, "I guess you can say, I like you too-" Her eyes then widened, it then hit her, what did she just do? Did she actually just do that? Oh my god oh my god oh my god! No way! She stood up with no warning and was suddenly the stuttering mess she was earlier today. She looked at Lilith up and down and turned her back for a moment, she mouthed "Oh my god!" as she looked at the ground before turning back to Lilith. "I uh... D-Didn’t mean to... Uhm... I just... It was just... Uhm... I... I-I... I didn’t know what I was thinking- I-I’m s-sorry I just... You were so... Uhhhh..." she was visibly trembling and sweating and you could see the blush on her face, Did Hoon actually just had courage for a moment there?

"Ever tried gold?"

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon thanked the stars that Lilith wasn’t the jealous type, she let out a sigh of relief from that and continued on walking. Hoon also was pretty happy that Lilith agreed on her stand on extroverts, though Hoon wasn’t going to admit to the fact that she was also scared the night they met it just didn’t happen right away, she had only realised she was scared when she got home and she was pretty glad she didn’t end up as a stuttering mess. This girl did have something special about her and she didn’t know yet if it was bad or good, but so far it seemed to be leaning in the positives.

Lilith handed her the lighter and she immediately zipped or bag open, Hoon had only shown her Marlboro Red earlier which was her favourite but since this was the first time anyone has agreed with her smoking, she asked, "Ever tried Marlboro Gold? And before you say anything, no these aren’t lights, I understand that the Gold one is usually mistaken as lights but I assure you its not. " She pulled out the gold from under the pack of reds and placed it between her lips. "You want one?" She asked, her voice was a bit muffled because the cigarette was between her lips, she held out the pack of golds for her and in exchange she took the lighter from her hands. She covered the end of the cigarette with her palm and lit it with the other. She had a quick huff before pulling it out and letting out a puff of smoke. "That’s the stuff..." She let out.

She had then realised that she heard Lilith earlier mumble under her breath that she was cold or something she didn’t really understand well enough since it was pretty loud in the lot and the noise of the festival behind them. "You’re cold? Hold on-" Hoon then made the motion of removing a jacket only to realise that she didn’t have one on, she was so used to wearing them and offering them to people that she didn’t even think twice about doing it "Oh... Oops... I uh, don’t have one on... Sorry." Hoon said, she shrugged this time instead of getting embarrassed, she’s had her smoke, she can handle being with people now.

"A star hunt."

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Ahri couldn't help but smile as she was sat back down on the hospital bed, "I don't know, I suggest we find out who that is first, and with our luck, maybe this person will end up in the academy." Said Ahri, though with her being incredibly weak she was still pretty optimistic. Her eyes filled with determination but her body can't aid her yet. Ahri looked at the clock on the wall, it read 2AM so it was pretty late. Time goes fast when you're in deep space, last she checked the time it was only 9PM. She laid back down on her bed and said "I might be out of school for a few days, so Sarah-" Sarah then stepped forward "Yeah cap'?" Ahri then announced "She'll be your temporary leader till I'm back on my feet, I suggest you this time to find out who that is, how hard can finding purple first star energy be? I mean, we found Syndra, and look at her, she's... Urrr... Purple." Said Ahri, Sarah just let out a quick chuckled at that and stood up straight, taking on the role of leader. "You lot can sleep at my place since it's the closest. My window should still be open and no one should see you fly in, so please, get some rest, and I'll see you all here after school, alright? Oh, Rakan you can stay too, just please don't do anything anything inappropriate in my house, I'd rather not see... Juices... When I black light clean the house." Sarah nodded in response and opened the door to the hall, it was time for them to go. "Come on, we'll watch Wind Samurai to help us go to sleep, and don't worry about Ahri missing it, she's seen it a million times." Said Sarah as she looked back at Ahri, Ahri tilted her head and smiled, she shook her head in response and replied, "Twenty six actually, and yet it's still not your favourite movie." Sarah then shrugged and gave her the I dunno gesture "I'll figure it out one day!" Ahri exclaimed raising her free arm. Sarah then left the room with the crew and everyone gave their goodbyes.
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