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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
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Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time ✿ Afternoon
Location ✿ Festival

Manami nodded when Victoria suggested they find something before all the good stuff had been picked over, something she totally agreed with. In the midst of her almost mental breakdown after the fight with her mother she had forgotten to eat, just hearing her friend mentioning something made her stomach growl and her mouth water. "That sounds amazing to be honest. I feel like I could eat a horse!" She admitted, albeit a bit dramatically. She could't remember the last time she had eaten at a festival before, or rather a food cart at that. She always stayed near 'trendy' and 'hip' places, that normally meant coffee shops and cafe's that served food she didn't actually want to eat. She had nothing against people who were Vegan or Vegetarian, but she personally could never get behind abandoning her bacon.

The dark-haired girl walked around with her new friend, gazing at all the different food carts. Fried pickles, walking tacos, blooming onions, fancy snacks, greasy foods. The smell that hung in the air was delightful and filled with so many scents. Around them people laughed and shared food, discussed upcoming shenanigans and just had a good time. It was fun to see and even better to experience with her simply being...herself. Eventually Victoria pointed out a chicken stand, she could definitely get behind some messy and yummy wings. While they waited in line Victoria spoke to her, she seemed unsure how to answer Manami's question. "Unconventional? You might be able to give me some good advice then." She said with a small smile. Soon it was the duo's turn and she waited patiently while Victoria order her food, then ordered her own. "Wings please, buttery garlic sauce. I want my wings super done, like crispy, I don't mind a little burntness to them either. Then...I think I'll have some friend pickles on the side, with some ranch!" She said excitedly.

"Thanks for covering for me, next one is on me though." She said as they plopped down at a table, taking one of the pickles she dipped it in some ranch and tossed it into her mouth. God it tasted so good to eat something so bad for her, how long had it been since she'd indulged in some fatty, greasy food? She nibbled on her food as she listened to her friend. Toxic....yes that was exactly what her relationship with her parents was like right now, or rather her mother. Her father was nothing more than a shadow to the older woman at this point, only speaking up when she needed reassuring.

As she listened though she could tell that Victoria was hesitation a bit, choosing what she said carefully. For some reason she got the feeling that the woman had her own family issues and she began to feel a bit guilty. Perhaps talking about such stuff wasn't comfortable for Victoria, she should have thought about her own friends feelings before trying to dump her own on her. Manami put on a smile as she took a large bite of one of her wings, the meat practically melted in her mouth. It made shivers run down her spine in delight. "Honestly, lets just move onto happier news all together. Who wants to ruin such a great day and a fun time with some dreary family drama, huh?" She said, gesturing to the food in front of them. "Besides, you are right about these being amazing. It's been way too long since i've eaten something like this." She sunk her teeth into another tender bite.

"Anywho, how is the bun in the oven? I'm gonna guess it's gonna be a girl, honestly I think a mini-you would be the cutest thing in the entire world." She said with a hearty laugh. It was probably to just move onto a whole new subject, something lighter and not so gloomy.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

INTERACTIONS : Aria - @KatKook

Lilith smiled at the mention of a smoke and gave Aria a quick nod. She differently needed something to keep her from reaching into her purse and get her little fix. The sweetness of the Oreo also helped. The sugar rush would help her to hold herself until the smoke. She could also offer the blunt she had in her purse since Aria had mentioned she smoked weed, too, although she could wait until they were in the studio for that. Music and weed always seemed to go well together, for her anyway.

"Do you want to go get that cereal with shaved milk, or ice cream and head for the lot?" Lilith had already finished her friend Oreo. They could also talk a bit and get to know each other while they eat and shared a smoke. It seemed very casual, but Lilith was glad that she wouldn't hear the risks of smoking from Aria since they both smoked. Gosh, he ex had made a huge deal about her smoking. They hadn't lasted long, and he had been an asshole when she had broke it off with him.

Lilith did not miss that man. He still texted her sometimes at random to tell her he missed her and she was getting tired of it now. It had been almost four months now, and it seemed like he was not going to give up anytime soon.

When Aria was done with her friend Oreo, Lilith slipped her arm back around the other girl's and led the way back to the stand Aria had mentioned before. "Do you still want to get something from here? We can find something else before we head to the lot. I think there's a smoking area with benches and take a seat there for a bit." Lilith's feet were starting to ache. She had stood quite a while yesterday while taking to the police with her heels on and she could feel the painful result now. "We could get something else if you like."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Nah, I’m good."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon shook her head lightly at the question about getting one of those cereal things, she needed a smoke to clear her head and nervousness just so she doesn’t embarrass herself any longer. And as an added bonus, she had noticed that Lilith was walking a bit off so she just assumed she was tired. "I’d rather you and I have a smoke at the lot yeah? We can sit down and bitch about life or whatever." Said Hoon, that was probably one of her more chill responses and she was pretty happy that.

As Aria ate into that oreo, it was finished in seconds and she enjoyed every second of it, that food will now be an immediate good vibes trigger because of her being with Lilith. Aria didn’t know what it was about Lilith but she’s getting that warm, safe feeling. Aria was starved from any romantic feeling for awhile, other than the time she tried to go for Elise but she only wanted to stay friends. Aria knew they were better as friends, so she knew courting the artist was a mistake but she still tried. When Lilith suggested the smoking area, Elise walked by and waved at Aria, Hoon squinted trying to figure out who it was, but after noticing those glasses and that long black hair, she knew who it was. She waved back with a smile before turning back to Lilith "Let’s get something after the smoke okay? The festival still has time... Also that was my neighbour, she’s uh... The biggest extrovert... She scares me." Hoon joked, Elise didn’t scare her, in fact it was the opposite, she hoped that Lilith wasn’t the jealous type.

Hoon then took a step forward towards the smoking area and took Lilith who was still wrapped around her arm. All she could think from that moment is that if Lilith found her nice or annoying, was she ruining it? Will she lose her after today? And all those thoughts continued. Hoon was self destructive in that way, always bringing herself down, she had ruined so many things that she didn’t see herself a good. Her smile had disappeared for a few moments during those thoughts but after looking at how nice Lilith was, and how pretty she was, her smile immediately made its way back on her face.

She arrived at the benches and sat down with Lilith, pulling out her pack of smokes. She ruffled around her bag and realised that she forgot her lighter, she never brought bags before. She was always a put-shit-in-pockets type of person. This was the day she cursed every skirt in the world, at least she looked nice. "Do you have a lighter? I left mine in my pants... Man, skirts are the bane of me." Said Hoon as she held onto one of her ciggies with her index and middle finger.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 32 min ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Victoria had to laugh at her comments about lunch choices, a little Google time had found her Instagram and seen some of the other food and things she posted. Cute, pretty and all very trendy but some days just turned out wanting good old fashioned junk food.

Her choice was definitely not instagram food, it was kind of interesting to see past the layers she put up, maybe Victoria could lower her guard abit as she really just wanted just wanted someone to talk to. Even of it was silly stuff, good or whatever. The city could be a alittle lonely at times even with so many many people about. "Keep the change, tip for making our mouths water." leaving a decent sized tip on top, not really needed but she could. Manami knew she was fairly well off so there was no real need to hide or pretend to be anything but herself.
@Tyler Night

Reaching the table, a little shakey one hand on the ornate blue cane, it's snow flake shaped guard on the top glittering in the sunshine. Something about that made her think what if but another part claimed down simply stating the fact, it was done. Your pregnant, you have ernough issues and hormones running about to make a person emotionally unstable already. "you where having a bad day, it was this or we found ice-cream and way too much sugar. Or both..." Victoria was very much trying to help, losening the belt and her coat abit so it was more comfortable to sit down in. She was warm ernough, especially with all the people about, stalls and cooking going on in the area. Enjoying the wings, cheesey chips and just junk food in general.

Victoria was a alittle uncomfortable but only because she recognised how close this issue was to Manami and would feel bad giving her the wrong advice. She really did not want to make things worse for her new friend. Victoria definitely had her own problems but they where work, there was questions about the babies father, family and more running round her head. Plus the whole having to be responsible for the life, well being and future of a little human being that was her child in 7 and abit months was... Frankly it was pretty terrify when you thought to deeply into the matter. She had Maria and others to fall back on but really missed her mum at times lately. "just look after you Manami, if you ever need a escape, let me know ok? Even it's just going out for overpriced hipster coffees. My schedule is fairly flexible bar hospital and some appointments at the consulate coming up.

Oh yes! Let's have fun, ive been stuck in my office a fair bit this week. Working for self...really involves work."
laughing slightly, yeah she was a little unconventional. Her work was going well really. She had landed on her feet at least and starting on refilling her accounts after her recent spending spree. Her car was great but it was not the cheapest purchase. "I never been, it just smelt delicious so I thought it had to be good. Now I know il have to go to this place again, I don,t even know where it is but il find it."

Able to relax a alittle, Isosef was keeping a eye from a polite distence, she trusted her new friend not to go to press or anything. She knew the price of fame and the dangers of it all too well. While her chips and wings vanished at a rate that belied her tiny size and rather slim figure, almost a little dangerously thin. She would not be able to hide her whole situation for as long as she would have preferred. Maybe if it was warmer Victoria could wear a looser sun dress or so?

Cheerful at change of topic, Victoria opened up abit, though it was clear even with the Russian blending into English accents that despite her nerves she had made peace with the whole situation. Instinctivly wrapping a arm round her stomarch region and tiny growing baby."мой маленький обитатель чрева My little womb dweller" oops... Brain fart. Yep. Bun in oven is healthy, the bakery is definitely feeling it though. A mini me... Long as they get there father's height! I'm rather petite! Not even 5 foot...

Cassandra Romus Asher is a pretty name, or after mum Darya. A girl, I admit Id know alot more about a daughter. She would definitely be a heartbreaker though with my looks and a bit more curves. I don,t know yet. It's not at a stage I really ever would of wanted people to know. Circumstances forced my hand.

Wondering if she should say and nibbling on a chicken wing, slowly deciding before thinking. "I was kinda terrified at first but now, well I can,t wait to cuddle them, not gonna lie it was scary at first." Her life plans where, well she never really had major plans now she had a enormous shift in her future onto a entirely different track. Having a child was there but...not ...now it took a whole new train track of life.

"So? Any gossip for me? Don,t hold out on me. I'm not gonna share this one, just for my photo wall. A real one of you.

Fancy trying something more exotic? not eaten anything like that since Africa, my dad took me out there a few times on buissness trips."
smiling, she wanted to find out how things where going other than drama. Her sister was playing decoy somewhat from Joel and Siobhan. Rile them up a little, keep them off Victoria. Taking a photo of them together, just normally dressed with a arm round her shoulder and a bunch of junk food on the table, no filters and no fancy lighting. Telling the most of the truth, she did join her dad on trips for work. Granted that work was not somthing she wanted to reveal so openly. God help if the press realised she was "deaths daughter", the silly tabloid term related to her father. She had ernough on her plate without dealing with that bullshit.

Spotting a stall advertising foods like snake, alligator and other nastier critters. Victoria had tried a few more intresting things in Africa and Mogadishu. A quick check of a phone app told her that they would not be in conflict. She had not smelt anything like for years, heady spices, carried Cusine and exotic meats brought back the markets and such of the dark continent.

Waiting and talking as they are there wings and chips, maybe Manami had a little more of a wild side under her rather pretty and flawless skin tone. She had to admit she was a little envious of her rather percent apearence. She was plain pretty regardless of what she wore.

Talking with Manami

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I’m adventurous! Yeah, this and that, yadda yadda."

Location: Food Festival

Interaction: @Tyler Night

Mentions: @Pyxis

Elise continued to walk around the festival like a lost puppy, she didn’t know what to try first. Should she start with something daring and eat something real weird, or something really nice and save the terrible ones by the end? She had no idea how to start of food festivals, this was the one time she went to the festival alone; she would have asked Aria but it looked like she was with someone and she didn’t want to get between that date, that girl she was with was real pretty and knowing how much of a panic gay Hoon Hoon was, she thought it would be best if she didn’t interfere.

While walking, Ela was suddenly hit by a smell of something really good, it was like the food that she was smelling was for a competit- Oh... It was. Elise has a pretty good nose so when the smell hit her, she was in a state of euphoria. The smell of lobster and Tempura just made her mouth water and she wanted that for herself, was it available for purchase? Or was it for the competition only? Whatever it was she had to ask, she scoured the area to see where it came from, and she saw a booth and immediately jogged towards that.

She stood by the booth and looked at the chefs do their work from behind, oh dear god it made her mouth water and she wanted to eat since she had eaten anything in awhile. "Uhm, excuse me?" She called out waving her hand above her head, "Do you have that lobster? It smelled really good, uh... and it uh... Is it-... Cooked in alcohol!?" she asked, just the thought of it made her mouth water. She didn’t care if Lobster made her throat itchy because of a minor allergy, she wanted it so bad that she would die for it... She won’t die, she has her meds on her. She pulled out her wallet and pulled out a fifty, " Here’s fifty dollaridoos!- I mean, dollars, fifty dollars... " Her goofy online personality had changed her and she didn’t know if it was for the best or for the worst.

She was then thinking, after eating at this booth where would she go next? Would she go after something more dessert like? Or something that would scar her tastebuds forever? And after a battle in her head, the tastebud scarring won since it would be better for the long run. On the way here she had gone by something rattlesnake related, and Elise’s impulsive mind made her want to eat it, she would probably regret it later today but at least she tried it and her friends won’t call her a coward for not being adventurous. Elise is already adventurous in nature, she’s just not able to leave the apartment because of work, but today is different.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Xia Alexander

Monday Evening thru Saturday - Various locations to the festival

@PrinceAlexus and Carlo

It was nice catching back up with Vika and hearing things were going well with the little one. She was interested in being an auntie. She didn't have any siblings so this was the closest she'd get to being one. For the most part, spending time with her British Biscuit, she enjoyed just watching the game for the time being until it was over. She always felt that baseball was okay...not her first choice like that of basketball, American Football, and MMA. But a sport was a sport. She thought about playing Volleyball. many have spoken that she had the build for it but her attitude and wanting to fight didn't really make it an option.

After she and her girlfriend left, they did get to spend a little time. It seemed like their schedules have been extra hectic lately. Mostly managing to meet when they could but also talking on the phone was they main source of interaction with each other. Carlo didn't make things any easier with him still being at the house. He was putting up the effort to find a place to live. He just needed to be a little faster with it.


Stanley, the man that scared the shit out of Xia the night of the baseball game, he showed up after someone cancelled their appointment for another day. Was nothing really wrong with him, Xia helped him do a few exercises to help him lubricate his joints and help his mobility. Stanley went on about his grandma and how good she is for taking care of him. Xia felt the same way about her grandma but her grandma didn't play around. She'd discipline her quickly if she was out of line.

The session went well. Stanley was being extra nice but even when Xia wasn't looking at him, he's stare at her to the point her looked like he was in a trance, watching her ass when she bent over and snapped out of it when she turned, speaking or turned to look back at him. "You're very nice. I'm pretty sure your boyfriend is a lucky man..." He said. She spoke. Girlfriend actually. And I think I'm the lucky one. She threw a towel at him. She keeps me calm and I'm very happy with her. Don't know what I'd do without her. She smirked.

"Oh...you're a lesbian..." He said. Xia was actually bi-sexual but who is keeping score? Yes....you have a problem with that? She asked staring at him. He smiled and shook his head. "Nope...I think it's sexy" he told her. Good... She smirked. Anywho..that's it for your lesson today. The front desk will have your next appointment ready and we will have you healed as soon as possible. take it easy Stan. She said turning while Stan smiled saying bye to her but his smile faded as his expression looked like he had something a little twisted in his mind while checking her out.

Wednesday - Friday

As the rest of the week was going, Xia continued with her work while trying to balance it with her girlfriend. Back and forth to work and her apartment, she was usually a busy body...as Stanley would notice as he sat in his car, across from the apartment building Xia lived in, watching as he figured this was her place of living. He managed to get her apartment number, watching and making note of the times she leaves and when she comes home. He did of course see Carlo, her cousin coming out of the apartment and the car he drives. This was not going to be easy but it was not like it couldn't be done.

Stanley, as the day went on when both were gone, he managed to break into the apartment to check out her things. he would look at her movies, look at all the things she owned. he walked into her bedroom to see the clothes that were in the dirty clothes hamper and went to smell them as they had her scent from the sweating and such before he'd go into her underwear drawer and sniff her panties before putting everything back the way they were. He had a fascinated trance look on his face looking at her things and the picture of her and Marlin together. He used his finger to trace an X on Marlin's face in the pic and turned to lay on her bed before he'd get up to leave the apartment. Now that he knew the layout...he knew what to do next to get closer to her.


Xia was on the phone with Marlin getting closer to Saturday feeling that the last couple days, when she was walking to her apartment, she had a weird feeling that someone was watching her. Hey babe, how are you? Are you going to the festival with me? I need a break from all this work and...well..there's something I want to talk to you about...just...been feeling weird these last 3-4 days. Anyway...hit me back soon, my British Biscuit. She said and hung up while she was out shopping for some more clothes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Mara watched the woman leave with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. She was upset, angry, furious about this whole mess. Shannon meant trouble. That woman shouldn't be trusted at all. And to top it all off, she had eyes on their little shop. That bitch! With an angry sigh, Mara took Shannon's seat and looked at Alejandro dead in the eyes. "What.The.Fuck."

Alejandro looked back at her, smile still on his lips as he reached over and took Mara's hand into his. "Mara, I love you. You're my family, but during these situations, you have to stay calm. I know how passionate you are about this, but you need composure." He looked back at her as if warning her that she had made a mistake. She had. She had shown Shannon the amount of freedom he gave his associates and how easy it was for one of them to become emotional and irrational. Alejandro didn't blame Mara. She was family, and her family had been insulted.

"Really?! After all that, you're telling me to calm down? She has eyes on our place! She knew more about you and then about this Nikki-- what if it's a trap?!" Mara wanted to pull her hand away but instead remained still, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. "Fine..."

"I get your concern, but..." Alejandro looked at John with a smile, "It felt like I was in some thriller movie! All the plot twist!" He laughed loudly, a few people around them looking back to give Alejandro strange glances. "Oh man, this one is gonna be fun. I tell you. Shannon, I mean, god, she was great. That whole looking over her shoulder and getting the last word--" Alejandro had to stop to take a deep breath.

"I don't know how you are laughing, this is serious Alejandro! What if it is a trap and she's working with Nikki?!" Mara glanced at John for some help, "What about you? Don't you have something to say?"

"We found out more things about this woman and Nikki. I'll have to do more research." John said without looking at Mara in the face. She was right. Alejandro was taking all of this so lightly. It could be a trap, and all he was doing was laughing.

Alejandro wiped the tears from his the corner of his eyes before he spoke again. "I don't have to explain myself to you guys, but I will. I due time." Alejandro took the non-alcoholic michelada again and took a long sip from it. "Just know that I know what I am doing, I know what she wants, and I know what will be the end result. It's always the same at the end of the day. The person with the most allies always wins. The one who thinks he has everything in control just comes crumbling down, and a few pieces end up falling on him." Alejandro stood up and motioned them to follow. "It never changes."

"Okay..." Mara sounded unsure, but she trusted Alejandro. She followed close behind John and Alejandro this time as they got to the SUV. "I'm not gonna repeat this, but it was kinda cool how she got the last word."

"I know right?! I wonder if she watches or reads lots of thriller stuff." Alejandro got in the passenger's seat as John rolled his eyes and climbed into the driver's side.

"You two are idiots." John said as he began to drive back to Alejandro's pen house.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

INTERACTIONS : Aria - @KatKook

Lilith laughed when Aria mentioned about bitching about life. Wasn't that a mood. Lilith could go hours about life and still have days left to bitch some more. Of course, she'd have to tell Aria about her college years, but Lilith didn't think talking about hard rugs, and unwanted pregnancies were something you brought up on the first date. She could always talk about those times at work... Ah right. Work. If Lilith wanted a second date with Aria, she would have to tell her about her work. Ah, that sucked.

As they started to make their way to the smoking area, Lilith noticed a woman with long black hair and cute glasses waved over at them. She didn't recognize her, so when Aria waved back, she hummed softly and smiled at the woman. "She's cute, love her glasses. What can I say? Extroverts, we are pretty scary." She gave Aria a grin and pressed herself closer as the heat from the food stands was left behind and made their way to the smoking area.

"I should have checked the weather. I would have worn something warmer." Lilith said, mostly to herself, as she took a seat next to Aria and huddled closer for some warmth. When Aria mentioned a lighter, Lilith dug into her bra and pulled out a stainless steel lighter and handed it to Aria. It had the letters T. C. engraved on the front, and in the back it had "Vivere Senza Rimpianti" in smaller font.

"What do you usually smoke?" Lilith pulled her bag on her lap and pulled out a box of Newport Smooth Menthols. "I dunno, I like the taste of these, and they smell kinda good." They had been the same brand. Her father would sometimes smoke when he couldn't buy Fortuna from Spain. Lilith had tried those, but the taste had been too strong for her, so she had settled with Newport in the end. "My dad used to smoke these when I was a kid. I mean, he would do it outside while we were supposed to be in bed, but I usually stayed up until he came back in." She had to make sure that her father wouldn't leave as her mother had. She gave Aria a small, sad smile as she put back the box. "I'll try yours today."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 7 days ago


Location: Food Festival

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus; Aria Hyoon @KatKook & Lilith Costa @Pyxis

Siobhan watched Joel pour something in the thermos. Raising an eyebrow she carefully snagged the thermos and poured a cap full. Blowing on the coffee she sipped it as soon as it wasn’t scalding. “Humm this might have it’s advantages.”

She licked her lips and looked around as she capped the thermos. She inhaled and smelled seafood. Grinning she looked over at a booth and pulled, no dragged Joel over to it. Seeing that Marlin and her little minions were headed that way she rolled her eyes and shrugged. “You don’t like seafood anyway. I’ll check it out later and tell you how it tastes. I can be quite descriptive.”

Siobhan grinned and waggled her eyebrows. She laughed and people near turned to see who it was. Men, and some women, grinned and women prodded the others around them into not gaping some faster than others. She spotted someone frying tofu, from the looks of it, and mixing in ginger, garlic and something spicy from the smell of it.

Personally she loved tofu but she honestly didn’t know how Joel felt about it. Then she smelled something heavenly. Fried oreos. She’d end up working it off later if Joel had anything to say about it. “I’m game for a fried oreo if you are?”

There was so much to see and smell she caught a whiff of chili as well. Isolating smells as they walked she took some shots of the festival candidly. All while still holding Joel’s hand. Yeah it was a bit sappy and romantic… okay maybe a bit childish but she really didn’t see it that way.

Playfully pulling him along she set out for the heavenly smell. She had a sweet tooth much Joel knew but she normally limited the sweets intake just because it was bad in too much quantities. Control was an MO that she normally didn’t aquess to in her diet. But if one didn’t let loose once in awhile then life was ultimately boring.

She noticed a brunette that she had briefly seen at Swan Songs. The girl was holding a guitar at the time but her body language was spot on. The other girl that was with her seemed like a good friend, or more with the way the brunette was getting flustered. Cute if that’s what I think it is! They look like nice people. Not fake.

Looking at the girls she smiled winningly saying. “Hello my name is Siobhan and this is Joel.” Siobhan indicated Joel whom she had dragged with her and was still holding his hand. “Are those fried oreos? Please tell me that they are and that you got them here.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
Avatar of KatKook

KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ever tried gold?"

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon thanked the stars that Lilith wasn’t the jealous type, she let out a sigh of relief from that and continued on walking. Hoon also was pretty happy that Lilith agreed on her stand on extroverts, though Hoon wasn’t going to admit to the fact that she was also scared the night they met it just didn’t happen right away, she had only realised she was scared when she got home and she was pretty glad she didn’t end up as a stuttering mess. This girl did have something special about her and she didn’t know yet if it was bad or good, but so far it seemed to be leaning in the positives.

Lilith handed her the lighter and she immediately zipped or bag open, Hoon had only shown her Marlboro Red earlier which was her favourite but since this was the first time anyone has agreed with her smoking, she asked, "Ever tried Marlboro Gold? And before you say anything, no these aren’t lights, I understand that the Gold one is usually mistaken as lights but I assure you its not. " She pulled out the gold from under the pack of reds and placed it between her lips. "You want one?" She asked, her voice was a bit muffled because the cigarette was between her lips, she held out the pack of golds for her and in exchange she took the lighter from her hands. She covered the end of the cigarette with her palm and lit it with the other. She had a quick huff before pulling it out and letting out a puff of smoke. "That’s the stuff..." She let out.

She had then realised that she heard Lilith earlier mumble under her breath that she was cold or something she didn’t really understand well enough since it was pretty loud in the lot and the noise of the festival behind them. "You’re cold? Hold on-" Hoon then made the motion of removing a jacket only to realise that she didn’t have one on, she was so used to wearing them and offering them to people that she didn’t even think twice about doing it "Oh... Oops... I uh, don’t have one on... Sorry." Hoon said, she shrugged this time instead of getting embarrassed, she’s had her smoke, she can handle being with people now.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
Avatar of Otterpop

Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time ✒ Evening
Location ✒ On an adventure
Mentions ✒ @Pilatus
Interactions ✒ @Pilatus

Tao grumbled as he maneuvered the forklift away from the door, setting the last of the pallets that had been blocking it off to the side. "I’m gonna really give you somethin’ to cry about." He echoed, though in a much more high-pitched and whiny tone. Once he parked the large piece of machinery he climbed out of it and surveyed the damage. There were busted cardboard boxes open on the floor and papers scattered everywhere, he just shrugged. Everything was dusty and old anyway, besides who still read the newspaper? You could find everything, even ridiculously old information online. Tao let out a small sigh as he approached Paige, someone had gone to the trouble of hiding the door from view and even putting a card reader on the forklift. That definitely wasn't normal as you'd have to have access, Tao didn't realize when he agreed to help Paige just how deep this whole thing ran. "Is this going to end up bad for me?" He briefly wondered then pushed the thought out of his head. In the short time he had known Paige he'd done more than he had in a long long time, and he was having fun regardless of the amount of work he had to do.

When they decided to open the door Tao took a step to the side, his heart pounded in his chest as he watched his blonde companion go to open the door. What would they find in there? He held his breath as the card went over the reader and - nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. Paige waved the card a few times for good measure and still nothing seemed to happen. He expected her to start throwing things like an angry monkey but instead a look of realization washed over her face, he blinked a few times when she spoke to him. He tapped his chin as various methods to do what she wanted ran through his head, "I suppose I could try a few things that might work, it'll take me a minute though." He stated slowly.

Tao reached into the backpack he had brought with him and took out a small took-kit, it held tiny screwdrivers and various other objects. Carefully Tao was able to take off the front of the transponder, revealing an inside filled with a motherboard and chips. There was definitely no power going into it, nothing was running. "Your really putting me to good use, aren't you?" He said with a huff, grabbing some of the tools and getting to work. One or twice the transponder sputtered to life but just as quickly died, he was having trouble connecting the wires and keeping them in place. "God....wish I had a soldering iron...." He just couldn't get the wires to stay in place long enough.

"Paige, I'm going to hold these wires in place, can you waive the card in front of this sensor here when I tell you to?" He said, looking up from what he was doing for a moment to look at her, then dipped back down to think for a moment. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before moving his hands, he did not want to mess this up. One wrong move and he could potentially fry the whole thing, ruining their chances of getting into the room...without the help of the forklift. After a minute or so the whole thing sputtered to life, "Now, quickly!" He said sharply, he didn't know how long he'd be able to keep it on.

As soon as Paige held the card over the sensor the sound of a bolt could be heard, though seconds later one of Tao's hand slipped and the tool he was using slipped and lurched forward. The motherboard sparked and a bright pop could be seen. Tao let out a sharp cry as he jumped from the transponder, dropping his tool with a start. He shoved his finger in his mouth with a frown. "Fuck! stupid thing! Dammit!" He started spewing out a line of curse words in anger, kicking the heavy forklift. "It shocked me!" He cried, he didn't realize how childish he sounded. For a minute he sucked on his finger until remembering the motherboard. With a startled sound her went over to it, inspecting it closely. He let out a heavy sigh of relief, it wasn't fried thank god. In fact his hand slipping ended up shoving the wire that kept coming loose into the part he needed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 32 min ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Marinalia Friday several minutes after Xia tried to call
Marinalia had kept in touch despite her busy few days, keeping in touch via phone, the flights to Canada had taken a fair bit out of her even though she had tried to make up for her heavy week by getting Xia some genuine Canadian maple syrup in a maple leaf jar and sweets from Canada you cannot get in the US. Though Xia did not have Marlins sweetberg, she still wanted to try and treat her girlfriend with something nice. Managing to hand them over personally one day but lunch time seemed too short, and then gone. Video chat was nice in its own way, compared to really being there was definitely preferable.

Still some of the things Xia had said made her a fraction worried somehow. There was no answer but just some of things, reactions. Even in the short time they been together did not quite click perfectly with the person she had got used to. The weekend working coming up definitely grated a little there. Saturday was a day off they usually shared despite there very very different jobs they did. Seriously, she wondered how despite being from completely different backgrounds and so. It all worked out fine. The conversation turned a little, ok now her concern meter rose the longer she heard. Deciding to answer in a time order. Right now it was the easiest way to to process things.

Granted they only known each other for less than 3 months but yet gut instinct told her not to ignore things. Rarely was it wrong. She answered the missed call, a slight but audible concern in her accent clearly there. "Hey Cutie, I'm alright, just tired, just lost my formal cap... Gotta have it for tomorrow. Never wear it as I can never find it. " Marlins random chat about the day suddenly turned more serious. Pausing completely she sat down on a loveseat that sat near her door onto the balcony cap forgotten entirely. Wandering did not clear her head. "Of course Xia, I'm working but family are welcome, so are girlfriends. Especially mine. I'm not canceling and not forgotten you. Work can wait for you, and that's that. We can talk, or wander home for a bit of you want privacy.

Feeling. Just be careful my Cutie from the Caribbean. Please. I'm gonna sound silly talking to a message box... But just please. Please be careful if you think anything wrong. See you Saturday, just let me know when you get there. Let me know if you need anything, help, talk, a lift. Anything."
not to seem too crazy, she waited till Xia returned her call and started searching in the wardrobe for her cap... Not the rather less official air hostess one she found, her deadalus one.

Marinalia Saturday (morning at home, Hespestus manor Bedroom
Marinalia had not slept as soundly as she would have liked, part of her was worried and watched for a call, she just hoped to get a reply if not Marlin just sent a text to see her at the Festival the night before and would let her know where she was or to look for the large rather obviously easy to find deadalus tent. Something was creeping, right now she was concerned but also a little pissed at whatever causing her harm. That was not her normal response. Where did that come from? Victoria and her family it came naturally but her protective streak was sneaking out, and it was comforting as unsettling as confusing.

Unable to answer it and a morning of working on her day off, she instead grabbed a blouse and found her slightly more formal uniform skirt and the boards to attach once she got dressed in more than underwear and the diamond necklace she had pulled from her safe to wear today.

Soon leaving before she could even think deeper looking in the full height mirror with a twirl to see, long blonde hair following her movements, yep. Ready. If only her feelings were so simple to come together. Her day began.

Mentions Xia.
(Times set in bold sections)
@King Tai

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

INTERACTIONS : Aria - @KatKook Siobhan - @Almalthia

A few moments before Lilith and Aria had taken their seats in the benches; a couple walked over to them to ask them about their fried Oreos. Lilith had smiled at the girl and complimented her hair before pointing back to the direction they had come from.

"It's a big stand with a bunch of people lined up, they got an American flag on it, and it smells like fried anything." Lilith had said with a friendly smile, "You can't miss it. After that, she waved them off and kept walking to the benches with Aria.

And now, Lilith had taken a cigarette from Aria's box and slipped it between her lips. She had tasted the basic Marlboro before but never the Gold. Lilith was a bit picky with her smokes, which is why she only smoked two types. Then again, today was about trying new things, and Aria had good tastes. After getting her lighter back, she lit the cigarette and took a small puff like she was tasting it first. After another short puff, Lilith nodded and took a deeper puff before blowing out the smoke away from their faces.

"Not bad, I like them." Lilith smiled as she tucked back the lighter into her bra and leaned in closer to Aria. She had to pull back a bit to let Aria give her the non-existant sweater. Lilith laughed a bit and leaned back in as she took another long drag from her Marlboro. "Don't worry, a smoke will warm me right up."

Lilith didn't say much for a minute or two. She just sat there enjoying the warmth of Aria's body next to her and the nicotine filling her lungs. She felt so calm for just those few minutes that when their little conversation about work came back into her mind, she closed her eyes and tried not to groan.

Right. That.

"So, um, I like you." Lilith started as she leaned back a bit and looked at Aria with a smile. "Like, you're cute but also pleasant to be around, and I would like to go on a date again." This was the part where they either ran away, stayed until the sex came, or they actually stayed for Lilith. "I have this rule to tell people what I do at work. Because my work is kinda... uh, not complicated, but people might not like it. I don't get why." Lilith was stalling but she had already said too much to go back and tell Aria to forget about it.

"I'm a dancer, or stripper, or whatever." Lilith took a long drag from her cigarette and looked away briefly to give herself a break. "I dance in this high-end club by Central Point. And... yeah. I just wanted to tell youbecauselikemyexgotreallyfreakedwhenhefoundoutaboutitandhebrokemywindownaditwasbad--" Lilith took a breath and tried to calm herself. Fuck, she was the nervous one now. "I just wanted to let you know before, you know, a second date or something like that."

Lilith felt like a complete idiot now. Oh gosh. She had to look away and take various puffs to calm herself. She just hoped Aria didn't run away. She rellly did like Aria.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh... So that’s the case."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis @Almalthia


Hoon looked at the girl who had asked them about the fried Oreos, girl looked nice and Hoon loved her hair, it was so vibrant and relatively distracting. After staring at her hair for a solid twenty seconds she had heard Lilith answer her and she immediately snapped back to reality. "Uh... Yeah, I think the ones covered in peanut butter or cookie butter taste great, we didn’t try that when we bought ours but you can’t go wrong with peanut butter." Said Hoon as she raised her shoulders in a quick shrug.

After that, she took another huff of her smoke, she moved forward in her seat before letting the smoke out in the other direction. "I still like my reds though." she said as she fished one of her reds, ready to smoke that soon as the gold was finished. When they were quiet, Hoon enjoyed that, a lot of people didn’t like silence when they were with someone but Hoon did. Her gold was practically done and she lit the red with the remaining flame of her gold. She threw her gold in the bin to her side and started smoking the red.

As Hoon took a huff of her red, it happened, Lilith had told her she liked her and it hit her like a truck. Her eyes widened and she let out a "What!?" but saying that with lungs full of smoke made her cough. She was coughing for a good ten seconds and once she stopped Lilith continued. She told her how she really liked being with her, Hoon’s face was confused but Hoon’s brain was happier than a puppy in a meat store. Lilith talked about her work, she remembered that she avoided that question the last time it was asked. "Hun- I mean... Hey, you don’t have to worry, I’m already a mess, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to." She was calmer and a less awkward Hoon but she didn’t care if Lilith ended up being something like a serial murderer, as long as she’s true with her she wouldn’t mind.

Lilith then continued on, telling her that she was a stripper. She had noticed the long huff from her cigarette before she said that but again, Hoon didn’t care, she tilted her head to the side and forward a little bit, her hair fell forward and covered her brow and a portion of her eye, a soft spoken smile painted its way on Hoon’s face but Lilith had turned her head away out of what appeared to be embarrassment. She then went on to say something really fast and she couldn’t quite catch all of it, but it was something about her ex and window breaking. And again, for the last time, Hoon didn’t mind, her life was already a mess so having something perfect and goody-goody in her life would be out of the ordinary. "Before a second date..." She quietly let out, hoping she didn’t hard that because it definitely sounded like she was plotting something.

She moved closer to her and placed her hand on hers before saying. "I’m the last person who’d mind, if anything the only thing I’m upset about is the fact that I can’t have you all to myself." with that phrase her courage started building up inside her, "I mean I’ll break shit but not because you work as a stripper, I’ve got my own problems you know’? I only ever smash shit at the junkyard." she continued, she was doing great, her courage meter continued to build up. "Dude I have dad issues because I thought I was the one who caused his death, and uh... Still working on that, but yeah, I wouldn’t really mind." She then inched even closer, she squeezed the girl’s hand lightly and moved her face closer, her other hand reached for the opposite side of her cheek. "We’re gonna have a second date alright, and I’ll prove it." She then pulled Lilith’s head closer and placed her lips on hers. She was being bold and she didn’t know why, she sealed the future date with a kiss that lasted for a good fifteen seconds.

When she pulled away, she gave her the patented Hoon smile, "I guess you can say, I like you too-" Her eyes then widened, it then hit her, what did she just do? Did she actually just do that? Oh my god oh my god oh my god! No way! She stood up with no warning and was suddenly the stuttering mess she was earlier today. She looked at Lilith up and down and turned her back for a moment, she mouthed "Oh my god!" as she looked at the ground before turning back to Lilith. "I uh... D-Didn’t mean to... Uhm... I just... It was just... Uhm... I... I-I... I didn’t know what I was thinking- I-I’m s-sorry I just... You were so... Uhhhh..." she was visibly trembling and sweating and you could see the blush on her face, Did Hoon actually just had courage for a moment there?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Somewhere along the walk it occurred to Joel that he was exceptionally hungry, having not eaten since about 4am save only for a protein bar, energy drinks and coffee since that time. He wanted real food and the thought of a deep fried oreo just turned his empty stomach at the suggestion, though it probably wouldn’t have been bad paired with the coffee some other time. He glanced around for something familiar and fairly quick to order. Whenever Siobhan would playfully pull his arm, he would yank her back progressively harder to see if he could make her lose her balance. It was good fun and particularly since she was so tall, it was easy to get her legs comically crossed up. Having worked with his hands most of his life and being used to keeping a firm grasp on a steering wheel, his grip was like a steel vice over her hand. He snickered and feigned shoving her into some stranger’s path only to pull her back again.

Siobhan chatted with a couple of strangers as they seemed to reach an impasse where it was either going to be the horror of fried park food or… he looked at the next tent over, Kobayashi, as the banner read. He considered for a moment that coffee probably wasn’t going to go well with Japanese, particularly when mixed with hard liquor, but in the end, he decided he didn’t care and was aiming to knock back a few glasses of water and get on the green tea before absorbing some sushi with a swiftness. Since his return from Japan, he’d avoided Asian cuisine for a while, simply being burnt out with it so whatever Kobayashi had to offer would be the first Japanese dish he’d had since being in Japan. He took a seat on a stool at the setup counter area and took off his sunglasses. The chef working the sushi bar recognized his black jacket and the unmistakable orange Rebellion “R” and the Porsche font logo below it giving an affirmative nod. He quickly set to work on Joel’s order while there seemed to be some great ruckus brewing in the back as another chef continued in his work.

A few moments later, the plate came over the glass. The presentation looked on point. No different than sitting in Tokyo Bay. All of the rolls were either Tuna, Salmon or vegetable based. He couldn’t stomach the shrimp, crab or other seafood offerings. Pulling the paper wrapper off the chopsticks, he broke them apart and was ready to set to it.

“JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!,” Right when he was about to take a bite, a familiar voice bellowed his name from what seemed like halfway across the Park. Joel shuddered at the rough pronunciation of his name rendered in brutal Germanic bass. People glanced around, interrupted within their conversations as Chef Bruno paraded his way across the lawn with great stride. He still had two German engineers from Porsche cackling with laughter towed in his entourage along with a pathetic looking representative from the City Parks Commission who was recording the results of the judging with a tablet. Word among the vendors was that there had been a mix up in the placement of the contestant dishes which resulted in Bruno sampling the offerings of the amateur cooking class rather than the professional. Unfortunately, the Panzer had unloaded on two elderly ladies before the error was realized labeling one homemade lasagna dish a “fucking travesty” and the other caserole entry “a petree dish of bullshit.” Apparently, he was not well pleased with the mistake and refused to sample any more food that was brought up to the judging area, instead opting to make his rounds personally whether the entries were ready or not. He thundered up to the booth and slapped Joel heartily on the back.

“Joel, mein junge,” He shook Joel’s shoulder firmly. His hand was so large it easily wrapped over the shoulder and gripped firmly to drive home to the magnitude of his displeasure. “I fucking tell you,” He said. “I don’t know how you fucking do it,” He motioned with his free hand at the rest of the venue set around them. “Everywhere I go the food is shit, it’s like a non-stop fuck-up.” His eyes locked on to one of Ryan’s helpers attempting to make off towards the judging area with their entry. Bruno had an odd habit of pointing with his pointer finger and his pinky finger in a gesture that resembled a two-pronged fork, a trait he was dubiously known for when he was particularly irate. His long arm leveled towards the helper with the two fingers pointing squarely at the man like the business-end of an 88mm cannon. “YOU!” He barked. “Bring that shit over here!” Eyes glaring, he pushed Joel’s plate aside nonchalantly sending all of it crashing directly into a waste bin at the end of the counter and pointed firmly down at the open countertop. The poor helper looked like he’d been struck by a rifle shot at the sound of the German’s voice and megearly placed the dish between the two men.

Bruno removed the lid and tossed it like a frisbee, examining the dish carefully and taking in the scents that wafted up from the tray. His eyes narrowed discerningly at the presentation, annoyed that the chef that prepared it was apparently not present to accompany his entry, but also slightly intrigued. He picked up a fork, but instead of tasting the dish, he handed the utensil to Joel. “Take a bite and tell me what you think.” It was more of a command than a statement. The towering German’s face was as unflinching as a concrete wall as he held out the fork.

Joel was so hungry that he reckoned they could have put an old baseball glove on the plate and he would have eaten it. Whatever it was smelled good, though he was completely surprised by the challenge. He wasn’t a food critic nor possessed any real concept of tasting edicate, but it occurred to him that the reps from Porsche might be offended if he didn’t acquiesce to their friend and Bruno seemed to have some sort of soft spot for him. He glanced over at Sio and shrugged before carving out a decent fork full and taking a bite.

Bruno looked on sternly.

Joel nodded approvingly. He was hungry. It was good. He didn’t care if he got cussed out for it. If they would have just let him stick to driving the cars while they handled the food there wouldn’t be risk for an international incident... though before he could finish the thought, Bruno’s fork hit the dish like a dive-bomber and he took a bite for himself. He chewed slowly, deliberately, as if searching for an error that he could exploit, just like he was known for on television, but surprisingly finding none that turned him off. “Fucking delicious.” He pronounced and scooped up another generous portion. “Finally some fucking talent around here. Joel, I knew you wouldn’t let me down. Such a man of culture!” He said merrily, still chewing the second bite. He looked around the gathering of shocked cooks and helpers in the stand. “Who’s the fucking captain of this ship?” He said.

The City representative adjusted his glasses and ran his fingers quickly over the tablet screen making sure he got the name correct before he got yelled at again. “Ryan Woods, sir.”

“Good, he fucking wins.” Bruno said with finality, wiping his mouth gingerly with a napkin. “We’re done here.”

“But sir,” The man protested. He thumbed feverishly over the tablet sensing the intense glare blazing over him. “You already said Charles Rainer was the winner.”

“Who the fuck is that?”

“He was the third booth we visited,” The man said. “You said his entry was,” He stopped to clear his throat. “a ‘fucking cornucopia of-’.”

“Ya-ya-ya, I fucking know what I said,” Bruno spat. “That was the one with the fucking depressing title.” He shook his head. “Dammit all, I’ve made a fuck up.”

Joel continued eating happily giving zero fucks who won the contest, just glad to have some sustenance in his gut.

Siobhan watched Joel as she was about to order the fried Oreo and the yell that rang out with a heavy German accent his name. Raising an eyebrow as Joel shuddered she grinned watching the German man stride over to them. She nearly lost it as Bruno slapped Joel on the back.

Keeping the laughter contained was hard and the fried Oreo was abandoned as she followed him over. Bruno was clearly upset and his accent was thick, leaving Siobhan to thinking that he’d be switching to German fairly soon. As he talked about the fact that the fare was subpar. She winced at that very glad she had not decided to join the competition. Joel had never complained about her cooking, quite the opposite. She liked cooking for him and seeing him enjoy different foods would help her branch out more with his diet.

She watched as Joel ate and Bruno snagged a bit from his plate then declared it the winner. Siobhan smiled but it fell as Bruno admitted to already declaring a winner once already. She tapped her lips and leaned in to whisper in Joel’s ear. “Watch me put out this fire.”

She smiled brilliantly at Bruno and said. “How about a cook off? Select some ingredients and have them make something from those ingredients. To the victor goes the spoils.”

Bruno’s expression lightened as he took time to observe Siobhan’s full figure. “Whoa, whoa, whoa…” He exclaimed with a broad smile. “She has the brains and the body, huh?” He jabbed his elbow into Joel’s side playfully. “Makin’ me kinda nervous here!” He chuckled. “I like this idea... I take it!”

@Almalthia@KillBox@Tyler Night
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

INTERACTIONS : Aria - @KatKook

Lilith wasn't sure if she was relieved or surprised or... she didn't even know. Aria had listened carefully and without judgment, as Lilith had explained her for as a dancer/stripper. She was glad, really glad that Aria hadn't pulled away when she told her about her ex either. It only made her like Aria a lot more. Lilith's mind kept racing just as her mouth kept moving and explaining all of her work to Aria, then it was over. She had told Aria, and she hadn't run away as some had in the past.

When Aria moved closer and began to talk, Lilith's heart skipped a bit. She couldn't help but to smile a bit and lean in closer when she felt the other girl's hand over her own. Then Aria said something that made Lilith's face almost match the pink of her hair. Holy shit, when had this girl become so smooth? Lilith couldn't help but to laugh a bit and look down briefly before the other continued.

"We are some fucked up people." Lilith said quietly just as Aria began to lean in closer and closer to her. She wanted to ask Aria about some of the stuff she had mentioned, but Lilith had her own shit she felt pretty guilty about. Probably best to not talk about that during the first date.

And then Aria kissed her. Lilith was expecting it by the way Aria had leaned in, but she was still taken by surprise. Lilith kissed back and moved her free hand to Aria's arm. By the time both of them pulled back, Lilith's face was the same shade of her hair. She smiled at the other girl just as Aria stood up and began to freak out.

"Hey," Lilith laughed a bit as she stood up too and pulled Aria closer to brush her hair out of her forehead. "I liked it; you don't have to apologize for kissing me." She gave Aria another smile and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Besides, we are going to a second date, right? Kissing on the first date is totally fine with me."

Lilith pulled Aria back down on the bench and offered her the lighter again, "Want to smoke a bit more and head over to your studio?" Lilith was pretty full already, and the smell of constant food was starting to make her head hurt a bit. Some alone time with Aria didn't sound bad either, and she really wanted to see that studio of hers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I suppose it's not that bad."

Location: Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon took a deep breath after practically being told to calm down since there was no problem with her sudden wave of confidence. Her eyes showed both relief and distress after Lilith's reaction to her having the biggest balls in all of SOL city. She couldn't help but awkwardly smile after seeing Lilith blush like she did because, well, Hoon was usually the one who gets embarrassed. She cleared her throat and instinctively bowed at her asking for the non-requirement of an apology, so in classic Hoon fashion, she apologised for her apology with a very distinct but awkward, "I'm sorry."

When Lilith kissed her back she didn't know what to do, but what felt natural was leaning into it since she did like it, she held onto Lilith's hands like she never wanted to let go. She had that look in her eye, that look of not wanting to lose something no matter what the cost, in this case, that something was Lilith. "It's just I haven't had anyone in like six- no... Seven? Yeah, seven years. The uh... My uh... Last girlfriend kinda, got uhm...-" It was clear that Aria didn't want to get into that, since it still hurt her, "It's not important." she shook away the thought in her head that was going to lead her to think about her last girlfriend who had quite the cruel fate.

As the Lilith's lighter called Aria name, she took it without hesitation and pulled out another of her reds. With three clicks of the lighter, it lit her nicotine stick's tip and with a huff followed by puff (away from Lilith's face of course) she let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, that's a good idea." She said in reply to Lilith's question about going to the studio, the mix and matching of foods definitely smelled weird, and with the overwhelming smell of cheese from multiple booths she needed to get out of there before her nose just starts deteriorating from how bad some of it smelled.

In her brain, she was all giddy and happy, all she could think about was that it couldn't get any better than that (This was her only thought in her head). And of course she thought it couldn't get any better than that, unless Lilith could bring back her dead from the dead and undo her breakdown at the junkyard years ago. Though there was no reason to be picky, she sat there, smoking her cigarette, waiting for it to burn out before she would take Lilith back to her place.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 13 days ago

𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓼/ 𝓚𝓸𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 小林 慧

>>Come, let my spice mesmerize you.<<
>>Chef Panzer, Joel, Siobahn, and anyone else that wants to get some Mapo Tofu or whatever! @Almalthia@Pilatus<<

A loud Germanic boom in a seaside town? What is this? Even through the music Ryan had playing in the headphone, he could hear the man speak. Stern, demanding, and slightly condescending. It had to be that guy.

Paying the brief commotion no mind, Ryan focused on serving everyone that has been seated at his booth. All eight of the guests, sat between two tables in groups of four. Ryan lithely moved between the two tables, gently placing down the tofu dish, bowls of white rice, and plates of freshly baked buns to whoever ordered them.

Stepping back behind the cooking station, Ryan wiped away the small droplets of sweat forming on his forehead with the kitchen towel tied to his waist Gordon Ramsey-style. Nodding softly as the guest dug into the food, letting out gasps and exclamations from the spice level of the dish. However, the Capsaicin-induced euphoria soon took over. The guests greedily shoveled bite after bite of the spicy concoction into their waiting mouths, exclaiming and huffing with each bite.

Ryan took in the sights and sounds and if one looked closely enough, one might see an grin that was almost sadistic.

Drawing in a deep breath, Ryan left his booth. He made his way over to the previously gathered group of Joel, Siobahn and the Panzer. "Koch Bruno. I did not expect to see you here. Much less trying my swill of a dish..." Ryan said, bowing slightly and grinning the same sadistic grin from before. "And the famous Joel Nicolosi. Hopefully my dish does not impede your ability to drive... I do not wish to deal with a raving mob made of your fans. Also. I've got to visit your establishment soon. I have some automotive issues I was hoping to solve..." Ryan said, offering Joel the same bow and smile he offered Bruno. Being that he is not sure who Joel's female companion, in this case Siobahn, is, he simply offered a courteous bow and "Hello there." to the female in the company.

"In any case, I heard something about a cooking competition? I hope you weren't anticipating my participation...? Or were you...?"
Ryan said, being sarcastic. Of course he is partaking. And if he has anything to say about it, he is winning it...and whatever spoils it brings.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago




Our celebrity Chef Judge has laid down the gauntlet for his two winners!

Under the firm command of Obergruppenführer... errrr... Head Chef Judge Hinkelstein, TWO identical "kitchens" have been assembled at center stage comprising all items that our contestants may need to complete the final challenge for Sol City Culinary Conquest. Our two competitors will be allowed 1 HOUR to compose a customary three course meal of an appetizer, main course and a desert. There will be a variety of ingredients available to use and both men will be allowed to select two staff members to assist in their preparation. Both teams will be given a half hour to organize the kitchen to their liking prior the start of the one hour clock. Teams may also use this time to select the basic ingredients they wish to use for their respective dishes.


As an added challenge, Chef Bruno has selected a "secret ingredient" for the contest that must be used in the meal.



(In all of its forms...)


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

INTERACTIONS : Aria - @KatKook

Lilith pressed herself back against Aria as she lit up one of her menthols. While the mix of cigarettes tasted a bit weird at first, the mint sting from the menthols overtook the taste of the Marlboro. By the time she was done, some of the cold had shaken off her, and the crisp wind didn't bother her as much as it did moments ago. Although, she did have to give credit to Aria for kissing her.

"Don't worry, I can understand how you feel." Lilith's exes were mostly with her for the sex or just because she was able to give them their fixes- as long as it wasn't too expensive or if it was meth. Lilith did not do that at all. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said with a quick smile. She knew how hard it was talking about the past to some people, Lilith included.

Thinking back, the whole thing must have been hard on Aria. She had been so shy and timid at first and yet she had been the one to kiss Lilith. And right after she had told her about her job too! Lilith glanced over at Aria with a small hopeful smile and rested her head on her shoulder. This was, for a fact, the nicest date she had been on in years.

"Hey, are we going to call a ride? I didn't bring my car." Lilith said after a while. Lilith herself didn't live too far from the park, but she didn't know if Aria's place was far. She deffenetly didn't want to walk for more than ten minutes. Damn her and her commitment to look nice. Lilith should have brought a pair of comfortable sneakers or sandals. Her feet were killing her and the chilly air only did so much to numb her aching feet. "We can get an Uber or something to your place," She wasn't sure if Aria had driven here either.
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