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"Two drinks is all it takes?"

Location: Light lane


Elise watched as Ryan ask questions left and right, and not being rude she answered., "It's very possible I'm single... Because I am." Said the artist as she let out a small chuckle after saying that, "I don't know, I just haven't been getting into the dating scene you know, I mean, why would I? I never leave the house, unless I'm going grocery shopping." there was really not much to it, Elise just worked at home in front of her computer which is why she never really did anything, and dating or relationships hasn't really been something she yearned for, she just wanted to enjoy life as it is.

Elise then waved as Ryan went off to go somewhere, he looked troubled, especially after reading whatever it was that was on his phone, but that shouldn't be her concern, she didn't want to be nosy or whatever. She then turned to the bartender and ordered, "Macallan, fourteen year, on the rocks if you please..." She then looked at Tao who just downed another shot, "Make it a double." She added, and she then took a few sips as soon as it arrived.

After Tao started slamming tables and yelling, Elise raised both of her hands to her chest and let out a small chuckle, "Alright big guy, chill." This guy was fucking hammered after two shots of whatever he was he ordered, Elise didn't really pay attention, "I mean, why wouldn't I be nice? The world already sucks, I ain't adding to that." She stated, he then went on and practically called her stupid, Elise was a little bit offended but she let it slide since Tao was drunk as shit, she took another swig of her whiskey and groaned as soon as she swallowed it, she then started swirling her drink followed by a sigh before she said, "I may be stupid, but I'm not an asshole, this world doesn't need more of those. " Said Elise. This guy, this cute lookin' guy was really testing her patience, she got that he wasn't good with people but damn, his filter went out the window. Her grip on her glass tightened and she downed her entire glass before ordering another double.

Elise could feel the warmth from this guy emanating as soon as his face went red, she would have gotten upset but dealing with Aria for years made this easier for her to understand, " You're doing that thing where you're mad at something else but you're directing it at me, been there." She let out with a small chuckle, "But hey if you wanna be pissed at me being too nice, go on, I can take it." Elise said, she was ready to take the hit, drunk people are so fun, and this includes her since she was getting tipsy now herself.

"Straight to it."

Location: Hoon's Apartment, Corona Park


Mentions: @Pyxis

Hoon smiled after seeing Lilith's response, she shifted her body to move slightly to the side when Lilith mentioned she'd skip the theatrics and move on the R18 stuff. She had placed her elbows on the counter as her legs crossed in for a moment, she went red for a moment before shaking it off since she was pretty sure Lilith was sick of her getting embarrassed all the time when she was around her. Though Lilith did bring out the best in her, Aria was constantly smiling and is genuinely happy now because of it, she had never felt so good in years and she was thankful of that.

"Uh... W-Wow, s-straight to it huh, uh... Okay..." She cleared her throat and moved closer to Lilith, rubbing her shoulder against her, she turned her head and nodded at her when she asked if they were ready to leave. Her attachment to Lilith just kept growing and growing, she didn't want to leave her side whenever they were together. Heres hoping her sense of abandonment doesn't kick in, she wouldn't want to scare Lilith.

As they went downstairs and back onto Lilith's vehicle, she said "It's really cool that you play along with shenanigans so much, I appreciate that Lil..." Realising she had just given her a nickname, she correct it, "-Lith..." She didn't know if she had the credibility to do that yet, she hadn't been in a relationship in so long that sit just felt a bit weird, what if she thinks she's weird, a small panic insured within Hoon, up until they got in Lilith's truck. "You said you're saving up for a new car, uh... Why not a Hyundai? Elise has a Hyundai, and I'm a little bit biased because Hyundai is Korean, b-but I do like the slickness, I dunno, i-it's just a suggestion." Said Hoon before they drove off towards Corona park.

"Thanks for the info."

Location: Song Residential Home

Sarah pulled out her phone and started texting a contact, this person was still a student but she held some information that was usually unknown to most. This contact isn't a guardian, but she definitely knew of their existence, and surprisingly has kept her mouth shut about it for the past few years. After a few back and forth texts, a small list of names popped up on the message as to who this person suspects it could be. Sarah thanked her and promised to pay her within the day. Syndra then walked up to Sarah and she immediately put her phone away, "Well... Hurry, I have to go buy something on the way to the academy." Said Sarah.

She looked at Syndra then let out a small sigh, "Do you... Do you think Ahri would be okay? I'm kinda you know... Fucked just thinking about it, been tryna' lock in a box deep inside and shut it out but I can't, I can't stop thinking about what happened last night." Said Sarah, the look of concern grew on her face as it would appear she had told Syndra all that woes her, there was definitely much more than that, but Ahri was priority.

"Drinks do sound pretty good right now."

Location: Light lane


Elise's expression went from annoyed to relieved at the mention of drinks, her arms were now off to her side instead of crossed on her chest since she had no reason to be annoyed anymore. The guy who crashed into her made had already offered drinks so there was no point getting upset after that. Free drinks usually means a good time. She then glanced at Tao, and he immediately called her a stranger, acting surprised Elise let out a very exaggerated response. "Me? A stranger? After all we've been through in the past twenty minutes?" It came out in a very sarcastic yet joking manner, hopefully not upsetting the dark haired guy. It was true after all, it was just because of Elise's caring instincts that she even walked up to Tao.

She glanced back to him with a small smile on her face, obviously not fazed by what he had said as she let out a small chuckle. He then looked up at her and apologised, Elise just shook her head pretty quickly and responded with, "Hey don't worry about it, I'm going to assume you didn't mean to sound so rude." Said Elise as she leaned forward to move her face closer to his, just slightly though. "And I'm Too good with people, so that cancels out." The guy was pretty cute when he pulled his scarf up to his face, shy people really do have a vibe to them that Elise seems to connect with, or maybe it was just Hoon.

"Oh! Alright, let's get our drink on." She grabbed one of each of their forearms and pulled them towards the stall, she wasn't going to get smashed alone, since that was never her style. Hoon was usually there, and due to the Korean's high tolerance, she always had Hoon to fall back to when she got hella smashed, now she hoped that these two could burden the weight of a drunk Elise Brooke.

"A change of plans- err... Clothes."

Location: Lilith's apartment, Her Apartment


Mentions: @Pyxis

When Lilith sat on her lap, her face flushed a deep red, her head instinctively went down as to hid it from her and her hair hid most of her face. "I uhm... Yeah... Y-Your clothes smell nice too, well uh... They smell like you so, they smell really nice." Said the nervous wreck. She leaned on Lilith a little before she pulled away and kissed her before standing up. She then stood up following her and pulled up the neck part of Lilith's shirt up to her nose and gave it a sniff just to remember the smell. "Uh... Yeah, we should be able to make it before the it crowds up like crazy." Said Hoon as she followed behind her.

Hoon shook her head in response to her question, she raised her phone to prove that it was with her. As soon as they moved out Lilith's apartment and into her vehicle she gave it a quick glance with her hands in her pocket and said, "Nice... Whip? Do people still say that?" she asked jokingly but it was a full on question and she was genuinely asking. She got in and they drove to her apartment.

She lead her up to her apartment as soon as she got there and opened the door. She put her phone, wallet, and lighter on the counter in the kitchen before saying, "Give me... Uh... Five minutes." She then zoomed to her bedroom and started scattering through her wardrobe. She was in her underwear deciding for a good minute before pulling out a pair of Khaki cargo pants (Korean fit), her eyes then darted around before spotting a loose, long sleeved, yellow shirt. She then put it on and looked at herself in the mirror, realising it was missing something she grabbed the black cap from her dresser and put it on. "μ™„μ „ν•œ 'wanjeonhan' (Perfect!)" She let out before grabbing her white shoes and putting them on. She then ran out to the kitchen, a little out of breath and stretched out her arms to her side to show Lilith, "Better right? A-Anyway-" Deep breath "I'll wash your clothes before I return it." Hoon promise as she put her hands together. "It's not too overkill is it? Doesn't want to make you pin me down and fuck me does it?" a genuine question followed by a playful one. She grabbed her stuff from the counter and shoved them in her pockets before waiting for her response.

"Well, alrighty then."

Location: Light lane


As Elise tried to tend her best to this bruise on this guy's face, the sudden crowd of people was rather surprising, but being a bit off to the side made it so she didn't have to worry... Or so she thought. Smack! A guy came tumbling over right onto Ela's shoulder which caused her to almost fall off herself, but she was caught by Tao who was kind enough to help her. Elise then turned to see the guy who was on the floor and let out a "Hey, watch it!" But given the situation, Elise immediately cooled down and moved to a kind hearted, "Oh, Are you okay? That look like it hurt." Now Elise would have to tend to two guys, but she did drop the wet wipe on the ground so that was gone now.

She then stood up and dusted herself off, her eyes moved back and forth to the two guys that were now before her and she furled her brow for a second before extending her hand to help the tall blonde up. "This is... Quite the trio don't you think?" Said Ela after she helped the blonde up, "Since you slammed into me, would you mind introducing yourself?" she then crossed her arms waiting for this guy to introduce herself, in this moment, Elise looked like the most uptight person on the planet but that is obviously not the case. She would glance over at Tao a few times giving him the 'Get a load of this guy right?' Look as she stood there.

She then turned to Tao and zipped up her purse and added, "That should cool down your bruise, I don't know if it'll be there by tomorrow but I do suggest you be careful, we wouldn't want that now would we?" She then slowly turned back to the taller gentlemen and asked, "You look confused, this your first time out in TT (Thirsty Thursday)? " she asked. Definitely an odd encounter, but not the oddest, nothing beats meeting Hoon for the first time.

"Are you alright?"

Location: Light lane

Interaction: @Allycat


Elise just sat in one the bars and enjoyed herself a nice fourteen year whiskey, it was pretty smooth going down her throat, and it's not like Elise is a raging alcoholic so one was enough. She paid and even tipped the bartender for keeping her company as she looked around for something to do. Elise fished her phone out of her pursed and started to see what was in light lane while asking the bartender some questions, she hadn't been here a lot so she had no clue what was in store for her. She asked the bartender multiple questions about food and entertainment, and the bartender probably worked her for a long time because he said exactly what Elise wanted to hear.

Food was next on the agenda, she then around in her seat and saw someone walking by with a pretty large bruise on the side of his face, usually Elise wouldn't lend a hand but this guy... Guy... Right? Yes... He's a guy. This guy looked like he wasn't the one to have fights, or fights at all. Elise's caretaker instincts kicked in and got up and immediately walked over to in front of the guy, she didn't care if she was being annoying or obstructing his path, she just wants to make sure this guy is okay just because the bruise looked pretty fresh. Elise looked up at the guy and asked, "Are you alright?" She then went on and gestured at his bruise and continued, "sorry, It's just so noticeable, please let me help." She pleaded as the look of concern on her face grew. She didn't want anyone to be looking down on a day like this, so she took initiative. She took the guy by the arm and dragged him over to one of the benches, she sat him down and turned his face to the side to get a closer look on the bruise. She fished out a wet wipe, and since the weather a bit chilly, it was nice and cool. She kept dabbing the wet wipe on his bruised and added, "I'm Elise by the way, sorry I just can't help myself."

"It's getting better already."

Location: Lilith’s apartment

Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon paced around Lilith's apartment when Ela called, but as the phone call went on, she ended up sitting down on the couch in a very relaxed position. She put her phone down and let out a small sigh, though it wasn't anything bad, it was a sigh of gratefulness since it had been awhile since her life was going this well; that thought would not leave her head anytime soon. She looked down at her clothes and was also thankful that Lilith let her borrow some of her clothes, though the shorts were slightly too big for her skinny body frame (And Aria could never compete with Lilith's ass) so she had to the tie the shorts pretty tightly around her waist. The shirt on the other hand, was something she did not expect, a Metallica shirt, who knew right.

When Lilith walked over, Aria's eyes lit up like a puppy, Lilith had been her sunshine for past two weeks and she wouldn't want it any other way. "I'll come here as often as you let me, This isn't my apartment." Said Aria jokingly followed by a sarcastic shrug, her smile just grew larger and larger for every moment she spent with Lilith. Is this what a relationship feels like? At least one that doesn't involve someone getting killed by a psychotic photography teacher; man, college was rough. "A band eh? I'm down-" she then glanced over at Lilith's outfit and immediately felt bad that Lilith looks so nice, and Aria just looks like she came back from the gym. "Actually, cuh-can we drop by my apartment for a moment, I just want to change outfits... A-And it's not like I don't like your clothes! I do, I just you know... I uh... Just uhm... Fuck... I... I just want to look really nice for you, and you're over here looking like a supermodel, h-how am I supposed to compete, this is just uh... Uh... Come on Aria, say words, anything... You know... Want to look the best when I'm with you, and it's kind of a date so I want to wear something really nice. B-But if you don't want to! It's-It's okay..." Aria's leg visible couldn't stay still, you could see her nervousness a mile away, she didn't want to be a stuttering mess, she just didn't want to look bad with Lilith and make people think Lilith made a mistake by dating someone like her.

"At least its not food poisoning"

Location: Her Apartment, Light lane



Elise had just shut the door behind her, a hamper in he hands of clean clothes all neatly folder, her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she replied, "-I know, today is laundry day though, so you'll have to do it when you get back, yes yes I double checked... Your apartment is locked, don't worry, hey just enjoy your day with your boyfriend-, Oh... Right, just enjoy the day with your girlfriend, it is thirsty thursday after all, anyway, I'm gonna go get these clothes in my closet, I'll catch ya' when you get back. Later Hoon." She then sat by her bed and relieved her neck from being bent while she was talking on the phone. She put her phone on the bed and looked around the room before putting all of the newly washed and folded clothes in her closet.

After that, she decided that she wanted to go out tonight, this was an evening made for couples but Elise being someone who worked at home meant she was single and didn't even know a lot of people in SOL. Since she didn't feel like going to the club right now, the light lane sounded like the best option, good food, good lightning, and maybe she could find a partner who liked having their picture taken so Elise could use her photography skills for display pictures or Instagram stories. "Find your SOL mate? Didn't notice that before." Said Elise as she looked at her phone, she was reading up on what places were affected by the city's event, and it was a lot. Once she had done her research, she then started to get ready.

One nice and warm shower later, Elise wanted to look nice, after tending to her golden brown hair, she then thought of all the Korean Fashion Aria had shown to her in the past and tried to channel that for tonight. She put on a black turtleneck, A nice pair of high waist jeans, slapped over a black coat over everything and a black beret for extra style. She then checked what she looked like at the mirror before trading her glasses for the round Harry potter glasses she had, it wasn't as effective but it looked really nice and slick. She then topped it off with a nice pair of white walking shoes and drove to light lane. Finding a parking spot was relatively difficult since the even was crazy since there were couples everywhere. Since she didn't know anyone, maybe she'll have a drink first before actually getting into the socialising and dating.

"That's one place to start."

Location: Song Residential Home

Once Sarah came out of the shower, she immediately got dressed in uniform with her necktie just slung over her neck. Her hair was still a bit damp and fresh, when she saw head for the bathroom after her. Neeko had just nodded to whatever Xayah had just said and carried on doing whatever. Sarah then walked over with a towel a she was still drying her ears and asked, "Hey kiddo, what about you? No shower? No freshening up?" She then sat down and started sliding on her socks, "Nah, Neeko already bathed when everyone was sleeping, Neeko is night Neeko." Sarah then laughed after she had acknowledged that, "You got your uniform?" Neeko nodded and went in the guest room down the hall to change, when she came out she looked a bit rugged, Sarah let out a sigh and walked over to her, letting out a light soft thump for each of steps on the wooden floorboards. "You'll have to learn how to tie your tie soon-" Said Sarah as she started tying Neeko's tie, but she cut herself off after remembering that she was in the same position before, but instead with Ahri.

She often scolded her about not learning how to tie a tie but Sarah always replied with "Yeah but I got you, so why need to? I can shoot stuff, you can tie my tie." And before anything, that was where their friendship started, which evolved into something more. Sarah then shook her head trying to snap out of it, and gave Neeko the most perfect double knot tie she had ever done in her life. She then moved away and nodded, waiting for the others to finish.
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