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@Ghost Note fixing it! Sorry!

"Saw that in a movie once."

Lucky Strike Casino

Quinn had her head on the barrel of the gun, and soon fully expecting to die, she felt her body tingle which built it almost instantly to a stinging pain that went throughout her body as she tensed and curled up, her whole body felt like it was vibrating on a bed of needles and she absolutely hated it. Her vision was slowly tunnelling to a black fade, and her breath was now escaping her much more rapidly, so this was what it was like getting tased. She breathed lightly trying to catch her breath but only to fully pass out right there, making a thud as she hit the floor.

She felt her heart race and her sigil in her arm burn up, did getting tased unlock something? No... That is not supposed to happen, then it hit her like a lightning strike, "Astrapi" a missing word for one of her summons, it was definitely for the Kitsune since it would not make sense for it to be for the water horse. As her vision faded completely, visions of a being appeared in her head... Mom?

She deserved getting tased, she did ask for it, actually she was asking for something much worse. She was knocked out, what else could she do?


"I can't believe that just happened."

Lucky Strike Casino

All the vomit that was building up inside her, she kept swallowing back down since first; she did not want to vomit in front of everyone and two; it was gross and embarrassing. She continued her way to the door when the gas faded away, this time picking up the pace, but when this girl landed in front of her, she got startled and fell on her butt. The girl had her pistol pointed at her and all Quinn could think was- She vomited, she was not able to think at all, she turned her head to the side and vomited the eggs she ate that morning. "I...'m going to need a heavy lunch." She mumbled under her breath as she looked down at the orange-yellowish sludge she just made.

She got up and looked at the girl, before backing up, her legs were weak and she was constantly rubbing her eyes and scratching the exposed parts of her hands. "Worth the try." She was breathing pretty heavily, the constant irritation going on everywhere was the most annoying thing in the world. Her eyes trailed to examine the girl, were they in 2007? Had Paramore or MCR just release a new album that everyone was going nuts over, Quinn was pretty nuts for Paramor- That is besides the point! She cleared her throat, and placed her hand on her chest to calm herself down.

"Everybody! Calm Down! Who is in charge here?!" Someone yelled from behind her.

Quinn looked around, and just shrugged her shoulders as she had her hands up to make sure that she was not a threat. Who was this girl? And how did she just land in front of her like that? Was she...? No... She shook her head before saying, "Hey, if you're going to shoot me can you double tap me like a zombie?" She said, man that irritation from the tear gas is not helping her think straight. "Or..." She said before taking a step forward and getting on her knees right in front of her, she then moved her head slowly forward and rested her forehead on the gun's barrel. "Do I have to do it myself?" She asked, now this game of chicken was heavily not in Quinn's favour... It was kinda cool though.

Interactions: @Ghost Note

"Never a boring day."

Lucky Strike Casino

Sin was definitely still a little riled up at the sound of having a new member just come in willy-nilly. She let out a sigh and prepared herself to move, it always took a second before she could start walking again, do not get her wrong she was thankful for the heal but she wished her leg did not feel so numb. She had Keisha help her for a few steps before what sounded like a gas canister hit the floor of the run-down casino. She heard at least two people yell to get down and since she could not really react, Keisha moved and made her off balance, making her fall on the floor. A light back thud at the cost of Quinn's eyes not having a terrible burning sensation, Quinn after seeing the smoke in the corner of her eye needed to think, and she knew Keisha was not going to hold out very long. Seconds later, Quinn could feel Keisha's pain, she did not want this last any longer so she de-summoned her, using Keisha's unsummoned energy to go to her leg. And just like that she could use her leg again.

She started crawling away, she saw Elise grab someone amidst the smoke and she could not really tell who, but that was when the gas hit her, the stinging pain in her eyes caused her hands to curl up into a fist as she tried to fight through the pain. She held her breath and started weakly walking, she could barely see anything, her eyesight already was not the best and the gas was definitely not helping. She heard voices, it was the FBI? Well that whole redneck vampire thing must have attracted a lot of suspicion. At least two of us were out, and the other three that left to go do something else. She did not have enough time to summon another creature, especially one that is helpful in this situation, Heize could probably do some damage but not enough to save them... But maybe Kali, but all she has is a measly 10 minutes with the Kitsune, but that could be enough, Kitsunes are relatively immune to a lot of things and Kali could definitely get rid of some of the tear gas with her speed. This was all hypothetical, she did not have enough time to summon anyway, she needed to get clear if she wanted to use that plan.

She was not going to lose the Coven, she would not admit it to them but she would absolutely die for them since they were generally good people just with different intentions. She slowly made her way to the back entrance, and it would appear Emily had the same idea, she knew both of them would not be able to get out just like that, she had another idea, she just needed to know who was going to get to the door first. Dammit Emily... If only they coordinated, but she could not voice her concern, the gas was eating her alive, it was either this or plan B.


"What's new today? Then again, I really should never ask."

Lucky Strike Casino

Quinn let out a chuckle, then after realising that she did that she cleared her throat to keep up her rather serious but playful demeanour. "Don't worry about it, thought Heize and I could handle it by ourselves." She looked down at her leg and moved her foot around a few times, wincing at the pain, the pain had surprisingly gotten weaker than this morning "You don't really look like much of a fighter either." Was that offensive? Was she being offensive or insulting to this girl that she was teetering on the edge to friendship? Do not ruin this Quinn. "I-I mean, y-you could probably hold out your own if you wanted to b-but not against vampires he... hehe..." She turned away for a second, screaming at herself internally for being so awkward. Why was she so awkward around people nice to her? Can this not happen for five seconds so she could at least be a normal human bein- actually... This is a witch gathering, they just fought vampires yesterday, Quinn could summon creatures, Elise could teleport, Izzy had this being with her that fixed Quinn's leg, and everyone else seemed to have nothing normal about them, so normal was probably out the window. Elise then offered her journal, these were the same notes she wrote down since day one of the coven, since Sin was not entirely the most friendly person, maybe this was the insight she needed to at least make friends with more of the members. "Uh... Yeah, sure... If-If you don't mind of course." She replied, as she slowly reached for the Journal.

After obtaining the journal, she immediately flipped through the pages and looked for herself, but then this talk about having someone else joining the coven snapped her out of reading through the pages. She put the journal down and slid it back to Elise before raising her hand sluggishly and speaking up, "Is she like us?!" She exclaimed, if this person was not a witch then what was the point of this coven? This would just be another dysfunctional group that becomes a stupid meme page on facebook if that happened. She stood up (With some trouble) and started limping towards Agatha, Keisha had noticed that Quinn needed her helped and went to go be her aid in walking. "I may be not be the smartest in the room by a long shit, but I'm not as stupid to let anyone join in unless they can prove to us that they are on our side. I'm not having this shit happen to me ag-" She stopped herself as soon as she got metres away from Agatha, she shook her head and looked back at Elise, then back to Agatha, then back to the majority of the people in the round table, she saw Molly on the same table who looking really... Uh... Wow... She was silent for a good seven to ten seconds before she continued, "This group isn't just about buying ice cream for someone that's hurt- " She then turned to Molly and mouthed the words 'Sorry, needed an example,' in her direction because she was a little riled up. "I'm pretty sure it'll be more than that."

She then walked over to the round table, and as she was walking she tripped on a bit of rubble on the ground and caught herself on the table. She then- instead of sitting down, went to just lean her bum on the table before saying, "It's a no for me, not unless we get a bigger picture on this person is." She said, resting her hands on the table so she would not fall. Keisha was there to help her unless she did. "Why don't you bring us to her, and we'll see for ourselves, maybe that would change people's minds." Said Quinn as her brows furled after saying that.

Interactions: @wxps350 @RogueFox

Still here hun! Very much still interested!

"Big Fan!"

Apex Designs

Elise smiled and nodded at everything that everyone had told her, introductions left and right and she was loving it. This would definitely get her mind off Aria's disappearance. "Yeah- I met him when he tripped on me during the food festival." She laughed, "You still tripping over girls or?" She then cleared her throat to sound a bit more professional, "Sorry." Ryan was probably cool, it is just that she had a terrible first impression, especially with the whole tripping incident. The girl then moved on to the other gentleman, a tall one with dark hair. "Nice to meet- Wait... The Joel Nicolosi? My mom and I watched you during the SOL grand prix! I'm such a big fan!" She exclaimed, taking a firm grip on his hand and shaking it well... Longer than it should have been.

"Wow! Sorry, sorry, I'll calm down!" She said, while squirming around like a little girl. The girl then introduced herself as Siobhan, "You can't say you're just an artist. I'm an artist, it is like my main profession taking commissions and all that." Said Elise, "Don't think for a second you're not interesting, because artists are amazing! I'd like to see your work sometime- o-of course if you don't mind." She then started scratching the back of her head with a smile on her face, "Sorry, I can be a little too energetic sometimes, I barely leave the apartment." She then awkwardly looked the girl up and down when she offered her some food and a drink, and right on cue her stomach growled a little bit, "I-I mean if you don't mind of course, I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome, I just wanted to see what was wrong with my car." She pointed behind with her thumb, before nodding and thanking them for their hospitality.


"Well, this is not how I wanted to start the day."

Dairy Queen

Quinn could not help but smile, her eyes practically lit up the sight of the vanilla cone. "Yeah..." she laughed, "It’s not everyday you get shot." she joked, even with her leg being healed, it would sting every now and then and it was definitely still numb. She flexed her foot accidentally and felt that pain as she reached for the ice cream, "Argh-... Thanks." she said, gritting her teeth before taking a bite of the ice cream cone (Yeah, she bites her ice cream). She took a few breaths and thanked Molly, "Uh... Mag- Molly! Yeah, I’m getting good at these names." she stated, she chuckled under her breath and thanked her. Maybe today was not as bad after all. After all those pleasantries, she limped her way outside after thanking everyone before getting a cab home, she was not going to stand around any longer outside, she wanted to rest from such a busy day.
The Next Day

"Wooo!!" She exclaimed, she was soaring through the clouds on the back of Keisha, such a speed that she had never experienced before. "Can’t even feel the pain my leg anymore! Thanks Keisha!" said Quinn as she rubbed the side of Keisha. She smiled, she was enjoying herself after what happened yesterday, the morning sun was really soothing and nice. She inched forward and laid into a hug, she stayed like that for a while before saying, "Hey, you wanna try that thing we’ve been practicing?" she asked, the largest grin on her face. Keisha squawked in agreement before diving down for a moment then flying up to launch Quinn in the air, she did a flip 29,000ft in the air, and reached down for Keisha to catch her. But before her hand could touch her summon, she faded into light and disappeared, Quinn going straight through and was plummeting straight down into the city. "Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Shit! Fuck!" she exclaimed, she tried to straighten her body before reaching her arm out. Her sigil was not reacting at all, "Come on! Come on!" she repeated over and over again, the ground was getting closer, she kept to trying to summon, anyone, anything. People were looking up, screaming, and pointing at her, but right before she hit the ground-
Channel Club Apartments - Room 63F

-She woke up. The sound of her alarm blaring the room, she pressed the snooze button and it clicked twice before playing β€˜Black Sheep - Metric’ her heart was beating twice as fast, she looked around her messy room, clothes everywhere, tools on the floor, and feathers in places the should not be. She sat up and looked to her immediate right, her dresser with a mirror showing her messy hair, dried saliva from drooling, and obvious wake-up zombie face. She tasted her mouth and shook her head at the bad taste, she leaned over to see half a bottle of scotch on the side of her bed. It would appear she was drinking last night.

She rubbed her head and brushed her hair back before moving her attention to the foot of the bed with an asleep Keisha. She moved her foot to the edge of the bed and it was definitely still not working as intended. She threw a pillow at the sleeping griffin and her head popped up like a whack-a-mole. "Shitty alarm clock, I know but uh... Can’t walk." She stated, she got to the edge of the bed and used Keisha to help her up. She has her arm around Keisha as she limped to the kitchen, she walked to her fridge and grabbed a few eggs and a large cut of tuna from the freezer. She gave the fish to Keisha before cooking up her breakfast. Just a quick omelette and a few slices of toast. She took the pan and grabbed a fork, eating the eggs straight from the pan she really did not care. She placed the pan in the sink and drowned it in water.

She then had Keisha help her to the bathroom so she could quickly shower. After all the necessities she had to do, she had dressed herself in more comfortable clothing but still relatively stylish, a grey sweat shirt, black sweats, grey rubber shoes, and a black bucket hat. She grabbed her phone to see texts from her boss telling her to get better. She could not help but smile, when he sent that, at least someone cared. She then had Keisha fly her to the casino, the coven was active, she was not going to miss that. At least the flight to the casino was fine, especially since being on the outskirts the griffin would not be a problem.
Lucky Strike casino

As soon as she arrived, she had to hop off the griffin slowly and awkwardly as to not put too much stress on her leg. She held onto Keisha as she walked in, "Hey party people!" She called out with a small smile on her face, she immediately gravitated to towards her saviour, limping her way over there she thought about what she could say. She does not remember much after getting shot, she does remember an ice cream cone though, that was probably a big deal. She placed her hands on the table where Elise was sat at and sighed before saying, "Hey, thanks again, I can't thank you enough." said Quinn, taking a seat next to her with some difficulty, "I was so dead if you weren't there." She laughed, leaning back in her chair as she let Keisha do her thing; and almost immediately keisha went to snuggle up to Elise's lap, "Am I even your master at this point?" She jokingly complained, but the only response she got was a release of air from the nose of a huge eagle-lion. She let out a sigh once more and stretched her leg, making sure it was not getting any form of stress at all.

"Getting shot was not as fun as I had hoped."

Greenwood Estates

Her vision was getting blurry, losing consciousness as she watched Heize protect her. She heard a voice before feeling some hands on her, she could not really tell who it was due to exhaustion and blood loss. But before she could even manage to get back to her senses, her gut felt this punch before noticing they were no longer in the same place. "Whoa..." She let out, a small smile escaping her lips as she looked around, she shook her head to knock her out of it and upon doing so she had realise that she was with Elise and she had teleported them out of there. Sin was practically ordering Heize to follow if he can as soon as he can although the communication is a bit hazy due to it only happening through her sigil. She looked up at Elise and said, "So you're the one who's going to hear my last words... Heh... Lucky me." She let out, feeling the stinging pain still on her leg.

There was this other girl, she looked really pretty, an asian girl - Japanese? Korean? Something along those lines, she could not really keep her head straight. Wait, she knows her... Izu- Izzy, she's cool. She closed her eyes for a moment before realising she was on the lap of someone human like, she definitely was not human due to the pink smoke surrounding the area. She blinked to make sure she was not seeing things right, she then saw Heize come in from the back and he laid next to her. She looked up at this being, she was not sure if she was hearing her name right but she was ought to guess. "Thanks... Althea?..." She chuckled under her breath, "I think... I... I got that wrong..." She laughed, her leg was feeling better, no wonder they call it Achilles heel, that shit hurts like crazy.

Seeing Heize lay next to her was a nice touch, he was offering himself to be de-summoned so she could have some energy some energy back. "Thanks bud..." She let out, placing her hand on his head before he disappeared into a flash of yellow light. Quinn was already feeling better, that little bit of energy really pushed pretty far.

She saw Elise once more, before feeling another punch to her gut, they teleported once again.

A... Dairy Queen? Really?

She was now on the pavement with the same people she was with, along with that other being that was definitely from Izzy following seconds later. "Where...?" Before she could even finish she was lifted up by this girl, she was shorter than her but that strength of hers was definitely outstanding to be able to carry the 5'11 mechanic. She smiled and spoke, "Thanks... Izzy right? I'm really bad at names..." She laughed as she was trying to her carry her weight as best she could, she did not want Izzy to struggle, especially since getting shot was her fault.

"Sorry for getting you guys to worry about me so much..." she let out, her state of weakness was definitely bringing out this sappy side of her, to anyone with keen observation they would know this was going to be a rare thing with Quinn. "I'm... I'm really sorry for you having to carry me here... Izzy." Before she even realised, she was being really really heart felt, all of this was coming from the deepest depths of her soul, in a box that she had thought she had locked away and thrown in a river but no. They came back is now being let out, "I wouldn't know what to do without you guys." She let out, did she really say that? Mrs. Lone Wolf Salverson. "Ellie, thanks... You're... A great person... I can see why Keisha likes you so much." She then rested her head on the table, "Man, this coven... Is great.." She mumbled under her breath as she caught her breath. Based on everything she had done in a span of that whole fight, anyone would get exhausted: Summoning Heize, fighting a vampire hand-to-hand, practically walking next to fire, and of course, getting shot.

"How do you guys do this shi- Yo! We're at a dairy queen?!." She exclaimed, lifting her head up as she looked around, hands between her legs and flat on the chair, her shoulders a bit raised due to it being a bit cold around her neck even with the scarf around it. The smell hit her like a truck, Quinn loves ice cream.

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