Quinn nodded at Maya, she knew the face of someone who really needed to calm down with a nicotine kick. She flicked her head in the direction of the convenience store and stopped to the side of the entrance a few feet away from that new girl, Quinn was not acquainted with her and now is not the time to start. From all the missed cigarette butts that did not make it in the bin it was clear that this was the smoking spot. She pulled one out and placed it in her mouth, with her free hand she fished her zippo from her pocket as she held the pack to Maya waiting for to take one. As soon as she did she loosely slid the pack back in her pocket. She then opened the lighter to the end of her cigarette and shielded it with her other hand. One click, none, two clicks, nada, and three clicks, that's it, the flame appeared and she was good to go, she went to go light Maya's as well. She huffed and blew out the smoke before speaking.
"I know the look of someone who needed a smoke, you had it back at the yacht and you had it as soon as Emily left your car." Said Quinn, holding the cig between in her middle and index finger, she rested her elbow on the back of her hand which was crossed under her bust. She looked around to see the coven doing whatever the fuck in this little gas station, it was definitely something you do not see everyday.
"This isn't a peace offering, nor am I asking to be friends with you, because we both know that that shit won't fly." she took another huff and looked up into the sky, immediately blinded by how bright the sun was still even after some time had passed already. "This is just..." She looked at Maya, then to her cigarette "To lessen some uh... Fuck, what's the word?" she started fumbling in her words, and her leg started bouncing, "Hate? No no... Uh, Aggression. Between us." Said Quinn, she really did not need enemies, especially enemies who were on the same side. "I don't know maybe-" She was then cut off by Grace who jogged up to her.
"Hey! Hey! You won't believe this." Said Grace, Quinn just raised her brow waiting for whatever she was going to say, "Madison thought you and I are dating or something." Quinn blinked and pulled the cigarette out of her mouth.
"That's just stupid. Was it because you defended me that one time?" Quinn asked, still confused, her gaze bounced from Grace to Maya, but Grace just laughed and started to walk into the convenience store.
"I don't know but it was funny, talk to you soon!" Said Grace before disappearing in the store. Quinn let out a sigh and looked forward before slowly and awkwardly turning her attention to Maya.
"Don't tell me you thought that too?" Asked Quinn. She looked annoyed, she was. Quinn knew she is not the most likeable person in the coven but she hated that everyone just assumed, can't they just be friends?
Quinn thought back for a moment, she was thinking all her moments with Grace in the coven just to see if there was any reason why people would think that. The deeper she thought, the more the picture started to form, it did make sense and she was already hating thinking about it. She already burned through her cigarette just thinking about it, she needed another one, so she pulled out another and started smoking that. She blinked and blew out the puff of smoke that built up inside her.
"So..." No Quinn, don't do it, don't make small talk- "How's your finger?" Dammit. Quinn asked, she did not know what people talked about, all Quinn can talk about is how much she dislikes most things, how much she love car things, and the average price of a kilo of salmon fillet.
Before they arrived, Grace pursed her lips and squinted at Madison she listened to her saying that she thought Quinn and her were shagging each other real nice for Grace to defend her like that. She clicked her tongue and shook her head, she had to explain herself so it would all make sense.
"Come on now, she was the one who brought me here, least I could do is be friendly to her..." She looked at everyone in the car, "You should too, or you know, just don't shit down her throat too much." Without even realising it she was defending Quinn again, Grace really saw Quinn as her friend who was not going to let anyone be mean to her, at least without her consent. "Then again, it is funny sometimes..."
Grace made sure to avoid the sexuality joke because she really is not sure yet, maybe she's asexual? She was mostly sheltered her whole life so she did not really had enough to figure this out by herself but when Madison continued the sentence, Grace could not help but smile. It is true that the coven has practically no filter when it comes to conversation.
"Yeah, the coven is real nuts." Said Grace, she laughed a little under her breath and continued to converse with Madison. When she asked if Grace had ever been to a club before, Grace froze.
"Uh... Do rich fancy parties count? With hors d'oeuvres and champagne?" Grace asked, it was very evident that Grace had not been anywhere near a club, and the follow up question of blowing trees had Grace question if Madison fucked a tree. Madison is a hippie? Weird. If she did mean something else she had to ask, "What is blowing a tree? That's a sex thing right?" Grace asked.
With that they pulled into the service station and everyone went on to do their own thing. Grace had that little talk with Quinn before walking in the convenience store to see Claudette and Maya. Grace needed a little pick me up, nothing too heavy so she grabbed a quick cadbury bar from the shelves and walked up to Claudette.
"Hey, let me pay, I'm in dire need of change if Miami is happening." She fished her wallet from her pocket which had multiple hundred dollar bills and three different credit cards, she held up the hundred dollar bill to Claudette to show that she can really easily pay for all those water bottles she is holding.
"I know the look of someone who needed a smoke, you had it back at the yacht and you had it as soon as Emily left your car." Said Quinn, holding the cig between in her middle and index finger, she rested her elbow on the back of her hand which was crossed under her bust. She looked around to see the coven doing whatever the fuck in this little gas station, it was definitely something you do not see everyday.
"This isn't a peace offering, nor am I asking to be friends with you, because we both know that that shit won't fly." she took another huff and looked up into the sky, immediately blinded by how bright the sun was still even after some time had passed already. "This is just..." She looked at Maya, then to her cigarette "To lessen some uh... Fuck, what's the word?" she started fumbling in her words, and her leg started bouncing, "Hate? No no... Uh, Aggression. Between us." Said Quinn, she really did not need enemies, especially enemies who were on the same side. "I don't know maybe-" She was then cut off by Grace who jogged up to her.
"Hey! Hey! You won't believe this." Said Grace, Quinn just raised her brow waiting for whatever she was going to say, "Madison thought you and I are dating or something." Quinn blinked and pulled the cigarette out of her mouth.
"That's just stupid. Was it because you defended me that one time?" Quinn asked, still confused, her gaze bounced from Grace to Maya, but Grace just laughed and started to walk into the convenience store.
"I don't know but it was funny, talk to you soon!" Said Grace before disappearing in the store. Quinn let out a sigh and looked forward before slowly and awkwardly turning her attention to Maya.
"Don't tell me you thought that too?" Asked Quinn. She looked annoyed, she was. Quinn knew she is not the most likeable person in the coven but she hated that everyone just assumed, can't they just be friends?
Quinn thought back for a moment, she was thinking all her moments with Grace in the coven just to see if there was any reason why people would think that. The deeper she thought, the more the picture started to form, it did make sense and she was already hating thinking about it. She already burned through her cigarette just thinking about it, she needed another one, so she pulled out another and started smoking that. She blinked and blew out the puff of smoke that built up inside her.
"So..." No Quinn, don't do it, don't make small talk- "How's your finger?" Dammit. Quinn asked, she did not know what people talked about, all Quinn can talk about is how much she dislikes most things, how much she love car things, and the average price of a kilo of salmon fillet.
Before they arrived, Grace pursed her lips and squinted at Madison she listened to her saying that she thought Quinn and her were shagging each other real nice for Grace to defend her like that. She clicked her tongue and shook her head, she had to explain herself so it would all make sense.
"Come on now, she was the one who brought me here, least I could do is be friendly to her..." She looked at everyone in the car, "You should too, or you know, just don't shit down her throat too much." Without even realising it she was defending Quinn again, Grace really saw Quinn as her friend who was not going to let anyone be mean to her, at least without her consent. "Then again, it is funny sometimes..."
"Unless you don't swing that way and this conversation makes you uncomfortable. But, sis, this the Coven. We've talked about shit a trillion times worse than this."
Grace made sure to avoid the sexuality joke because she really is not sure yet, maybe she's asexual? She was mostly sheltered her whole life so she did not really had enough to figure this out by herself but when Madison continued the sentence, Grace could not help but smile. It is true that the coven has practically no filter when it comes to conversation.
"Yeah, the coven is real nuts." Said Grace, she laughed a little under her breath and continued to converse with Madison. When she asked if Grace had ever been to a club before, Grace froze.
"Uh... Do rich fancy parties count? With hors d'oeuvres and champagne?" Grace asked, it was very evident that Grace had not been anywhere near a club, and the follow up question of blowing trees had Grace question if Madison fucked a tree. Madison is a hippie? Weird. If she did mean something else she had to ask, "What is blowing a tree? That's a sex thing right?" Grace asked.
With that they pulled into the service station and everyone went on to do their own thing. Grace had that little talk with Quinn before walking in the convenience store to see Claudette and Maya. Grace needed a little pick me up, nothing too heavy so she grabbed a quick cadbury bar from the shelves and walked up to Claudette.
"Hey, let me pay, I'm in dire need of change if Miami is happening." She fished her wallet from her pocket which had multiple hundred dollar bills and three different credit cards, she held up the hundred dollar bill to Claudette to show that she can really easily pay for all those water bottles she is holding.