"Let me break it down for you."
Location: Food Festival
Interaction: @Rabidporcupine
Elise took a step back since the smell hit her hard, though it didn't smell weird or anything, Chili smell has always been a strong thing that Ela was never prepared for. She looked at both dishes that loudly sat in front of her and her eyebrows scrunched up in response, there was a small amount of regret building up inside her and she seemed to be wishing she never ordered something so... Different as her first food in the festival. She took the serving of rattle snake and held it up to her nose, taking a small whiff of what is to come. She took a spoon and got herself a nice generous spoonful of that chili and gulped, but before she could do anything with it, she was told that it was going to be underwhelming so she put the spoon in her mouth without hesitation after that. And with no surprise it just tasted like regular chili with some weird soft chewy bits in it. She looked it then back at the guy, it wasn't bad and she was pretty thankful for that.
She then placed the rattlesnake down and moved on the kangaroo stir fry, after putting that in her mouth, she immediately had this face of disgust since she did not like the texture of it at all, it was gamey and weird, she just didn't like it at all. She put it down and moved back to the rattlesnake which she surprisingly preferred over the gamey Australian animal. She pushed that back to Jeremy and payed extra since she was apologetic that she couldn't eat it all, a small five dollar extra with Elise's apology of "Sorry, I uh... Don't like it." She said with a small awkward smile, though she did keep eating the rattlesnake since that was pretty good.
"It's nice to meet you." He then said about her trying new stuff and Ela had to explain to him that, "Yeah, I sit infront of my desk everyday doing work, which means I practically never leave the apartment, so trying out stuff is the best my life can get." She replied before taking another bite of the chili, "Anyway this is really good, kinda has this home cooked vibe to it, I don't know, maybe it's just me." Said Ela since she couldn't be any more surprised that the rattlesnake tastes a lot like fish which was is something Ela isn't allergic to so she could enjoy it very well, now she just hoped that she wasn't allergic to this.
She then placed the rattlesnake down and moved on the kangaroo stir fry, after putting that in her mouth, she immediately had this face of disgust since she did not like the texture of it at all, it was gamey and weird, she just didn't like it at all. She put it down and moved back to the rattlesnake which she surprisingly preferred over the gamey Australian animal. She pushed that back to Jeremy and payed extra since she was apologetic that she couldn't eat it all, a small five dollar extra with Elise's apology of "Sorry, I uh... Don't like it." She said with a small awkward smile, though she did keep eating the rattlesnake since that was pretty good.
"It's nice to meet you." He then said about her trying new stuff and Ela had to explain to him that, "Yeah, I sit infront of my desk everyday doing work, which means I practically never leave the apartment, so trying out stuff is the best my life can get." She replied before taking another bite of the chili, "Anyway this is really good, kinda has this home cooked vibe to it, I don't know, maybe it's just me." Said Ela since she couldn't be any more surprised that the rattlesnake tastes a lot like fish which was is something Ela isn't allergic to so she could enjoy it very well, now she just hoped that she wasn't allergic to this.