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"I do still try sometimes."

A Stopover

Quinn nodded at Maya, she knew the face of someone who really needed to calm down with a nicotine kick. She flicked her head in the direction of the convenience store and stopped to the side of the entrance a few feet away from that new girl, Quinn was not acquainted with her and now is not the time to start. From all the missed cigarette butts that did not make it in the bin it was clear that this was the smoking spot. She pulled one out and placed it in her mouth, with her free hand she fished her zippo from her pocket as she held the pack to Maya waiting for to take one. As soon as she did she loosely slid the pack back in her pocket. She then opened the lighter to the end of her cigarette and shielded it with her other hand. One click, none, two clicks, nada, and three clicks, that's it, the flame appeared and she was good to go, she went to go light Maya's as well. She huffed and blew out the smoke before speaking.

"I know the look of someone who needed a smoke, you had it back at the yacht and you had it as soon as Emily left your car." Said Quinn, holding the cig between in her middle and index finger, she rested her elbow on the back of her hand which was crossed under her bust. She looked around to see the coven doing whatever the fuck in this little gas station, it was definitely something you do not see everyday.

"This isn't a peace offering, nor am I asking to be friends with you, because we both know that that shit won't fly." she took another huff and looked up into the sky, immediately blinded by how bright the sun was still even after some time had passed already. "This is just..." She looked at Maya, then to her cigarette "To lessen some uh... Fuck, what's the word?" she started fumbling in her words, and her leg started bouncing, "Hate? No no... Uh, Aggression. Between us." Said Quinn, she really did not need enemies, especially enemies who were on the same side. "I don't know maybe-" She was then cut off by Grace who jogged up to her.

"Hey! Hey! You won't believe this." Said Grace, Quinn just raised her brow waiting for whatever she was going to say, "Madison thought you and I are dating or something." Quinn blinked and pulled the cigarette out of her mouth.

"That's just stupid. Was it because you defended me that one time?" Quinn asked, still confused, her gaze bounced from Grace to Maya, but Grace just laughed and started to walk into the convenience store.

"I don't know but it was funny, talk to you soon!" Said Grace before disappearing in the store. Quinn let out a sigh and looked forward before slowly and awkwardly turning her attention to Maya.

"Don't tell me you thought that too?" Asked Quinn. She looked annoyed, she was. Quinn knew she is not the most likeable person in the coven but she hated that everyone just assumed, can't they just be friends?

Quinn thought back for a moment, she was thinking all her moments with Grace in the coven just to see if there was any reason why people would think that. The deeper she thought, the more the picture started to form, it did make sense and she was already hating thinking about it. She already burned through her cigarette just thinking about it, she needed another one, so she pulled out another and started smoking that. She blinked and blew out the puff of smoke that built up inside her.

"So..." No Quinn, don't do it, don't make small talk- "How's your finger?" Dammit. Quinn asked, she did not know what people talked about, all Quinn can talk about is how much she dislikes most things, how much she love car things, and the average price of a kilo of salmon fillet.

"Let me."

Before they arrived, Grace pursed her lips and squinted at Madison she listened to her saying that she thought Quinn and her were shagging each other real nice for Grace to defend her like that. She clicked her tongue and shook her head, she had to explain herself so it would all make sense.

"Come on now, she was the one who brought me here, least I could do is be friendly to her..." She looked at everyone in the car, "You should too, or you know, just don't shit down her throat too much." Without even realising it she was defending Quinn again, Grace really saw Quinn as her friend who was not going to let anyone be mean to her, at least without her consent. "Then again, it is funny sometimes..."

"Unless you don't swing that way and this conversation makes you uncomfortable. But, sis, this the Coven. We've talked about shit a trillion times worse than this."

Grace made sure to avoid the sexuality joke because she really is not sure yet, maybe she's asexual? She was mostly sheltered her whole life so she did not really had enough to figure this out by herself but when Madison continued the sentence, Grace could not help but smile. It is true that the coven has practically no filter when it comes to conversation.

"Yeah, the coven is real nuts." Said Grace, she laughed a little under her breath and continued to converse with Madison. When she asked if Grace had ever been to a club before, Grace froze.

"Uh... Do rich fancy parties count? With hors d'oeuvres and champagne?" Grace asked, it was very evident that Grace had not been anywhere near a club, and the follow up question of blowing trees had Grace question if Madison fucked a tree. Madison is a hippie? Weird. If she did mean something else she had to ask, "What is blowing a tree? That's a sex thing right?" Grace asked.

With that they pulled into the service station and everyone went on to do their own thing. Grace had that little talk with Quinn before walking in the convenience store to see Claudette and Maya. Grace needed a little pick me up, nothing too heavy so she grabbed a quick cadbury bar from the shelves and walked up to Claudette.

"Hey, let me pay, I'm in dire need of change if Miami is happening." She fished her wallet from her pocket which had multiple hundred dollar bills and three different credit cards, she held up the hundred dollar bill to Claudette to show that she can really easily pay for all those water bottles she is holding.


"Did everyone really think that?"

Beach House -> Coven Caravan

Befpre the coven set off for their trip, Grace had a quick talk with Quinn especially since she was not going to be riding in her own vehicle this time.

"Be sure to take care of her." Said Grace, she looked Quinn dead in the eye to make sure that she would agree. She watched Quinn chuckle and shrug at Grace's words.

"I know her more than you do, Zeus." Quinn replied, spinning the car keys around her index finger. Grace's nose scrunched up but she calmed down and let out a sigh before nodding at Quinn. It was true, Quinn really did know her car more than she did since she has made it clearly better due to her last visit at American Rust.

"I'll see you when we get a break or something." Grace stated, Quinn just nodded at her and even gave her a quick friendly pat on the shoulder before they went on to their designated places.

Grace sat quietly in Madison's car, she situated herself in the backseat, behind the shotgun seat since she saw herself as not high enough position in the coven to sit in the shotgun seat.

"You know I heard this song before in a twerking class... At a church."

Grace could not help but let out a snort since that was definitely unexpected, funny but unexpected nonetheless. It then went quiet for a moment before Madison started speaking again.

"So, you ready to hit up the clubs in Miami? I know some places... If your girlfriend will let you go, that is. Heh."

It took Grace a second to realise she was talking to her since she was a little lost in her own world, it is normal for her to be like in most car rides but as soon as the words processed in her head she blinked and replied.

"Clubs sound pretty fun-" She then blinked and squinted at the word 'girlfriend' the visible confusion on her face was as clear as day, her gaze slowly drifted to the seat in front of her but she immediately jumped as she pieced it together. "Oh!" She snorted, she held in her laughter, but laughed after seconds of holding it in, "You mean Quinn? Did everyone think that? Oh no no no!" She stopped speaking for a second to catch her breath, she was laughing pretty hard since everyone thought they were dating. In her head it did make a little sense since they stuck to each other like glue but Grace did not know anyone else and she knew that Quinn is relatively dependable so she was always with her.

"We-We-," she laughed a little, "We're just friends, gosh I can't believe everyone thought that!" She let out, she looked and Madison and put her hands on the shoulders of the shotgun seat, pulling herself closer to Madison, "But yes, I would love to hit the club!" She said to Madison with a huge smile on her face. She then moved to lean back in her seat before turning her attention to the window yet again, she laughed to herself silently since it was still really funny to her.

"This is... Awkward."

Quinn was pretty quiet in the car, her eyes firmly stared at the road, her grip tight around the steering wheel as she drove with passengers she fully did not expect. Claudette and Herik, an unlikely duo to end up with Quinn. Quinn followed the car in front of her which happened to be Maya's since she did not want to stray off from the pack, especially she was sure Grace would not want to lose sight of her Aston Martin. Speaking of which, the Aston Martin is not really meant to have such a huge person in the backseat, she moved her head to look at Herik for a second to ask.

"You doing alright big guy? Didn't expect the tallest person in the coven to be riding with me." Said Quinn, she really was concerned since the vehicle did not really have a lot of head room for Herik's size, her eyes just kept glancing at him through the rear view mirror. She then quickly glanced at Claudette and asked, "Maybe you two can switch when we stop or something?"

Quinn honestly was dreading how quiet and uneasy it was in the car, maybe she should have plugged in her phone to the speakers so that it would not be so awkward. She watched Maya's car turn to the service station and she knew she was saved from the awkwardness for a little bit, was this one of the or the only stop overs? Either way it was welcome, Quinn parked the car beside one of the petrol tanks and turned to everyone in the car.

"Guess there's a break, do whatever, I'm gonna have a smoke." Said Quinn before getting out of the car, she had a quick look around before gripping the lighter in her pocket. She could see the look on Maya's face through her windshield and Quinn had been meaning to do this ever since Maya said a cig would not bad when they were on Blake's boat.

She made her way to Maya, and knocked on the girl's door, she held up the pack of cigs to the window and asked her if she wanted to smoke. Of course Quinn would not smoke next to petrol but over by the convenience store or something. Asking Maya would most likely mean that she would decline, but hey she had to try.


"That has made itself clear."

Beach House

Grace was regulating her breathing as Madison spoke, when Madison spoke her side it started to make sense to her that Vashti does play victim a lot and everyone (Including Quinn) buys into it like it is nothing.

"Cured? She doesn't want to-" the sudden appearance of the Jaws forming itself around Madison definitely startled her and cut off what she was saying. These skulls really have no sense of personal space, Grace tried to maintain a distance to each head that spoke especially since Madison practically told her that her control is not exactly a hundred percent. She let out a sigh as soon as the Jaws finished talking, they were cute in a weird, scary way, "Purpose... Hold on, I'm new and trying to piece everything together, there's just a lot of information on the table right now." She took a deep breath and blinked she was not entirely sure which head she should face to answer to so she just bounced to each one of them while speaking.

"Your uh... Uh... Master did say that Vashti wanted to be cured of being a big lizard thingy right?" She thought for a second then turned her attention to Madison, "Killing Vashti isn't curing her, so maybe... Don't do that next time?" Grace moved her hand, in front of one of the heads of the Jaws and prompted it to move back a bit so she could have some space. She stood up and looked Madison up and down before saying, "I know that most of the coven does not agree with each other, that's been very clear," especially with Madison literally storming out and whatever Maya does on a daily basis, "But I should at least let you know that you're not alone in your corner anymore, I now know your side and will help as best I can." Grace then gave the warmest smile she had ever given, she truly cared for the Coven.

Grace then looked back to each of the Jaws heads and sucked in air through her teeth, "Stupid question but uh..." She was nervous but she moved her hand, open palm near the centre Jaws head and continued, "Will you kill me if I try to pet you?" She asked the Jaws. Why are her impulses like this? She was screaming at herself internally but she would literally not sleep that night if she did not ask.

Grace is foolish but in a good way.


Quinn glared at Emily when she spoke, she was not going to admit she forgot about Blake, not to Emily, she would like that. She then turned her attention back to Kimberly who said that Annabelle is not in control of her actions and Quinn was about to spout more bullshit out of anger but she continued,

"... What if it was one of your sisters that was cursed to do this? Would you do everything to help her?"

And suddenly Quinn's brow moved, she was no longer pissed but she understood Kimberly's side of the story. Quinn looked back at the door where Grace entered to follow Madison, Quinn felt directly responsible for Grace being in the coven and if anything were to happen to her... Her conscience would not let her sleep for who knows how long.

"You're right, I would do everything." That was the most uncharacteristic Quinn thing that could have possibly happened, but she was still human who perhaps might not have good emotion control but she was still doing her best and she knew that something like may be very thing that destroys the coven; civil war style. Lyss then gave a better explanation and Quinn was on board, "Alright, I'll be sure to be uh... Helping hand? I guess."

Quinn then watched the conversation unfold yet again, listening in to where she could say something that will not provoke anyone to thinking that she is more of an idiot than her standing now. There was nothing she could add, she was just taking in information to remember in the future, but her memory sucks ass so she is already probably misremembering stuff as soon as she hears them. The call for a recollection was made and Quinn watched people hold onto each other but she was not exactly close with- Isla then joined in and then Maya, Quinn gritted her teeth and went to hold Maya's, she shook her head in disgust but she wanted to see the recollection.

As soon as the recollection ended, Quinn's eyes hot wide open, her heart pumped a mile a minute, and she pulled herself from everyone.

"Holy shit!" She let out as she stumbled back landing on her ass, and she was filled with a mix of disgust and fear. She looked at her hands front and back before looking up at everyone else. She was calming herself down for a second before pushing herself back on her feet. She stepped closer towards everyone and placed her heart on her chest, telling herself to calm down. Kimberly let out a speech and Quinn thought she is going to need all of the help she can get, Lyss, Maya, and Isla (Even though she does not know exactly what she signed up for) joined in. Quinn then threw her hat in the ring.

"I'm in." She spoke, no one should go through that, or at least, no one else should go through what Annabelle went through, "I said I was going to pay more attention and now I'm going to help the living shit out of everyone." Quinn said, psyching herself up so she would not be so scared, because she was absolutely terrified of Annabelle.

She looked at Isla and spoke, "We're uh..." She was not going to explain what she just saw, but she wanted to say something short, something that would get her on board, "...Saving people?" Saying 'finding a cure' does not sound like the most exciting thing ever but if Isla declined, Quinn would probably just explain it the way Kimberly explained it.


"Wait up!"

Beach House

Both girls had their eyes on Madison as soon as she stormed off, Grace looked at Quinn with a concerned look on her face and Quinn just let out a sigh and flicked her head in the direction of Madison to agree to whatever Grace was going to do. Grace stood up with some struggle and jogged after Madison, upon reaching her she was already out of breath, she now sees why the doctor told her to take it easy.

"Hey!" She called out in the middle of her panting, "Madison! D-Do- fuck -Don't leave!" She fighting an uphill battle against herself here but she really did not want Madison to leave, she leaned herself against the wall and continued, "Quinn told me what she saw yesterday... I..." She swallowed her spit and moved closer to her, reaching out to her to really make sure she was okay. She extended her arm towards her as she inched her way towards her, "I know you would never hurt coven members like that." Her hand finally reached the side of Madison's arm, the size difference definitely made it harder for Grace to reach her shoulder, "I just wanna know what happened exactly, I... I am on your side already." Said Grace letting out a somewhat pained smile since her body was slowing her down and she tried her best to not make it apparent but she was definitely using Madison to hold herself up.

She looked up at Madison and tried to pull her over to a seat because she really needed to sit down, "I can tell from the look of your face yesterday that it was not on you to do something like that." She then let out a small chuckle, "Whenever you do something you always owned up to it." Even with her short time in the coven she has picked up a few things, like Madison owning up to things, Quinn not following plans, Claudette and Lyss trying to hold everything together, etc. It was a dysfunctional group for sure, but it was a dysfunctional group she is really happy to be part of.

"This seems like your department."

Quinn leaned back after Maya had ignored her question, she gritted her teeth then scoffed before realising that she needs to make herself known and not just stand in the shadows like some type of lurker. At the mention of a black market, Quinn immediately thought of the tiny Zeus who went after Madison, if money was the question then she was sure that Grace could handle it, it would take some convincing but she was sure Grace would cough up dough like it is nothing.

β€œSo you’re saying that if we have enough money, we’ll be able to get some kind of cure from them?”

"Grace is rich as shit-" but Maya continued and money may not be the only option so she stopped herself there. She continued to listen to the conversation and the name Annabelle was being thrown around so fast that it is definitely implanted in her brain now that this one is a major baddie.

"Does she die when her affliction gets removed?" Quinn asked, she hoped that that was the case, she would love nothing more than to see Annabelle go, especially since she never got to rest easy knowing that she was still around killing members like they are simple fodder. Her eyes were locked to Kimberly, she wanted answers and it was not like she got them often so times where she demanded them instead of waiting for them were more serious to her than anything. She looked the girl up and down and let out a quick sigh before saying, "Quinn by the way, my bad for not introducing myself as soon as you got here." She said in the most emotionless, soulless manner possible, she did not know Kimberly and she was not willing to trust her or these other people she came with.

She still had no clue who this girl really is, but at least her reason being her is getting clearer by the second.


"Don't ask too many questions."
"I need answers."

Open Road -> Beach House

"Come on, just tell me already!" Grace exclaimed, sat in the passenger seat of her own car, the visit from the doctor yesterday told her that she needs to take it easy since she burned herself out quite strongly yesterday. She sat there in her lilac cardigan coat, black and white striped shirt, black ripped jeans, and black vans as she kept poking at the Scandinavian mechanic. The visible eye roll and the tightening grip of this said girl was clear that she was definitely getting annoyed at how persistently annoying Grace was.

"I don't get why you even need to know." She replied, raising her tone, she straightened herself, her eyes still locked on the road, it was getting much more difficult to even do that with how pokey Grace was with this stupid question, it should not even concern anyone. The thing in question, it was not important in any way, but for some odd reason Grace really wanted to know the answer.

"Just tell me why you do it!" Grace said, as she reached for that same thing in question, her hand getting closer tot he side of Quinn's face but was quickly slapped away, a sigh escaped her Quinn's lips and she just could not hold it in.

"I like viking culture okay!" Quinn replied, her nostrils a bit flared. She got annoyed early in the morning because Grace asked why she had a single braid in her hair. That single braid did suit her quite well, along with the black crop top shirt, the black and blue plaid jacket, the dark green cargo pants, and dark brown adidas sneakers. These two have really evolved at friends, just not entirely sure which direction.

Upon arrival, at around 10 in the morning they quickly separated, Quinn stayed mostly outside while Grace lounged around in the living room since she was told to take it easy. Yesterday was still a blur for Grace but Quinn. Quinn had wished to the heavens that she had not seen that thing that her elemental crushed yesterday, that thing was unsettling and just thinking about it sent shivers which was why she spent most of her time smoking her troubles away.

When Claudette called for a small meeting by the pool, the two arrived opposite of each other, Grace came from inside, and Quinn came in from the driveway. Claudette talked a bit about what happened yesterday but moved on to asking about looking for someone who would be the healer of the coven. Quinn's mood went from bad to worse, Izzy popped into her head but she tried to shake that thought away since she hated being caught up in such emotion especially since they were not even friends, or maybe they were? Either way Quinn would never even know...

Herik mentioned Kimberly and Quinn snapped back into reality, she blinked a few times to see Grace making her way to Madison, she let out a small smile as she saw those two being... Friends? Let's say acquaintances for now. She does not really know if that's what they really are. But the sudden flash of light and there were now three people in front of everyone definitely surprised both Grace and Quinn.

Grace flinched as soon as the three arrived she was startled to say the least, "Hi there!" she let out to everyone who had just arrived, she did not want to be rude especially since these were new people to her and she always wanted to make a good impression.

Quinn gritted her teeth and lowered her stance as soon as the bright flash disappeared, her hand in her pocket clutching the pack of smokes she had, she was thinking if she wanted to smoke right then and there, but that would have been her seventh today and it was barely past 5. She sighed, pulled her hand out of her pocket and put her hands together to stop herself from doing any more. She looked to the person closest to her- Maya, she may regret even speaking to her since these Quinn and Maya were never on good terms but she wanted to know who this person was and she was not about to make a scene in the middle of them talking.

"Who's she?" She asked Maya, her arms now moving to a cross as she leaned back against the wall, watching what these people were about to do, then again even if they did something Quinn would not be able to do anything since she would not have time to summon anything right now.


"That was short lived."
"It was exciting to say the least."

The Gay Grove

Quinn moved herself to the elemental's hand, it was nice enough to hold her carefully so that she would not fall, she took a breather and sat down as soon as the Jaws were off Vashti. Her legs dangled off the side as she leaned forward to see the SUV pull up and she could not let out an audible, "Shit." From her lips. She blinked and watched as agent Liao spoke with people at ground level, she could hear them- barely, but it was good enough to understand the gist of what they were saying, she may have missed a couple details here and there but she was sure she got them right. Her eyes jumped from agent to agent as soon as they left the vehicle examining each of them from up above. She cracked a smile and small chuckle when she realised the chick that tazed her was not with them. One of them rushed over to Vashti and tended to her wounds, since nothing was really happening now, Quinn was feeling the drain from having the elemental out, she's still overcharged from Kali but that drain is still quite potent.

"Quinn! Put that summon away!"

Quinn clicked her tongue and patted the stone she was sitting on, she curled herself up to a position where her knees were to his chest as she was being lowered to the ground. As soon as she was low enough, she extended her legs and dropped right off the elemental. She moved over to the elemental's stone leg and pressed her hand against it.

"Does he really have to go?" She continued, "I never get to do anything like this-" She was cut off by a scream, a scream from a familiar voice. She quickly counted the people around her to see who was missing, that tree girl, teleport chick, Grace, and that girl who looks like man- no that man that looks like- She needed to stop thinking too much about it before she used any of her power- Wait... Grace? She looked left and right quickly to see Grace slowly pushing herself off the ground with a groan. Quinn shrugged and crossed Grace off the people who was not here. Quinn then turned her attention to where the scream came from to see a weird mound of flesh in the distance with the aforementioned stage-light. Quinn blinked in confusion, disgust, and fear all mixed into one emotion but those emotions soon evolved into adrenaline as soon as looked back up at her elemental. "Guess you don't have to go just yet." She said giving the stone part of its legs a good pat, the elemental then lowered it's rocky mound of a hand back to Quinn and she got on before moving slowly (The elemental is just walking) towards the thing completely unannounced. She did not know what came over her but she could probably do some damage to it with this elemental of hers, it would be such a waste to un-summon the elemental so quickly.

Grace pressed held onto her hand as it ached, the amount of times she fell on her arm to catch herself had now caught of to her, she looked around and suddenly there were agents her, was she supposed to fight them? Were they a test? She was too out of breath to do anything about them, she caught of glimpse of Vashti being loaded into the SUV and Grace's slow and heavy breaths let out one thing, a very difficult sounding.

"Why...?" She felt the ground shake behind her so she turned her head to see Quinn on top of a earth elemental heading towards the thicker parts of the forest, the elemental was perfectly blocking the horror so she was not entirely sure if she should fear or fight it. She turned to everyone else but with how everyone was feeling she did not know exactly where to go until her eyes had a good look at Madison. Something inside her just started turning, she moved towards Madison with some difficulty and quite slowly and placed her aching arm on her shoulder, she was taller than her so it hurt a little to even do that. She looked up at her and her voice struggled to even let out a sound but she wanted to make sure she was alright. "You-You... Okay...?" She asked, she did not exactly know what happened after her second lightning strike went down (it missed anyway), all she knows is: Vashti is back to normal; injured but normal, Quinn has an elemental, capture the flag is maybe over, and the DENS are here.

Wild day today huh?


"That'll work... I'm actually really happy about that."

The Gay Grove

Quinn looked at Herik and tilted her head left and right multiple times in quick succession, she was doing the so-so gesture since Herik holding out his hand would not really do much since that was not how foxfire worked. When Herik asked to not hurt Vashti her eyes immediately went to see what was happening, Vashti had just turned back into herself. Alright maybe they did not need- The Jaws then went on to bite into Vashti like she was just another one of their prey. Quinn blinked and immediately told Kali to foxfire Herik; Kali nodded and summoned more three orbs of foxfire around her and shot it at Herik. Again, this does not hurt but the struggle to let out their magic is definitely visible. There was now a six tail glowing behind the kitsune, she did seem quite happy about it.

"Thanks." Quinn said, giving him a quick pat on the side of the shoulder jogging off a few feet to a much more open space. She held out her hand, her ring began to glow and her arm began to shake as she pointed her palm to the ground. She turned her head to Kali and asked, "What do you suggest we bring in this situation?" Kali placed her hands on Quinn's arm and replied, "ε€šεˆ†δ½•γ‹ε€§γγ„οΌŸ (Maybe something big?)" Quinn blinked at the sudden foreign language, she should have expected the Japanese language, she is a kitsune after all. "You know I don't speak Japanese right?" Quinn asked, Kali giggle and let out a smile, "あγͺγŸγ―η§γ¨εŒγ˜γ‚ˆγ†γ«η†θ§£γ—γ¦γ„γ‚‹γ€ε…ˆη”Ÿ. (You understand me all the same, master.)" Quinn tilted her head and nodded, she was right, she did understand her, and that was only because they were connected. Quinn tried to think of something, her eyes bounced to everyone she could see, she needs something distracting and big to get the Jaws off Vashti. She took a deep breath and began her summon.

Energy transferred from Kali to Quinn, Quinn struggled to keep her hand steady since the she had never summoned anything that required this much energy before. The bright golden glow appeared in front of her, the ground began to shake it could definitely be felt everywhere, everyone should be feeling that. A large glowing crystal was taking shape in front of her, Kali started to fade away as she transferred all her energy into the summoner. The large glowing yellow crystal floated in the air and Quinn squinted wondering why it was not what she expected. The ground underneath her began to bulge, it shook significantly worse than earlier, and a boulder came out of it taking Quinn With it as it attached itself to the side of the crystal. Roots and rocks from all over the forest grounds began to attach itself to the crystal, forming a earth elemental, though it is more golem like. The rocks and pieces were loose but the crystal held the thing together, Quinn at it's shoulder, it stood upright like a human as it towered above everything in the forest.

Quinn held on to the side of it's head, lowering her stance to balance herself onto it's shoulder. She looked down, the fall from this height would be lethal so she needed to be careful, the elemental did seem to listen to her and protect her but she did not know how long this thing would last, it took a lot of her magical energy and having Kali out to summon it. Time was ticking, the magical drain was potent so she had to make the most of the elemental.

She pointed towards Vashti and spoke in an ancient tongue she had never thought she would ever speak. She was surprised she was able to even pronounce what she said the way that she did. She ordered the elemental to protect Vashti and to make sure no one got hurt, Grace was in the way she did not exactly want her to get hurt either since she was already down on the ground. The hulking elemental was about 70ft tall, and it made it's way to Vashti. Upon reaching Vashti, Quinn ordered the elemental to pick Vashti up gently to get the Jaws off of her or atleast away from her.

"Madison! Call them off!" Quinn exclaimed, boy saying that was a blast from the past when she thought Babylon was Madison's thing. Weird day that was. Quinn told the elemental to try and keep the Jaws heads away from her and Vashti since she knew they were not going to like Quinn taking away Vashti like that.

Quinn is pretty happy to get this elemental out here, but she knows it will be short lived with everything going on. She had a quick gander at Grace... She is still on ground, good look for her.


"Too... Tired."

The Gay grove

Grace would have cheered as soon as her huge blast of lightning hit the Leviathan, but as she prompted her body to raise her hand and celebrate she felt no movement. She was getting weak, that huge blast of lightning was strong but it also affected her stamina quite a sizeable amount. She struggled to stay steady on her feet, she lowered her stance so that she would not fall and readied herself to keep fighting even if it meant passing out of exhaustion right then and there.

β€œget over to me and I can teleport us away from here!” Said Isla.

Grace turned her head, to try and make her way over there but her body refused to do too much. Her cries would not even come out, her breathing and body had gotten heavier but she still had some spirit left in her, she was not losing today. Her eyes were immediately drawn to Madison grabbing the Leviathan, a smile faded onto Grace's face as she started to struggle to raise her hand to assist, it was painful at this point but Grace was never one to give up, people will find that out today.

"Lets.. Get-..." Her voice faded, she was losing herself, she needed to sit down and have a quick breather but there was no time for that. Her vision was getting blurry, her breathing was heavier, and the rain did not help. She could not even entirely tell what was going on in front of her, either way the black barrier was definitely clear to everyone. Was this her chance? She did not know but she took it anyway. She aimed her hand at the black barrier and called down lightning, but as soon as magic was drained from her, she fell to her side which meant her aim was gone too. She missed entirely, the lightning strike from the clouds hit a tree and set the top of it on fire. Her vision was fading to black, she watched the bright orange from the fire on that tree and wished that the rain would put it out.

She was now on her side, barely awake but at least she was resting now. If any danger were to come to her she would not be able to defend herself or run. Claudette, Madison, and Lyss working together to get the Leviathan in check was definitely a sight to behold, it is a shame Grace cannot enjoy it or join them.

Someone may need to come help her... Or at least, get her to a safe spot.


"Well that should make things... Interesting."

The Gay grove

Grace looked up to see the rain clouds form, she flinched at the boom of thunder and the sudden transformation of one of their own definitely drew her attention. The rain was not something she appreciated, especially since this meant the bolts coming out of her hand would be significantly harder to hit since it would cause them to go all over the place. She looked over at Vashti- No... The Leviathan to see what it would do, it tried to go after Madison but since she was so high off the ground she could not even get to her. Grace let out a sigh of relief but it was short lived since in a blink of an eye the Leviathan's attention immediately switched over to Claudette. Grace felt the ground get felt the ground slowly get drenched and she had no other choice. A few jolts of her lightning went towards her legs and she immediately sprinted towards Claudette, she was trying to her hardest not slip since an injury from this speed would definitely be a trip to the ER.

She needed to catch Claudette not slam into her, so she did, it was not graceful to say the least and Claudette definitely felt something when she was sudden pushed at that speed. But at least Grace had her hands in the right place so she would not get whiplash, because a broken neck is never something nice to look at. This was where the rain came in, the rain made the ground slipper and Grace knew it was only a matter of time before she slipped. She had already gotten Claudette out of the way which meant she would not get attacked by the Leviathan but-

"Uh oh..." Grace let out right before her foot fully slipped backwards, she immediately moved the hand on the back of Claudette to wrap around her since they were about to tumble down. Grace clutched onto Claudette as they barrelled down on the wet ground, they bounced a few times but Grace took most of the impact and she was definitely going to feel that the next day, thankfully nothing was broken. Bruises and wounds are not out of the picture though, she is definitely bruised and cut in a few places.

They ended up flat on the ground now in the middle of the field, Grace had was now underneath Claudette and she moved her off her as she laid for there a moment. She let out a few breaths as she looked up at the sky.

"Sorry..." She let out, feeling her body ache a little bit but with the adrenaline she still managed to push herself up, she stood between Claudette and the where the Leviathan landed and raised her hand to the sky to prepare to send lightning bolts from the sky instead of from her hands, these are significantly harder to hit but the rain will make the ones from her hand even harder to hit but she needed to make a wall between them. Hopefully her reactions are fast enough to see the Leviathan come and call down lightning as a form of defence.

The heavens be kind to her today.

"Did not expect that from you."

Quinn felt the rain against her back as she laid on the ground, though it stopped hitting her head and she wondered why. Kali had placed a few of her tails above her and Quinn smiled as she thanked her. She got up on her feet just to see Vashti turn into that thing back in fantasy land. She shook her head and quickly ran the other direction, that was her teammate and she did not know if this was part of getting the flag; Either way, she had her own agenda anyway.

She ran alongside Kali towards her other team members, Isla and Mariah. She waved at them as she ran past them, she then gestured to Kali to hit them with fox fire since they were kind of just standing around. Kali nodded and shot out 3 fox fires to each of them, now those two are nullified for a few minutes as well.

"Thanks!" She called out to both of them as she continued to run, Kali following behind her. She needed more, just at least one more for her plan. Kali caught up to her and they stopped running to see who was close. A quick scan was made and Quinn saw Herik and thought that he was the best for the last bit of magic to use. But apparently Kali had obtained enough magical energy to transform, so as the two of them started to run towards Herik, Kali transitioned from a fox to a black haired asian girl with fox ears, and those same nine tails. She wore a black haori, with a white hakama top, and a shorter skirt up to just right before her knees. Quinn was so surprised she dropped dead in her tracks, she looked at her summon up and down and Kali looked her back up and down before giving her a smile and a thumbs up.

"So that's how you do it." Quinn let out, Kali nodded before using her head to gesture over to Herik. "Good call." Quinn could not help but smile as they started running towards him again, she finally got Kali to transform. She was shorter than Grace but her ears definitely put her height up to where Quinn was. Kali is surprisingly really beautiful, are all kitusnes this pretty? Quinn surely hoped so.

"Herik!" Quinn called out to get his attention just before she arrived in front of him, she was about to continue but she saw Grace crash in the corner of her eye and she got distracted for a second. She shook her head and tried to keep herself focus, she needed to ask him for some magical energy, hopefully he'll oblige fox fires are extremely reliable in terms of transferring energy. "Can I maybe borrow some magic?" She asked, "You won't regret it I promise!" She exclaimed before looking back at Grace who put herself in a stance. Kali placed her hands on Quinn's shoulders which made Quinn look at back at her, she wondered why she was doing this but it could maybe just mean Kali being playful again.

Please Herik, give her a chance.


"That'll work... I'm actually really happy about that."

The Gay Grove

Quinn watched as Kali knocked over Maya but was a little caught off guard by Maya completely dragging Emily down with her and mounting her. Quinn raised her brow, she was shocked but in her defence, she should have expected that. She shook her head and turned to Kali, she signalled Kali to do her thing, hopefully this little one understood what she wanted her to do and by the look in her eyes and stalker-esq movement. Kali summoned multiple fox-fire orbs around her, six in total and shot it directly at Maya and Emily, three to each person. The draining and nullifying capabilities of fox-fire should not even be noticed if they just keep pulling and punching each other like that instead of using their abstractions. Once Kali's fox-fires hit, that would make two more of her tails glow even brighter which makes three.

"Alright, let's-" Quinn was immediately cut off once she thrown back a few feet. Dazed, she shook and held her head to see what just hit her. It was Grace, she fully just hit her with her shoulder from out of nowhere. She let out a groan and by the looks of it she had just gotten her energy back so she was still a little drained. Quinn looked over at Kali who without a question already started sprinting towards Grace, but unexpectedly caught the little fox and threw her in the other direction.

"Dude! You just threw my fox!" Quinn exclaimed, annoyed, confused, and pissed at Grace for doing that, "What the fuck?"

"I know, and I feel bad! But you two had it coming." Quinn then watched as she dashed off passed her. Quinn dusted off her pants and stood back up. She jogged over to Kali to see if she was okay but was immediately knocked face first onto the ground. "Did you really think I was going to do it only once?" Grace asked mockingly after she had just shoulder bashed Quinn into the dirt. She then ran off again to go help with the flag, that was still the case.

Kali ran over to Quinn and started licking her face. "Yeah... Just give me a sec..." She laid there and groaned for a moment to regain some of her sense of surrounding, she did just get really hard, really fast, twice.

"Now that was satisfying."

Grace could not help but laugh as she made her way to Vashti and Madison. She arrived, although she overshot a little so she had to back up where Madison was. Although Grace gazed over at Madison who was trying to contain Vashti for some reason, Grace was trying to remember what it was this girl did- Oh... Right. Grace panicked a little but she wanted to help.

"Hey hey! I'm here, how can I help?" Grace asked Madison as she kept looking over at Vashti. Grace looked left then right pacing in place trying to think of a way that would help everyone. "Is there anything I can do to even lessen-" Something hit the back of her leg and she fell on her back Kali had hit Grace once again and ran off. By the looks of it, that fox thing took the flag and scurried off towards Quinn who was still laying down in the middle of both teams, only slightly closer to their side. Grace pushed herself back up and went on to try and help Madison.

The flag was definitely no longer in their control anymore, it is up to whoever could catch that little fox thing. Or distract it well enough to get it back.


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